When I look at my various city displays, at the bottom it will show a few military units that are "garrisoned." Does this mean only the units that are fortified in the city itself? Or does it include all military in the city limits? Sometimes the number seems far less to me than how many units I think I built.
Also, how do you find a unit? I could swear I built a catapult, but can't see it anywhere in the mass of 20 cities.
Originally posted by sboog
When I look at my various city displays, at the bottom it will show a few military units that are "garrisoned." Does this mean only the units that are fortified in the city itself?
It just means all the units that are currently stattioned in the city, military or not. It's a housing thing.
Originally posted by Flandrien
Use the military advisor.
Click on a unit you want to find.
A crosshair will point to it on the map.
To explain a bit more fully, on this screen you can sort the list by city or by unit. If the latter, you can scroll down to the catapults line and as the cursor hovers over each one, the crosshairs will move to its location. Click on it to jump to that location on the big map.