December 30, 2002, 17:37
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December 30, 2002, 19:16
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Lucky nothin' I've got pimpin' power!!!
Weaseling out of things is what separates us from the animals....except the weasel -Homer
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December 31, 2002, 00:01
Local Time: 05:20
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A little side excursion...
Hello, I'm Shaka, and this here is Joan. We demand that Goober give us something to do. I know that Goober has been getting laid more times than Austin friggin' Powers, but the time has come for the Vikings to do something with those danm planes!
-gooberboob Wha- who's talking?
-Shaka It's Barry White baybey, I know what you want.
-gooberboob I'm NOT GAY!!
-Joan I told you it wouldn't work, you perv!
-Shaka Calm down babe, it's gonna be allllll right!
-gooberboob I've gotta do something about this.
Shaka had turned in for the night, somewhat concerned with the lack of retaliation on the part of the Viking horde.
"Shaka!!! WAKE UP!!"
"God? Is that you?"
"I'm the author you twit!! how do you like people coming to wake yo arse up in the middle of the night?"
"C'mon, I wanted you to hear my Barry White impersonation, and besides, you've been getting waaay more action than me, why don't you give Joan some Spanish Fly or something."
"Don't you think I've tried?? Your Barry White thing sucks man! If you stopped talking like that maybe she'd hook up with you!"
"Yeah, but I sound like Screech from Saved by the Bell when I don't talk like Barry White."
"No you don't, you sound like Steve Urkel from Family Matters, and he ended up with that hot Myra chick."
"Heey that's right hee hee hee *snort* *snort* *snort*"
"And if being yourself doesn't work, you can always get her drunk, after all, she's French!"
"So, you going to start the story now goober?"
"I've already started it you idiot!"
"Well, I mean, are you going to write some more?"
"No, I've got some other business to attend to."
"You're going to hire a hooker aren't you"
Just then the first Viking bomb dropped through Shaka's ceiling.
"Take back the hooker thing, and the bomb doesn't explode."
"Alright, alright, it's all good baby"
"Did I do that?"
Weaseling out of things is what separates us from the animals....except the weasel -Homer
Who's up for some scroungin'? -Homer
December 31, 2002, 06:08
Local Time: 12:20
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Well at least we all know your totally INSANE now Goober,
They say that folk who talk to themselves are nuts but I dont think there's a category for folk who talk to the characters in their stories.
You're quite mad but very funny with it.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
December 31, 2002, 19:45
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I talk to the cahracters in my stories, have long, dstrenuous battles with them.
But i wouldn't publish them.....
December 31, 2002, 19:46
Local Time: 06:20
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And yet hilarious.
January 2, 2003, 19:46
Local Time: 05:20
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It was last stand time. Thousands of Viking aircraft stood ready to begin an assault on Shaka and Joan's entrenched forces. There was a weight in the air at the Franco-Zulu fortification in Memphis that was heavier than even the most veteran troops could remember. Joan was ready to die for her people, Shaka had intentions to relieve some "tension" before the battle.
"Joan, what say you and I go create a reason to keep on living?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean let's go relieve some of this sexual tension between the two of us, you know it's there baby."
"Sorry Shaka, you blew it with that Barry White thing you started."
"I've changed though, I now talk like Urkel."
"That's not any better."
"Well then how can I get laid?"
"By asking someone who's not me ... twit.
"Why can't you?"
"Because I'm a lesbian, do I have to spell it out for you? L - E - Z - B - N LESBIAN!"
"I thought so... don't worry, I've been spreading the word in bathroom stalls for months now."
"What the Fu-?"
But Joan was unable to continue, the Viking assault had begun, and it started from the air.
The two watched in horror as the city walls, which they had perfected, had been completely destroyed in a matter of minutes. This was a new kind of warfare.
The citizens had a harder time of it, they had never experienced anything like this before, nor had they read of any occurance that was close to resembling this type of destruction. Soon it was confirmed by the clergy that the day of reckoning had come, and they should repent their sins immediately.
Fire soon engulfed all military structures in Memphis, and Shaka and Joan were hiding out in the basement of an abandoned house far from the assault.
"Yes Joan"
"I don't want to die a virgin"
"I am so glad to hear you say that"
"Because now you're really f*cked"
"I ain't sleepin' with no lesbo"
"That is so discriminatory!"
"Bah, you had your chance and you pissed it away, ain't none of Shaka's chocolate for you."
Jennings and a small band of insane berserkers saw the planes take off and knew that this was their chance. With these airbases undefended, they could capture them, forcing the attacking airplanes to crash, the idea was brilliant.
