December 10, 2002, 22:09
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Now the 2 stories are even on chapter #'s
December 11, 2002, 03:18
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EDIT Im just glad Squark's allright, phew what a relief.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
December 11, 2002, 12:54
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Very nice. I thought Turkey would get arrested for preaching in subways, but speeding violation is also fine, I guess
Keep 'em coming
December 11, 2002, 19:29
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It occurs to me that i took most of what is referred to as Oceana in the book 1984.
 how appropos for the civilized to Barbarian game.
December 11, 2002, 23:46
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Hmmm, let me guess, you're not of the peaceful builder school of civ playing? I like the defeated Xerces chapter the best. He's always attacking me in the game.
December 12, 2002, 01:54
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Heh, I like that chapter, too. Though Xerxes very rarely attacks me in my games, as I usually play as the Persians
December 12, 2002, 14:10
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Originally posted by steamthunk
Hmmm, let me guess, you're not of the peaceful builder school of civ playing? I like the defeated Xerces chapter the best. He's always attacking me in the game.
I am actually. I fought here so i could write about it. I fought in the Frostbite game because i had no choice whatsoever, i was limited to 4 cities until i wiped out some Russian and English border towns and grabbed London. Sadly that got the AI all excited and it kept fighting.
I also almost never use nukes  .
December 12, 2002, 14:36
Local Time: 05:57
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Originally posted by SKILORD
I also almost never use nukes
I don't usually use nukes, either. In fact, I think I only used them once, though I remember that game as if I played it yesterday:
In this one game, I was playing as the Persians, and I did some fighting in the early and middle stages of the game, but by the Industrial age I switched to Democracy, and stopped fighting. I had the largest nation in the world by then, though the Babylonians had a comparable chunk of land. I figured I'd go for the space victory, since the scientific progress was pretty good, and a lot of my cities were located in very productive spots. Now, the Babylonians were the only nation that could compete with me in that race. They were one or two blocks behind all the time, though. So, when I had built eight of them, and started researching the technology required for the last two, the Babylonians attacked, as they probably realized that they wouldn't be able to stop me otherwise. They took a couple of my cities, then I took them back, and the war pretty much grinded to a halt: they were bombing my border cities, I was bombing theirs; our forces met at the border every once in a while, and the action switched between me actually sending my troops against their cities, and them sending their troops towards mine. Needless to say, even though I wasn't loosing anything in terms of land and forces, my people didn't like the war too much, and were generally giving me a hard time. At the same, time I tried everything to stop the war, as it was totally useless for me, but the Babylonians wouldn’t even answer my requests for audience. I could have switched to communism, but I didn't want to loose all the production capabilities for so many turns, since Persians are not religious. So, I just produced a bunch of ICBM's and bombed Babylon itself. After which action, Hammurabbi crawled to me on his knees pleading for peace. He got it, and I won soon thereafter.
PS: Sorry for putting this little story into your thread, SKILORD
December 12, 2002, 14:58
Local Time: 11:57
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Chapter 6: Chains
I'll forgive you vova.
The Chains were heavy on his neck. He was dragged before the television.
"The day of the Civilized man is past. The warrior has come to rule.." The gaurds turned it off.
"Do you know why you are here?"
"Probably for trying to escape from lesser prisons."
"Lucky guess. It has been said that anticipation can be painful. You are here to be shown what has become of your people, what will become of you." The gaurd was solemn.
The television was turned on again, the president's speech on the threat of China continued though a tape was placed in the rusty VCR. The VCR came on. A man in chains was being whipped. Gas chambers were built and used. A mysterious word was repeated. Genocide.
Mass graves were built by those who would inhabit them. Tears graced Turkey's cheek, no selfish thought of foreboding in his head. The Television was turned off.
He was dragged to a huge complex of buildings. directed to a bed. The emaciated figure beside him said, almost wispered.
"Green Rivers died yesterday. You replace him. Are you as wise as he?"
Squarking Turkey was perplexed, and gave the man an odd look.
"He refused to help me. Would you like to escape?"
Looking around the room Turkey remembered that escape had landed him this deep so far. What would become of them if they were caught.
sorry if it's a little dark, i'm in a bad mood.
December 12, 2002, 15:32
Local Time: 05:57
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Well, it is a little gloomy, but I like it. I'm thinking our new hero will escape and revenge his countrymen, eventually becoming their leader.
December 12, 2002, 17:47
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You must be psychic. It's true.
There must be such gloom to make the glory of triumph glittler more.
December 12, 2002, 18:42
Local Time: 12:57
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SKILORD Dont forgive anyone, never weaken to those namby pamby leftist liberal ideals!. No instead NUKE THEM ALL yes NUKE THE BASTARDS  Muh ha ha ha!!
My god I dont know whats come over me!
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
Last edited by ChrisiusMaximus; December 13, 2002 at 14:52.
December 12, 2002, 18:43
Local Time: 05:57
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 You are starting to scare me, Chrisius
December 13, 2002, 14:44
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PAH Shooba Shooba
Last edited by SKILORD; December 14, 2002 at 10:32.
