December 17, 1999, 06:16
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i would really like to join... and like googlie: "any game any faction."
this is a brilliant idea vel!!
but what if a player attacks the Peacekeepers. will the other players have to help the PKs?
[This message has been edited by Cthol (edited December 17, 1999).]
December 17, 1999, 16:05
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I'd like to join. I can play smac as well as smac-x. In smac I'd prefer to be UoP (my "best" faction) or Morgan (still learning the subtleties of world domination with them)
In smac-x I'd like to be consciousness, data angels or uop or morgan.
BUT, I cannot begin playing before the 8th january 2000. (My dad wants me to work for him at the ski resort back home. I'll by servicing non-artificial idiots for two weeks, quite a break from studying comp science...
So if a que forms for the "first diplomacy pbem in the new millenium" I'm in.  (Though, off course, we would sneak ahead and start in 2000, even though a new millenium isn't due until 1/1 2001.
December 19, 1999, 01:39
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Ok, count me in. I'll mail details to Vel.
December 19, 1999, 01:54
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i have emailed vel a day ago.
December 19, 1999, 11:11
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My apologies for the delay in duties called (ie, Vel had a date, and a quite promising one at that! ::grin: : ) At any rate, when I return this afternoon, I'll go over all the e-mails and begin assembling the players and games!
[This message has been edited by Velociryx (edited December 19, 1999).]
December 19, 1999, 14:28
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Are you going to keep this running for a while? I really want to join in one of these games, but I've got all my SMAC stuff geared towards my Star Wars mod, meaning I can't play normal SMAC until I finish.
I hope to get most of it done before the new year. Will this still be going on after then?
December 20, 1999, 17:28
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I would like to play, but excuse my ignorance, I've never actually played an e-mail game, thinking it too long and unweildly. This thread has changed my mind on that, and I want in!
My question is, how does the e-mailing mechanics of this game work? Do we all e-mail our moves to Vel, or go a round-robin e-mailing? And is there a time limit to ensure that the game goes smoothly, like everybody has 1 day to respond, so that 1 turn takes maximum 4-5 days (depending on number of players) -- doing it this way could we even go as far as to arrange that say, Tuedays is player1's turn, Wednesdays Player2's turn, etc, or would that not work?
Thanks for your help; although I've designed a lot of modules (some soon to be released) I have spend little enough time investigating about SMAC e-mail games.
December 25, 1999, 18:47
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Location: "I'm a fucking idiot who complains all the time."
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unofficial spam bump. and vel mail me when you have the time(i know you have been busy with your social life, but if you have the time...), because i dont know if im in or out and the general
"everybody hates me because im paranoid"
remember, there are no stupid questions just stupid people
MR. Garrison
December 27, 1999, 01:02
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Same here Vel - mail me please.
December 27, 1999, 03:56
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G'morning everyone.....a quick note before I hit the sack for a few random winks before the alarm goes off for work later this morning.....yep, everyone who's ilnterested will get fit into a game, but as it stands now, with Y2k testing looming all this week, I will not be able to start any of the games til after the first....
Apologies for the delays in getting the games up and running, but I want to make sure I do the victory conditions justice and make it really interesting for all parties involved.....
I'll skip lunch tomorrow and try to get a few things hammered out on it, and will report back here with updates!
December 30, 1999, 09:34
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sorry i was a little unpatient...
December 31, 1999, 00:21
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I'd be interested in playing a game, if someone can explain PBEM to me. I don't see how the diplomacy would work, except by out-of-game messages. I'd like SMACX if possible (Drones) or the UoP in regular SMAC.
December 31, 1999, 00:21
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Sorry, accidental double post erased :  :.
[This message has been edited by Zurai (edited December 30, 1999).]
December 31, 1999, 08:23
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January 5, 2000, 10:05
January 5, 2000, 11:52
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Working on victory condition sets right now....:-) It's second on my "do list" and I'm cobbling it together as I type this....
January 5, 2000, 18:16
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Wow... I realize I'm late asking, but I just saw this thread. I'm a huge diplomacy fan and am quite familar with SMAC/SMACX in pbem.. and would love to get in on this, I"ll email vel with info, if i'm too late, I quite understand. Daniel_Tig
January 5, 2000, 20:26
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Count me in if it is not too late!
Celtic Fan
January 11, 2000, 15:05
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I 'm a fun of Diplomacy too. This PBEM has some elements of Risk as well, right? If you plan to organize a second game, i 'd like to participate.
