I just wanna post something to see if anyone has any thoughts on having a more enjoyable MP experience. These are a couple of comments I made on a personal forum, so they might not make perfect sense but Ill review them...
Its started with me starting up one of my SP games, then the MP button caught my eye, so I joined one of the first low ping games I saw, 4 players all checked off their 'ready' buttons. Game starts with one player being disconnected right away, 20 minutes into the game the germans are disconnected and all their cities are burned to the ground. 2 more hours after that my armies are stomping on English cities one by one, my Japanese Samuri proving themselves in battle time after time. Then another windows comes up saying the English have 60 to re-establish their connection... dammit, but I think it might have been that the guy just quit.. or should I say retreat.

Ya! Look at my Samuri go nuts, clensing the land of this English plague...
Turnless mode is what we played, its very hard to get the hang of. Things go too quickly for you to get a good grasp of whats going on. And the disaster that happens if there is any lag is crazy, the lag hits while a new turn comes up b/c the computer has to load all the things that happened in all yer cities and for everyone else, sometimes it doesnt recover until the end of the turn, so then the whole process starts over again and I ended up not being able to move any units for a few turns before things settled down, but then I had the new task of trying to figure out which cities bought wut during the turns that I missed... ugh. Thank god I had the pleasure of winning, otherwise this might have been a complete write-off. Notice the time counter in the upper-right part of the SS, almost 3 hours of gaming...
EDIT: In the very upper-right corner of the screen it shows our civs plus a number on the end, I was about 60 points higher than him the whole game until the point I started going to war... what do those numbers represent?