December 7, 2002, 03:01
Local Time: 07:14
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Apolyton Empire: Story Part II
OOC: Okay, here is the new story thread for Apolyton Empire.
for new readers, click here for the first part of the story.
December 7, 2002, 07:15
Local Time: 13:14
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Is it absolutely necessary for you to clutter up this forum with so many threads about the same thing!
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
December 7, 2002, 08:34
Local Time: 21:14
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Maybe they're trying to make cloth out of it.
Here is an interesting scenario to check out. The Vietnam war is cool.
December 7, 2002, 08:40
Local Time: 06:14
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OOC: I don't think the sections should be based on posts. I think they should be based on time. COincidentally, 700 was reached at the same time as 1403 started. Thus I think from now on new threads should start every three years.
January 9th, 1403
In the Iroquois capital:
The assassin, under interrogation, has broke and said he was from Apolyton...he has said that the Consuls are plotting to destabilize the Iroquois government and invade. (OOC Mellian you decide what the Iroquois government does now). Further evidence: the knives the assassins used were from the Apolyton army.
OOC: I want to make it clear that no one but the Iroquois government and civman's organization knows about this. Thus the APolyton government has no reason to deny involvement. Also, if you can't tell, civman framed teh Apolytonians, so don't say i'm claiming things that didn't happen.
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
December 7, 2002, 11:32
Local Time: 12:14
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To all, recent time restrants means that I am unable to continue in the game. It has really been fun, and I might return at a later date. Kill off my charicter if need be.
Lord Zalzabad
December 7, 2002, 12:32
Local Time: 07:14
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OOC: civman, i create this new thread way early in the was 1403. So still 3 three years per thread
Zalzabad, sorry to hear... but do come back when you have the time again
January 1403
Iroquois Government is pretty surprised by the recent assassination attempt, by Apolyton at that! Hiawatha (sorry for spelling) was Furious, but he can't simply declare war on Apolyton out right. He will discuss it with the Tribal leaders about the matter, to decide on what to do... If they go to war with Apolyton, then America, who seem to be interested in taking them over for decade or so now, would join as part of the Alliance agreement... He will try to discuss it with the other Allies, except America, over the matter...
Mongolia, with the help of Apolyton troops, as finally stoped the Russian offensive, but the front lines became a stalemate at the moment.
Russia ignores Apolyton's threat, as they know that they can't do much to them...the richest and biggest nation in the world. (they have the most gold mines  )
December 7, 2002, 18:02
Local Time: 13:14
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Posts: 219
Winter 1403: January/February
So, Apolyton was once again flowded by the shadow of civil war. Thunderfire couldn't believe it. He had tried to build a strong country.
Defeated nations were rising meanwhile Apolyton was staying slowly falling faster and faster.
That was now exactly one year he has been in power. During some months, he ruled the states then came riots and some rebellions. Yet, Consuls held firmly.
A couple of months ago, Thunderfire had disappeared. He was ill, tired and felt that he didn't have the skills of a ruler. He tried his best but to fall.
Troops, his troops, were roaming the countryside looking for rebels and even murdering innocents whereas he thought they would help people.
He had run away. He had secretly left Apolyton to see his son, Giovanni Vodka.
He did a short trip in England, and there he was horrified. He thought England was badly defeated but there were rising once again. Troops were being trained, factories were built and cannons were funded by hundreds.
England wasn't anymore under the foolish rules of Elizabeth, a new ruler (ooc: i let you Mellian give him/her a name).
He quickly sailed away to America. There, he saw a promising country, the economy was rising. People were rich and happy. They seemed to eat enough and could discuss matters freely. They were also educated.
He thought to Apolyton where he tried to build schools but his project wasn't take in account by much and along fundations of universities had been laid.
He saw also many ships, many warships. But, there were also ships with an English flag.
He learnt that a delegation of England had gone to America to discuss things with America.
