Budget Expenditure Timeline proposal
Originally posted by E_T
1020AB gameplay DM budget Requests
We have 434 Lytons in our Treasury, our Income will be about 143 LPT (after the slider is tweeked down to 70% and before any WF changes). We are on a Musketman to Rifleman upgrade program that costs 40 Lytons per Upgrade.
After FAM Arnelos did the Peace Renegotiations, we now have 506 Lytons and our Income will be about 153LPT (with 2/3 of the WF orders complete). This timeline proposal will have 1 Musket upgraded to Rifleman per turn. This timeline proposal will also have a minimum limit of 250 to 300 Lytons for a reserve.
Turn 0 (1070AB)
1) Loveshack - Aqua on turn 0 for 72L
2) Neon Uber City - Lib on turn 0 for 24L
3) Shiberport - Cath on turn 0 for 40L
4) Antioch - Market on turn 0 for 104L
Total for turn 0: 240L
Turn 0: 506L at start
SMC - Musket to Rifle - 40L
Loveshack - Aqua on turn 0 for 72L
Neon Uber City - Lib on turn 0 for 24L
Shiberport - Cath on turn 0 for 40L
Total for turn 0: 136 + 40(SMC) = 176 : Leaving 330L in Treasury.
Turn 1 (1080AB)
1) Napoleton on turn 1 for 24L
Total for turn 1: 24L
Turn 1: 330 + 153 = 483
SMC - Musket to Rifle - 40L
Napoleton - Cath on turn 1 for 24L
Total for turn 1: 24 + 40(SMC) = 64L : Leaving 419L in Treasury.
Turn 2 ( 1090AB).
1) Boomtown - Cath on turn 2 for 64L
2) Port Rouge - Cannon on turn 2 for 72L.
Total for turn 2 : 136L
Turn 2: 419 + 153 = 572
SMC - Musket to Rifle - 40L
Boomtown - Cath on turn 2 for 64L
Port Rouge - Cannon on turn 2 for 72L.
Total for turn 2 : 136 + 40(SMC) = 176L : Leaving 396L in Treasury.
Turn 3 (1200AB)
1) Seeburg - Cannon on turn 3 for 44L.
2) AGC - Aqua on turn 3 for 80L
3) Solace - Cath on turn 3 for 32L
4) Ghengistown - Marketplace on turn 3 for 100L
5) Rheims - Cath on turn 3 for 40L
6) Termina - Cath on turn 3 for 32L
7) Arbela - Rifleman on turn 3 for 88L
Total for turn 3: 416L
Turn 3: 396 + 153 = 549
SMC - Musket to Rifle - 40L
Seeburg - Cannon on turn 3 for 44L.
AGC - Aqua on turn 3 for 80L
Solace - Cath on turn 3 for 32L
Ghengistown - Marketplace on turn 3 for 100L
Total for turn 3 : 256 + 40(SMC) = 296L : Leaving 253L in Treasury.
Turn 4 (1210AB)
Opiadom - Lib on turn 4 for 32L
Total for turn 4: 32L
Sanitation complete - FAM tech trades this turn.
Turn 4: 253 + 153 = 406
SMC - Musket to Rifle - 40L
Opiadom - Lib on turn 4 for 32L
Total for turn 4: 32 + 40 = 72L : Leaving 334L in Treasury.
Turn 5 (1220AB)
to be determined next gameplay orders
Total throughput - 848L
Total throughput - 584L
Port of WIA - Court on or after turn 3, 280L, subtract 4 LPT
Total needed - 280L
Total - 1128L
Because of the cost of the Courthouse in Port of Where It’s At (LAST ONE TO RUSH, YEAH!!!!) and the uncertainty of the science slider % after turn 4 AND the budgetary necessities of the FAM, I request that this be made a low priority for now. It can always be pushed back.
The Throughput requests for each turn are listed in order of Priority. I would request that the list be trimmed from the bottom up for each turn (lesser to greater Priority).
This budget request is final for the next gameplay.
THe Courthouse rush will be delayed for now, unless we get a real monitary boon during the turnchat. THese are the rushes that I'll have in my orders.