December 16, 2002, 14:43
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Originally posted by ducki
If you want leaders, concentrate on happiness.
The happier your citizens, the longer you can war.
The longer you war (intelligently), the likelier you are to see leaders.
Or you can switch to Monarchy and attack everything in sight until a Leader appears. No need for happiness, beyond what will keep your cities from revolting normally.
December 16, 2002, 15:09
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True, but I've only just come over to the Grey Side.
Dark Side takes longer.
"Just once, do me a favor, don't play Gray, don't even play Dark... I want to see Center-of-a-Black-Hole Side!!! " - Theseus nee rpodos
December 16, 2002, 15:30
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The Grey Side sounds pretty cool, though!
December 16, 2002, 15:33
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The Grey Side is nice, but we tend to build too many buildings.
Or too many Units.
Depending on your POV.
"Just once, do me a favor, don't play Gray, don't even play Dark... I want to see Center-of-a-Black-Hole Side!!! " - Theseus nee rpodos
December 16, 2002, 16:43
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First, congratulations Ducki.
The Grey Side sounds pretty cool, though!
It ain't bad. But it does have its problems I guess.
I usually don't have problems with leaders. I can almost always get one by the time I get Chivalry, and then they just start popping up when I have my Knights. It's the only way to get to UP!!
If you want leaders, concentrate on happiness.
Haha. I definitely don't have problems with the happiness. Ask Dom. I HAVE to have Sistine and Bach, but I'm working on just grabbing one. I just started a game as Japan, and have uncovered my continent. Already have wiped India off. Suprise, though, as I do not have a leader yet. It's about 100 B.C.
It's my first shot at Emperor. Things are looking good, as I have access to about 5 luxuries. Need a leader to rush the Palace somewhere else now.
December 16, 2002, 16:58
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Dom, or anyone else: I've got some finals this week, so I HAVE to stay away from Civ. The good news is that I'm done on Thursday. If I posted a save near the end of the week, would you (or anyone) be able to look at it for me?? Japan, Standard, Emperor, great starting spot, many luxuries. I have the 4000 B.C. if anyone just wants to play it, too. Thanks.
December 16, 2002, 18:03
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BRC, no problem. It might go to Friday, though, if that's okay. Good luck in your finals.
December 16, 2002, 19:49
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I'll try to look at it Thursday night.
The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.
Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.
December 16, 2002, 20:01
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Thanks guys. Appreciate it. Good luck Dom.
December 20, 2002, 00:55
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I know I said that I would post this Japan game today, but I'm not going to be able to get to the computer until this weekend at the earliest. I'm really sorry. I really appreciate all the help you guys have given me, even those of you who don't know it. Thanks.
December 21, 2002, 16:22
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Ok. Here is my Japan game. A couple of notes.
- India started off directly to the west of my core. An early warrior bop grabbed some workers. Declared peace for techs, and then wiped them out about 30 turns later.
-I have had one leader, around 250 A.D. and used it to rush the Palace. FP is right next to Kyoto (Osaka??)
-This was a great map for a first Emperor game. The Mongols, Chinese, and Koreans all started crammed into the NW of the continent. I have never seen this before.
- Sent suicide Galleys out, and was able to get contact. I had built the Great Library, but the other civs are so far behind.
- I like the Samurai. My golden age is almost over, but I have stopped the AI's cascade after I built Sistine and Sun Tzu.
December 23, 2002, 17:08
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I think that I'm gonna have to start another game, because this does not seem to be anywhere near a "typical" Emperor Game. It almost seems like a UP game, mostly due to the lack of AI expansion. Anybody want to second this??
December 23, 2002, 20:05
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BRC, I'm away from Civ3 until December 30, so I cannot really post any comments on your games. You're on your own, enjoy!
About easy Emperor games, in my experience it all depends on geography around the starting location; with some luck, some Emperor games are as "easy" as Monarchy ones. Try to beat them all, good starts or no.
December 23, 2002, 21:49
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Thanks Dom. We're gonna ignore this game. I'll post after the New Year and we can look at it. This game I had about 5 or 6 luxuries in my immediate area, and the rest of the civs lacked any room to expand. I don't think this one counts. Hope you're having fun.
