i dont think the names thing is that big a problem, becuase just say London got taken over and there was a civil war. I doubt half of england would form to a different civilization and the other half stay, more like it would be each half of england ruled by different people. So they would both still be the English. (i know this is a tottaly made up situation but i hope u get the point)
The only problem i could see is (say english broke into 2 civs both english) then the new formed english might start building cities that already exsist eg London again. But could this be prevented by making the break off civ not build settlers ?? I know its not the best of ways but its the only way i can think of.
Alternativly, could a pool of civilizations be added that do not appear in the list (b4 u start a new game). These Civs will be reserved for when/if a civil war takes place, this way there would be no repeated civs. However there could be repeated civs within this again, thinking about it this is probably kinda pointless idea
anyway as DoT says, this would a really good feature to implement
P.S. Big Mc, I
LOVE!! !! your avatar, beta version of the CtP1 War Walker. You should have a go at making the white background transparent
im jelous