Thunderfire was sure of something, something which would seal the doom of Apolyton was coming.
He got in the first boat and sailed to Apolyton.
In Apolyton, he saw once again the same fights, useless ones. Mark looked tired. In facts,f Thunderfire had changed, he nolonger was the strong warrior he used to be. He was feeling old and weak. To hide himself, he was now wearing dark clothes and hide his head in a black hood. Illness had weakened him. Yet, he needed protection
With him, was riding a small group of loyal knights. They were wearing black armours and dark weapons throught the countryside. They were his silent advisors.
He finally came back to Sanhopi. He didn't go to Easthaven residence. He went in a small inn, took a room and wrote.
To Consuls Easthaven, Jack_www
"My friends, my brother in arms, you seemed to have forgotten something. I did a long trip. I saw many things. Among it, I saw two countries stronger than ever: England, our long enemy and America.
One has the army, the other the economy. I'm now nearly sure they are going to ally together. Against what? Against us.
I warn you, act now, regroup our armies, unite our troops once again, our people, let them be free. Put our flags high! Let's fight! I know you can, you are young, you can defeat them."
December 8, 2002, 00:17
Local Time: 05:14
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february 1403
“What? You too? Have you collected nothing but a pittance as well?” “Sir, it was all I could get. That entire part of town—they all claim they haven’t done much business at all, I could hardly collect much from them. They all has the same story, they say they only sell to other Republicans and don’t charge anything for each others’ services—” “I know, I know the story. It’s the third time I’ve heard it tonight.” The local tax administrator interrupted with a sigh. “The poor damn Republicans can’t pay taxes because they haven’t made any money because they refuse to interact with us lesser mortals, right?” The tax collector nodded. Then the tax administrator harumphed vehemently and cast a suspicious gaze on the collector. “Well, it doesn’t seem right. Those Republicans seem to be doing pretty well for themselves to be paying so little. Something has got to give.” The administrator paused and seemed to remember what his job was. “But that’s not our concern. The consuls will figure out what to do. In the meantime, get as many taxes as you can from cooperative people. If the district you’re working seems like this last one, note that and go on to the next one. Someone’s got to pay for things.”
Only after Latentus had left the office of the tax administrators did he permit himself to smile. He was pleased with the turnout to the tax reduction activities, and more pleased with himself than he should have been for having come up with the idea and organizing its application a little less than a year before. He was somewhat rueful that anyone who wanted a reorganization of government was automatically called a Republican and rather concerned about what the consuls’ reaction to this would be. He knew the number of participants wasn’t anywhere near large enough to be able to bring the consuls down, but as near as he could tell, the revenue shortfall would be enough to make things tight for the consuls, though they would probably squeeze by. Would they decide to cut programs? Whatever they did, the participants of what Latentus liked to think of as the ‘New Society’, who ranged from OJDP members to Republicans to peasants to aristocrats, would be reasonably secure in their cooperatives, where the standard of living had gone down slightly for some due to isolation but overall remained reasonably high. Hopefully they would be more powerful next year. Latentus realized he had stopped and was staring idly at the stars. Well, if that’s to be the case, he thought as he started to walk again, I’ve got work to do.
The Head Historian looked out the window at the ranks of people drilling at arms practice. They were members of the cooperative the Great University had silently attached itself to that had opted to join a program teaching in combat. These practices were being kept very secret, and even inside cooperative were passed of as merely “youngsters’ games.” Yet these people were clearly not playing. The energy and determination present in them were frightening even to one who had seen as much as the Head Historian had. The most terrifying aspect of it all to the Head Historian’s thinking was the silence. Everything was done quietly. From the construction around the cooperative that was stealthily being turned into fortifications to the battle drills themselves, everything was done with barely a sound, save an abnormal quasi-whistling they all communicated in. What had began as a necessity of not attracting attention had quickly evolved into not just a form of communication, but an identity, a unifying aspect for these spirited people. Suddenly a loud trilling sounded across the grounds, breaking the Head Historian from his reverie. That was the signal for the people to stop their evening after-dinner work or training and disperse to their homes or the dormitories in preparation for sleep. The grounds quickly emptied. For a time, all would be quiet.