January 15, 2003, 00:00
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New Game
Well, I'm working on moving up to Emperor now. I've started probably 3 or 4 games (China and Japan) and played them to the end of the Ancient Ages. I think I'm getting the feel of it too. This here is my latest game, as Egypt again, at Standard, Continents, Sedentary Barbs. However, it ended up being Pangea.
A couple of notes. I performed a small rex, acquiring luxuries and exploring. Carthage started next to me, so it took some serious time to get them under control. They were the only civ reasonably close for a rush, so I oscillated on them  , with upgraded swordsmen.
I have been rexing and building up my military. Temples, Barracks, and Marketplaces are all that is going to be built in the cities. No libraries until Industrial age. I am sticking with the plan of buying antiquated techs, at discount prices. I want many Knights and Cavalry, when the time comes.
A couple of things: The city-spacing "problem" still exists. Give me time. You can see one example where I have crushed cities together. No leaders. Not as much fighting as normal. I would usually have more horses and less swordsmen, but it took me longer to hook up horses, and Swordsmen would be more useful when I went after France. I think that the G.L. would really help this strategy, but I'm trying not to become dependent on it. However, when Paris built it, I jumped on it. You can see how it plays out in the three saves. The start, right when I land at France, and the current SAVE.
One thing that I have learned between Monarch and Emperor is that you need better terrain tactics and more direct force. Three horseman won't do it anymore.
Any help would be appreciated, by anyone. Any questions, let me know. Thanks.
January 15, 2003, 17:16
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Ok, I've had a chance to look over your game. Again, you seem to be doing quite nicely! I do have some comments to share, however. Please remember that these should not be taken as criticisms, but rather as things that I would do differently. I trust you'll use this info as you see fit.
As for anyone else reading this, I hope that my comments will be general enough to perhaps help you out as well (in case you have similar questions).
Ok, on to it:
1. City Spacing
Yup, still a problem. The reason why this is an actual "problem" in this particular game is that you're favoring poorer city-sites just so that they can fit into the perfect, minimal tile-overlap pattern. Take the city of Byblos, for instance (sorry, no screenshots): it would be far better to have it next to the River, where it would benefit from extra Commerce and the ability not to require an Aqueduct. Also, cities such as Elephantine would benefit from being next to the coast, where they could build Harbors and turn those Coast tiles into self-sufficient Food-producers. Your overall growth in those cities is actually lessened in the long run, because you can never truly benefit from the water.
2. Growth
I notice you're focusing on Commerce when choosing which tiles to work in a particular city. I assume this is because you're anticipating a major Knight upgrade sometime soon (both the Greeks and the Celts have the prerequisites). But nothing is more important than growth. Once REX is over, you want your cities as big as you can support them as quickly as possible. This investment in Food (if you look at it that way) will pay off big-time later on. Giza, with a nice Gold Hill is a tough decision, but I would usually go with the Food first anyway. Growth in 19 turns is not acceptable.
3. Workers
First, you do not have enough of them. Second, around 3/4 of your Workers are foreign (I believe you've only constructed 6 of your own). I tend not to rely on captured Workers as my main workforce, but look at them as "bonuses" (they cost nothing to support and make things go that much faster). My point is that you need more Workers of your own. You have 2 options in this game: either take a break from Marketplaces and Cathedrals in your big cities to build a Worker or two, or create a Worker factory. This new city would be placed between your existing cities, and would be disbanded when it is no longer needed. You should aim for a Worker every 2-3 turns. I suggest the location close to Pi-Ramesses, in order to benefit from the Flood Plains (or you could Irrigate the Cows close to Thebes).
4. France
Why attack them when you did? I'm thinking because you wanted to deny them the GL and grab it for yourself. This is an ok plan, but remember that the GL really is not as critical as you make it out to be (especially when so close to Education). The resources required to ferry all your Swordsmen over there could have been put to better use elsewhere (see point 5).
