January 9, 2001, 14:22
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OCC succession game - anyone interested?
I have enjoyed playing the two succession games I am/was in, but toward the end there were always an awful lot of cities to manage, so I was thinking that it might be fun to play an OCC succession game.
I suggest the following settings: 2.42, deity, small random map, 7 civs, raging hordes. With only one city to manage turns will go faster, so I suggest a maximum of 5 players, each playing 20-25 turns per session.
If you are interested in playing, please post your email address here and let me know if you have any suggestions for the game or if you would prefer different settings.
January 9, 2001, 14:28
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I was wondering how long it would take to get up one of these. I would love to be in but I'm afraid the 2.42 start prohibits me, n'est-ce pas?  Might it be possible to start in MGE?
Other than that, I think you are right on about the 5 players/20-25 turns.
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January 9, 2001, 15:24
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That would depend on what the other players want. If there are people who only have 2.42 we couldn't play in MGE, but if all the interested players also have MGE we could play in MGE. Or maybe interest will be big enough to start two games.
January 9, 2001, 16:25
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I would participate in such a venture.Either version,doesn't matter.
January 9, 2001, 17:18
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I'd love to play - if you'll let me. I say that because the times I have tried OCC I have failed miserably. Put me later in the rotation and I'll do less damage.  I only have 2.42 so if you decide on MGE I'm out. Would we play one of the fortnight games or start random?
We could start one of each to solve the version issue.
"Bonjour, you cheese-eatin' surrender-monkeys."
January 9, 2001, 17:23
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Great idea, I like OCC very much, although I am not a specialist. I’ve got ToT, MGE, FW and I could reinstall the 2.42. Choose your version. If you are in need of an interesting challenge I could propose playing the Japanese in my new Maxiworld (143x229) map. They get two whales and a fish as a special in their starting location.
Of course that then it would be for MGE only.
I talked about a challenge, because last week I played one OCC that way and everything was going allright until the Chinese build Apollo in a long span of 3 years (1897 that was !). 2 years later the Russians were sending their spaceship, only to be beaten by a faster Chinese one. Needless to say that I could not compete. One would need to be ahead of the AI. Does it seem workable ?
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
January 9, 2001, 17:40
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The Japanese on the gigamap sounds interesting; I don't know what the others think about this.
We have five interested players at the moment, 1 with only 2.42, one with only MGE and three with both versions. I suggest that we start two games: one for each version. I don't know how many more players there will be, but I think some of you wouldn't mind being in both games if we don't get enough players.
I would like to know your preference about the map. For the MGE game we could use Julius' gigamap as the Japanese unless you guys would prefer a random map or another map. For 2.42 we could go random or perhaps use one of the fortnight scenarios. In that case I would prefer an older one so that I wouldn't get the feeling that I had already played the same game just a few weeks ago. Let me know what you think.
January 9, 2001, 18:07
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I would like to play, but I dont know which version I have. How can I tell?
January 9, 2001, 18:12
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Emm, I am sorry to ask what must be obvious to most of you but, what is a «succession» game?
Is it like each civ being handed over to different players during a multiplayer game?
January 9, 2001, 18:40
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Paiktis, a succession game is a single player game where each player plays a number of turns and then saves the game and sends it to the next player who continues where the previous player finished.
Caligastia, you can tell which version you have by going to the game menu and selecting game options. At the top of the window you will see which version you have.
January 10, 2001, 07:51
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If it's 2.42, count me in, but not before next weekend
January 10, 2001, 09:24
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Man, if this doesn't force you to hone your OCC skills, nothing will. How about if we post a couple of rosters and see how they fill up?
3. kcbob (like skrobism, I might not do too much damage here. 
As for worlds, I've always been partial to random ones.
Frodo lives!
January 10, 2001, 10:25
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If we go for my MGE maxiworld map which locations do you want for the other tribes ?
a) random choices with starting locations. That is we don’t know if this is the Romans, Russians or Celts, but either of them will start in Italy, Russia or Ireland.
b) totally random choices of both civs and their locations.
c) we choose the civs with random locations. Maybe that expansionists one shall give more of a challenge to us. But maybe we that we don’t want more of a challenge !
d) we choose the civs and let them start in their original locations.
If c) or d) is elected, then please precise which tribes you want for each color, except green of course.
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
January 10, 2001, 11:19
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I'm up for both/either any slot any map - but the Japanese maxi-world does sound attractive.
Scouse Git[1]
"CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
"The Great Library must be built!"
"A short cut has to be challenging,
were it not so it would be 'the way'." - Paul Craven
January 10, 2001, 12:15
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I dont think my version can handle the gigaworld maps, can we do it on a large map instead?
January 10, 2001, 14:15
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I'd prefer a random map, but it doesn't really matter.
3. kcbob (like skrobism, I might not do too much damage here.
3. skrobism
"Bonjour, you cheese-eatin' surrender-monkeys."