December 8, 2002, 00:31
Local Time: 06:14
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Posts: 771
Consul Easthaven just finished reading the letter from Thunderfire. He had just gotten back from Vikan and placed Apep II back in a cell. This cell was unknown to everybody. It was nearly invincible as a cell can be. Constantly being gaurded by the most professional soldiers, each soldier individually knows the time they must relieve the other soldiers. The times change, only the specific gaurd soldiers know the changes. The cell is also being gaurded by multiple gaurdsmen, in and out. Any attempt whatsoever of possible escape APep II will be shot. Nobody enters or leaves the perimeters but the gaurds and Easthaven. Impossible for any escape whatsoever.
Anyways, Easthaven held Thunderfire's letter in his hand.
Where was the old man? Where had he been? And why is he so sure America and England will go to war with us? He thought.
Maybe I should mobilize our armies, but what if he's wrong? Either way, can't hurt to pray for peace but prepare for war.
"Sergeant!" He called from his tent.
A veteran, battle hardened man entered.
"Its time we stepped up training...
The Armies of Easthaven began more intense training. Easthaven himself toured around the nation checking up on each military outpost and giving speeches to them all. Inspiration filled the ranks as each man's morale seemed to uplift immensely. The end to the idleness did much for the soldiers. They began training in new methods of fighting every day, from sun up to sun down. Easthaven also began sending men to Mongolia to replace the soldiers already there and bring them back home. He planned to do this often to give his troops more combat experience so they don't get rusty, also to test his new methods and bring the tired combatants home to rest and replenish. Apolyton's military was the strongest and the most fierce in the world... They would never break or falter under pressure...
EDIT: Also, a tag was placed on Roxy and the Loyalie family to be monitored and observed, An undetectable most professional soldier is on it. The most subtle man ever, nobody will have a clue he is even there.
Last edited by Easthaven I; December 8, 2002 at 00:47.
December 8, 2002, 00:43
Local Time: 06:14
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Posts: 771
Letter posted throughout Apolyton.
From Easthaven.
It has come to my attention that some Apolytonians have refused to pay taxes. This is not right. Everybody is equal therefore everybody should pay taxes. It is not fair to those who work hard and pay taxes for the upkeep of the nation while others simply don't pay and get paid for by the honest folk. The taxes aren't even that high anymore since the last tax cut. Therefore refusing to pay taxes is one who is refusing to be an Apolytonian citizen. If you do not pay taxes which every citizen has to in every country then you will be jailed, time to be determined. So, to the minority who take advantage of the cooperative honest tax payers, you must pay taxes like everyone else or face enjailment for breaking the law. It is only fair and just.
December 8, 2002, 05:42
Local Time: 22:14
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occ: The Archbishop really doesn;t know a thing about the republican movement, his only contact through his servant.
The Archbishop saw another year slipped by, as his birthday rolled on. The oldest man in the church, Power was also getting tired of these games. He wished that the endless strife would end and that there would be peace to apolyton.
He sat down thinking of the fragile nature of apolyton. Indeed there would be a war if events continued, a war that would end Apolyton preeminece on world afairs. He vowed that this war shall not pass. Picking up pen, and dipping it into the ink, he wrote in his best Apolytoner to the Counsuls, one each expalining the postioning of the Republican movement and its aims. He also wrote of the plan to break melian out of gaol, and her current whereabouts.
Now he waited, to see what the Counuls would do. He did wish to see his flock have a say in their government, but could not se apolyton fall into civil war once more. If he was taken to Sanhopi gaol, he knew he would not last long, but then again a man of faith and of the cloth, would not be treated as such.
