Which Nintendo Mascot will would be a survivor of real-life?
Mario & Luigi in New York, New York City, USA- 9/11/01!
Goals- Help as many peolpe as possblie, and find home and job!
Pokémon (Red/Blue/Yellow/Gold/Crystal/Staduim1/2) in North/South Korea- Today
Goals- Two Pokémon traniers join forus (one 9-year-old kid from the North, other, South Korean Soldier,) try to "Catch 'em all!" before the Commist North does to attack the South and Japan!
Link in Britian during the Dark Ages!
Goal- Become King!
Kibry in LA- Today!
Goal- Get a (good) movie about his games!
Kong famly (from all games,) in the Amonzon Jungle (South America)- Today
Goals- Stop the destoryion of the rain fortest!
Wario in Vancouer, today
Goal- Becoming the richies man alive!
Who will win? Its up to you!
Former President, Vice-president and Foreign Minister of the Apolyton Civ2-Democracy Games as 123john321