January 7, 2000, 14:34
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SMACX bug reporting thread
This is the input thread for the official SMACX v2 patch bug list. Read Official SMACX v2 bug list thread and post here only those, that are not listed yet on that thread and still occur with the v2 patch.
You can download the patch from www.firaxis.com .
Please, try to use the same record format to make the administration work easier!
If you have save files demonstrating the bug, email them to zsolt@simbiosys.ca with the corresponding BugID and a short description what to look for in the file (e.g. if the bug is related to a particular base, then indicate the faction and name of the base, if it is a unit, then give the location coordinates of the unit on the map).
Thanks a lot,
[This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 07, 2000).]
January 7, 2000, 21:48
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BugID: Free_Stockpile_Energy
Submitter: tfs99, tfs99@sirius.com
Version: Both AX and AC4
Category: ???
Status: Pending
Save before: yes
Save after:
Description: Bases get a free Stockpile Energy each time a facility is completed when another item is NOT in the build queue.
January 7, 2000, 23:05
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Thanks tfs99, but I actualy listed that one as BugID: #0123, Bonus_Stockpile.
A note for everyone reporting new bugs:
The official list has been put up half-ready in the sense, that only BugID, submitter and description fields are filled, the rest of the record is empty/undefined. We are working on them right now, but in the meantime, you can use the following guideline to fill out those in the newly submitted record.
Combat (including capture problems)
Movement (land, sea, air)
UI (preferences, menus, right-click etc)
MultiPlayer (IP, PBEM specific)
Scenario Editor
AI (Artificial Intelligence - computer opponent algorithm)
Unit design (Design Workshop, custom unit problems etc.)
Diplomacy (council, communications)
Faction Editor
Rules (game rule not applied correctly),
Sound (audio errors),
Copyright Protection (cd required for SAMCX)
Crash (game crashes)
Base (administration of facilities, specialists, psych etc in a base)
1 - crash, freeze
2 - major problem, spoils game (e.g. probe bug in PBEM)
3 - important ability/feature unusable in certain circumstances
4 - minor, cosmetic problems or bugs with known workaround
5 - enhancement requests (minor ones listed only!)
Pending - default, not yet assigned
Demonstrated - save file is given
OneTime - once observed, no independent confirmation or save file
Confirmed - no save file, but several players have seen it
Certain bugs may require 2 saves to demonstrate the problem, one before and one after the unexpected behaviour, that's why the 2 separate slots. In other cases use whichever is more meaningful or available.
[This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 09, 2000).]
January 8, 2000, 00:21
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Ooops. And I looked at the list first too!
Oh well, I will go back to playing SMAX now.
SMAX  n ... Ted S.
January 8, 2000, 12:52
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BugID 124 - Empaths:
As far as I can tell this is not a bug - unless it is a misprint. You are not supposed to get Empath specialists with Centauri Empathy; they require Centauri Meditation. I have never had problems with not getting Empaths.
January 8, 2000, 19:47
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BugID: #0099, ICD_crash
Submitter: DarkAvenger, jordanwi@vtcinet.com ; nescience
Version: Alien Crossfire
Category: Crash
Status: Pending
Priority: 1
Save before: N/A (not available)
Save after:
Description: the game crashes when moving units and setting a path for
them to follow. It also crashes
when air units are attacking a city. (the error message makes
reference to TERRANX causing an
invalid page fault in module TERRANX.ICD)
The bug has not been fixed in v2.0. The bug seems dependent upon using screen resolution 1024/768. It occurs when attacking a unit defended by an interceptor. When the interceptor is supposed to jump out and defend, the game crashes. I suspect something similar happens when one sets a path that intercepts a Sealurk.
I will e-mail you a saved game and a notes.rip file.
January 8, 2000, 19:57
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BugID: Patrolling unit bug
Submitter: BustaMike, wordtoyourmother@hotmail.com
Version: AX
Category: movement
Status: Pending
Priority: 3
Save before: yes
Save after:
If this has already been reported, I'm sorry, but I haven't seen it reported yet.
A while ago I was happy to learn that patrolling units could have multiple points to patrol from, allowing the unit to move in a circle instead of a line. After creating several patrol routes like this, I have found that even though the initial route looks like a circle, when the unit begins moving for itself it just runs away into oblivion, totally disregarding the original route.
January 8, 2000, 19:58
Firaxis Games
Local Time: 01:46
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We have never been able to duplicate this bug here, which is why it remains unaddressed. The saves we've got (over 100 a least) never did it here. I've heard a way to fix this is to disable intellipoint mouse software, though how that's related I don't know. I'd be curious though if that worked for you.
firaxis games
January 9, 2000, 00:15
Local Time: 01:46
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Posts: 49
BugID: #whatever the current # is, Earthquake_Destroy
Submitter: Zurai, wmblake@mediaone.net
Version: Alien Crossfire, SMAC
Category: Movement (closest thing)
Priority: 3,4
Save before: N/A (not available)
Save after:
Description: The earthquake pods can and will destroy certain landmarks such as the Manifold Nexus, the Borehole Cluster, and the Unity Crash Site. This should not happen! I have a game now where, even though only 2 little squares of the Nexus have been destroyed by the pod, I no longer get the planet +1, and the nexus is well within my territory.
