February 8, 2000, 16:03
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overcome - don't sweat it, I am sure you are far from the first to have trouble transcending...
Everybody (but especially zsozso) - the bug list is taking shape. There are a couple of odd things including a problem with the energy calculation being way off when you have negative income that I am trying to replicate and get a save, and I am sure there is still the odd other bug floating around that other people are trying to nail down.
If the purpose is to get Firaxis going on fixing the bugs, should we be thinking about a deadline for bug submission? I sense that Firaxis has other priorities and I'd love to get this back at the top of their to-do list. The longer we take to compile the list, the longer before they will seriously tackle fixes. Thoughts?
I guess I have seen a good many bug lists in various forums and I would like to make sure that this one doesn't fail to capture the attention of The Powers That Be.
February 9, 2000, 21:56
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Originally posted by Mouse on 01-28-2000 12:54 PM
This concerns the +1 planet granted by having the Manifold Nexus in your territory.
If from SE choices or lack of, your planet rating is 0, (I haven't tested this with a 'green' faction yet) the +1 from the Manifold Nexus, although giving the ability to capture native units, the chance of doing so is 0%.
Duh, I must have been having really bad luck.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
February 11, 2000, 14:23
Local Time: 17:46
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After building the Command Nexus, I had run out of money one turn and the next turn I didn't have enough money to support the Command Center in one of my cities, it sold it. It was still there and still in effect, but I made the 30-40 energy for it being sold. And NO I hadnt built one previously cause I have never built them in just about any game, lol.
February 11, 2000, 23:08
Local Time: 01:46
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I have confirmation (and possibly relevant debugging info) for bugs #11 and #151. These are both 'Confirmed', so I'm posting mostly to help the debuggers find the problem.
In my first SMACXv2 game, I had a large continent to myself, and I had built a ton of conventional missiles for defense, all placed on alert to nail any incoming transports. Early in one turn, a pod-popping rover on a nearby island uncovered two worms, but I 'W' waited the rover 'till later. Later in the turn, two missiles in an inland base (just barely in range of the worms) activate, swoop over, and run into a coastal base. This ends their moves (bug #151), even though they both had enough moves left to hit the worm.
I intended to send the two missiles home again, but forgot to do so. In the meantime, the rover kills one of the worms, and its turn ends. In the enemy-move phase, the remaining worm eats the rover.
In my next turn, missile #1 wakes up, screams over and nails the worm. Then, missile #2 wakes up, screams over, and has no target. Even though it has expended most of its moves (it had 5-6 out of 20), it turns around and heads back for home. At the end of the turn, it is still 10 squares from any base, out of fuel, but doesn't crash (bug #11). Next turn, it arrives at the coastal base & stops (bug #151 again), then returns to its original home the next turn.
As an aside, using 'on-alert' missiles for defense can produce amusing situations. Later in the same game, when I was staring across a narrow stretch of water at the DataJack Empire, Rose made the mistake of declating a vendetta. I had about 10 bases in range, each with 2-3 missiles on alert. They were all early in the move order, and started systematically wiping out her entire army. Cleared 5 cities, several random infantry units, and two transports she'd sent out. LOL
February 12, 2000, 17:37
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I don't know if this is a bug or not, but I my ships with Marines are not capturing Pirate ships. In earlier games, my Pirate ships captured other ships all the time. Question: Do Marines negate Marines?
February 13, 2000, 18:12
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Ned - Nope. Marine control detachment ships can capture other marine control detachment ships.
In one complicated, but ultimately bungled capture attempt, I had the same ship change hands three or four times...
You are supposed to get even odds on a capture but you can get many consecutive captures or many consecutive failures to capture.
February 14, 2000, 17:34
Local Time: 01:46
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I have confirmation (and possibly relevant debugging info) for bugs #11 and #151. These are both 'Confirmed', so I'm posting mostly to help the debuggers find the problem.
In my first SMACXv2 game, I had a large continent to myself, and I had built a ton of conventional missiles for defense, all placed on alert to nail any incoming transports. Early in one turn, a pod-popping rover on a nearby island uncovered two worms, but I 'W' waited the rover 'till later. Later in the turn, two missiles in an inland base (just barely in range of the worms) activate, swoop over, and run into a coastal base. This ends their moves (bug #151), even though they both had enough moves left to hit the worm.