As a final percaution he sent his servant home, giving him orders to be passed along, if he was indeed imprisoned.
Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.
December 8, 2002, 13:05
Local Time: 07:14
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OOC: Hey! don't you dare take the credit for rescuing Mellian or take credit for whatever she does.
December 8, 2002, 13:33
Local Time: 05:14
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The Cooperatives continue to expand numerically and in size as a stream of people continue to leave the Apolytonian economy for that of the New Society. They have their own farms, schools, smithies, etc., though they still rely on external mines for raw materials, but they are working towards purchasing one of their own. The solidarity and progress of the Cooperatives continues both in Apolyton and abroad.
OOC: I think it would take more than two years for England to rearm and America to turn on us.
Last edited by foolish_icarus; December 10, 2002 at 11:52.
December 8, 2002, 15:46
Local Time: 04:14
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How can you controll what millitary does Foolish_icarus?
Oh yes one more question, would we know that it is you trying to get people not to pay their taxes?
To Consul Easthaven(secret):
I would like to know what your feeling would be about chaning our current system of government once more. I am sick of always having to fight rebels off and it tries me.
TO all of Apolyton:
Latentus, fromer domestic advisor is also wanted for high treason. We are also putting out drawings of what he looks like and would like any with information to step foward. They is a 100 gold reward for any information leading to the capture of this man and also Mellian, even if you think they look somewhat like the person, report it aways. Even if you think that the person you see is not them, these people are good at tricking people and making them think that they are someone else then who they truely are.
December 8, 2002, 16:39
Local Time: 05:14
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The letter read:
To the Consuls
From Latentus
Why am I being charged with treason? I have not perpetrated anything against you or the present government, even though it is questionable whether you are legitimate. i haven't even claimed my old position. I am merely a private citizen, exercising the powers of speech that you claim everyone possesses. This letter has been distributed attached to a copy of my wanted poster. We look forward to hearing your response.
OOC: I'll change my last post if you want, but it seemed reasonable. These people share the same ideals and are used to each other and have practiced drilling together (though they try their best not to let that be known). If they work and fight better when they are together than when they are seperated, the military would almost certainly choose the course of action that gets the best results, but it's your call.
You might very well suspect Latentus of the tax reduction scheme, but it is very unlikely you would have concrete evidence, since the organization of the process was pretty much limited to word of mouth. But your character probably wouldn't have any problem fabricating evidence.
As to the tax reduction scheme, those people were obeying the letter if not the spirit of the law. They did pay their taxes, but they were pittances because they had mostly stopped using Apolytonian currency and had gone back to bartering amongst themselves. So they didn't pay much in taxes because they hadn't made much money. That's the mechanics of the scheme anyway, so there's not really anything that's technically illegal, they found a loophole.
December 8, 2002, 21:14
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February 24th, 1403
Given that the assassination attempts were on the Grand Chief and teh two people in line to inherit the throne, Iroquois officials have begun investigating the third and fourth in line for the throne.
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
December 9, 2002, 01:20
Local Time: 22:14
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The Archbishop went into Counsul Easthaven's chamber. 'My lord this is where the rebels hold out, and this is where the traitor Melian is hiding.........'
The Consul looked on and nodded.
Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.
December 9, 2002, 02:17
Local Time: 07:14
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TO all of Apolyton:
Latentus, fromer domestic advisor is also wanted for high treason. We are also putting out drawings of what he looks like and would like any with information to step foward. They is a 100 gold reward for any information leading to the capture of this man and also Mellian, even if you think they look somewhat like the person, report it aways. Even if you think that the person you see is not them, these people are good at tricking people and making them think that they are someone else then who they truely are.
March 1403
After reading the latest government flyers, Mellian thinks to herself...
why is it that i get the impression that they mind readers or something?
That same day, she spoke with her boss, as Lois, discussing the matter concerning of these flyers. She told him that she is worried that the military will arrest her for simply looking like someone she isn't...especially if some moron like Joe goes off telling them about her.
