December 10, 2002, 14:43
Local Time: 07:23
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The Macky - Mizunderstood War
Thread Rules:
-those who want to comment, give feedback, give an idea, insult and etc, then create a seperate feedback thread or PM me. It is SMAC - Fiction way of doing it, and I prefer it.
-Only time anyone can post in this thread if they have something constructive to add to the story. Meaning, keep it consistent and realistic as this is not a joke story. multi-author stories are fun, creates unpredictibility.
-Keep in mind that i may correct my posts...sometime rewriting some parts if i realize the next day it doesn't make sense, and so on. So don't go off shooting down my writing skills outright now.
-I am doing this for the fun of it. Something i wanted to start, but got delayed a few times... So this may be the first of my Macky stories i have in mind, which each may jump back and forth in different eras and so on.
-since i am terrible at making up names, don't be surprise if i borrow them from elsewhere... if you notice, don't assume that the characters are base on the characters or people i borrowed the name from.
About the Macky
The Macky is a civilization, race, whatever of my own creation...a creation that i have been working on for years and used whevever i can in other fictions and so on. Compare to other stuff i ever created or whatever, this is the most original...yet seen or read anything close to how the Macky is anywhere.
Anyway, off to the first post of the story...
December 10, 2002, 16:17
Local Time: 07:23
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March 14th, 1912 MY (Macky Year)
Chancellor Office, Macky Council, Metropolis
"They did what?!?' Chancellor Mellian, looking up from her desk to the Foreign Advisor
"The Romans, the Americans and the English have place Trade Embargoes on us" Foreign Advisor replies.
"Why would they do that?" she ask before thinking.
"Apparently, they didn't appreciate your message asking them to use proper Diplomatic Channels next time they have complaints" replied the Advisor
Mellian sighs and ask the Chief of Staff to organize an Advisory meeting for this afternoon, to discuss the matter. After the they both left, she turned around to look outside the large window, where she sees the Late-Industrial Era City of Metropolis. So much as change, yet somethings doesn't...
This whole matter with the Romans, Americans and English started when they complained about the Macky's latest annexations of some unclaimed islands, whom they believe to be completly useless other then cluttering up the Pacific and Carribean Oceans. What bothered her is that they went off complaining directly to the newly appointed Governors of those newly colonized islands instead of sending messages directly to her.
Soon afterwards, out of annoyance, she sent them a message asking them that next time they want to complain, use proper diplomatic channels. She also ordered the Navy to sent some more Destroyer Squadrons to the islands. Well, it seems they took it the wrong way and went as far as having Trade Embargoes on the Macky Commonwealth.
She just hopes she can resolve the matter before it goes out of proportions...
OOC: sorry for taking long to do the first post, trying to find a better title then Chancellor and started working on a world map for the story...
December 10, 2002, 17:11
Local Time: 06:23
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Well, since you don't mind this story to be "multi-authored," I'd like to contribute a piece of view from the other side.
September 10, 1961 YOUR (Year since Occidental Unification of Republics)
Office of the Military Advisor of the United Occidental Republics*, General Unscratchedfoot
General was sitting at his table, in front of a huge map of the area in question. He was moving little plastic ships around, and mumbling to himself:
"B-4! Wounded; B-5! Ha, got your Cruiser!"
Suddenly, the door to the room swung open, and his secretary flew in, as if pushed rudely in the back:
"General, Sir Christopher is here to..."
"See you," continued a loud bass, as a large man shoved aside the secretary, and entered the office. General startled and assumed an official expression on his face. The secretary continued to speak in a high-pitched voice, close to hysterics from behind the back of Sir Christopher, standing on her toes in order to be able to see General's face:
"I tried to stop him, but he wouldn't listen, General, he says it's urgent..." Christopher looked at her as if she was some very annoying mosquito. "General, please," she continued in an almost whining voice.
Unscratchedfoot started to slowly get a grip on the situation, and said in a low voice: "You can go now, Elizabeth." At these words, the secretary nodded and quickly quit the room. As the door behind her closed, Christopher approached the table and looked at the map.
- What are you doing here, Scratch?, - he asked
- Well, I was ... uh, making strategic plans, you know. ... With all these forces amassing near our borders and everything, the situation has been getting...
- Rather unpleasant. - Christopher looked at the General incredulously - Look, you know that our alliance is in danger, I know that, and so does our ridiculous President.
- Now, now, Chris, he might be ridiculous, but he is paranoid, too, if you know what I mean. - At these words, Scratch scribbled the word "BUGS" on a piece of paper and passed it to Christopher. He shook his head, and said:
- OK, let's take this out then.