I intended to send the two missiles home again, but forgot to do so. In the meantime, the rover kills one of the worms, and its turn ends. In the enemy-move phase, the remaining worm eats the rover.
In my next turn, missile #1 wakes up, screams over and nails the worm. Then, missile #2 wakes up, screams over, and has no target. Even though it has expended most of its moves (it had 5-6 out of 20), it turns around and heads back for home. At the end of the turn, it is still 10 squares from any base, out of fuel, but doesn't crash (bug #11). Next turn, it arrives at the coastal base & stops (bug #151 again), then returns to its original home the next turn.
As an aside, using 'on-alert' missiles for defense can produce amusing situations. Later in the same game, when I was staring across a narrow stretch of water at the DataJack Empire, Rose made the mistake of declating a vendetta. I had about 10 bases in range, each with 2-3 missiles on alert. They were all early in the move order, and started systematically wiping out her entire army. Cleared 5 cities, several random infantry units, and two transports she'd sent out. LOL
February 14, 2000, 22:10
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I don't know if anyone mentioned this minor bug yet, but I don't have a lot of time, so I'll say it.
I was scouting some coastal territory with a scout patrol when I opened up a Unity pod and got a Unity Transport Foil. To my suprise, the foil appeared INSIDE a pirate base, just off the coast of the pod. Shouldn't the game check to make sure there are no bases where these things appear?
February 15, 2000, 01:59
Local Time: 01:46
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Location: Austin, TX, USA
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Heh. I was surprised that this one wasn't in the list somewhere, but a search for "probe" didn't turn up anything.
BugID: #191 Probe_Foil_Returns_to_Lake, Mistweave
Submitter: jeff@quilici.com
Version: Alien Crossfire v2
Category: Rules or Movement
Status: Demonstrated
Priority: 3
Save before: http://www.quilici.com/smac/bug191.SAV
Save after: same as above
Description: Open SAV file - the active unit is a probe foil outside a Usurper base. Probe it (for whatever), reloading if the team is captured. On a success, the probe foil will be sent to the nearest base (Dawn of Planet), which is on an inland lake of about 6 squares, and has no access to the open ocean where the foil is now. This is difficult to explain (the boat had to 'teleport' to the inland lake - there is no way to get a sea unit there from the outside), plus it makes the probe unit completely useless for future ops, unless I terraform a channel to the sea. It also means that I have no incentive to probe the Usurpers until I can found a base closer than the one on the lake. The supplied SAV file also has a second probe foil in the same base - the result of a previous probe attempt.
Another 'feature' can be seen in the SAV, though I'm not sure it's really a bug. When I captured Dawn of Planet from Cha Dawn, his surplus pop wound up in a _sea_ pod on the inland lake. He could only get a couple squares away before hitting shore and plunking down a base. And the Idiot decides to start building _more_ sea pods in that base...
[This message has been edited by Mistweave (edited February 15, 2000).]
February 16, 2000, 23:34
Local Time: 17:46
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In a recent game, the main population display consistently showed large numbers of drones - the number that would be there without police - but the cities would not be in revolt. I had to go to the Psych menu to see the actual situation - to see if my cities were going to revolt.
For example, most cities showed around 13 bright red drones and the rest passified. In the Psych menu, however, the effects of my three police infrantry at a +3 police rating showed that the city was not in revolt.
If you would like, I will send you a saved game.
February 17, 2000, 18:35
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Ned - the fake drones bug has already made it to the list. As far as I am concerned it is one of the most irritating bugs on the whole list because I always forget to check the psych screen.
February 20, 2000, 14:36
Local Time: 02:46
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Regarding this reported problem from BustaMike:
BugID: #0136, Crash_after_rules_select
Submitter: BustaMike, wordtoyourmother@hotmail.com
Version: Alien Crossfire
Category: Crash
Status: Pending
Priority: 1
Save before: N/A (not available)
Save after:
Description: The game crashes after the rules screen passes in a regular start game. Quick start avoids this problem, but who wants to play the same game over and over. If I reinstall SMACX the problem is temporarily fixed, but it comes back.
I am encountering exactly this problem, over and over again, but only with new hotseat/PBEM games. Every time I get to the rule screen, it crashes.
