May 16, 2000, 21:48
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Final Transcend Movie
I wanted to know if anyone has ever seen the transcend end-game movie played out during a normal game? Actually, has anyone ever seen an end movie played out during the end of a typical game?
I must confess that I never have seen one, yet I know they exist because I have played them back from the movie folder in the game. How do I activate them?
"Laughter is the most powerful weapon ever created. Against laughter, nothing stands!"
May 17, 2000, 08:13
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Yes, I have seen both the Transcend and the Manifold movies. The Transcend movie, if I recall, takes place on a sunny desert. Robed clerics sit on a circle of pedestals. A sphere rises in the center ...
If this is not the transcend movie, I too would like to know what I am missing.
May 17, 2000, 08:42
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The movie hroman21 has mentioned is probably the "other" Transcend movie. I have never seen it in-game, but, judging from the name ("theyTranscend") and content, it's probably played when another faction Transcends.
May 17, 2000, 19:42
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::sheepish grin::
I have had the dubious honor of getting to play the losing faction in the race for was one of my abortive OCC games as the Gaians.....Yang beat me to it...UGH....LOL...anyway, I don't really remember the movie as sticking out much in my mind, but the final blurb was awesome!
If you don't wanna know, don't read any further! 
At the end, when somebody else beats you to the prize, you get this text segment about drifting aimlessly for a while in the winner's (Yang's) version of the unified consciousness. Then one day, Planet comes to you with a mission. You are to board the "SS Prodigal Son," laden with colonists and return home to re-seed the Earth. After playing out so long a game in a basically red planet, the shot of the Earth you return to is wonderfully, vividly BLUE.....awesome....
May 17, 2000, 20:01
Local Time: 01:44
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OK... That does it! I definetly am missing out on stuff here. Whenever I finish a game on AC, I always get a stupid text messege and then the credits. I have NEVER, and I mean NEVER seen a movie at the end of a game. I even complained about the lousy ending to Firaxis!
I also have never seen a different ending regardless of how I ended (or who I ended as) in the game.
Are there any settings or preferences that I might be missing out on? I do have the 'movies on' option so that's not it.
"Laughter is the most powerful weapon ever created. Against laughter, nothing stands!"
May 17, 2000, 20:37
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If you don't have some kind of software glitch, then the only thing I can think of is that your victories are not the transcendance type. How do you win?
You'll get one movie for the Resonance Communicator victory, another for transcending and just wimpy text for diplomatic victory and military victory. It has been so long since I have had an energy victory that I believe you also get text but no movie - but I can't remember for sure.
May 21, 2000, 07:42
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Yeah it's a text ending for economic victory. Big dissapointment.
- Biddles
"Now that our life-support systems are utilising the new Windows 2027 OS, we don't have to worry about anythi......."
Mars Colonizer Mission
May 21, 2000, 11:11
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I have won in transcend, Diplomatic, and Economic victories - and I always get a stupid text messege. I'm playing the game at different difficulty levels to see if somehow this has anything to do with the movies.
I also am trying to play on different sized worlds and see if this has an effect (system resources making the game work funny, etc.).
Any other thoughts are welcome.
"Laughter is the most powerful weapon ever created. Against laughter, nothing stands!"
May 22, 2000, 18:03
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Perhaps you have turned movies off?
Anyway, activate the scenario editer and look for intersting things on the scenario menu. You can see all movies there, including openings, SP, and trancend/manifold movies.
May 31, 2000, 07:12
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Yes, I've transcended on many occasions. It's the 7 robed blokes with the ball they smash. Then beams of light span the planet and fungus sprouts everywhere, and planet says *no longer mere planetbeings and earthbeing are we, but bright children of the stars or something...*
I have never seen an alien victory though from SMACX. Anyone care to enlighten me...
June 4, 2000, 22:55
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Just finished Progenitor (Usurper) victory, building the six subspace generators and summoning the fleet from home.
Cool movie (comes after the text).
Six green beams projected into space from Planet, meet at a point, then cause a massive space disruption(like clouds forming with a bright hole in the middle)
Fade to stars.
Then space shimmers in ten to 12 spots, and the Usurper battle fleet appears and slowly conducts a flyby - awesome.
(And Vel, who says you can't play the usurpers as a builder faction?)
Putting a spin on it
June 7, 2000, 13:47
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And on the subject of endings, try clicking some of the "literature titles" when the final score comes up. The pictures are cheezy but sometimes amusingly goofy (I like "The Little Former That Could" for instance).
June 7, 2000, 15:21
Local Time: 01:44
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Yah, right, and in case you always wondered who started making bad jokes of our favorite hedge witch's sex life, you'll find the answer in the Holobook: It was Firaxis themselves.
Lady Deirdre's lovers. Awww....c'mon!
-joer, waiting for the next turn...
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