January 10, 2001, 17:14
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Caligastia, which version do you have? If you have the multi-player version you can play on gigamaps; if you have the single-player version you can't play on gigamaps.
I suggest a random 2.42 game and a gigaworld MGE game. Everyone, please let me know which of the two you want to be in if you haven't already posted that information. You can also apply for both games, but if there are too many players I may not be able to actually let you play in both games.
January 10, 2001, 17:25
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3. kcbob (like skrobism, I might not do too much damage here.
January 10, 2001, 18:39
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For the MGE : Paul, I suggest that you lead us all, as you are the number one of OCC.
1. Paul ?
2. Smash
3. Kcbob (ready to do some damage ?)
4. Julius (ready to finish it off !)
5. Scouse ?
If everyone agrees, I will send tomorrow the maxiworld map to Paul and let him start the game. It should be much faster than one with ICS anyway.
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
January 10, 2001, 22:17
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Ok I like the maxi map thing.
Will we have an edited location or will be searching?
Huts,huts,and more huts!remember to save....
JB-I pm-ed you about the chess match.Its all forced anyway.
January 11, 2001, 02:41
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Julius, that sounds good to me. So if it's also ok with SG we can get the MGE game started as the Japanese on the gigamap.
For 2.42 we have the following players:
1. Paul
2. Hueij
3. Skrobism
4. Caligastia ? ( if you have v2.42 )
5. ? ( anyone interested ? )
January 11, 2001, 07:20
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I'm happy with slot 5 on MP - gigaworld.
If there are no other takers I could take slot 5 on 2.42 - but I certainly don't want to crowd anyone out.
[shhh] I shall be playing these from work so will send my work e-mail to the preceding player(s) [/shhh]
Scouse Git[1]
"CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
"The Great Library must be built!"
"A short cut has to be challenging,
were it not so it would be 'the way'." - Paul Craven
January 11, 2001, 14:34
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Once we get the rosters filled or finalized, should we start 2 different threads to ease confusion?
"Bonjour, you cheese-eatin' surrender-monkeys."
January 11, 2001, 15:03
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That makes sense to me. I would also like to suggest that the very first post in those threads (and for any new succession games) list the roster complete with email addresses.
Frodo lives!
January 11, 2001, 15:22
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good idea. Here's my email
For 2.42 we have the following players:
1. Paul
2. Hueij
3. Skrobism - email: skrobism@address.com
4. Caligastia ? ( if you have v2.42 )
5. ? ( anyone interested ? )
"Bonjour, you cheese-eatin' surrender-monkeys."
January 11, 2001, 16:51
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Thank you for the info Paul.
Unfortunately I have never played an OCC. I still have trouble with many cities as well
January 11, 2001, 17:08
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I will leave Paul with the difficult decisions by simply sending him the maxiworld map. He might either start it with random locations where we probably can get as many huts as we dream and have also the pleasure to slightly discover where the hell we are or choose to play with the starting locations. In this case, I propose the Japanese with the Russians, Germans, Egyptians, Carthaginians, Chinese, and Sioux. But maybe this set up will prove too difficult to play and shall be left as a challenge, not a sucession game ! Personnaly, I would finally prefer the random start one. In this case, the tribe we play with is up to Paul, too.
In any way, Paul, please respect the special resources as they are set. I’ve made great efforts to maximize them.
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
January 11, 2001, 17:57
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Originally posted by Smash on 01-10-2001 09:17 PM
JB-I pm-ed you about the chess match.Its all forced anyway.
Smash, thanks for the post about the chessgame. But you’d better e-mail me, cause I seldom read my private messages (unless I am told I have one, of course). Yes, it is all forced. And I think it’s mate one move later now because I didn’t accept the rook sacrifice ! As work has started again, I tried to spend less time on the game (boy if it can be addictive this postal chess !) and didn’t even look at the move you suggested. You’re probably right, but as the maneuver Qe3/Rf4 and then mate on the G or H file was very easy I went to it straight away. And I think, if my memory doesn’t betray me that it was the 1st mate that I learned. In French, it’s the “mat de l’escalier”, the mate of the stairway. Maybe that I was childishly fond of it and it helped me to overlook other moves.
By the way how is your game in the Civ Fanatic forum going. Has it ended by now ? You seemed to have a very healthy position as black in a Sozin-Najdorf against an way too aggressive opponent that was pushing forward many kingside pawns very early. But the last time I care to check, it was before move 20 …
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
January 11, 2001, 18:31
Local Time: 14:51
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I won that game easily although my opponent resigned a little pre-maturely.I have another going against a fella from Germany that seems to know what he is doing.I'm all cramped in in a typical French defense fashion.Pawn up, but I'm starting to dislike my position.
January 11, 2001, 19:30
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I got the mail from Julius. I just got home and have to go to bed now. I'll start the game tomorrow evening (Euro time). I'll also start a new thread where we can post our game stories and updates.
I assume you all want to use the email address in your profile unless you post a different address. Smash, you don't have an email address in your profile, so please let me know what your address is.
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