She also said, "if i get anymore trouble over these flyers, i may have to leave Vegeimon City like she left Vikan"
"Don't you worry Lois, i won't let them get ya. Besides, your the best Barmaid i ever had and would hate to lose ya to these 'Consuls'..." Clark, her boss, replies (OOC: don't expect a love story now  )
So she stays around, after being confident about her bosses' position on the matter. Yet, doesn't stop her from making arrangements to leave, if the pressure continue to rise...
OOC: she as a room at the Inn, where stays... so the Inn is a home and workplace... also means she won't go out in the open very often either...
the new English leader is Prime Minister Cromwell of the first English Republic  ...and the possible American and English alliance won't be a friendly one either.
December 9, 2002, 19:14
Local Time: 06:14
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Posts: 771
OOC: Ok, if you don't pay taxes and you are an Apolyton citizen living in Apolyton then that is illegal, there is no loophole. Your post does seem a little exaggerated to me but that's ok. Also, you don't control the military so what you said doesn't happen. And about 'your kind' what is your kind? And why would people leave Apolyton currency for a lower standard of living? And how would people survive well if they don't have Apolyton currency? Bartering is possible but only if the people of this 'secret society' live very close to each other. And I doubt this society is big enough to be spread out throughout apolyton while still having enough people to barter with. So that would mean this society is in one distinct location where they are close enough to barter and share so they could survive without having one ounce of money. Even then you have to pay taxes, you own property well you pay taxes. If you are a damn citizen you have to pay taxes, I see no loophole in this. You either pay or you don't and if you don't you break the law.
As for the military, well it is indiscriminate. It isn't going to create a unit just solely for 'a kind'. You get all mixed up when you enlist. It does not promote individualism or discrimination. If you are a soldier then every other Apolyton soldier is your brother. The Military does not want individualists, they want teamplayers with individual soldiers contributing something to the team. The unit isn't made for the soldiers, the soldiers are made for the unit.
Mellian, and how does England magically become a republic after forever being a monarchy? I would have found England more inclined of a new king rather than totally destroying their historical, traditional, and glorified royalty. Just wonderin...
December 9, 2002, 19:21
Local Time: 06:14
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Posts: 771
To Jack:
I am impartial to any kind of government change. As long as it ensures the people's safety and the nation's security.
December 10, 2002, 02:35
Local Time: 12:14
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Posts: 60
March 1403
Apep I had for some reason he did not quite understand, headed for Vegimon City. Due to the fact that he had kept away from the road all the way there, it had taken him months. Finally though he had made it.
"Boy, am I thirsty" he said to himself and walked into the first bar he encountered. He ordered a beer and was surprised to see a familiar face deliver it to him...
(OOC: I apolodise for yet another unlikly escape, but I wanna kill Apep I myself, plz!)
December 10, 2002, 05:15
Local Time: 07:14
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Posts: 1,782
easthaven, i already stated before that England was having internal troubles and risk having civil war. monarchists versus parliamentarists. parliament won with a lot of support and Cromwell is currently the transitional prime minister, until a formal election is organized. Apolyton doesn't need to know what goes on all the time...and will be a burden to me  Hey, mmtt made it happen, faster then i have planned... but i also agree that take some time before England recovers bit more, especially after a quick damaging civil war. America may discuss the possibilities with England, but doesn't seriously mean they will go to war with Apolyton.
first, you or jack or mmtt as a monopoly on the military and second, unrealistic that everyone in the Large military will support the Consuls...or that their support couldn't have changed since the Consuls took power.
so nothing wrong that icarus does a fw minor things concerning the military.
about taxes....pretty to collect taxes within cities, but bit harder out in the boneys. Cooperatives doesn't automaticly to lower quality of living too.... which wouldn't make big of difference in comparison to their quality of life before the co-ops.
but i agree that they couldn't grow and spread to fast too.
