Dont Forget the Chat with firaxis today at 4:00pm(East) at CivFanatics
Patch 1.14f Chat TODAY
Don't forget to come to the PTW 1.14f patch chat with Firaxis today starting at 4 PM EST (9 PM GMT)!
You can access the chat room by going to the Java chatroom page here, or you can use an IRC client such as mIRC or DarkStyle (1.9 MB) to connect to the chat server at then join the channel #civfanatics. The bottom of the forum also has a link to the Java chat room.
ohhhhhh yeeaaaahhhhhhhh
"The modern world is full of the old Christian virtues gone mad." G.K. Chesterton
"Not by force of arms are civilizations held together, but by subtle threads of moral and intellectual principle." - Russell Kirk
Last edited by CrONoS; December 6, 2002 at 16:51.