Originally posted by rah
It's obvious that the AI doesn't.
One thing we haven't figured out is how the AI thinks. I'm not even talking about combat, here... things like, why build on this grassland square and not that one? Is it random? Does the AI count the arrows/sheaves/shields that a site would generate, and build on the best one within x squares of its settler? I postulated in one of the hut threads that a nomad/tribe result might depend on the 'quality' of the city radius, as determined by the program, and not just the terrain of the site itself. But then, I got confused and gave up that line of thinking
Anyway... some of the 'predictable' things, I use. Obviously I look for good sites based on visible specials. I seldom mine hidden specials. I oedo to monarchy, but usually forget to use it later on. I black click sometimes. I guess that I'd prefer a more random game for 2 reasons: It might make the game more exciting (imagine finding a OCC site with 7 specials, say, or getting stuck on a continent with no specials, while the AI has one loaded with 'em), and, in MP, I suspect the predictability would give those who know the game better than I do, even more of an advantage.