25,000 Downloads for the month of December in our civ2 database)in comparison to 16,000 in November and 20,000 in October
60 New reviews, exactly the same number with December. As for the Top 10, there several changes and two newcomers in the last two positions. Here is the full thing
Top 10 Files
1(1). 10.00(10.00)
2(2). 9.90(9.86)
Lord of the Rings
3(4). 9.75(9.67)
Colonies III
4(3). 9.67(9.67)
Patch for Civilization II (2.42)
5(5). 9.56(9.60)
6(8). 9.33(9.33)
7(6). 9.33(9.60)
Rip-off units pack
8(10). 9.33(9.33)
Day of Treason
9(-). 9.33(-)
Maps of Complexity
10(-). 9.25(-)
The War of Cuba
Database Stats
Total Files: 463 (463)
Total Reviews: 263 (203)
Total Rated Files: 111 (104)
Average Rating: 7.22 (7.33)
Total Downloads: 153762 (138366)
Average Downloads/File: 332.1 (298.85)
As of today, there is going to be a change in the system, and one will have to use his forum username and password in order to review a file. This way we will have more creditable reviews and votes.