December 9, 2002, 12:47
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Posts: 27
I've only gotten up to mid 7000 BC before I keep getting a "GU153.spr not in resource..." something or other error. I searched the directories and I have that sprite in the proper folder (i think). When initially did the install I had some problems getting the files to unzip to the proper locations so I did some manual unpacking. Do I need to switch to another mod and back to AOM as Jbytheway describes with his GL files?
"...the aim of most scientists is to know more and more about less and less, and to describe what it is they know in terms of such precision as to be virtually incomprehensible to their colleagues, let alone the general public."
December 10, 2002, 12:45
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Posts: 27
Well, I solved the problem above: some files unpacked incorrectly.
Has anyone had a problem with a crash soon after the copper smelting (I think that's the tech) unit upgrade? Right after I had done this (upgrading some but not all warriors & spearman), I got some strange screen action - the image of the rank and file infantry from the GL appeared where the interface should be at the bottom of the screen. The game then crashed to the desktop without explanantion. I didn't bother retrying as I had other duties that I was ignoring. Anyone else had this difficulty?
added by edit so as not to be talking to myself repeatedly....
tryed again last night, upgraded all possible units, same thing. I believe that the GL image is replacing the spearman (maybe warrier as well) image in the UI and the prog can't handle it.
Anyone? Anyone? Anyone?
"...the aim of most scientists is to know more and more about less and less, and to describe what it is they know in terms of such precision as to be virtually incomprehensible to their colleagues, let alone the general public."
Last edited by ToonGoon; December 11, 2002 at 21:06.
December 13, 2002, 12:32
Local Time: 03:26
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Still here anybody?
I have had little time to dig much deper but I tryed getting through the upgrade problem by not upgrading *any* units and the crash did not occur.
However, when I did start building a new spearman after discovery of copper smelting there is no picture in the queue at all.
"...the aim of most scientists is to know more and more about less and less, and to describe what it is they know in terms of such precision as to be virtually incomprehensible to their colleagues, let alone the general public."
December 13, 2002, 12:56
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Originally posted by ToonGoon
Still here anybody?
I have had little time to dig much deper but I tryed getting through the upgrade problem by not upgrading *any* units and the crash did not occur.
However, when I did start building a new spearman after discovery of copper smelting there is no picture in the queue at all.
This means a image file is missing, this will cause sooner or later a crash again if the game tries to display the image at a certain place. If I remember correctly Dale required an ApolytonPack or Cradle instalation, because he cut down the file size. The result of this that this mod can only be played with ApolytonPack or Cradle installed properly.
Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"
December 13, 2002, 13:14
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Posts: 27
Thanks Martin. I have them both installed but as I have said I do believe for some reason my files were unpacking incorrectly. I will have to recheck (yet again) if there is a problem with just my files.
"...the aim of most scientists is to know more and more about less and less, and to describe what it is they know in terms of such precision as to be virtually incomprehensible to their colleagues, let alone the general public."
December 14, 2002, 11:40
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Originally posted by ToonGoon
Thanks Martin. I have them both installed but as I have said I do believe for some reason my files were unpacking incorrectly. I will have to recheck (yet again) if there is a problem with just my files.
If you can't find the missing *.tga files then you could replace them with dummy version, actual just copy an existing one of the same size and rename the copy to the file that is missing.
Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"
December 14, 2002, 15:35
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Re: About the "Dark Ages"
Originally posted by primemover
I just came across this new mod in the making and I have one major comment/concern/question (and maybe HuangShang can help with this...)
My only problem with the concept so far is your comment(s) on the Dark Ages. The Dark ages were indeed a hard time for man in Europe and the Middle East. But what about other empires in other areas of the world... (Keep in mind I'm not a historian... but...)
China for example. Although they did have a feudal government during the "dark ages", their feudal system goes all the way back to at least 221 BC. But just because they had a similar government style, can we still assume they went through a "dark ages" as Europe did? Some web sites suggest otherwise: (eg VIP China Tours History site). It is suggested that although China did go through some instability parallel to Europe, China also went through several very different stages during the times you are calling "the dark ages", some of them quite properous by contrast. China also appears to have had a city-state and even an independent state system.
Again, what about the Mayan's and Africa? I don't think their histories even necessitate a constant "feudal" system during these times.
I just don't know that imposing the state of Europe on the entire world is historically accurate. I suggest doing a bit of research for the dark, and possibly all "ages" of man, to be sure your ages include the full spectrum of possibilities.
But otherwise this different approach is intriguing. Currently I am trying the new Cradle Mod... when I actually have the time (being a teacher). I anticipate giving it a try sometime in the future (possibly during Christmas Break).
our history was very steady. there were plenty of jumps and pauses in technology, but never enough for a "dark" or "enlightened" AGE. like how gunpowder didnt impact much
nor did barbarian movements from the west
lol i replied kinda late
Last edited by HuangShang; December 14, 2002 at 15:53.