5. War Chariots
If I had played this game, I would have been attacking with WCs all the way up to Knights. WCs are not really obsolete until then, even if Pikemen arrive. The jungle and mountains to the North would have slowed you down, but notice that all you need to do is build a road on one Mountain tile around Abydos to "punch through" and have access to the rest of the continent. Really, the map is perfect for WC dominance.
6. Luxuries
A couple of Workers around Abydos are putting a Road on a second Spices Luxury. At this point in the game, road networks are not developed enough to make trading extra resources very efficient. Given the time to do anything on Jungle tiles, I think your Workers could put to better use somewhere else.
I'll post again if I think of something else. Good luck.
January 15, 2003, 18:31
Local Time: 06:08
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Thanks Dom. This will be the last time I ever harass you, I promise.
Yup, still a problem. The reason why this is an actual "problem" in this particular game is that you're favoring poorer city-sites just so that they can fit into the perfect, minimal tile-overlap pattern. Take the city of Byblos, for instance (sorry, no screenshots): it would be far better to have it next to the River, where it would benefit from extra Commerce and the ability not to require an Aqueduct. Also, cities such as Elephantine would benefit from being next to the coast, where they could build Harbors and turn those Coast tiles into self-sufficient Food-producers. Your overall growth in those cities is actually lessened in the long run, because you can never truly benefit from the water.
I have a huge favor to ask you. If you are ever bored and have nothing to do, I would really appreciate it if you could get a screenshot of the area and take it to Paint or something, and point out where YOU would have placed cities. I just would like to see how you would develop around Thebes. This would help immensly (sp?).
I notice you're focusing on Commerce when choosing which tiles to work in a particular city. I assume this is because you're anticipating a major Knight upgrade sometime soon (both the Greeks and the Celts have the prerequisites). But nothing is more important than growth. Once REX is over, you want your cities as big as you can support them as quickly as possible. This investment in Food (if you look at it that way) will pay off big-time later on. Giza, with a nice Gold Hill is a tough decision, but I would usually go with the Food first anyway. Growth in 19 turns is not acceptable.
OK. I see this as being a problem. The fact that I need more workers may have something to do with my bad citizen placement. This will be fixed.
First, you do not have enough of them. Second, around 3/4 of your Workers are foreign (I believe you've only constructed 6 of your own). I tend not to rely on captured Workers as my main workforce, but look at them as "bonuses" (they cost nothing to support and make things go that much faster). My point is that you need more Workers of your own. You have 2 options in this game: either take a break from Marketplaces and Cathedrals in your big cities to build a Worker or two, or create a Worker factory. This new city would be placed between your existing cities, and would be disbanded when it is no longer needed. You should aim for a Worker every 2-3 turns. I suggest the location close to Pi-Ramesses, in order to benefit from the Flood Plains (or you could Irrigate the Cows close to Thebes).
I try to acquire as many captured workers as I can, and look at them as an important part of my development. I guess I need to learn to be dependent on my own workers. I like the idea of the worker factory, along with temporary cities. In my ideal world, I could build my cities close together at the beginning of the game, and with the discovery of Hospitals (or whatever), I could clean out some of them. I would also need instruction on which ones to leave, and which ones to keep. At the end of the game though, I want ALL the tiles around my Palace/FP to be used by the least amount of cities.
Why attack them when you did? I'm thinking because you wanted to deny them the GL and grab it for yourself. This is an ok plan, but remember that the GL really is not as critical as you make it out to be (especially when so close to Education). The resources required to ferry all your Swordsmen over there could have been put to better use elsewhere (see point 5).
I looked at it as an opportunity to grab some techs for free. At the time, I was behind by Construction, Currency, and Republic. I really didn't see a more effective way of getting these techs. I gained parity a couple of times, but then was left behind. I still need more help with staying caught up on Emperor. Can you give me advice?? I know you were able to broker Education in 203. Can you give me any similiar examples that will allow me to keep up or stay ahead?? When should I start researching myself instead of just building up the treasury??
If I had played this game, I would have been attacking with WCs all the way up to Knights. WCs are not really obsolete until then, even if Pikemen arrive. The jungle and mountains to the North would have slowed you down, but notice that all you need to do is build a road on one Mountain tile around Abydos to "punch through" and have access to the rest of the continent. Really, the map is perfect for WC dominance.
