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Old July 12, 2000, 13:27   #1
Alinestra Covelia
ACDG The Human HiveRise of Nations Multiplayer
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Local Date: October 30, 2010
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Hotseat query
Right now I am kicking the AI's arse in a hotseat game with a friend. However, though I am pacted with my friend, there are a few things that I can't work out how to do:

1) How do I exchange bases with a human player?

2) How do I donate units to a human player?

I already owe him three techs and a commlink frequency! I can only really pay him back in cities and units, as I'm playing as the Hive!

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Old July 12, 2000, 15:44   #2
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I don't believe you can exchange bases with human players. As for donating units, I suppose you do it the same way as with the AI. You put a unit in his/her territory and press ctrl-u (?) to give it away. I must say that I never give away units, so I don't know if I got the right key combination and if it also works with human players, but you can just try that.
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Old July 13, 2000, 18:47   #3
Helium Pond
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As far as I know, there is no actual in-game mechanism for doing this, but you could probably "cheat" it by:

1) find a mutually firendly faction
2) trade them the base you want to give away
3) have your friend trade with them to get that base from them.

Of course, this isn't anywhere near a perfect solution, because a) you wind up with a probably-usesless base from the patsy faction, and b) your friend has to give up a base to get their "gift." But it does achieve the goal of transferring bases without having to go to fake war and let your friend take your base over. I'm assuming that the whole base-trading thing is easy with the AI, cuz Vel said it was in his big strategy doc; I've never done it much myself, so I can't say.
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