Attritional Warfare
Having played through several games where I have played reasonably small civs and have been 'forced' (ahem) to attack larger civs, there is always the problemof being drawn into a war of attrition. The same is true if you are playing a democrartic or republican civ in a war against a communist or monarchist civ or even a despotic civ!
The problem I usually find is that against much larger opponents, although several cities may be captured they are of very little immediate use to your war effort and they draw on valuable resources to protect them. This results in a large enemy having time to regroup and ventually mount a powerful counter - attack.
Avery simple way around this is to capture the enemy's industrial centres if at all possible and to destroy their industrial capacity, sell off shield and money producing improvements. Then don't bother defending such cities, the only ones you need to hang onto are those cities, which give access to resources. By holding onto these cities you deny their use to the enemy. This is a bouble knockout as without strategic resources and with little industrial capacity to speak of, the enemy is forces to call for peace and will offerr agreable terms.
it also has the added benefit of reducing the length of a war, so that democratic states won't go into meltdown!