Ok. When I play Egypt, I mostly ignore WC's except for a Knight upgrade, or when I want to trigger my GA. I was unable to get to horses early enough, and so used a warrior upgrade so that I would be able to go after the Carthaginians. I didn't have another civ close enough to hit, so I just kept hitting them every 20 turns. I was also trying to save my GA. Also, I didn't get to a horse resource fast enough.... again, not enough workers. What population should I keep my main cities fluctuating between?? This would be a big help.
A couple of Workers around Abydos are putting a Road on a second Spices Luxury. At this point in the game, road networks are not developed enough to make trading extra resources very efficient. Given the time to do anything on Jungle tiles, I think your Workers could put to better use somewhere else.
OK. I think I just lack experience to really know this. Now I do, and thank you.
When you play as Egypt, what is the order that you use to research techs?? Which one do you start researching on, which is second, third.....??? I started researching Mysticism first, but would the Wheel be good to get the WC's going??
This is the last time I bother you, I promise. Thank you so much.
January 15, 2003, 18:57
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Originally posted by BRC
Thanks Dom. This will be the last time I ever harass you, I promise.
Good! Just kidding...
I have a huge favor to ask you. If you are ever bored and have nothing to do, I would really appreciate it if you could get a screenshot of the area and take it to Paint or something, and point out where YOU would have placed cities. I just would like to see how you would develop around Thebes. This would help immensly (sp?).
Immensely. Sure, I'll try to do that at some point.
In my ideal world, I could build my cities close together at the beginning of the game, and with the discovery of Hospitals (or whatever), I could clean out some of them. I would also need instruction on which ones to leave, and which ones to keep. At the end of the game though, I want ALL the tiles around my Palace/FP to be used by the least amount of cities.
I've never tried massive ICS then disband msyelf (or even super-REX then backfill). But I do like using a couple of specialized cities when the need arises. The first time you see a dedicated Worker factory up and running (not just a "normal" city that happens to be producing Workers), you'll be amazed.
I looked at it as an opportunity to grab some techs for free. At the time, I was behind by Construction, Currency, and Republic. I really didn't see a more effective way of getting these techs.
You've contacted all the civs, so you should be able to trade with those for the techs you need, at reduced price. Do not worry about being behind, just make sure you're active in another area (warfare, gold, Wonders, etc.).
I gained parity a couple of times, but then was left behind. I still need more help with staying caught up on Emperor. Can you give me advice?? I know you were able to broker Education in 203. Can you give me any similiar examples that will allow me to keep up or stay ahead?? When should I start researching myself instead of just building up the treasury??
When warmongering I typically focus on my treasury, and extort for techs. When playing a more peaceful game, I contact the other civs very often to see if I can organize and advantageous trade. Really, this last point is the best advice that I can give you on the matter. It also helps to try and figure out which techs the AI will research, and avoid those. Once you've got a tech lead, do not worry about losing it by selling techs; as long as you're getting some gpt, you'll keep the AIs poor enough to ensure your first-rank position.
I'll try to put something together from my AU203 game to properly describe this.
Ok. When I play Egypt, I mostly ignore WC's except for a Knight upgrade, or when I want to trigger my GA.
WCs are cheap and early Horsemen, making them awesome. You can attack very fast and conquer a civ when they're still expanding, or build up a large enough force to do some major conquest later on (or both). Given that Horsemen have quite a long shelf-life, WCs are useful a very long time. Do not be afraid of blowing your GA; most of times it's just best to suck it up and move along.
What population should I keep my main cities fluctuating between??
Difficult to answer. In my games I seem to have a lot of size 2-4 cities, while my core cities go up to size 6 and beyond quite fast. It all depends on what you want to accomplish with those cities.
When you play as Egypt, what is the order that you use to research techs?? Which one do you start researching on, which is second, third.....??? I started researching Mysticism first, but would the Wheel be good to get the WC's going??
