December 14, 2002, 17:40
Local Time: 12:36
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2000
Location: Deity of Lists
Posts: 11,873
Apolyton Hall of Fame: December 2002
Hello and welcome to this year’s Historic 3rd December induction into the Apolyton Hall of Fame.
Please vote for whoever you think contributes the most to the ‘flavor’ of Apolyton. Who makes Apolyton what it is. Please vote for your favorite posters; the ones who contribute mods/scenarios/units as well as excellent posts, decorum and volunteer spirit on the boards.
Remember, your vote counts!
Please vote today and elect some of your brethern to join the historic December class; consisting of such hallowed names as Adam Smith, DanQ, MarkG, Giant Squid, St Leo, Ming, Snapcase, and more
3rd Post down from here contains VOTING RESULTS!
The Apolyton Hall of Fame
December 2002
(3 Members to be inducted)
(Only 13 will be elected this year)
Hall of Fame Members
Apolyton Hall of Fame Members -39
December 2001 Adam Smith
December 2000 Alexander's Horse [The Apolyton Troll]
March 2001 Boshko (AKA Zhu Yuanzhang Dave Boshko, Boshko)
December 2001 chegitz guevara
August 2002 Chris 62
December 2000 DanQ
March 2002 Ecthelion
March 2001 *End is Forever* (AKA Iain Lindley)
June 2001 EVC (AKA EvC, Evan VonChristof) [The Apolyton Daffy Duck] [Perma-Banned]
December 2000 Giant Squid (AKA Celestion the God, Alexander the Great) [The Apolyton DL]
June 2002 GP
January 2001 Imran Siddiqui [ACS News Coordinator]
March 2002 Jay Bee
March 2001 Lancer
December 2000 Mao
December 2000 MarkG
December 2000 MichaeltheGreat [Another OT Moderator]
December 2000 MikeH
December 2000 Ming [The OT Moderator]
June 2001 Monk
June 2002 paiktis22
December 2000 Provost Harrison (AKA AI) [The Apolyton Scientist]
March 2002 rah [Yet another OT moderator]
December 2001 Ramo
December 2000 Roland
March 2001 Ron Jeremy (AKA: Bugs ****ing Bunny, Lazarus and the Gimp, Trappist)
August 2002 Sirotnikov
December 2001 Snapcase
June 2001 SnowFire
June 2001 Starchild
June 2001 Stefu
January 2001 Stewart Spink [Perma-Banned]
December 2000 St Leo
June 2001 SuperSneak
December 2001 Wraith
March 2002 Velociryx
March 2002 yin26
December 2000 Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey [Perma-Banned]
June 2002 Xin Yu
No Dates; Alphabetically:
Adam Smith
Alexander's Horse
chegitz guevara
Chris 62
*End is Forever*
Giant Squid
Imran Siddiqui
Jay Bee
Michael the Great
Provost Harrison
Ron Jeremy
Stewart Spink
St Leo
Xin Yu
MarkG Automatic Inductee
DanQ Automatic Inductee
Ming December 2000
MikeH December 2000
MichaeltheGreat December 2000
Mao December 2000
Alexander's Horse December 2000
Giant Squid December 2000
Provost Harrison December 2000
Roland December 2000
Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey December 2000
St. Leo December 2000
Imran Siddiqui January 2001
Stewart Spink January 2001
Lancer March 2001
Ron Jeremy March 2001
*End is Forever* March 2001
Boshko March 2001
EVC June 2001
Monk June 2001
Snowfire June 2001
Starchild June 2001
SuperSneak June 2001
Stefu June 2001
Adam Smith December 2001
chegitz guevara December 2001
Ramo December 2001
Snapcase December 2001
Wraith December 2001
rah March 2002
yin26 March 2002
Ecthelion March 2002
Jay Bee March 2002
Velociryx March 2002
Xin Yu June 2002
GP June 2002
paiktis22 June 2002
Chris 62 August 2002
Sirotnikov August 2002
Sorted by Year Registered
1998 (21)
Stewart Spink
Imran Siddiqui
Alexander’s Horse
*End is Forever*
Jay Bee
St. Leo
Xin Yu
MichaeltheGreat (?)
