View Poll Results: Should the FAM be authorized to establish pacts and alliances as detailed below
Yea 26 78.79%
Nay 7 21.21%
Abstain 0 0%
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Old December 10, 2002, 01:59   #1
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SENATE BILL: Grand Alliance Authorization Act
Poll Options
1. "Yea"
2. "Nea"
3. "Abstain"
Poll Duration: 3 days (72 hours)

This poll will last for 72 hours. It should end at ~5 GMT on Friday, December 13th, 2002.

As according to the Constitution:

Quorum is 14

"To pass, the proposed law must receive more “yea” votes than “nay” votes. It must also meet the quorum."
"Any “abstain” votes are considered solely for quorum purposes. “Abstain” votes may not be considered “yea” or “nay” votes."

The bill being voted upon:


To authorize the Foreign Affairs Minister to establish mutual protection pacts and alliances with other nations potentially opposed to Germany

Be it enacted by the Senate of the Apolytonian Republic here assembled,

1. That the Foreign Affairs Minister is hereby empowered by the Senate ([/U]but not obligated[/U]) to form mutual protection pacts with Greece, the Aztecs, and England either before or soon after the start of hostilities with Germany. The Foreign Affairs Minister is given discretion over whether such pacts will be signed with any and/or all of the stated foreign powers and under what conditions such pacts will be formed. Any financial payments which need to be made to form such pacts must be approved by the President or the Senate (as this Bill does not constitute a financial authorization by the Senate, merely the authorization of the power to form such agreements).

2. That the Foreign Affairs Minister is hereby empowered by the Senate (but not obligated) to form military alliances against Germany with the Greece, the Aztecs, and England if mutual protection pacts are not signed with them. Such military alliances may be signed by the Foreign Affairs Minister if and when hostitlies between Apolytonia and Germany break out. The Foreign Affairs Minister is given discretion over whether such alliances will be signed with any and/or all of the stated foreign powers and under what conditions such alliances will be formed. Any financial payments which need to be made to form such alliances must be approved by the President or the Senate (as this Bill does not constitute a financial authorization by the Senate, merely the authorization of the power to form such agreements).

3. That the Foreign Affairs Minister is hereby empowered by the Senate (but not obligated) to form military alliances against Germany with Rome, Japan, India, Russia, Babylon, Persia, Zululand, China, and the Iroquois if and when hostilities between Apolytonia and Germany have broken out. The Foreign Affairs Minister is given discretion over whether such alliances will be signed with any and/or all of the stated foreign powers and under what conditions such alliances will be formed. Any financial payments which need to be made to form such pacts must be approved by the President or the Senate (as this Bill does not constitute a financial authorization by the Senate, merely the authorization of the power to form such agreements).
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Old December 10, 2002, 02:01   #2
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Old December 10, 2002, 02:02   #3
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(Speech by FAM)

Esteemed Senators,

It seems clear that it is your intention to lead our great nation into war with Germany. If I may briefly summarize what I have come to understand as the consensus of this body concerning the reason for such a war, it is that we see Germany as the last remaining obstacle to our hegemony in both military and technological ascendency upon Abananaba and beyond. Recognizing Germany as the last obstacle to our ascendancy and pinpointing Germany's leadership in technological research as the source of the trouble they cause Apolytonia, we have set out a war goal of destroying Germany's ability to lead in technological research.

In pursuit of that goal, we have been discussing means by which it can be met through specific military planning. However, the operational planning of our military campaign will not be enough in this new age. Changes in international diplomacy mean that to simply declare war upon our sizable and advanced foe would likely mean that we would be quickly faced with a monstrous alliance of many foreign powers bent on stopping our invasion of Germany. The secret to interdicting this possibility is to build just such an alliance ourselves, against Germany.