Mysticism is good because you'll probably be able to trade it away for a nice price to various civs. It's a gamble, though. I like researching The Wheel first as Egypt (as most civs, actually!) because the location of Horses does some planning for you (where to put cities, where to strike, etc.). After that, it all depends on what the AIs have (i.e. what I will not be able to sell them).
January 15, 2003, 19:16
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My thoughts ...
I too prefer to try to save WCs as cheap Knight prebuilds, but not too many, because I still want to do some Horseman warring - often, WCs are my Second Garrison in cities, the ones where I don't really need the defense, but the added content citizen is a big boon.
If an opportunity presents itself, I will try to trigger my GA with WCs after a government switch.
Cities - I used to try very very hard for perfect placement that would allow 21 tile usage by all my cities (  ) - you know, 4 tiles up and 3 over, or 3 diagonal and 1 orthogonal... problem is, you always end up with a block of 4 tiles in there that can't be used on two sides at least.
Also, it's far more beneficial to try to save yourself the build-time and shields of an Aqueduct - if at all possible to plant a city on a riverside, even if it really screws with your city placement, do so. Yes, the commerce is nice, especially post-Despotism, but the real benefit is not having to build the damn aqueduct - and not having to value construction over some other tech so you can grow.
Since I've been learning to warmonger, I've also learned to use 3-tile and 4-tile spacing - to be clear, 3-tile has 2 tiles between, so a defender can get from city to city in one turn on roads - city, tile, tile, city.
It's hard to get used to, and I usually mix and match between 4-up+3-over and 3 or 4-tile spacing. Yeah, it's ugly, but it seems to work better for me.
As Egypt, I usually head for Mysticism and Polytheism first and second, since I can trade for Warrior Code from one of the Militarists nearby and hit Monarchy early - also, Mysticism and Polytheism usually command a nice price from the AI.
I'm no expert, that's just my opinion.
"Just once, do me a favor, don't play Gray, don't even play Dark... I want to see Center-of-a-Black-Hole Side!!! " - Theseus nee rpodos
January 15, 2003, 19:48
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The first time you see a dedicated Worker factory up and running (not just a "normal" city that happens to be producing Workers), you'll be amazed.
A granary is a must, correct??
You've contacted all the civs, so you should be able to trade with those for the techs you need, at reduced price. Do not worry about being behind, just make sure you're active in another area (warfare, gold, Wonders, etc.).
Do you BUY techs, or extort them, and up to what point?? When will you consider buying them, and when will you just wait??
It also helps to try and figure out which techs the AI will research, and avoid those.
Right! I don't have a lot of experience with this. I guess I'll just have to play more.
WCs are cheap and early Horsemen, making them awesome. You can attack very fast and conquer a civ when they're still expanding, or build up a large enough force to do some major conquest later on (or both). Given that Horsemen have quite a long shelf-life, WCs are useful a very long time. Do not be afraid of blowing your GA; most of times it's just best to suck it up and move along.
I'll try this. In fact, I think that I'm gonna restart this game a couple of times and just see where I can go with it.
Mysticism is good because you'll probably be able to trade it away for a nice price to various civs. It's a gamble, though. I like researching The Wheel first as Egypt (as most civs, actually!) because the location of Horses does some planning for you (where to put cities, where to strike, etc.). After that, it all depends on what the AIs have (i.e. what I will not be able to sell them).
Do you just leave it at 40 turns, or do you try and research the chosen techs??
Originally posted by Ducki
If an opportunity presents itself, I will try to trigger my GA with WCs after a government switch.
This is what I usually do. Is it worth it though??
Since I've been learning to warmonger, I've also learned to use 3-tile and 4-tile spacing - to be clear, 3-tile has 2 tiles between, so a defender can get from city to city in one turn on roads - city, tile, tile, city.
I think I've actually started to war less.
That ain't good! I've got some work to do.
As Egypt, I usually head for Mysticism and Polytheism first and second, since I can trade for Warrior Code from one of the Militarists nearby and hit Monarchy early - also, Mysticism and Polytheism usually command a nice price from the AI.
I did this at Monarch, but I'm looking for something a little better at Emperor. Maybe that is the best way though. Again, I'm gonna get back to my roots and see how that works.
