The goto command, even with the patches has a few problems when you try to move a unit across the 0 axis.
Even though it might be quicker the stupid machine doesn't recoginize a route that crosses it... it will move in the other direction. There is a discussion on a similar topic here...
included is a link to the original thread on the "the correct route"
In some cases, the AI gets really confused when comfronted with multiple ways to go... and will just keep going back and forth until you finally get one of those "continue moving unit" questions
These problems exist is some form in all versions of Civ, including the patches.
(Maybe Freeciv has solved it

I couldn't find any of the older threads specifically on this subject... sorry.
CivII & Off-Topic Forum Moderator
[This message has been edited by Ming (edited January 22, 2001).]