- Doesn't the President trust anybody in the government? - asked Chris, when the two men were outside
- No, only me, - replied Scratch with a chuckle
- Any way, the reason I came to see you is this: I have been running some ... experiments, right off the coast of Baja California for some time now. It's all clean and approved by the government. It was all fine and dandy at first, but then a whole swarm of ships, flying no flags, mind you, approached my area. Well, I don't know exactly what they were doing there, but by some or other law they violated, the government forcefully encouraged them to leave our territorial waters. All but a dozen. And these were forced to show their governmental affiliation: they flew the flag of one Macky ... uh, something, kingdom, I think it is. And these folks, they are serious. Their ships are not just some research vessels that we had - they are real battleships. And these decided to annex the islands they thought were uninhabited. The islands to the west of our coast in the Pacific.
- Look, my geography is kind of weak, islands to the west of our western coast? - The General scratched his head (no pun intended  ). Suddenly, he got it - Hawaii! OK, now they've done it! We're going after them. I am personally going to extend a cordial kick in the butt of the invaders. That Wacky kingdom...
- Uh, it's Macky, Scratch.
*UOR - a commonwealth of western capitalistic nations, including England, the United States, and some other minor countries. It is officially led by the President of the United States, though he has little real power.
December 10, 2002, 17:36
Local Time: 07:23
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 1,782
OOC: I should of thought twice or thrice on let it be a multi-author
Fine, but keep in mind this isn't a Joke Story, so avoid unconsistent sillyness. Also, this isn't base on the real world map...yet names of locations may be familiar.
Macky Commonwealth and they are not unknown. Considered to be the top 5 powers in this story universe...
still working on the map for the story...which i am doing from scratch.
since i dislike OOC only posts, will use it later...only in Apolytons to snatch that flaming smilie
December 10, 2002, 17:53
Local Time: 13:23
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I like part two best!!
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
December 12, 2002, 08:55
Local Time: 12:23
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If at first you don't suceed, Quit and play minesweeper for a bit!!
December 12, 2002, 11:46
Local Time: 12:23
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Is this a NES? Because if it is they are meant to be in the stories and diplomacy forum.
Sorry to spoil the fun mellian I mean its not like I wanted to  .Hope it doesn't make you too angry  Muhahahahahaha
If at first you don't suceed, Quit and play minesweeper for a bit!!
December 12, 2002, 13:38
Local Time: 07:23
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Yes, since you people want to be asses, and not bother reading the thread rules...or follow them... will finish the story on my own time and post a new thread.
multi-author doesn't equate to NES... and if NES belongs to stories and diplomacy, all soties in civ3 - stories without a ending belongs there.
AE is still work in progress, so doesn't count.
December 12, 2002, 14:02
Local Time: 06:23
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Originally posted by Mellian
will finish the story on my own time and post a new thread.
Ah, come on, a couple of negative responses, and you are shying out of writing a multiauthored story?  Don't be such a spoilsport
December 12, 2002, 14:58
Local Time: 07:23
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Pretty childish behavior, just because you've got something against someone doesn't mean you should purposely try to screw up a story. You all need to grow up and get over this whole thing. Just because someone writes something near an NES doesn't mean its worse or better then any regular story. I've read both types and enjoyed them both, all this whining and looking for cheap insults crap is ridiculous.
"Every good communist should know political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." - Mao tse-Tung
December 12, 2002, 19:50
Local Time: 13:23
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Hey Chaotik I respect your opinion and all but this is neither a story or an nes, its merely a shrouded attempt to continue an argument that was supposed to be over!!
You are indeed right it is ridiculous but Mellian has only got herself to blame. I did get angry with her insulting tone when all this first kicked off and have since calmed down and tried as have others to convince her to end this but even though Ming has closed the two as you put it ridiculous threads Mellian has taken to continuing the argument in other threads.
This so called story is a blatant attempt to rub peoples noses in the mire I know it vovan figured it out straight away and Mellian knows it and as such should be thoroughly ashamed of herself for her ridiculous actions.
Ok so she was angry but why continue to antagonise us!
MING this is not a story its an insult aimed at myself and others and as such should be locked NOW!!!
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
December 12, 2002, 20:39
Local Time: 21:23
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Here is an interesting scenario to check out. The Vietnam war is cool.
Last edited by unscratchedfoot; December 13, 2002 at 08:09.
December 12, 2002, 20:57
Local Time: 13:23
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Yes scratch, been getting a fair few lately! irritating at best kind of like this thread.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
December 13, 2002, 00:36
Local Time: 07:23
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I am not going to comment, because it may be considered insulting, "in a insulting tone" that doesn't exist when reading text, and then accused for continuing an argument
I don't care if you people "figure it out", and it is far from being an attempt to insult anyone...despite what some silly people think.