Thanks guys. I really appreciate the help. I hope you guys know that. I just want to get better, and more efficient.
BTW, who all downloaded the Japan game??
January 15, 2003, 19:55
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Dom, and Ducki if you want to. This is a JPEG file of my territory. If either of you wants to mark on here your city spacing and then send it back, I'd appreciate it. Thanks.
January 15, 2003, 20:04
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Originally posted by BRC
A granary is a must, correct??
For greatest efficiency, yes.
Do you BUY techs, or extort them, and up to what point?? When will you consider buying them, and when will you just wait??
Extort as much as I can, and buy the rest (when warmongering). I mainly buy techs when I can turn around and sell them to another civ. This is where keeping civs apart and checking the diplo screen often really helps. I also buy techs if it will allow me to research something the other civs do not already have.
Do you just leave it at 40 turns, or do you try and research the chosen techs??
Sometimes the "40-turn strategy" works, but not with any regularity I like to depend on (about half the time the AI discovers the tech before you do, and you're really not very far ahead at that point, are you?). If I'm going to research, I might as well go all the way (taking into consideration maintenance, luxuries and other expenses).
ducki's points all make sense (apart from the wide city's wasteful for 90% of the game!). Concerning WCs, I really do think you should both try being hyper-aggressive with them early on (maybe even pop-rushing a few). You can often conquer your neighbor, and still have resources and time enough to attack the second or third too (all way before 1AD). My first post on 'Poly dealt with this topic. Although I was a lot less experienced back then, I still hold the belief that an Egyptian "WC rush" is not a bad way to play what is widely accepted as one of the best builder civs.
January 15, 2003, 20:19
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Posts: 495
Thanks. I've been doing the 40-turn thing, but have thought more and more about actually researching. Do you still end up with enough money to upgrade the WC's??
January 15, 2003, 20:21
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Don't get me wrong, Dom, I do pack 'em tight, but sometimes I just have to leave some extra space when I'm pretty sure I can grow a city huge, or if there's an expanse of useless territory, I'll let my Temple/Library close the gap instead of plopping another useless town in the middle of a desert.
The wide spacing was what I used to do in hopes of "optimizing" my placement. Now I pack 'em tight and always try for a riverside.
On the WC thing, I absolutely, positively, without reservation, despise a despotic GA. Maybe when I get better at warmongering I'll learn to like it, but for now, nothing irks me more than that.
Well, ok, maybe getting a leader and losing him on the same turn, but that's about it.
"Just once, do me a favor, don't play Gray, don't even play Dark... I want to see Center-of-a-Black-Hole Side!!! " - Theseus nee rpodos
January 15, 2003, 20:25
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Ducki, I didn't know that you were able to get away from the wide spacing. Nice work! I'll really push for it.
I HATE a despot GA too.
January 15, 2003, 20:34
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Here's a quick example of how I would have spaced my cities in your game, BRC. Of course, this assumes perfect knowledge of the map.
The red dots represent city sites, and the ones with yellow inside them are the ones I would have settled first. I definitely would have placed the second city to the left of Thebes, to be able to work the second Cattle. Notice I moved Thebes SW in order to be able to use the Cattle immediately, and so that I could irrigate that tile through Thebes.
January 15, 2003, 20:44
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One question Dom: You moved Thebes off of the river. It now needs a aquaduct, correct?? I just don't understand. Sorry. Is there any other reason besides the cow? Does the 10 turns with the cow outweigh the aquaduct construction, especially being your capitol??
Other than that, thank you very much.
January 15, 2003, 20:58
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Ok, sorry, I thought the tile SW of Thebes was also beside a River. I this case I would leave Thebes were you founded it in your game (at the start spot).
January 15, 2003, 21:06
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ok. just checking. thanks.
January 16, 2003, 03:32
Local Time: 08:08
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Oviedo, Fl
Posts: 14,103
Hum, I tried to look at the saves BRC and got errors from Civ3 and PTW on all but the 4000BC ones?
I seem to remember trying to look at some other ones you posted awhile back and had the same problem.
I have 1.14 on. Is there something unique about them?
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