Originally posted by Underseer
This is about the only point I disagree with him on. Passive resistance like he successfully used only works if- You have a particularly good leader with a very rare combination of qualities and
- Your oppressors have some shred of human decency in some dark corner of their hearts
I agree with you Underseer (BTW thanks for helping in the other thread, that guy really get mi

) but is hard to believe that Gandhi would leave, for example, nazis to take the control of the country with passive resistance... ehmm.. well maybe he would stick to the passive resistance strategie, but loosing a lot of popular support. After all in every place of the world, during wars, strong leaders take the control of more "pacifist" ones. I know this is an extreme example but, Chamberlain was indeed more pacifist (yes, yes.. and more nazist) than Churchill.
Anyway is really hard to find some "enemies" that have the second requirement that you've pointed, and that's sad. Historically the "good wars" were fight by men with honor.