December 4, 2002, 14:41
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1-14 patch
Originally posted by Sunstone
I totally agree with #5 of Cleggs points too and battists point is totally right, too. I just canīt understand, why they havenīt fix it in this release. I point you to my thread some weeks ago, where I already mentioned these MP-Points, no one seems to talk about :
Another HOT ISSUE is:
Franses wrote:
Installed PTW and it worked. Installed patch 1.14f and it wants me to insert the PTW disc even though it is in the drive.
Same problem to me. I am from germany, but I got the US-Version.
One important point : With the original Civ3-PTW-Cd in the drive it works ! They seem to have built in some kind of new Copy-Protection.
Is there somebody, who is able to play with a copy AFTER v.1.14f?
i have the original uk ptw and with this in the drive i am still asked to insert the cd
December 5, 2002, 01:54
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I'm not sure if this has been mentioned or not, but I just used the "J" command to move a Spearman and Settler off a Galley and the game crashed. Could be a fluke, but I suspect it isn't.
December 5, 2002, 02:13
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BTW thanks Ming for the reminder about the bug thread, I wasn't thinking I guess.
I was playing my save today in Civ3 PTW and experienced a couple odd bugs. Here they are:
1. When the AI was playing through its turns, America made a last-ditch effort to defend itself against the Germans and launched nukes. I didn't declare war, but you could hear everyone firing off their nukes throughout the turns. Definitely not a show-stopper, in fact it doesn't even bother me. but I'm reporting it because it occurred on the same turm as number 2.
2. Once everyone had taken their turns and my Radar Artillery was active, I immediately tried to save using Ctrl-S, and got a fatal error in Civilization3.exe that dumped me to the Desktop.
This one has proven to be a show-stopper. I've tried to use Ctrl-S a few times after finishing the turn, right when I begin it, etc. I can't seem to save without crashing to the desktop.
I would bet a lot of money that it is linked to the original "auto-declaration of war when using nukes" bug. I now don't declare war automatically, but I can't save it after everyone else does.
The info about the save is as follows:
-- Civ 3: PTW v1.14f
-- Emperor Level
-- Playing as the Celts
-- Huge random map
-- 16 Civs
-- End of 1912 AD, proceeding to 1914 AD (where the error occurs). I originally said it was from 1910-1912, but I was wrong.
Here's my system specs:
-- Dell 8100 1.3 GHz
-- Windows Mistake Edition
-- GeForce 2 Ultra
-- Umm that should be the only stuff that affects anything, but if you need more I'll post it.
I can't seem to compress the save beyond 800k, so I'll just send it to Firaxis if need be.
EDIT: I have done some further testing with this save. I have discovered that it has nothing to do with the "Save" feature at all. The same crash occurred when I tried to switch the AI Civ on the Military Advisor screen. Apparently there is some new bug with the "auto-declaration of war when using nukes" fix.
Last edited by Traelin; December 9, 2002 at 11:08.
December 5, 2002, 06:56
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Some very annoying things in MP:
- In SP, when your active unit is in a city, pressing enter will give you the city view. In MP that doesn't work. How do I get the city view in MP without having to use the mouse? I can move the focus to the city by using the ',' and '.' keys (which is nice), but what does that help, if I can't view inside the city from there? Or did I miss some keyboard shortcut here?
- The science advisor never asks me what to research next in MP
- The city governor never asks me what to build next in MP, even if I have the equivalent settings in the preferences
That means, that a lot of the relevant decisions are made by the computer, even if you have a human player. It feels like watching the AI playing and the human looses control. I'll definetely stick to SP, if these things can't be fixed.
December 5, 2002, 08:27
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The problem is that the science advisor screen is massive. Every time you finish a tech you have 3-4 options for what to research next. How about something like the "Change production" menu for cites, except "Change research" for science?
December 5, 2002, 09:42
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I can understand that loading the science advisor screen each time would be too much for a MP game. A good solution would be a simple pop-up with a dropdown of the next available techs. Doesn't need to have many graphics, etc., just a selection choice.
The same could be done for build orders.
That the advisors are not asking at all, is the thing that disturbs me, not so much, that I can't see the tech tree.
December 6, 2002, 00:56
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Here are a few bugs I noticed during MP
1. For about 5 turns each time I would open the city screen, then the que, it was empty. You couldn't see a thing to select. However if you clicked the blank space it would pick something. After the 5th turn or so, I got a unable to draw error (first time I've seen that one) and the game died. I actually had to reboot the machine to exit.
2. Same tech problem everyone else has....if you aren't paying very close attention, you miss the tech change.
3. Regardless of land mass we pick, it always seems to be one giant continent.
4. Have only been able to get 2 humans in multi play (although I haven't tried often to get more than 2)
5. Regardless of what setting I have, you don't get zoomed to the city after production is complete.
6. I have seen a player chatting to me and we get a popup that says that person has left the game and counts down 10-12 seconds before it sees them again.
7. Lag is still and issue even with VERY low pings on both sides.
8. Seems like there are WAY more goodie huts in MP
9. You can only put 2 things in the production que.
I haven't played past the second age yet, so maybe there are more that I haven't seen yet.