December 21, 2002, 11:48
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I have just downloaded the file. On paper, I like the idea of auto-settlement, with the question raised of "how does Europe settle colonies in America" raised.
I will comment soon (I hope).
December 21, 2002, 21:00
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Here are my comments:
The mod is good in the sense it has excellent gameplay.
I have some issues, however.
The flow of the game is excellent. Fast-paced, always got something to do. New units become avialbale, they don't seem to grow in power in stupendous leaps so that seems OK. I had no fight in my game however, except against barbs, so I can't say for sure whether they are balanced.
The automatic settling thing is very good, though I question the positionning of cities. When I find an advanced tribe/settler in a hut, I have a city growing far from my capital. It can reach size 7 without anyone leaving it to found a new city nearby. All new cities are founded near the capital. That's a bit weird and since you can't control the placement of new cities, it prevents from strengthening lucky outposts. Note that disbanding cities should probably be disallowed, otherwise it is too powerful, particularly since the AI will be too silly to do it.
Research rate is so fast that I wonder whether libraries have any use. I almost always got 1 or 2 turns to a new research, more often 1 than 2. Can libraries and such have an effect in such a case? Are they worth building?
The research rate was so fast that I had all the techs currently available by 5000BC at Medium difficulty. I guess at impossible that would be less, but it is still a lot very fast.
From one age to another: There should be a popup, video or something when you move from one age to another, to give some feeling of accomplishment. I guess that will come later.
Pollution? I had lots of tiles on which I couldn't do any tile improvement and which produced 0 food. I was unable to identify them other than clicking on them and don't know what caused that. My best guess is pollution, but it still is strange.
The diplomacy messages I got were given only a OK button, so I had to contact the other civ by myself afterwards in order to understand what was happening. A bit strange.
Having to change settling orders in the capital is slightly annoying. I had started building some wonder in the capital when I realized that the two lucky huts brange me to 30 cities, which was the max I could stand, and next turn, zdang! I was at 32 cities. I turned off the wonder (losing 3 turns) in order to change policy. Why not allowing to change the policy from anywhere? I understand it gives more weight and a nice touch to the capital, but it also hinders the capital with needless bureaucracy.
The AI was totally bad in that game. I had chosen a Medium difficulty, which doesn't help, but it still behaved strangely. One civ never settled. They had one third of a continent but never ever settled. Their settlers moved around a mountain range and amidst hills for about 3000 years. I already saw something like that in the game when the AI starts with 1 settler + 1 unit, if that may help. The other AIs seemed to fare better, but some of them had relatively few cities, and they didn't seem to use any TI. That is strange since I usually lag in TI, but here it was the AI that built little of these.
Overall, this looks extremely promising. If the AI manages to handle the new rules and if the techs cost a bit more so that libraries etc. are worth building, this mod can rock.
December 21, 2002, 22:05
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Posts: 684
for an Alpha tha sounds pretty damn good, i must try it soon
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Tiberian Sun Retro
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December 22, 2002, 18:03
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ill try the 1.0 aight?
December 23, 2002, 16:35
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I downloaded the mod and it seems to be ok. Once I had a couple of cities(I Think it was around 8) the colonization code started to settle new cities to close to existing cities, and that really pisses me off. The AI might be stupid enough to leave these cities were they are, but I'm not so I disbanded them and moved them.
I also didn't like the fact that there's a new version of the warior and spearman with no picture once you discover copper smelting, this caused a crash when I looked at the units in the city tab.
I got a medium no traspassing agreement with the orange civ, and the game didn't warn me that it was about to expire. I remember that there were messages like that in this version of diplomod, So they're either not turned on or broken.
I have an Idea that would make the game more interesting. I think there should be Immigration from one City to another In your civ and to other civs. Let's say for Example city A has too much Pollution, or too much overcrowding, then some of the citizens would move to city B.
January 4, 2003, 10:43
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well, as i was rather busy the last 2 months (and will continue to be) i don't know yet if i will test v0.21 1.0 or 7.5.4. just wanted to say that i loved this mod even in the testing stage you posted somewhen in fall dale, thanks to you a lot for your great work.
January 13, 2003, 07:26
Local Time: 21:26
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Sad news for those waiting for AOM....
Hey all.
I'm sure a lot of you guys have noticed I haven't been around as much. I'm sure a couple have even noticed that I haven't posted an update for AOM since the 5th of December. There's a reason for that.
For the last month I've taken up a project that I stopped over 6 months ago. But instead of continuing on where I'd left off, I started from scratch. For those who don't know, I've taken up programming my own game again.