Giant Squid
Stefu (?)
Adam Smith (?)
1999 (12)
Wraith (?)
SuperSneak (?)
Ron Jeremy (?)
2000 (5)
Provost Harrison
chegitz guevara (?)
Sirotnikov (?)
paiktis 22 (?)
2001 (1)
Chris 62
Information About the Hall of Famer’s
Information Courtesy: The Apolyton 100
MarkG - Founder of the site and maintainer. He has created numerous scripts for the site; uploaded data and dealt with troubles, all the while still finding the time to post in the Civ II sections and play Civ. A true legend.
DanQ - Founder of the site and maintainer. He has created numerous scripts for the site; uploaded data and dealt with troubles, all the while still finding the time to post in the Civ II sections and play Civ. A true legend.
Ming - OT moderator. Benevolent and kind. Civ II Mper and Civ II poster. He keeps order on the site and posts a lot in the OT
MikeH - AC-Player; now best known for his Off-topic postings. He now resides at CounterGlow.
MichaeltheGreat - Off topic moderator. Civ II player.
Mao - OT poster, he also posted in the Civ II sections until Aug 2000 when he faded from the forums
EVC - Humorous. Slightly offensive. Well-known for micronationalism; crazed antics. OT regular until his permabanning
Giant Squid - Old Mod-Maker for Civ II and poster on the forums since almost their inception. Best known for Apolyton Micronationalism.
Provost Harrison - AC poster, OT poster, ubiquitious poster. Provost is best known for his off-topic exploits.
Roland - Apolyton economicist and financial wizard
Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey - Co-Founded of The Alpha Centauri Nexus (more popular than ACN's SMAC section at the game's peak).
St. Leo - Currently hangs out and promotes the Scenario League. He used to be one of the more important Civ II posters.
Imran Siddiqui- ACS News Editor, large poster back in the old days. Civ II poster. Civ III-ideas poster. Now he generally hangs out in the Off-Topic. He enjoyed the old Story-Threads and contributed to many of them.
Stewart Spink - Humor. Spam. OT. Discussions. He was an Apolyton staff member at one time. He maintained the Civ II Top Ten Scoring list and some other things. He also had his own Civ II site.
Lancer - Well known for his charitable Karen Mills threads about the family in the Phillipines and the Apolyton House. He is also well known for his many invaluable Civ II contribuitions
Ron Jeremy- Humorous/Cynical Apolytoner. An old Civ II-er, he now hangs out in the OT.
*End is Forever* - Very interested in music. OT-er.
Boshko- OT-er. Big in political threads
Snowfire - Great contribuiter to The List for Civ III… One of the threadmasters for the Civ III list.
Stefu - STEFU! Finnish OT-er! Very humorous.
Adam Smith - Financial wizard. Economicist. Used to be big in the Civ II sections; he now solicits financial advice in the OT.
chegitz guevara - Communist… You guessed it… Theben’s brother. Currently lives in Florida. Well known for his remarkably Left-wing viewpoints.
Ramo - Another Libertarian/Anarchist. Yet Another Texan named Omar. Off-Topic debator.
Snapcase - Hacker, OT-er, and in charge of the Apolyton News.
Wraith - Social Libertarian. OT-er. MORE INFORMATION NEEDED.
rah - Major Civ II Mper, brother of Ming and current moderator of the OT. He also posts in the Civ II general section.
yin26- - South Korean master of THE LIST for Civ III! Yin26 used to be moderator of the Civ III section until he decided that he didn’t like Civ III… And for all newbies- you can relate his vitriolic statements about Alpha Centauri to Coracle’s whining about Civ III! However, returning to the more important information: yin 26’s listmastering tasks are not to be underestimated- he sorted thorough THOUSANDS of posts to find the best to submit to Firaxis in that huge 200 to 400-or-so page sacred document that is THE LIST.
Ecthelion- - Deutsche-Spam. Prominent Oter known for his humor. Formerly known as Andz83 and ChaosWarrior, Ecthelion originally posted in the Civilization II section. History happens to be one of his favorite topics.