I reinstalled the whole kit yesterday, and it worked but ... I forgot that you have to reinstall terran.exe from patch 4 for SMAC in order to get SMAC to work (sigh). So after my reinstall, SMAC was crashing.
Once I reinstalled v4 terran.exe, SMAC worked but my new PBEM games are once again crashing the program at the rules screen. Don't know if the two facts are connected, but this is tedious in the *extreme*. Simply don't have the time to reinstall everything just to set up a new game.
- Mis
July 20, 2000, 22:24
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July 24, 2000, 05:52
Local Time: 02:46
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Version:SMACX v1.0 & v2.0
Save before:no
Save after:no
All SMACX facilities, in the base's production screen are coloured in yellow instead of their original color.
Ex:Covert Ops Center must be red.
This problem affects also normal facilities:
Other facilites have one color on the datalink, another on base screen.
Ex:Recycling Tanks are yellow in the DL, but green in base screen.
July 24, 2000, 05:54
Local Time: 02:46
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Location: Milan
Posts: 276
Version:SMACX v1.0 & v2.0
Save before:no
Save after:no
All SMACX facilities, in the base's production screen are coloured in yellow instead of their original color.
Ex:Covert Ops Center must be red.
This problem affects also normal facilities:
Other facilites have one color on the datalink, another on base screen.
Ex:Recycling Tanks are yellow in the DL, but green in base screen.
July 24, 2000, 06:02
Local Time: 02:46
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Location: Milan
Posts: 276
Version:SMACX v1.0 & v2.0
Save before:no
Save after:no
All SMACX facilities, in the base's production screen are coloured in yellow instead of their original color.
Ex:Covert Ops Center must be red.
This problem affects also normal facilities:
Other facilites have one color on the datalink, another on base screen.
Ex:Recycling Tanks are yellow in the DL, but green in base screen.
July 24, 2000, 08:10
Local Time: 03:46
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Posts: 1,082
If this has not been already done, I can confirm and detail the
bug reported by Bblue Feb03 2000.
I tested it in SMACv4 only.
I didn't test it for your transport in a Pactmate's base, but I did verify a variant in several pbems and it's easily reproducible.
When your EMTPY transport is stacked with your pactmate's jets, copters or ships (non-combat also), you can't load your units onto it.
If your transport carries some units already, then you can load it further undisturbed by the presence of Pactmate's stacked units.
It could be checked whether an empty base blocks the loading too, or if they're the pactmate's units inside the base to prevent it, which case would fall again under the previous one.
BTW, are we still actually "hoping" to get a new Patch? Or are we...
July 28, 2000, 03:22
Local Time: 01:46
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Posts: 59
Further details on airplane attacks. I've had computer crashes with air units at all playable resolutions. I've had computer crashes when I attack any type of unit, air, land, or sea. I've had computer crashes when enemy planes attack my cities. In fact, I've never played a complete game to 2500 because of these crashes. I've tried all the recommended fixes from Firaxis, none have worked. I've loaded, downloaded, and unloaded smac and smacx so many times I've lost count. Currently, its off my computer. I'd enjoy loading it again, but only if Firaxis fixes the games. A second thing I'd like fixed is the city display shown from "F4." Once you visit a city from that screen, the game should send you back to the same spot on the screen instead of the top of the list. One more point on crashes, a few times the game crashed when I attempted to save the games.
August 7, 2000, 06:34
Local Time: 03:46
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BugID: Automated_build_magtube_in_fungus
Submitter: Jeje2
Version: AC4
Category: Terraforming
Status: Pending
Priority: 4 - minor
Save before: not yet
Save after:
Description: If you have automated your formers to build magtube ("ctrl"+"shift"+"t") they can build magtube to fungus squares before you invent "Centauri Psi". ("Centauri psi" is prerequsite to build magtube in fungus)
P.S. I don't know if this has been mentioned before. Didn't see it on the other thread, so post it here. I can provide a savefile if this is a new feature, but it will be a little difficult.
[This message has been edited by Jeje2 (edited August 07, 2000).]
June 5, 2003, 13:03
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"Close only counts in horseshoes & Fireball Spells!!!" From "Tangled Webs
June 9, 2003, 09:17
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For some reason it tells me that my CPU is too slow, and that my CPU speed is 0. In reality it is 1.4Ghz. This is for SMAX only.
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