Anyway, will write up the story on my own time, behind the scenes, and post it later... no point getting a barrage of nonsense for every story post i make.
Like Chaotik says, grow up.
...yes poppies are annoying, so do a petition and figure out alternative ways of funding the forum...
December 13, 2002, 01:13
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I meant the people on both sides. You're voluntarily arguing and insulting back and forth, no one is forcing you. Just ignore the storys you don't like and everythings fine. I still don't understand where this whole anti-NES attitude came from, its not like the NESes ever hurt this forum. But I guess its just a case of needing something to blame.
"Every good communist should know political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." - Mao tse-Tung
December 13, 2002, 03:37
Local Time: 13:23
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Chaotik I agree with you but what can I do, ok like you say just ignore certain stories. Thats not a real problem for me but in reality I dont really mind the nes's either and if you did some back reading of threads relating to this issue you would see this. In fact Ive asked Ming directly why there cant be a sub forum attached to civ 3 stories similar to CFC.
I know that by this next statement I risk furthering this but I must point out to you the facts the way I see them. Chaotik look at Mellians last response before your post, it clearly shows the problem here. She starts the post by stating,
"I am not going to comment, because it may be considered insulting"
It starts great and you begin to think she may have come to her senses, then you read on and discover yet more abusive and senseless drivel.
I know you could easily say to me well dont respond and yes you might be right but from the moment I posted a simple complaint last weekend about the number of threads for Apolyton Empire the girl has been insulting me and making ridiculous arguments everywhere I turn.
In my first response to Mellians for those who complain about A E thread I asked the question why did she not PM me if she wanted to put me straight but as she stated next, and you will see this for yourself if you go and look at that thread she wanted this to be public.
As an unfortunate consequence of going public all this broke out and many more people became involved. Turning what was a small complaint on my part into this fiasco.
My biggest fear is that this has put prospective writers off joining the forum or the nes's and I sincerely want Mellian to stop. Chaotik this story is a blatant attempt to continue this issue as it mirrors recent events almost to the letter and is clearly directed at myself and others!
Mellian says she will now leave this which is good, but then says she will work on it privately and post when perfected. I can assure you Chaotik no matter who is wrong or right I will not stand down and allow her to continue to insult me or my friends. If she does continue this farse then I will keep at her until she stops and will not allow her to write this story unopposed!
Finally I make no apology for stating that I find this thread irritating it is simply the truth.
Mellian lets get on with our lives now, this is not the first olive branch I have held out to you. Please stop this story you know its going to cause further difficulties.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
December 13, 2002, 05:37
Local Time: 07:23
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Yes, I realize this thread was just a thinly-vieled insult. The story I meant was AE, its not doing any harm. And about the whole anti-NES attitude I meant how some seemed to think it resulted in a lower "quality" of writing, and didn't belong in the forum even though their basis is in Civilization. A sub-forum would be good, but having them here would work just as well. But anyway, the point was just to ignore people that continually stir things up, and any storys that might annoy you, ignore them as well. At the rate things are going it looks like someone will end up in Mingapulco.  Discretion is the better part of Valor, or something like that. Doesn't quite apply but you know what I mean.
"Every good communist should know political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." - Mao tse-Tung
December 13, 2002, 11:52
Local Time: 21:23
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Long live  !!!
Here is an interesting scenario to check out. The Vietnam war is cool.
December 13, 2002, 13:30
Local Time: 13:23
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Yo scratch you still looking for an argument  well youve had your Xmas present now so youll have to wait for at least another year. Unless that Lucarse character comes back for some more
Thanks for considering my thoughts and responding Chaotik, I think this has finished now and we can all get on with what we do best, writing stories!!
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
December 13, 2002, 17:08
Local Time: 07:23
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G_Reaper and ChrisiusMaximus are both restricted for 48 hours...
I was very serious about this crap being over. I don't care HOW YOU MIGHT HAVE PERCEIVED THIS THREAD.
And Mellian... Keep your NEW story to a SINGLE thread.
The rest of you... contribute serious comments or don't bother to post.
IF THIS CRAP CONTINUES ELSE WHERE... Restrictions next time will be a week. Now act like adults or find some place else to post.
***Added later... upon further review (and many PM's), CM's restriction is reduced to a single day.***
Anybody else want to tempt the fates by continuing this crap
Keep on Civin'
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Last edited by Ming; December 13, 2002 at 19:58.
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