Originally posted by War4ever
civ wasnt' really built for mp...
Well, I don't know about that. Civ2MP is the best MP experience around and looking back I think our criticisms of it were inappropriate. As Ming said they listened to us and took all the fun out of civ3.
I really recommend that more of you commit to a night a week of a long running proper MP game rather than always playing one nighters.
I think a civ2 MP patch that prevented the commonly agred cheats would yield the most perfect MP game ever.
Yes, CapTVK, I'm frigging around with FreeCiv
And you may be right...
I'm giving Civ3 SP one more go now that I've upgraded to an Athlon1800. On my old PIII450 it was unplayably slow. I simply gave up and never got beyond Despotism.