Local Time: 01:43
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Apr 2000
Location: Austintown, Oh, USA
Posts: 80
Who got what wonders? (Continuation, Offical SMAC History)
I'm looking over the wonder movies now and trying to see what one definitely are built by what faction.
Clinical Immortality - not sure. Cityscape in background is kinda generic, although it looks somewhat like a drab UoP backdrop.
Ascent to Transcendance - the movie itself doesn't point to any given faction, but other sources make it pretty obvious that it was the Gaians that made the completion.
Ascetic Virtues - Yang is voicing the movie, and the city in the background of the closing shot is clearly Hive.
Bulk Matter Transmitter - no visible symbols or other faction identification on the ship or the trasmitter device. One could assume that UoP built it since they discovered the technology, and that the Believers didn't build it because Miriam's preachy speech.
Citizen's Defense Force - Gaians definitely didn't build this, as they watch as the citizen defense force of whatever city was being destroyed by worms, either theirs or wild. One thing this movie clearly shows is plane units in the background, so this project wasn't built until after air power was discovered by that faction. The troops do kinda look like Spartans, though.
The Cloning Vats - Santiago's speech makes it quite obvious it is the vats were built by the Spartans.
Cloudbase Acedemy - not only built by the Drones, but also the movie indicates it was built in or before MY 2216.
Command Nexus - Spartans. Not only does Santiago give the speech but the Spartan symbol is prominately displayed in several shots, including the end.
Cyborg Factory - graffiti is from barracks in Sparta Command, but there is no direct evidence linking them to this project, or any evidence towards any other faction for that matter.
Dream Twister - creepy is as creepy does, but other then being used against the Spartans (or, at the very least, Assassin's Redoubt given still under Spartan control), no evidence on what other faction may have built it.
Empath Guild - I think its safe to assume this project was built by the Gaians, after all Deirdre is actually explaining how it works, not how to build it or anything like that.
Human Genome Project - Zak is both talking about it and calling it an achievement, so he probably built it.
Hunter-Seeker Algorythm - No evidence. I assume Zak built it to protect himself from Miriam's probe teams, but that is just speculation.
Living Refinery - Morgan is talking about it and how it will help industry (which I'm assuming he's talking about his own faction's industry, why would he talk about others?), so I'm thinking he built it. No concrete evidence to support it, though.
Longevity Vaccine - all Morgan. No question.
Manifold Harmonics - no real evidence, but voice would indicate Caretakers.
Maritime Control Center - even though the movie shows no symbols or cities, Santiagos speech about how great the Spartans are would indiciate this wonder was built by them.
Merchant Exchange - Like Longevity Vaccine, all Morgan. This movie was made relatively early in game development, because if you look closely enough at the lower left hand corner you can see Morgan's original symbol, an elengthened diamond shape.
Nano Factory - Santiago is talking about how great the stuff is, and since she loves to praise the Spartans, I think its safe to assume that they have this project.
Nethack Terminus - all Data Angels. Again, no symbols or cities to support, but she is bragging about it so I assume they got it.
Network Backbone - all Morgan. Another project that shows the old symbols... not only the old Morgan symbol underneath his desk, but the old UoP symbol clearly displayed on the front of the UoP building.
Neural Amplifier - clearly built by the Spartans. Alright, everybody watch this movie and tell me what the human troops are fighting... to be honest, they look like robots to me.
Pholus Mutagen - the planetmind is clearly talking to Deirdre about how the fungus will now help them and welcome them. The Gaians have this project.
Planetary Datalinks - nice speech Lal, but no evidence that the Peacekeepers or anyone else built this project.
Planetary Energy Grid - Cha Dawn is clearly stating the nature of the device and what it does, and talking about how the Progenitor's taught them (when he says 'us' I'm assuming he means the Cult and not humanity in general) how to harvest this power and create this device.
Planetary Transit System - if you assume Miriam is talking about just the Believers and not humanity in general when she says 'us' and 'we', then the Believers got this project. Otherwise, not sure.
Self-Aware Colony - the only thing that's obvious is that Miriam didn't build this 'technological monster' as she would probably call it. Probably Zak, but thats speculation.
Singularity Inductor - Zak is talking about the quantom singularity inside the device, so I assume the UoP got it.
Space Elevator - Zak is clearly describing the device, albeit in a poetic manner. UoP built the Space Elevator.
The Supercollider - the one project that doesn't even have hints at who built it. Totally up in the air for anybody.
Telepathic Matrix - I guess Deirdre's poem could be about this project, but mainly there is a Gaian city in the background so Gaians have this one.
The Theory of Everything - Zak is quoting someone who is probably one of his favorite writers to support what is most probably a UoP accomplishment. Zak just loves to brag about what the UoP have accomplished, much like Santiago likes to praise the Spartans for being superior.
Universal Translator - First thought on project - whaa??? No real clue, except for the religious parts make me think Believers.
Virtual World - Yang narates, and it looks like its inside some grimmy hive city, but other then that, no real evidence.
Voice of Planet - Zak is clearly describing how the device works, so I assume that the UoP built it.
Weather Paradigm - some have said that the Gaian prayer doesn't mean much, but to me it says how the Gaians will approach the world and how to keep a mindset about the alien nature and life. Most probably Gaians.
Xenoempathy Dome - speech or no speech, Deirdre herself is featured in this movie, so I rack it up to the Gaians.
Alien Victory Movie - scary enough as it seems, it's a fleet of Usurper ships coming through hyperspace *shiver*
Transcendance Lose Movie - I only saw this once, and only because I set myself up to lose. Its short, but kinda funny. Some guy stumbles apon the Transcendance globe and gets caught in an energy blast.
Your thoughts?