March 1403
It took a minute before she realized who she recently served, meaning that she didn't look surprised or showed that she recognize him. Hey, she is quite busy tonite and not into spending to much time serving anyone.
What is the crazy fanatical Apep I doing here??? He sure didn't seem to be in the best of health...physically, as his insanity was never questionable according to her opinion.
Best she can do is just ignore him, or simply avoid giving any indications she recognized him or let anything out that she actually is Mellian... especially now, with the rise in pressure by the Consuls.
why does the world have to be so small........?
OOC: why does the Apeps have such interest in her or their luck to find her
easthaven, why is it Apep II locked up again after helping ya?
what happened to Harrington other then being arrested for having republic views? i'm planning to use her...and her ex-unit next post.
December 10, 2002, 07:54
Local Time: 13:14
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Posts: 219
OOC: ex-unit is under Giovanni Vodka command at York/Newcastle. Harrington dunno...
I won't post much because I'm not so interested in this story.
December 10, 2002, 14:17
Local Time: 07:14
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Posts: 1,782
OOC: then make it interesting
December 10, 2002, 14:19
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April 16th, 1403
Grand Chief Hiawatha is very ill. (OOC: his food was poisoned).
After a vast investigation, the Iroquois authorities have discovered that the current heir to the throne was involved. He has been executed.
civman has successfully gotten himself smuggled into Apolyton after the execution. He is residing in Gowoasanwein and using the pseudonym "Siginew Frattol." Within 2 months he will be fluent in Apolytonian.
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
December 10, 2002, 17:20
Local Time: 04:14
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To All Apolyton:
Many people think that they can get out of paying taxes by joining co-ops and not using Apolyton currency. I am here to tell you that this will no longer be the case. Anyone who trades, must caculate the value of the goods they reviece, and consider it as income and pay taxes based on that. If you do not comply you will be thrown in Jail as a result. All in Apolyton must pay taxes for the things the government does for the people.
To Consul Easthaven(secret):
I grow tried of running all of Apolyton, I would like to see if we can end this consitent rebellion that many groups in Apolyton want to have. It appears to me that the people of Apolyton want a republic, and soon people may begin to hate us, after all we have done for Apolyton. I would welcome any ideas you have on this matter.
Mellian, the Consuls are the ones that run the millitary, so how could he do something with it? It is different if part of millitary rebells or something like that, but making units on our own is not what happens in the millitary, they put you in what ever unit they need you in, not give you our own special unit for you and your friends.
December 10, 2002, 19:53
Local Time: 05:14
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Latentus, due to the fact that he is being charged with treason, has gone into hiding/more actively trying to stay unnoticed. He no longer goes out into public, even in disguise, but he still has contact with the outside world, he is by no means isolated. He just is staying away from any public situations. And incidentally, the cooperatives are continually operating more and more without the government’s support. Taxing barter: extremely difficult. Changing records to reduce taxes will happen, there is no way to know about it or stop it without spending more money than you would normally lose.
(If people trade items that have the same value, do they have to pay taxes on that even though neither side makes money?)
OOC: concerning the military: I’ve edited my post. I still hold that it was reasonable, but if as the supreme military commander you wish to now allow that, that’s certainly within your character’s power, though I don’t see why it would be done. It wasn’t creating a separate military, it wasn’t creating a unit for ‘a kind’ (which I don’t recall mentioning) it was merely organizing based on how well people cooperate, which would mean that people from the communes would naturally be put together. Even though your character has disallowed this, many will still retain their ideas and old loyalties and group themselves as much as is possible. You don’t control these people utterly, you haven’t brainwashed them, they aren’t your mindless zombies, you merely issue them orders. Certainly some people from the cooperatives will succumb to the general order, but these are very zealous people, many will maintain their individuality, even if they can’t express it in the military.