Overall I think this patch is a wonderful improvement over the other. Not that that is a tough thing. This one is close, seems like just a few "teaks" Yes, easy for me as I'm not a progammer.
Last edited by aburtt; December 6, 2002 at 10:24.
December 6, 2002, 13:00
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Add me to the unpatchables.
"War: A by-product of the arts of peace." Bierce
December 6, 2002, 21:43
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Difficulty bug w/1.14f Hotseat
I have not tried PTW over the internet.
I am trying to play HOTSEAT games.
Regardless of the difficulty level I setup before launching the game, the level ends up as Chieftan.
I noticed this the first time after I saved and later reloaded my game. The pop-up annoucning the loaded game told me it was Difficulty: Chieftan. I have reproduced this several times now.
The AI in these games is clearly impaired, so I believe the level really is Chieftan.
Can anyone else confirm they have the same bug?
Does anyone have any suggetions?
December 7, 2002, 14:28
Local Time: 12:41
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you scared me about this patch thing... I'm not sure which version I had, so I downloaded both patchs, made a backup copy of my Civ3 directory, and patched... euro version gave me the "insert CD" message, so I renamed directories, patched with the us patch and voilā, it's working
so it turns out that the version I bought from was a US version )
December 7, 2002, 16:30
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Re: Difficulty bug w/1.14f Hotseat
Originally posted by WickerA
I have not tried PTW over the internet.
I am trying to play HOTSEAT games.
Regardless of the difficulty level I setup before launching the game, the level ends up as Chieftan.
I noticed this the first time after I saved and later reloaded my game. The pop-up annoucning the loaded game told me it was Difficulty: Chieftan. I have reproduced this several times now.
The AI in these games is clearly impaired, so I believe the level really is Chieftan.
Can anyone else confirm they have the same bug?
Does anyone have any suggetions?
This bug is known by FIRAXIS.
It'll be fixed in the next patch
December 9, 2002, 11:13
Local Time: 06:41
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This weekend I found a bug in the AI pathfinding. Germany had a bunch of troops fortified throughout its territory, and I had a RoP with them and Greece. Germany was in the middle of my empire, and Greece was to the south. There should have been a ton of ways to use the "Go To" option to move my workers around, but for some reason the AI pathfinding got stuck in an infinite loop. The workers kept bouncing back and forth between two spots, instead of taking the long way around to get where I requested them to go.
I had to kill Civ, restart the CPU (cuz apparently when I killed the process it wouldn't restart properly), and move the workers manually. I'm pretty sure this bug never existed, because I've never had any problems with the AI pathfinding before.
December 9, 2002, 11:34
Local Time: 11:41
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Posts: 29
I have played a few multiplayer games, and here are the bugs i can remember:[list=1][*]When you move a unit to the top of a hill to scout (and see terrain on other side of hill), the focus changes to a new unit. Possibly a 1 second delay there?[*]I was quite irritated during a similtaneous turns game, when another player used a sneak tactic to kill my leader. The enemy unit was 2 tiles away from my leader, he moved right at the end of a turn and right at the start of the next turn .. i had no way of stopping him[*]One player in multiplayer complained he couldnt 'zoom to city'[*]A small dialog box indicating when research has been complete (and what it gives you) would be nice[/list=1]
December 9, 2002, 11:36
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5. How about an online ranking system ?
December 9, 2002, 23:48
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The military advisor screen is ungodly slow, especially after I get spys in enemy territory. One time it completely froze on me, had to Ctrl+Alt+Del :|
December 10, 2002, 06:59
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Once a player drops, the chat activation bubble doesn't correspond to the correct user.
For example, clicking on player 3's bubble de/activates player 2's ability to see your message.
I haven't checked the list of known bugs, but wondering if anyone else has seen this problem.
December 13, 2002, 14:09
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Re: Difficulty bug w/1.14f Hotseat
Originally posted by WickerA
I have not tried PTW over the internet.
I am trying to play HOTSEAT games.
Regardless of the difficulty level I setup before launching the game, the level ends up as Chieftan.
I noticed this the first time after I saved and later reloaded my game. The pop-up annoucning the loaded game told me it was Difficulty: Chieftan. I have reproduced this several times now.
The AI in these games is clearly impaired, so I believe the level really is Chieftan.
Can anyone else confirm they have the same bug?
Does anyone have any suggetions?
Someone said that this bug is known and will be fixed in the next patch.
I really hope that the similar bug that exists in PBEM games (diff. level always Regent) will be also fixed. Its by far the most annoying bug to me that i have ever had in civ3/ptw.
December 13, 2002, 16:55
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Re: I agree, What a Shame be PTW
Originally posted by LordCanar
The exact same problems I have with the game, out of me and my two friends who have been playin civ II sence the begining, one can't play because the game still does not truely use IP direct conect. And for some reason (We suspect Port 80) the game keeps crashing on his earthlink dsl, even though the patch was supposed to fix this.
That's not the problem. If you read the readme that came with the patch, you only need to open ports 13139 (UDP), 6500 and 2302 to host Direct IP. You no longer need to open up port 80. I've hosted over 40 hours via Direct IP so far with only one hang.
