I meant to mention this when posted about my last game where I was teamed up with Yang. (still hard to believe that! Its like superman teaming up with Lex Luthor, or Doctor Who being the Master's friendly accomplice or Reed richards and Doctor doom...oh you get the idea....

Anyhoo, I'd read in this forum before how the AI will trade cities even when the trade is a stupid thing for it to do. During the War Yang and I had with the morganites Yang had captured Morgan Mettalurgy. He was holding it but morgan was within a few turns of probably getting it back. I had units in the city, but they were air units and we needed a really good garrison unit to hod that base. Also I had the citizen's defense force so if I had the city under my control it would be a better situation. I asked Yang to trade it for one of the bases I had taken from Miriam. I can't remember which one, I didn't really care. I just wanted Morgan Mettallurgy. (I didn't particularly want ANY of Miriam's bases)
I expected it to go smoothly but Yang's response (even though he was submissive) was something like this: "You expect me to give you morgan mettallurgy for that piece of S**T? HAH!"
Whoa! I was taken aback! First I expected him to do it because I'd heard the AI would, and secondly i figured he'd give in to me, his conquerer, anyway. But Yang pretty told me to f**k off with the horse I rode in on! I eventually traded it for another base I had taken from Lal, but I guess whatever I saw was wrong. Yang might be a brutal despot but he ain't stupid.