You're pretty close.
Everything is multiplied by the difficulty factor. 1-6, Chieftain-Deity.
Population consists of 1 point for every specialist or content citizen in your civ, and 2 points for every happy citizen. This score is multiplied by Difficulty.
Territory is 1 point for every tile within your cultural borders. This score is multiplied by Difficulty.
Future technology I'm not sure on, but it's something like 50 points per each. This score is multiplied by Difficulty. I think this is a one time only deal as well, either that or it's significantly lower than 50 points. The most tech score I've ever gotten was 17.7 points with 26 future techs on Deity, so basically it's a non-factor anyways.
Adding Population + Territory + Technology up gives you your turn score. Adding up every turn score and then dividing by the number of turns played yeilds the base score. Then the bonus is added.
The bonus is simply by date, the formala is (2050 - Date) * Difficulty. It is awarded for any victory condition.
"tout comprendre, c'est tout pardonner"