Thanks for the help guys. But I've done my homework so to speak.
I'm aware of the zone

, and Rah, I've looked over your rules. They seem fine, but the fact is, that I would really like to play a game to the finish with a small number of people, without having to play for hours on end each session. My understanding of the IP thread is eveyone just gets together who can play that day, but I'd like to play a game to completion. And it seems like I'd have to play just about every day in order for the right combo of players to come up again to finish a game...
I'm on the Civ II MP list here and I've added almost eveyone to my ICQ/AIM, but I just thought I'd post this up so people interested in a game like this could contact me, instead of me going through eveyone. Just thought it'd save some time.
So anyway, If I wasn't clear, let me try it again.
Actually, War, your last post on the Fair Starting Positions thread summed up my position pretty well.
--can't commit to a certain time each week
--some weeks I'm busier than others
--would prefer a 1 vs. 1 game (duel as it's been called)
--play it to completion whenever we both have time
--usually can't play for hours on end (probably 2-3 hours most of the time)
Anyway, if any of you are interested in a game like this IM me. Even if you don't currently have time to start, just let me know you're interested.
Dave (Running Water)
ICQ # 13189688
AIM: Abnormal Hybrid