Cuz people are always quitting.
This is for Emporer level players.
Western United States High Speed Internet Players.
We will use MSN messenger.
I will be online most of the time Sat and Sun, and 6PM PST- 12 AM PST.
But this isn't my club. It is to be a group of good players who finish games.
Emporers Club games will have a universal password.
You can join by having a member vouch that you fought to the bitter end.
BTW, for the one city loss quitters, you don't know what you are missing by not staying in the game and hunkering down
Ask for me to add me to your list @
reubenDias@msn.com on msn messenger.
What do club members get? the assurance that playing a game for 3 hours with another member will not come to a dead end when something goes wrong for your opponent..... cuz I'm sick of this Oh you took my city... geez I gotta go B.S.
Sallandair - emporer level and played to bitter end
SteamRoller - not emporer level but played to bitter end.
Essex - emporer level
Aaron Clemens - this guy played and survived with one city for a long game.
Kimmet - Emporer level, will play even when getting a beating