As some of you may now, the offical disrtibutor of EA products in Poland is not selling Alien Crossfire. The reason to this is that they think it's just a "scenario pack", and hence it will not sell well.
So I'm looking for some stores where I can buy SMACX, and not pay 90% of the cost for delivery.
Lol due to the amazing restrictions on technology in imports and exports in the US I would not be surprised if SMAX was classified as a dangerous technology that could be used as a targeting system for nuclear missles.
Sorry I do not live in Europe. Can't help you there. If you really want a copy I could mail one to you..
Enigma: This would mean that the American government and MoD are getting paranoidal, since we are allies for over a year now .
Seriously, it's not the case of import restrictions. See the "petition" thread for details.
And thanks for the help proposed, but my parents are a little restrictive when it comes to giving their mail address to strangers. Plus there are the shipping costs...