The sentiment for such an alliance already exists among many a foreign power. Germany is not well-loved any more than we are. There are many foreign nations which have long-standing issues of contention with Germany and the fact that most foreign nations currently pay Germany large sums of money in return for technological secrets has created a resentment for German technological prowess far beyond Apolytonia. It is also the case that the German work on a so-called "super-weapon" rumored to be called the "Tiger" has worried not only Apolytonian military planners, but those in many other nations. The growing malice and hunger for power and territory by the heinous German state has been noticed by others and they fear it greatly. It would not be impossible to tie those many nations together to stand against the German threat.

There is additional information that our intelligence service has been successful in uncovering from Germany. Though we would obviously want to keep our sources and methods secret, much of this information about the foul plans of Chancellor Bismark could be shared with those who already fear him and may induce them to quickly join our grand alliance against him. We may yet have many friends in our pursuit to completely decimate Germany.

What I ask then, is for you, the Senate of this most grand of all republics, to offer me the authority I need to form a grand coalition of many nations, all opposed to the terror of Germany. Together, as members of such a grand coalition, we will form a new world order, one in which Germany will no longer be a threat to peace and stability in Abananaba and in which the mighty and benevolent Apolytonian Republic will be able to provide the security and stability to the whole of Abananaba and the world beyond it that is necessary for a truly prosperous future for all peoples.

The peoples of the world are calling out for us to lead them in this crusade. Will we answer their call to lead them against the German menace or will we defer such leadership and allow them to be corrupted by the evil of Germany? Are we ready to take our place as the world's responsible and noble hegemon or are we still to be mired in the dangerous irresponsibility of the past - a world without leadership? Are we ready to truly become the world's Leviathan, tempering our power with our wisdom enough to truly rule, or are we destined to be destroyed by the excess of our vanity?

It is you, the Senate of this great Republic, which must decide which of these you desire.

Last edited by Arnelos; December 10, 2002 at 03:08.
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Old December 10, 2002, 02:10   #4
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I support this bill. Once we cripple or destroy Germany, we will become the uncontested leader in technology. The next few steps of the game are crutial. If we can DENY other powers the technology to Build ToE, and The Hoover Dam, we will complete them first, insuring our hegemony. The key is the alienation and decimation of Germany. This bill will help us achieve these goals.

Remember.... pillage first then burn.
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Old December 10, 2002, 04:49   #5
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Remember, there are Two Science Wonders Present on the Contenant. One on German Hands and the other one in English hands. As we go to war with Germany, keep in mind that We should be setting out sights on the Future and the Other Science Wonder, that should rightfully be ours. We should start the Preparation for the Next War as we are fighting this one.

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Old December 10, 2002, 08:08   #6
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I support this bill.
And I agree with E_T.
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Old December 10, 2002, 11:55   #7
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I'll support the bill, but would prefer that England be left out of the MPP and that instead we sign a MA with England against Germany when hostiles with Germany break out.
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Old December 10, 2002, 13:10   #8
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Old December 10, 2002, 14:00   #9
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ironically, that speech sound just as menacing as that of the real Senator Palpatine.

I fear for our personal freedoms

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Old December 10, 2002, 16:38   #10
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Good to see this being done and good speech on top of it.

The NewCon hard at work.

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Old December 10, 2002, 21:34   #11
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Nice speech, Arnelos. TO WAR!

Originally posted by ruby_maser
ironically, that speech sound just as menacing as that of the real Senator Palpatine.

I fear for our personal freedoms

Next, our new President will be impeached, and Arnelos will step in to the vacuum... followed by emergency powers due to the war with Germany. *is dragged away by mysterious cloaked agents*
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Old December 10, 2002, 23:46   #12
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Alliances! Mutual Protection pacts! What ever happend to the old Apolytonian unilaterialist way.
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Old December 10, 2002, 23:51   #13
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Are we ready to truly become the world's Leviathan, tempering our power with our wisdom enough to truly rule, or are we destined to be destroyed by the excess of our vanity?
Good line
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Old December 12, 2002, 07:11   #14
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hi ,

an alliance should only be made after the entire "key" government has taken a look at all aspects , then it should be proposed to the people , .....

have a nice day
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Old December 13, 2002, 14:57   #15
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This bill has PASSED

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