Jay Bee- - Current moderator of the Spanish Civilization II section of the Forums. He is also the genial head of the Spanish Civilization II Site; an excellent site with many varied Spanish-setting scenarios. Jay Bee has been with Apolyton almost since its inception, being one of the first 4 people to register on the forums; right behind the venerable MarkG, DanQ and DarthVeda.
Velociryx - Current head of the Candle’bre project, a project centered around creating a free massively multiplayer game a la Trade Empires. Vel is also the published author of a recently (July 2002) released Mystery. (PLEASE CORRECT IF I AM WRONG ABOUT GENRE/GAME); he also published a strategy game for Alpha Centauri. Former AC-Fiction author and frequent AC-contributor. Once voted Apolytoner of the Season for the entire site. More information can be found in the Faces of Apolyon Interview by Solver
Xin Yu - Civ II strategy master and MPer. More information can be found in his Faces of Apolyon Interview by Solver
GP- Best known for his proponency of the “Branching Thread” format; GP is a former Navy Crewman who happens to be a frequent debater and frequenter of the Apolyton Off-Topic; he has also, in the past, visited the Civ II section, giving hints and advice. Currently (as of Nov 2002) he is under one of his asked for ‘bans-from-Apolyton’ so that he is not tempted to post
paiktis22- PLEASE CONTRIBUTE INFORMATION; Apolyton OT-er and former Civ III-ideas and Civ II regular.
Chris62 - He frequents the Spanish Civilization II, Scenario League, OT, General, Multiplayer website forums.
Sirotnikov Humorous. Defends Israel in the OT (since he lives in Israel)
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-->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944
December 14, 2002, 17:42
Local Time: 12:36
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2000
Location: Deity of Lists
Posts: 11,873
Rules for voting
Everyone can vote for 3 posters
Registered In/Before 1999- 4 points per vote
Registered In 2000- 3 points per vote
Registered In 2001- 2 point per vote
Registered In 2002- 1 points per vote
You may not vote for yourself.
All ‘frivolous’ votes are thrown out.
You may only vote once in the hall of fame (for 3 people) IF you try to vote more than once ALL of your votes will be made void.
As per suggestion by MOBIUS, the last vote's are carried onto the next votes.
As per suggestion by Solver, all previous votes are carried onto the next votes.
“Trust me, an on-topicer will never win “
What about Xin Yu? What about Velociryx?
And remember, many of these ‘mostly-OT posters’ used to be huge on-topic posters back around 1998-99!
“Where is the Hall of Fame usually posted?”
From December 2000 to August 2002, the Hall of Fame had only been posted in the Off Topic forums; with occasional forays into the Apolyton/Community section. However, nowadays you can find the Apolyton Hall of Fame in the Civ III-General, CTP I-MP, CTP II-General, AC-General and one of the Alt.Civ sections (rotatable  ) in addition to the Off Topic; with links INTO the voting realm in the Apolyton-Community and Civ II-General sections.
-->Visit CGN!
-->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944
December 14, 2002, 17:44
Local Time: 12:36
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2000
Location: Deity of Lists
Posts: 11,873
Current Standings (The Previous Votes’ add-ins are in brackets)
These are all the people who made the last List, but were not elected.