January 9, 2000, 00:17
Local Time: 01:46
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Posts: 49
BugID: #whatever the current # is, Destroy_Cluster
Submitter: Zurai, wmblake@mediaone.net
Version: Alien Crossfire, SMAC
Category: Movement (closest thing)
Priority: 3,4
Save before: N/A (not available)
Save after:
Description: In addition, any artillery unit can target and destroy the Borehole Cluster. This seriously detracts from the mystique of this landmark, since they are basically pretty regular Boreholes. They should be protected from destruction by artillery.
January 9, 2000, 02:15
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I am not sure, if Earthquake_Destroy should realy be considered a bug, since terraforming up/down also have the same effect - which is probably intentional. If you alter the terrain, then the special landmark gets destroyed. Earthquake does the same.
Anyway I copy it to the list, but I wouldn;t mind hearing how others think about it.
January 9, 2000, 04:48
Local Time: 21:46
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It's Deja-vu all over agian
Submitter: Bblue, gsshell@aol.com
Version: Alien Crossfire
Category: Rules
Status: Confirmed
Priority: 2
Save before: N/A (not available)
Save after:
Description: The TECHSTEAL ability does not work. (This is the 'capture a base; steal a tech' ability of the Cyborgs)
Yep even after the patch :/
Also.. bug #3 is a manifestation of bug #85, I posted alot about that inparticular one.
As far as earthquakes go.. don't really care as long as the game is consistant on how it applies it, personally I think there should be ~50% chance that ANY improvement or terrain feature affected by an earthquake should be destroyed on a square by square basis, as far as the Manifold goes, probably should only whack it if the central sqare is effected.
and most important.. A huge thanks to zsozso for doing the buglist!!!!
"Power does not corrupt; it merely attracts the corruptable"
January 9, 2000, 22:22
Local Time: 17:46
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2 bugs... one old and one new.
BugID: SMACX startup crash after rules select
Submitter: BustaMike, wordtoyourmother@hotmail.com
Version: AX
Category: crash
Status: Pending
Priority: 1
Save before: no
Save after:
This has been happening to me a lot lately. The game crashes after the rules screen passes in a regular start game. Quick start avoids this problem, but who wants to play the same game over and over. If I reinstall SMACX the problem is temporarily fixed, but it comes back.
BugID: map editor elevation problem
Submitter: BustaMike
Version: all
Category: Scenario
Status: Pending
Priority: 3
Save before: no
Save after:
This apppears to be specific to my SMAC game, but every computer I have installed it on has the same problem (maybe my CD?). The elevation editor is apparently broken. I cannot raise or lower terrain; however, I can make flat sea level land squares and ocean shelf squares. If I click on a preexisting land square to try and raise the terrain nothing happens. Same goes for a sea square if I try and lower the terrain to an ocean or trench square. If I lower terrain on any land square regardless of elevation it turns into an ocean shelf square. If I raise an ocean square regardless of depth it turns into a sea level land square. This problem basically makes it impossible for me to create my own maps unless I want every square to look the same.
On an unrelated note, SMAC starts fine for me after the SMACX V2 patch. I heard that the copy protection would cause original SMAC to crash when started from the little menu that lets you choose what game you want, SMAC or X. I have not seen this. Furthermore, the fix for this bug (installing the SMAC V4 patch again) made the SMAC startup crash. This is exactly the opposite of what I've heard is supposed to happen. Weird.
Jeff, thanks for telling me about how it may be possible to fix the bug, but... How do I disable what you said? I have no idea.
Finally, no I don't think the earthquake thing is a bug. The manifold nexus is a building of sorts. Earthquakes destroy buildings. If the building is gone the bonus should be also.
January 9, 2000, 23:05
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Re: Bug #0047
zsozso - native units need no support if they are in fungal squares.
Dunno where to post this so I put this here.
January 10, 2000, 03:38
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BugID: Brood Pit
Submitter: Fistleaf
Version: AX
Category: Rules
Status: Pending
Priority: 4
Save before: no need
Save after:
Description: Brood Pit does not give +1 Life Cycle. Instead, units get +1 Life Cycle only when present inside city.(Similar to Children's Creche effect)
January 10, 2000, 08:42
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I could not find the Alien Crossfire patch on either Firaxis or EA. Do you have a link for it? Thanks.
January 10, 2000, 09:36
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You obviously did not look very hard. It's the first "news" item on the firaxis site...
January 10, 2000, 11:02
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Urban Ranger,
thanks for the native unit explanation!
This is why I love this forum - I can always learn something new about SMAC!