"Ready men?"
"Hold on, I gotta pee."
"You'll have to hold it."
"But it stings!"
"Transfer the sting into anger, you may pee when the base is captured."
With that command, the crew of berserkers charged the runways of the airbases, and had soon taken all of them.
"Vike one to command, mayday mayday, the airbases have been captured!"
"Hang in there Vike one."
"I'm out of fuel!!"
"Vike one please repeat."
"I'm out of-"
This is probably too graphic and not as funny as the last one... oh well.
Weaseling out of things is what separates us from the animals....except the weasel -Homer
Who's up for some scroungin'? -Homer
January 3, 2003, 16:17
Local Time: 06:20
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Still funny. Keep it going, goober.
January 3, 2003, 21:47
Local Time: 12:20
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EDIT Oops Goober sorry almost forgot to say something.
Its funny keep writing.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
January 3, 2003, 23:34
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It is still funny
January 4, 2003, 03:47
Local Time: 05:20
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Bits of plane scattered the desert like the bones of some long forgotten beast. The pilots had learned that the airbase was destroyed as soon as the first wave of their attack had begun their return flight, those pilots wanted their last moments to count for something, and they did.
Memphis lay in ruins, the central seat of Northern African power had become a charred mark on the desert.
Shaka and Joan lay in each other's arms. They were both deceased, but in the air you could still hear a very faint "You're not Barry White."
Indeed, the Vikings had been victorious, the Viking congress signed agreements with the other Zulu and French towns, who had, by this time, united to form the nation of AFRIKAA, and had opened up trade with the Nation of South-Central America, these two nations provided enough of a deterrent to the Vikings that an attack was no longer feaseable.
Slowly but steadily, the Viking nation began to be forgiven for some of it's older transgressions, and social reform swept Europe.
Female children now had all the same rights as male ones, entertainment was readily available, and people who claimed drinking was the scourge of society were publicly executed.
Jennings was caught soon after destroying the Viking airbases, but was accidently pardoned when he asked to go to the bathroom... he had to pee.
Weaseling out of things is what separates us from the animals....except the weasel -Homer
Who's up for some scroungin'? -Homer
January 4, 2003, 21:15
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A good read goober  Real funny.
Holy Cow!!! BigDork's Back!
BigDork's Poll of the Day over at MZO. What Spam Will It Be Today?
January 4, 2003, 21:47
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A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
January 8, 2003, 01:34
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good work
January 8, 2003, 16:40
Local Time: 06:20
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Nice ending
January 8, 2003, 22:55
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January 9, 2003, 02:08
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thanks for the support guys!
Joan): That Barry White thing wasn't actually funny was it?
Shaka): Heeey baby, that's the only reason they read the story.
Goober): *SMACK* That isn't the only reason! They thought my literary style was superior to that of others, and the story was innovative and intriguing.
Shaka): Don't smack me, I don't work for you no more.
Goober): There's a reason for that!
Joan): Yeah! You finished the stupid story!
Goober): It's not stupid... it's great!!!
Joan): No, it's stupid, I had much more fun in Metaliturtle's story.
Shaka): Oh there she goes again, bringing Metaliturtle into it, just because Metaliturtle never used me doesn't mean that you can treat me and my Barry White impersonation like crap.
Goober and Joan): Yes it does!!
Shaka): AWWW!
Weaseling out of things is what separates us from the animals....except the weasel -Homer
Who's up for some scroungin'? -Homer
January 12, 2003, 15:14
Local Time: 05:20
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Weaseling out of things is what separates us from the animals....except the weasel -Homer
Who's up for some scroungin'? -Homer
January 12, 2003, 22:22
Local Time: 06:20
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nice that you used viking as a verb
I cant think of anything else intelligent...except, check out my alternate history page:
Roma Invicta
January 13, 2003, 00:12
Local Time: 20:20
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Here is an interesting scenario to check out. The Vietnam war is cool.
Last edited by unscratchedfoot; January 15, 2003 at 11:16.
January 13, 2003, 04:58
Local Time: 12:20
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Scratch take your foot off the pedal now and edit this out, you have got a point and you have made in two other places.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
January 13, 2003, 19:31
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I sent no such e-mail
Weaseling out of things is what separates us from the animals....except the weasel -Homer
Who's up for some scroungin'? -Homer
January 15, 2003, 18:01
Local Time: 11:20
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Location: Don't you feel silly now?
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Originally posted by unscratchedfoot
I love this smilie scratch. It also rings rather appropriate.
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