Subliminal on another thread...
I'm new to civ modding, scenario creation although I have alot of programming (c++) knowledge which looks to be of no use in creating civ2: ToT scenarios/mods, and I know hardly anything about graphics. I've seen the animated units on the normal game but when I make a mod using units.bmp (which cant be animated I know) there 2D so how can I make/convert to animated which i assume is the .spr files.
Subliminal, if you haven't already,
pleeeeease meet Angelo and Mercator. You've a valuable talent from which many on this forum could benefit.
Angelo has written on a program (CSPL) that enhances events in ToT scenarios. Not a macro language, "it accesses Test of Time memory and continuously reads and writes data following a pre-defined program written by the CSPL user." It requires C++ programs to do it, a feat beyond virtually all scenario designers (except Darthveda). His examples, which provide several valuable capabilities, need debugging. Once debugged, they could be plugged, with minimal editing, into a new scenario without C++ knowledge. He's also working on a second generation version that uses an higher level macro language as input. Although busy learning his joy, physics
, he is very helpful and I suspect could use a hand.
Mercator, as you've read, is encoding a sprite editor. AFAIK, it relies on i/o to a standard format, so that you can use a standard graphics editor to create ToT graphics. I believe he's essentially decoded the sprite format, and is well on his way to writing the program. Well known and greatly appreciated for a number of utilities, he appears jammed for time on this one. Many are drooling with anticipation for this. Perhaps he too could use help.