1 Slowwhand- ------------(37) 18----55
2 Frogger [Krazy Horse]- ------- (37) 17----54
3 Asher- ------(28) 22---50
4 Reismark- (23) 22---45
orange- (14) 29---44
DinoDoc- (29) 15-- 44
DanS- (20) 16----36
Locutus- (23) 12----35
Paul- (24) 10---34
DarkCloud- (18) 16----34
korn469- --------- (23) 10---- 33
Fez/Giancarlo- (26) 7---33
Sprayber - --------- (18) 12---30
MLeonard- -----(21) 8----29
Boris Godunov – (11) 17----28
Zykla- (12) 4---24
Scouse Gits- (15) 8----23
JohnT- -(15) 8---23
Eli- (15) 5----20
Urban Ranger- (19)
Solver- (15) 4---19
Sten Sture- (14) 4----18
fiera- (12) 4----16
ixnay- (4) 11---15
CivNation (AKA DefensorFidei)- (10) 4----14
n.c.- (14)
Shadowstrike (10) 3----13
Azazel- (9) 4----13
War4Ever- (6) 7---13
Tau Ceti- (5) 7--12
Ogie Oglethorpe- (3) 9---12
alexman (1) 11---12
Tiamat-( 9) 3----12
Sagacious Dolphin- (7) 4---11
Shi Huangdi- (3) 8----11
David Floyd- (11)
Catt- 11
Sikander- (4) 7----11
Theseus- (3) 8--11
Alinestera Covelia 11
Immortal Wombat- (9) 2----11
devilmunchkin- (10)
jon miller- (8) 2----10
Lincoln- (10)
werefox- (6) 4----10
Aeson- (6) 4---10
Arrian (3) 7--- 10
East Street Trader- (6) 3---9
Red_jon- (9)
Zeus_of_Olimpos- (5) 4----9
EyesOfNight- (2) 7----9
Caesar the Great-(6) 3----9
Marquis de Sodaq- (4) 4---8
Mr Fun- (8)
Natan- (8)
Porphyrogenitus- (8)
Albert Speer (8)
Empress- (5) 3----8
warpstorm- 7
boann- (5) 2----7
DeepO-(5) 2----7
Coracle- (5) 2----7
WesW- 7
Hexagonian- 7
notyoueither- 6
axi- (6)
Sergeant Sheets- (2) 4----6
Jack the Bodiless-(6)
Rand Al'Tor- (6)
Skanky Burns- (1) 4----5
BlackWidow24- (5)
Clear Skies- (5)
the capo- (5)
El Awrence- (5)
Sir Ralph- (3) 2----5
Trip- 5
GePap- 4
Dr Strangelove- (4)
Dale- 4
Kassiopeia- 4
Vondrack 4
MBloomIII- (3)
Six Thousand Year Old Man- (3)
BeBro- (3)
Waku- (3)
Belinda9- (3)
Harlan- 3
Dissident- (3)
Vi Vicdi- (3)
Monkspider- (3)
Gramphos- (3)
ColdWizard- (3)
Kaak- (3)
phoenixcager- (3)
FlamefFlash 3
dojoboy 3
Bradman 3
FemmeAdonis- (2)
Guynemer- (2)
markusf- (2)
UberKrux- 2
mindseye- (2)
DeathByTheSword 2
Blake- 2
Sir David- (2)
Frustrated Poet- 2
Gibsie- (2)
LordStone1- (2)
Apocalypse- (2)
Rogan Josh- (2)
Giovanni Wine-(2)
faded glory- (2)
mindseye- (2)
Rasbelin- 2
Wigalf- (2)
Andreas- (2)
DarkStar- (2)
vulture- (1)
Seneca- (1)
connorkimbro- (1)
UltraSonix- (1)
The Brain- (1)
Jimmytrick- (1)
Master Marcus- (1)
DylanBaker- (1)
Hydey- (1)
Taurus- (1)
Ted Stryker [Derek, Provost D]- (1)
I vote for korn469-3 Empress- 3 Shadowstrike-3
Who voted for Whom
Adam Smith voted for: Reismark (4), DanS (4), StenSture (4)
alva voted for: DeepO (2), Frustrated Poet (2), Notyoueither (2)
Apocalypse voted for: Asher (4), ixnay (4), Solver (4)
Asher voted for: KrazyHorse (4), DinoDoc (4), Zylka (4)
asleepatthewheel voted for: notyoueither (1), warpstorm (1), arrian (1)
Azazel voted for: Locutus (3), Eli (3), Frogger (3)
Bamspeedy voted for: Aeson (1), alexman (1), Warpstorm (1)
boann voted for: Slowwhand (3), eyes of night (3), orange (3)
Boris Godunov voted for: ixnay (2), Asher (2), orange (2)
Changmai Beagle voted for: Hexagonian (4), WesW (4), Dale (4)
Chris 62 voted for: slowwhand (2), Sprayber (2), boann (2)
ColdWizard voted for: orange (3), reismark (3), Slowwhand (3)
DarkCloud voted for: korn 469 (3), Empress (3), Shadowstrike (3)