[rest of rant, sniped]
- The Lich
Last edited by Acererak; December 13, 2002 at 17:04.
December 13, 2002, 19:43
Here's a new problem.
I was in the city view screen adjusting production when another player initiated diplomacy. During the offer/counter-offer(in a turn based game) it became my turn. A little message box pops up and says it's now your turn. Well, I click on the little round button for 'ok' and just about everthing disapears from my screen. What I can see looks like the city view screen is open, but is not; that is I can see only my units and the terrain that they are on and the city sqaures for the city in which was adjusting production, everthing else is in a fog of war. I cannot see anything outside of any of my other cities. I cannot see and chat meesages, though I can cause a chat box to appear that I can type a message in, but then I can't see it after I send it. I cannot see anything except the map.
I waited a few turns, to see if it would somehow fix itself, trying to move my units around in the dark (sort of). But nothing got any better; in fact I believe it may have happened to the other players as well (two other, no computer players) because after two turns first one then the others civ's self-destruct with the game declaring me the winner?!
This is one of the bigger bugs I've found there are far more game play related issues that need to be addressed as far a MP is concerned. I'm sure I don't have to list everything and tha Firaxis is well aware of these issues; especially if they play their own games.
December 15, 2002, 18:00
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Single player - PTW - with modded bix file -- just larger sizes for land masses -- huge - 210 instead of 160. Modded strategic resources - increased availability twice current rate - and depletion - down to half of original amout. Seemed to be working but then had game with Map Making and Literature. City I wanted to start building The Great Library was building a harbor, other cities were also (some). Athens was building The Great Lighthouse. Only city, that could not build the Great Library was the one I wanted to switch the harbor (building) over too build the Great Library. Only city - Thermopyle or whatever it is called. Playing Greeks.
Thought it was strange that that city would not light up the Great Library in the build quere, and that was the only city. When first found the tech (Literature) the Great Library was not even listed in that city, and that city was the only one. After building harbor, it then let me build the Great Library, but I could have switched any other city to build the Great Library, except that city.
Finally, it was listed in the Build Quere, but it would not light up, next turn or something like that, but it would be dimmed, and it did not let me build it in that city. The only city I had, that did that. Don't know why modding the civ3x.bix file would do that, as I changed nothing else with it, except the size of the map and the availability of the strategic resoures.
Took out, 1.14v, and reinstalled that patch, but now I am using the regular civ3x.bix file, have not tried the modded one yet again, although I may, just to see if it happens again.
Don't know!
But, just thought I list this -- to see.
December 15, 2002, 18:56
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Don't change the civ3x.bix file. There is a reason that Firaxis made it read-only. Make a new scenario with your changes instead.
December 16, 2002, 09:40
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Not sure if this has been mentioned, but I noticed that auto-save files are not compressed. I had six of them taking up almost 30mb of hard drive space.
Is there some reason that regular saves are compressed but not the auto-saves? I only turned on auto save because the game crashed once and I lost about 10 turns... but it's back off now. I'll just take my chances.
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December 16, 2002, 14:36
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Well, might as well play Civ III with the modded bic file then, as I am not going to play a scenario to play the regular game, I guess I will just use the file the way that it is!
Seems strange though, that one can not do that without making a scenario.
Oh, well!
I stick the new terrain in the old Civ III game also, since that should work.
December 16, 2002, 14:37
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Oh, Thanks for the response!
December 16, 2002, 20:13
Another BUG
While palying a simultaneous turns mp game a player would quit/leave the game and although the circumstances surrounding what was happening while they left the game; sometimes the civ's cities are all destroyed but sometimes the cities are not and the civ just sort of sticks around. No new build orders are given and no units except workers move.
If you attempt to contact them through diplomacy you get a screen asking whetherr you want to accept an envoy from yourself?!
This needs to be addressed soon, thanks.
December 16, 2002, 21:10
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Darn, Bigfree1, I thought they got that one fixed in 1.14. I haven't seen it lately.
December 16, 2002, 22:47
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With 1.14
Playing a simultaneous turns LAN game, and we're getting frequent synch errors. They almost always seem to happen when I have bombers set to auto-bomb and then press ctrl-U to activate my automated units.
December 16, 2002, 22:57
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Originally posted by Raion
Well, might as well play Civ III with the modded bic file then, as I am not going to play a scenario to play the regular game, I guess I will just use the file the way that it is!
Why not? I play a scenario nearly every game I play, even if they are just a trivial change of terrain files (I kinda like the Watercolor Terrain).
December 17, 2002, 00:31
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With 1.14:
UberKruX "Floating Bomber" Bug (c) 2002 Joseph "UberKruX" Moskie.
using planes (bombers) and the J (stack movement) command. if # of planes in stack > carrier capacity, order still goes through.
when carrier moves, plane is floating above the water tile, still able to bombard. after bombarding the bomber stays on the tile and can bombard again.
i'm not sure what would happen if an enemy naval unit attacked the "floating bomber".
but yea. it's going to be fun to exploit for this game
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December 17, 2002, 00:32
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oh, screenshot:
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