By any chance, do you also have an explanation for the other part of the bug, i.e. why certain captured worms become supported by a base instead of being independent ?
January 10, 2000, 12:15
Local Time: 01:46
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Posts: 30
BBlue--do you have a save of the Techsteal ability NOT working? I've checked that feature several times with no problem. Is it possible the faction in question only had technologies you already have? Also, if the game was created under version 1, the Cyborgs will NOT have that ability (faction characteristics are set at the start of a game, and can't be modified by later versions, to prevent cheating). So if you can send me a save created under version 2, I'd love to take a look at it.
[This message has been edited by Tim Train FIRAXIS (edited January 10, 2000).]
January 10, 2000, 15:47
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Bug #0009, Artillery_Damage
looks to be fixed in v2 SMAX. Don't have a save, but I could make one tonight if there is a need.
Also, the bug reported above (Destroy_Cluster), I would not think of as a bug. Special sites can be removed by manually altering the terrain, so a planetquake should do the same. And since regular boreholes can be destoryed with artillery, there is no reason why the Borehold Cluster should be any different.
January 10, 2000, 15:49
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BugID: #0020, Spore_Launcher_Cross_Fire
I have seen this several times also. I am not sure if it is a bug, but only spore launchers seem to engage in this behavior, I have never seen worms, IODs or locusts attack each other.
What do the rest of you think?
January 10, 2000, 16:01
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#0069, Probe_Battle_Sound
I am not sure this is a bug. In fact, I kinda like the fact that there is no battle sound to a probe fight, it kinda emaphasizes the fact that probes are all about subversion and stealth.
January 10, 2000, 16:05
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BugID: #0086, Confirm_Odds
Don't have a save but I have seen this as well. And it still happens in v2
January 10, 2000, 16:09
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BugID: #0101, Unrelated_Units
BugID: #0100
Again, I have seen both of these and they are still present in v2 of SMAX.
Additionally, if you have autodesign on, you will get new unit prototypes for obsolete unit types if you first discover a better tech. I.e. you get missles before gatling. Once you discover gatling, you will see new units designed with it even though missiles are better.
January 10, 2000, 16:16
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BugID: #0131, Fake_Drones\
Geez, haven't you ever heard of Halloween?
January 10, 2000, 16:24
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BugID: next_num, lowering_near_poles
Submitter: Kinjiru
Version: Alien Crossfire V2
Category: terraforming
Status: Pending
Priority: 4
Save before: Can get one
Save after: Description:
I was lowering some terrain up by the poles in order to build a sea base. The terrain to the west was a large ridge running roughly to the south-southeast. When I lowered to sea level, I was left with some bit of 'black' in the sqaures to the immediate northwest of my new base. It wasn't the whole square though. It looks like the game still thinks the terrain is hilly, even though it is now flat.
January 10, 2000, 16:35
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I've noticed something about the numbers on the "confirm odds" screen. When attacking native life, it assumes that native life has a fission reactor, and your unit has the one it does. So, if the morale levels are the same, and you attack with a fusing unit, you should have about 3:1 odds of victory. (3:2 Offense: Defense * 2:1 Your reactor: enemy reactor)
This is obviously not true. When calculating the odds, the game 'forgets' that all PSI combat is based on a 10 HP scale, so all those fancy reactors don't help you. Yet, it says you have 20 HP with fusion, so the odds SHOULD be twice what they are. Somewhere, something was left out.
Anyone else figure it this way?
January 10, 2000, 17:13
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Re: bug #0137
I am not in paint mode. Reloading the map does nothing. And no... show flat terrain is also not on. Nothing has any effect. I have tried every different combination of settings and still it is broken.
I would gladly send in a save, but I have a feeling that this is impossible. If anyone lives near Tempe, AZ and wants to come check this out to confirm it's broken (which I am dead sure it is) please give me an email.
January 10, 2000, 19:26
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I would have to say that an earthquake is a destructive force.Anything in it's grasp should be destroyed.
Originally posted by zsozso on 01-09-2000 01:15 AM
I am not sure, if Earthquake_Destroy should realy be considered a bug, since terraforming up/down also have the same effect - which is probably intentional. If you alter the terrain, then the special landmark gets destroyed. Earthquake does the same.
Anyway I copy it to the list, but I wouldn;t mind hearing how others think about it.
January 10, 2000, 20:51
Local Time: 21:46
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Hey Tim,
About the TECHSTEAL ability, All the games I noticed it in were new games started under version2 (you mentioned to me a while back that the save game saves the faction abilities and etc. at the creation of the game) In the game the first time I noticed not getting a free tech, I am only 90% sure they had a tech I didn't. I then started some games with the scenerio editor active to test this, and in those I am 100% sure the other factions had techs I didn't. Could the scenerio editor be interfereing with the ability? I will start a new game (no editor on) and see if I can 100% confirm this outside the editor, will send you the save. Thanks for the help!
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