David Floyd voted for: orange (4), Mleonard (4), Slowwhand (4)
De Gaulle voted for: Alexman (1), Theseus (1), Catt (1)
devilmunchkin voted for: Slowwhand (2), DarkCloud (2), sprayber (2)
Dominae voted for: alexman (1), Arrian (1), notyoueither (1)
Gatekeeper voted for: FlameFlash (3), dojoboy (3), Bradman (3)
GePap voted for: Sir Ralph (2), Trip (2), Fez(2)
GP voted for: Sergeant Sheets (4), Dominikos (4), Frogger (4)
Grumbold voted for: Hexagonigan (3), WesW (3), korn469 (3)
Guynemer voted for: KrazyHorse (4), DinoDoc (4), JohnT (4)
H Tower voted for: DinoDoc (2), Immortal Wombat (2), Asher (2)
Immortal Wombat voted for: Paul (3), Locutus (3), Harlan (3)
Imran Siddiqui voted for: DanS (4), Asher (4), Slowwhand (4)
ixnay voted for Asher (4), Zylka (4), Boris Godunov (4)
Jay Bee voted for: DarkCloud (4), Paul (4), Fiera (4)
jdd2007 voted for: Locutus (2), DarkCloud (2), ixnay (2)
JohnT voted for: DanS (4), DarkCloud (4), Orange (4)
Jon Miller voted for: Zeus_of_Olimpos (4), CivNation (AKA DefensorFidei) (4), Zykla (4)
Kampus majore voted for: Theseus (1), notyoueither (!), Arrian (1)
Konquest02 voted for: Alexman (1), Theseus (1), Arrian (1)
Lazarus and the Gimp voted for: Alnistera Covelia (4), Eyes of Night (4), Sagacious Dolphin (4)
Mad Bomber voted for: alexman (1), Aeson (1), Warpstorm (1)
MariOne voted for: Sikander (4), Ogie Oglethorpe (4), Tau Ceti (4)
Ming voted for: werefox (4), Mleonard (4), Reismark (4)
monkspider voted for: Boris Godunov (2), Orange (2), Jon Miller (2)
Mr. President voted for: Kassiopea (2), DeathByTheSword (2), Alnistera Covelia (2)
Ned voted for: Shi Huangdi (4), GePap (4), Azazel (4)
notyoueither voted for: Frogger (2), korn469 (2), Aeson (2)
orange voted for Caesar the Great (3), Reismark (3), Tiamat (3)
panag voted for: Eli (2)
Paul voted for: Locutus (4), Scouse Gits (4), Tau Ceti (4)
Plan Austral voted for: Ixnay (2), Boris Godunov (2), Fez (2)
rah voted for: DarkCloud (4), Reismark (4), War4Ever (4)
redbull voted for: DinoDoc (1), Ixnay (1), Asher (1)
red_jon voted for: Boris Godunov (3), Fez (3), Orange (3)
Sagacious Dolphin voted for: orange (4), DanS (4), Skanky Burns (4)
Seneca voted for: Boris Godunov (3), Alinestra Covelia (3), East Street Trader (3)
Skanky Burns voted for: korn469 (2), Asher (2), ixnay (2)
Sir Ralph voted for: Theseus (2), arrian (2), alexman (@)
Slowwhand voted for: Sprayber (4), Orange (4), Reismark (4)
Stefu voted for: DinoDoc (4), JohnT (4), Sprayber (4)
Stuie voted for: Theseus (2), Catt (2), UberKrux (2)
Taz voted for: Sikander (3), Ogie Oglethorpe (3), Tau Ceti (3)
The Pioneer voted for: Vondrack (!), Trip (1), Catt (1)
Theseus voted for: Catt (1), Arrian (1), alexman (1)
Tiberius voted for: Alexman (3), Warpstorm (3), Vondrack (3)
TKG voted for: Blake (2), Ogie Oglethorpe (2), Alnisteria Covelia (2)
Trajanus voted for: Boris Godunov (3)
Tuomerehu voted for: Rasbelin (2), Kassiopeia (2), Trip (2)
WarpStorm voted for: notyoueither (2), Coracle (2), Catt (2)
wilbill voted for: warpstorm (1), theseus (1), Catt (1)
Vlad Antlerkov voted for: Black Dragon/Shi Huangdi (4), Scouse Gits (4), Marquis de Sodaq (4)
Zopperoni voted for: Paul (3), War4Ever (3), Asher (3)
-->Visit CGN!