"ðá âù êáé êéíù ôáí ãáí" - Archimedes
January 13, 2000, 14:00
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i would love to be part of the diplomacy challenge i could play during the week probably 1 or 2 turns each day my email is
if i could still get in on a diplomacy challenge email me
January 14, 2000, 06:02
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If it's not too late, I'd like to get in on this. I'll be anyone as long as it's not the believers. I'd also prefer a SMACX game, but SMAC is ok too. Some one may have to clue me in on how to PBEM, though. I prefer the simultaneous moves type... much quicker.
Fear the BlueMikeSpecial
January 19, 2000, 16:20
Bumping for Vel.
January 20, 2000, 11:05
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::sigh:: Okay, I'm sending out a distress call....I need a hand and I need it in a mondo big way.
I think this is a fantastic concept, and I've got a custom built world to run the games on....what I don't seem to have the time to do is come up an interesting and different enough set of "secret victory conditions" to make the games fly. Most of my creative juices are being sapped out of me in two places of late: First, as you know, I've been working steadily on my website to promote my fiction and poetry, and second, I'm averaging 1 complete or up to 3 partial SMACX games per night in order to immerse myself in the SMAX strat. guide. I've trimmed my already skimpy sleeping habits from three hours a night to two, and I STILL don't have enough time to get it all done.
Having said that, I'm gonna raise the white flag on this one. Is there anybody out there who wants to take this idea and run with it? I can provide the players list and the victory conditions I've got, along with a hand-built map, but there's just no way I can set up and administer the games if I wanna have any chance at all of getting the SMAX guide together in the reasonably near future...
::hanging my head in defeat::
January 20, 2000, 18:50
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OK, here's how it works. I'm going to assume you know as little about PBEM as you imply (ie, nothing) so don't be offended if this is alittle obvious.
Firstly, someone creates a multiplayer-Hotseat/Play-By-Email game in much the same manner as a normal game. I'm guessing that this is also how a multiplayer simultaneous is set up. The setting-up is usually done by a neutral party, or by the Gaians (since they play first). This first turn is then saved (or if the Gaians set it up, played and saved).
The setter-up then mails everybody in the game a list of the people playing and the factions they are playing - in the order listed on the faction choice screen. This is important, since that is the order of play, and therefore people can find the next player from it. The turn is then mailed to the first human player on the list.
When it is your turn, you will receive the turn on an email (obviously). You then choose multiplayer from the main SMAC menu, followed by either load existing or Hotseat/PBEM-load existing (I can't quite remember the exact order off-hand). You will have the usual load confirmation screen, then you will be prompted for a password. The first turn will prompt you twice, just to confirm it. Other turns will only ask you once.
Now, just play the turn as usual. When you've finished, SMAC will tell you "Turn Complete", and wait in case you need to do something vital. This means that when you have really finished, you MUST click the turn complete button. Now select save and exit, save the game and email it to the next human player.
Now, the only real gameplay change is in diplomacy - obviously this won't happen real-time. To contact a human player, select their commlink freq. as usual, and a huge diplomacy dialogue will come up. displayed are the two parties involved, the negociation state, various proposals and a text box. What you do is this: select whatever proposal you are OFFERING. This will appear in your box. Type any messages you want in the text box - remember to press enter. DON'T, whatever you do, click Accept at this stage. Instead click end communiation. On the other players turn, they will receive the same box. The general procedure is always the same, and basically theefold, as follows:
1) If you wish to make an OFFER, do so. Note that the status changes to negociating above both parties. Click End Transmission.
2) If you wish to DECLINE an offer, click Decline. The communication is now ended until another comm-link is initiated.
3) If you wish to ACCEPT an offer, click Accept. The communication is now complete, and the transaction detailed is carried out. ONLY DO THIS IF YOU LIKE BOTH SIDES OF THE OFFER, otherwise your opponent may get something for nothing.
Council is pretty self-explanatory.
Hope this makes sense and helps!
A British poll of the most hated people of the 20th Century gave the following result
1) Adolf Hitler. 2) Josef Stalin. 3) Chris Evans.
January 20, 2000, 19:34
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i myself cannot take it over alone, but i could co-CMN this with somebodyif somebody wanted to volunteer...i could definatly help run this and come up with victory conditions...Tau Ceti if your listening maybe you could help me out some here...but vel send me the file and i'll see what i can do...
January 21, 2000, 07:56
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Hmmm... I see I have been called upon to volunteer for CMN duty. I guess I could do it... This type of game sounds like rather a lot of work, and I am not sure how good I will be at making victory conditions, but still, let me see what I can do. There being at least two of us reduces the workload a bit. Vel, please send me the files too:
January 21, 2000, 09:27
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Thank you both....and when I get home this evening, I'll gather the goods together....

January 26, 2000, 19:13
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Bumping thread.
Keep us posted on any developements, guys!
February 24, 2000, 17:56
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Resurrecting thread. What's happening about this? Info, please!
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