This turnchat was a complete f***-up.
For a few reasons.
Firstly, Voltaire's absence. Being an inactive alpha talent (aka Diablero) isn't so bad - the game doesn't suffer too much from their inactivity. But we need the Governors to actually do their jobs, and actually make their orders. Without it, it slows the turnchats down immensely. Which is why I've pushed for Voltaire's impeachment.
Secondly, incomplete orders. We all slip up, but in future, please check to make sure your orders are all there, particularly with the Governors and terraforming.
Thirdly, unclear orders. Please do not post in the orders thread unless you're actually posting orders. Leave the spam and negotiations for somewhere else. It slows things down if I have to wade through ten posts of spam for every useful set of orders. On the same note, the governors may well want to think about following Maniac's lead - the setting out of his orders made any in Jedinica province a lot faster to go through.
And fourthly, a couple of things on my end that couldn't be helped. My ISP went all screwy and started lagging badly, and then I got an important phone call. For that, I apologise.