-->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944
Last edited by DarkCloud; December 16, 2002 at 23:21.
December 15, 2002, 05:46
Local Time: 14:36
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: May 1999
Posts: 1,082
HEY DC, great underlying work, impressively detailed and organized posting job, but a few more details would have mad this all even more usable and user-friendly, imho.
as far as I can see, you posted no official time limit for the votes
You didn't make clear whether one had to post in the OT thread fr the votes to be read and valid (i.e. do you also keep reading here?), and in case you failed to provide a helping *direct* link, instead of letting the voter wannabe slug there on his own clicks.
For all it's worth, I'll post here anyway. I think I never posted in OT, and if I ever did, I certainly don't want to now. Especially since when it's moderated by MtG 
Besides, I only care for AC (with the occasional incursion in MoO and MoM forums), and my votes will of course be for the few AC old-timers who I still see posting here from time to time, so it would have little point to post them in OT.
Which brings me to
wouldn't it be interesting to have SECTIONS in the HoF?
That is, like the big sections you see in the main Forums listing, AC, CIV2, CIVIII, etc.. "sub"-HoFs??? Just a thought. Most of the names I see in the HoF mean nothing to me, and I'm here since spring '99...
Ogie Oglethorpe
Tau Ceti
Had I a 4th vote, I could have given it to Paul, but mostly for his Counterglow activity rather than his here 
For the same reason I didn't mention Mongoose, for me he'd be in the SMAC-players HoF, and I'd not restrain him merely to the limited scope of a single site Hof  .
Also, I did not consider many famous AC apolytners of the past, who either are in the HoF already, or don't post here since long, even if their defining contribution to the flavor of Apolyton AC forums was as great.
What sense could have to induce NOW in the HF zsozso, or Helium Pond, for instance. Or Misotu herself?
Well, after all, it *could* have sense, but I gave precedence anyway to those who were active and STILL ARE too.
And anyway, despite you cited the name of some very eclectic Aplytoners like Vel, it is VERY UNLIKELY that a poster limited to an On-Topic forum would have the visibility to let him rake eneough votes from the undistinguished OTters mass....
{ although, if 10 old-time AC-dwellers (or a few more of those whose vote weighs less) here gather their efforts and make their preferences converge on one of the above....}
One final fun remark:
there are in the HoF some posters who subsequently PERMA-BANNED????
ROTFL, what a shame... what a FARCE!
After all, I myself posted this post only because I was bored on a Sunday morning, for all I care...
December 15, 2002, 07:25
Local Time: 12:36
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2000
Posts: 1,195
Since MariOne asks so nicely, I'll go with his recommendations for votes
Ogie Oglethorpe
Tau Ceti
December 15, 2002, 12:11
Local Time: 09:36
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 4,783
December 15, 2002, 22:54
Local Time: 12:36
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Location: Deity of Lists
Posts: 11,873
Thank you for voting!
Time Limit for voting is usually 3-4 days; usually whenever I notice that voting is petering out.
You didn't make clear whether one had to post in the OT thread fr the votes to be read and valid (i.e. do you also keep reading here?), and in case you failed to provide a helping *direct* link, instead of letting the voter wannabe slug there on his own clicks.
For all it's worth, I'll post here anyway. I think I never posted in OT, and if I ever did, I certainly don't want to now. Especially since when it's moderated by MtG
Don’t worry voting works here and I update here; although next time I think I’ll make a direct link where all the votes are updated and merely post the rules and hall members in the satellite threads- the reason I posted everything this time was that I wanted everyone to get used to the Hall of Fame and know what it was about so that it’s thread didn’t sink deep into the pile of threads before the voting was over.