December 14, 2002, 10:31
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Chapter 7: Breaking away
The Gaurds slept peacefully, unaware. Squarking Turkey dragged his slender frame through the yard, his new companion, Floating Porpoise close behind. Barbed wire fences sliced their backs, chemicals on the ground burned their stomachs as they discovered why shoes were taken from the inmates. The Chemicals had been spread for about a mile of treacherous ground, rocks strewn as well. Superhuman effort was exerted not to shout out in pain, it was excrutiating but they conqured. Sirens rang out as they passed the first layer of forests. High atop a tree, hidden amongst foilage the freinds watched as helicoters reigned death down on the trees. Floating Porpise was hit in the arm with a bullet, the blood let from that as it dribled down the tree was noticed and a second round of shots left Porpoise a corpse of the ground. Turkey wept to see his freind lifeless on the ground, but continued his trek to freedom alone.
The cities of Northern asia were in Celtic control. Forces the likes of which the chinese had thought legendary had taken them and prepared to move south, across the fertile lands. Airports stood, hurriedly built, on the Northern ports and airlifted reinforcements hoped to help the job become finished.
Mao sat in his palace, waiting for the Celts to sweep, unstoppable to the south. Reports began to come rushing in from the emergency fax set up in his office.
"What's that?" he asked his minister in the room.
The man picked up the sheets and his face paled as he read his own eulogy.
"ICBM's are raining"
The blast shook the palace though it had been built to stand against it. A second hit left the palace in ruins, Mao's wealth littering the streets.
December 14, 2002, 18:14
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Good stuff SKILORD
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
December 15, 2002, 00:57
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Chapter 8: Insurrection
"The Iriquois people have for years been the butt of an immense joke, for it is laughable that a nation that considers itself civilied could commit the atrocities you have against a sovreign people," The minister paused, gauging the Emperor's mood. He probably wouldn't last the reading, "We do thereby, for the reasons mentioned hence declare the independence of the Iriquois state from it's dreadful conquerers."
Brennus frowned.
"Then you see, they go on stating all these reasons, talking about some hidious internment camps that they were imprisoned as a nation in. It's signed by a bunch of their former leaders, the old foreign minister and such, and also this kid named Squarking Turkey."
Brennus laughed.
"The Fools think they can escape the clutches of the Celtic Empire?" Brennus's hysterics were frightening,"I will show them that the mightiest nation on Earth can bring down a few rebels."
"Well they have an army..."
"Do You propose that a mere army of Mounted warriors can stand against the might of Celtia!?" His eyes were inflamed, he drooled.
"Why... never .... uhh.. sir."
"Do you prpopose that Celtia is not the mightiest nation on earth?"
"Welll there are always the Russians..." Russia was on the brink of building a ship to ferry the last bits of civilization from scarred earth.
But that wouldn't affect the advisor, he would be dead in an instant, a thought that graced his mind as the bullet tore the air before him.
Looking at the corpse Brennus intoned:
"I'll show you the might of Russia." The cackles of evil delight reigned the palace for the night, sharing the throne with madness.
The Army stood outside Salamnaca, a battered force of mounted warriors and Cavalry, a few more modern rifles interspersed in the group. A Celtic army loomed on the horizon, an angry storm preparing to lay waste to those who dared test authority. The frigid Iceland territory froze the very souls of the defenders, they knew their attackers were immune to the cold on that level. They marched like demons, Hellhound Armor and Pyre jets, bared their teeth in anticipation. The Tanks forced their way to the walls of the shoddy fort to the harmony of falling bombs. Cavalry flanked the superior forces as Turkey commanded, their stolen rocket launchers left several tanks mere husks. The Cavalry died slowly, the tanks proceeded quickly, bullets bouncing off their hide. But victory found the rebels somehow, rain began to leave the tracks of the tanks stuck. The slow behemoths began to fall more quickly. The millitary governor of Iceland, who lead the forces himself, was forced to surrender his colors to the man who called himself Squarking Turkey, who inspired the Iriquois to rebellion, to rise against the mighty empire that had swallowed them whole.
December 15, 2002, 06:42
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Great stuff this SKILORD, what do you think of it scratch.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
December 15, 2002, 10:44
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Chapter 9: The Final War
English silos began the volley, but the Russians were expecting them, the only thing that surprise Satherine was that it took so long. ICBMs found their way to Edmonton as soon as others found Moscow in their sights, Shining metal gleamed in the ruins, the spaceship that had been civilization's last hope. All was ruined now, a million voices were extinguished instantly, the only difference between the sides of the conflict was that one was prepared to Invade. Moscow soon was in the hands of the Celts, who took their time in North Africa, eliminating the Russians one by one, reveling in every bloody patch of ground.
Squarking Turkey looked across the tundra, it took a madman to build here, and here i am hoping to conqure it. Swords, pistols and the Submachine guns used by Infantry were all held in the hands of the rebellious Iriquois. Army after army fell before him. As the radioactive glow of Russia faded he realised that he was the last chance for humanity, and he pushed mightily against a people preoccupied with cleaning their wasted lands. The day would come, Squarking Turkey hoped, that man would be free again.
December 15, 2002, 15:16
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A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
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