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Old June 23, 2000, 13:51   #1
Alinestra Covelia
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Weapons vs Armor types?
Hey, guys, I just remembered something in the manual. One of the tables at the back of the book said something about how certain types of armor were better against certain types of weapon - so for instance you wouldn't actually choose neutronium armor against a certain attack because it wouldn't defend as well as silksteel armor (even though numerically silksteel has a lower Defense value).

Does anybody know if this is a manual print of a beta version which got taken out before the game shipped, or if it really does work? If it does work, then it might be an idea to play without AUTOPRUNE UNITS IN WORKSHOP, because that might actually force you to produce less effective units for your war effort!

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Old June 23, 2000, 13:58   #2
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Sorry, this was not implemented in the game.
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Old June 23, 2000, 14:58   #3
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Interestingly enough, you can still find the coding for it in the Alphax.txt file. It labels each weapon as pulse, projectile, or binary, and each armor as defending against different kinds.

Yours Truly


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