I’ll have to think on the section idea.
What sense could have to induce NOW in the HF zsozso, or Helium Pond, for instance. Or Misotu herself?
Well, after all, it *could* have sense, but I gave precedence anyway to those who were active and STILL ARE too
Yes, that’s what most people do- personally I like to vote for the older people; therefore I voted for Korn of the List for Civ III, empress for her civ II work and Shadowstrike for his Civ III ideas and OT presence… All of which; except for Korn who posts infrequently, are long gone from apolyton.
One final fun remark:
there are in the HoF some posters who subsequently PERMA-BANNED????
ROTFL, what a shame... what a FARCE!
Not really; Yo_Yo_Yo Hey and Stewart Spink were great contribuiters to the site before Gamestats forced MarkG and DanQ to permaban them; and Spink has since returned in the form of Dookie- and although he is now only OT; used to be quite big on the on topic.
As for EVC; he’s in there for his personality; micronationalism and OT… He was one of the largest and most important posters for the years 1999-2001. He was only permabanned because he stupidly gave out the password to his account so that anyone could use it.
-->Visit CGN!
-->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944
December 16, 2002, 19:09
Local Time: 09:36
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 4,783
DC, can i change my vote? make:
ixnay->Ali Cove
December 16, 2002, 20:05
Local Time: 12:36
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Posts: 1,195
Ali who?
December 16, 2002, 21:58
Local Time: 09:36
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Posts: 4,783
alinestra covelia (is that it? spelled right, i mean)
December 16, 2002, 23:23
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Location: Deity of Lists
Posts: 11,873
I fixed the correction...
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-->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944
December 16, 2002, 23:46
Local Time: 12:36
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Location: Marietta, GA
Posts: 3,521
Put me down for:
"Just puttin on the foil" - Jeff Hanson
“In a democracy, I realize you don’t need to talk to the top leader to know how the country feels. When I go to a dictatorship, I only have to talk to one person and that’s the dictator, because he speaks for all the people.” - Jimmy Carter
December 17, 2002, 13:08
Local Time: 05:36
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Join Date: Jan 2000
Location: Boulder, Colorado, United Snakes of America
Posts: 1,417
My (SMAC) votes:
Ogie Oglethorpe
Tau Ceti
He's got the Midas touch.
But he touched it too much!
Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!
December 17, 2002, 15:09
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Why is this thread only in this forum?
Oh, and the FAQ does a nice job of dodging the obvious over-representation of OT posters on the HOF...
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December 17, 2002, 16:53
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I can pick only 3?  In that case, I'll nominate 3 that have greatly influenced how and why I play SMAC in more ways than I can count. They are in no particular order:
Alinestra Covelia
Ogie Oglethorpe
I could list another dozen or more. Thank you, all.
If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving isn't your thing.
December 17, 2002, 18:10
Local Time: 09:36
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Originally posted by FNBrown
Why is this thread only in this forum?
it's in pretty much every forum. the main one is in the OT
December 17, 2002, 20:13
Local Time: 04:36
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Originally posted by TKG
it's in pretty much every forum. the main one is in the OT
... which further reinforces the over-representation of OT posters in the HOF.
I mean, I post in the OT, too, but I think the honor of HOF membership should go to someone who's contributing to the message boards on a regular basis in a way that improves gaming for everyone, whether it's answering noob questions, creating cool mods, writing great fiction, or sharing clever strategies and tactics.
December 17, 2002, 21:51
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it goes basically to those who contribute to the community of apolyton. OTers do that, and in some cases more than those who actually this case, i voted for 3 SMACers. blake for his eco-damage formula (ned and fitz are gone), ogie for contributing to the forums all the time, and ali cove for Joe
OTers on the other hand...i don't know what they do, but obviously they must be worthy of getting in the HoF, or why would they get votes?