I won't give much details, but sufice to say that AOM has been shelfed. I don't know if I'll go back to it either.  That doesn't mean I won't be here, just that I won't be modding. I'm still in the Democracy game, and will still help out with question when I can.
Anyways, I'll be giving more details in the "Alt-Civs" section. Just keep an eye on my sig.
Oh, and just to let out a little secret, I'm getting some help from one of our own.  Hopefully I can count on some more help from you guys later when the game is a bit more 'fleshy'.
January 13, 2003, 07:30
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Posts: 684
bah.. oh well
anyway good luck with the programming... what kinda game will it be, civ can have quite a wide variations
Oxygen should be considered a drug
Tiberian Sun Retro
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January 13, 2003, 08:21
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Good luck with the new project and i'll be very interested to see what your upto. It's all good i'm sure
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January 13, 2003, 09:07
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this is really sad news!  You're modding work will be missed.
January 13, 2003, 11:12
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Good luck for your project Dale, thanks again for your mods which have renewed my interest in CtP2.
We will carefully look at the various CtP2 threads to spot the modder whom post rate has decreased in order to spot your partner.
"Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill
January 13, 2003, 16:49
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Maybe someone may want to take over your work!
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January 13, 2003, 17:52
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Bon voyage Dale, keep DGing. Good luck with Empire!!
Did you get anywhere with those AI scripts?
Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
"I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis
January 13, 2003, 18:02
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Oh well, see you in 3 months
(How many times have you 'retired' now? 4, 5? You're the Micheal Jordan of CtP2  )
January 13, 2003, 18:15
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It is a great mod already. The no-settler gameplay is great. If you could just tell us which slc or whatnot is needed to get that behavior?
Good luck with Empire. You know how much work coding one game is, don't you? btw you are on the credits list for Clash demo 7.2 for the Dawn scenario.
See you on Alt Civ.
Clash of Civilization team member
(a civ-like game whose goal is low micromanagement and good AI)
web site and forum here on apolyton)
January 13, 2003, 18:53
Local Time: 21:26
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Posts: 3,944
Thanks guys.
what kinda game will it be, civ can have quite a wide variations
In short, a TBS high-level strategy on an Earth-like planet based on our own medieval era.
Good luck with the new project and i'll be very interested to see what your upto. It's all good i'm sure
Thanks mate.
You're modding work will be missed
My modding days may be over, but my game programming days are beginning. Oh, and just for us modders, Empire is COMPLETELY modable. You can even change the tile size it's so flexible.
We will carefully look at the various CtP2 threads to spot the modder whom post rate has decreased in order to spot your partner.
 I'll leave it up to "the other guy" to see if they want to be known.
Did you get anywhere with those AI scripts?
Actually not too far.  The AI in CTP2 is very flexible, but in some areas (those we need to fix) it seems inflexible.
Oh well, see you in 3 months
 As I said, it's only a shelfing, not a leaving.
You know how much work coding one game is, don't you? btw you are on the credits list for Clash demo 7.2 for the Dawn scenario.
See you on Alt Civ.
Yeah, it's a big job, but I need a fully working finished game of a larger scale than tetris, pacman or backgammon.  That's the purpose of this game. Of course, it's to be a GOOD game too. That way, I get my folio centre-piece, and start getting a name in the public's eye. No, I didn't know I was on the credits. I didn't really do anything but participate in a couple of discussions.
January 13, 2003, 19:16
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Originally posted by Locutus
(How many times have you 'retired' now? 4, 5? You're the Micheal Jordan of CtP2 )
I am rather new to Apolyton and this is already my second retirement from Dale.
"Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill
January 14, 2003, 12:05
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Gilg has not been seen for a long time!
When it all comes to it, life is nothing more than saltfish - Salka Valka
January 14, 2003, 12:33
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Sorry to see you leaving th CTP2 community. AOM had a lot of potential.
Keep in touch...
Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner
January 15, 2003, 16:15
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I give him max 3 weeks before he will brake
When it all comes to it, life is nothing more than saltfish - Salka Valka
January 15, 2003, 16:17
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oh and good luck
When it all comes to it, life is nothing more than saltfish - Salka Valka
March 22, 2003, 11:56
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Originally posted by Zaphod Beeblebrox
well, as i was rather busy the last 2 months (and will continue to be) i don't know yet if i will test v0.21 1.0 or 7.5.4. just wanted to say that i loved this mod even in the testing stage you posted somewhen in fall dale, thanks to you a lot for your great work.
well, i'm still busy, but nevertheless would like to give it a try now. which version/files should be used? come on dale, i'm sure you are still around
March 23, 2003, 17:59
Local Time: 21:26
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come on dale, i'm sure you are still around
Yeah, but shhhhhh, don't tell anyone okay?
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