Concerning the taxes: Look again at my previous posts. The people in the cooperatives did indeed pay taxes (mostly property taxes but since the concept of income tax very seldom existed in that period I figured property taxes would be low to compensate for the burden of the income tax). “If you are a damn citizen you have to pay taxes”: I wasn’t aware there was a tax for merely existing. You yourself said that taxes would be at a lower rate for peasants, well: these people now have the income of peasants. The mechanics of it all works, what I said is perfectly realistic. The cooperatives aren’t huge and everyone in them is united by ideology, so standard of living isn’t decreased that much. They are joining these societies because that’s what they feel is right and what will lead to the best result. The cooperatives are not one giant physically connected society, (though there is interaction between them and the rest of Apolyton, they aren’t entirely isolated) they are bunches of people in different locations who share some common ideas and some ways of life. I haven’t claimed their growth is exponential or they have taken over; just that they exist and are growing, that’s all I wanted to establish.
Also, if you were going to charge Latentus with something, why did you wait so long?
December 10, 2002, 20:28
Local Time: 06:14
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 771
OOC: Why is Apep II locked up? because he is, it doesn't concern mellian. I have my reasons, he ain't gonna be locked up forever, chill out. Besides he still has another character roaming around. As for Harrington, she was one of the political prisoners set free. So she's all yours.
As for the military, we didn't say 100% were 100% loyal. We just said the great majority were loyal and trustworthy. Why wouldn't they be? Many reasons why they would be then why they wouldn't be.
As for taxes, well yes taxes for peasants were lowered but they weren't nonexistant. I said they were low but they still have to pay what needs to be paid.
The Consuls do have ultimate power over the military where they say what goes and what doesn't go. We don't take over ARM and say pro-consul ARM members are growing and getting stronger in the Republican movement...We create the policies and such for the military and we say what is to be discouraged and what is encouraged. And the intentional grouping of 'cooperatives' in units and such won't happen, its the way the military is. Like I said it is indiscriminate, once you enlist you are placed where you are needed or just where there's an open slot, not where or who you want to be placed with.
To Consul Jack (secret):
I share the same ideas as you. I never liked politics, never thought I'd end up being so involved in it. Besides, I'm not good at it. I'm happy running the armies. A transition to a safe and secure government should be a new priority. I have no idea what kind of government should be put in place, like I said I'm a military man not a politician. You have my full backing on any decision you make. Maybe we should invite a meeting of all opposition parties, a great summit of Peace. Except for the council of Apolyton who are just barbarians. But all the others should be welcomed at this summit. As well as the people, representatives picked from among the people to speak for the people. All the secret organizations and such do not speak for the people, they speak for themselves. Therefore, we should pick out representatives from among the people, peasants and rich alike.
Field Marshall Easthaven I
December 11, 2002, 04:42
Local Time: 22:14
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: The Hand of Sheep, the Hand of Death
Posts: 2,271
The Archbishop still waits for Easthaven's response. After telling the Counsul of Melian's whereabouts, he still awaits to see what will become of him
Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.
December 11, 2002, 20:01
Local Time: 06:14
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 771
"Well Archibishop, I appreciate your loyalty, not to me but to Apolyton. And I am glad you came to me. Men have now been sent to keep an eye on Mellian to see if what you say is true. We now can see them all and they do not know nor do they see us. Do not tell anybody of our meeting. Also Archibishop, I would like to ask you if you'd be willing to enlist some of your priests into the military to act as chaplains, so we can bring some religion to our soldiers. So we may give our soldiers somebody to talk to when they need somebody to listen. I am not a very religious man but many soldiers probably are, I do not believe there are any athiests whatsoever once the swords begin clashing and musket balls begin flying. Therefore, for the sake of adding to morale I would appreciate if some of your priests became chaplains. So, take care of the church Archbishop, give religion to those who want it. If you need any aid I will try my best to give it. If that is all then it was good of you to come, you are free to speak to me anytime about any issue."
He stood up.
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