I've had a problem in several SMAC-X games with "Terranx" errors. Typically, it involves a single tile; attacking an opponent on this tile brings up a dialog box which starts as follows:
TERRANX caused an invalid page fault in
module TERRANX.ICD at 015f:004bf973.
Any ideas what could be causing this? And has anybody else experienced similar difficulties?
Barry, I bet you are using a Dell computer and a wheelmouse. The solution is to disable the wheelmouse program. If you are using a microsoft intelligent mouse, the program is mswheel.exe. You do Crtl-Alt-Del to bring up the list of operating programs. Then kill mswheel.ese SMAC should then work just fine.
I'm using a Logitech trackball, on a Micron. Still, you may be right: the trackball driver TSR could be causing the page fault. I'll try replacing it, and see if the same problem occurs.