I dont find the R.O.P a good one,as it cuts out the demo win option.
as for Cavalry, yes, they are now my favorite unit, following the sucess in my current game. after being hammered in the middle ages by the Germans, i was reduced virtually just to my core cities, so they all built flat out Knights, I beelined for Cavalry , and when i got it, my then 'puny' empire wiped the floor with the Germans. I am now almost twice the size (on the histogram) that i was back then thanks to Cav.
Probably my favorite tactic is to storm with Cavalry, whilst putting Ships (Usually Man O' War's) on the coast bombarding the hell out of the opponent. Attack with a Veteran (i dont do regulars), and when you have a pathetic opponent unit left kill him off with an Elite (Leaders!). If i attack inland cities i usually have to endure a loss or two, but i *always* combine arms when attacking from coast.
Another famous defensive one i used when the Americans attacked me, was to leave a border city (with enough of cultural border to stop cavalry attack) undefended with a pile of Infantry connected by the Railway. Lincoln sent the highest amount of troops i have ever seen in a stack to get the city (had 4 silks!!). After they were in my terrority, i picked them most of them off (that didnt escape) with Ready bombers,cannons and outdated Cavalry....... They didnt come back
One thing that makes me laugh , is in the middle of the middle ages the AI sends freakin loads of Longbowmen and Swordsmen to get you ... I say to that 'Thank you for some free great leaders!'
Apart from that, I dont use much other 'stratagy' and could do with learning myself.