December 17, 2002, 22:10
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Originally posted by TKG
it goes basically to those who contribute to the community of apolyton. OTers do that, and in some cases more than those who actually this case, i voted for 3 SMACers. blake for his eco-damage formula (ned and fitz are gone), ogie for contributing to the forums all the time, and ali cove for Joe 
OTers on the other hand...i don't know what they do, but obviously they must be worthy of getting in the HoF, or why would they get votes?
Because the other OT'ers vote for 'em.
The OT forum is far and away the busiest on Apolyton. Even though this is a "gamers" site, we have more off-topic postings than all others combined.
So, if you're posting witty and entertaining remarks in OT on a regular basis, you're a likely candidate for HOF votes, regardless of your contribution to any gaming aspects of Apolyton.
Personally, I think the HOF voting needs to be done by a committee of the moderators, and not merely made into a popularity contest. The popular vote and popular nominations can be taken into consideration, but someone needs to make an objective decision based on overall contribution to the games that these forums are about.
December 17, 2002, 22:45
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Personally, I think the HOF voting needs to be done by a committee of the moderators, and not merely made into a popularity contest. The popular vote and popular nominations can be taken into consideration, but someone needs to make an objective decision based on overall contribution to the games that these forums are about.
No one wanted to do the vet's comittee  we tried 
They’ve all contribuited to apolyton… each in their own way.
If you notice; the OT has one of the largest post counts at apolyton; and in the downtime between games; many posters hung out in the OT and stayed. Without the OT, there would probably be 10-20% less posters On topic at apolyton right now… And the OT is quite vibrant and old, many of the membmers being there since 1999 or 2000… or even longer in some cases.
Oters are alos one of our largest voting blocs- over 1/2 of the hall votes came from the OT…
The other 1/2 came mostly from the AC and Civ III sections with the CTP sections weiging in at about 4 votes toatal and the Other games having about 3 votes.
This also has existed in the OT longer than the on-topic. Last election was the first On-topic experiment. This one is the second.
And, in other news!!!!!
The Election is Complete!
Well, congratulations our three new inductees rounding out the class of 2002!
1 Slowwhand- ------------(37) 22----59
2 Frogger [Krazy Horse]- ------- (37) 17----54
3 Asher- ------(28) 24---52
Three prominent Oters come to light at first glance, but then you might notice Slowwhand’s and Krazy Horse [Frogger’s] other activities; Frogger for one posted a lot in the Civ sections, as did Slowwhand. Now of course, Asher is the straight Oter- but there’s a bad apple in every bunch  and Asher deserves his election due to his loyalty to Apolyton, his humorous OT posts, and his constant presence in the OT community; helping keep Apolyton vibrant and exciting.
However, it seems as though next election (January 2003) will bring about a new wave of posters from the Civ III section to the forefront of the Hall of Fame, thus commemorating the new game’s place in the annals of Apolyton History; since in 2003 all the 2002 posters will be gifted with another vote… making each individual vote count for two… all other groups however, will remain at the same number of votes.
Also coming in 2003… More major renovations and changes for the Hall of Fame based on YOUR suggestions!
Thanks for participating in 2002 and Merry Christmas!
The results follow:
Current Standings (The Previous Votes’ add-ins are in brackets)
These are all the people who made the last List, but were not elected.
1 Slowwhand- ------------(37) 22----59
2 Frogger [Krazy Horse]- ------- (37) 17----54
3 Asher- ------(28) 24---52
orange- (14) 33---47
Reismark- (23) 22---45
DinoDoc- (29) 15-- 44
Locutus- (23) 14----37
DanS- (20) 16----36
Paul- (24) 10---34
DarkCloud- (18) 16----34
korn469- --------- (23) 10---- 33
Fez/Giancarlo- (26) 7---33
Boris Godunov – (11) 21----32
Sprayber - --------- (18) 12---30
MLeonard- -----(21) 8----29
Zykla- (12) 4---24
Scouse Gits- (15) 8----23
JohnT- -(15) 8---23
Eli- (15) 5----20
Urban Ranger- (19)
Solver- (15) 4---19
Sten Sture- (14) 4----18
Ogie Oglethorpe- (3) 14---17
fiera- (12) 4----16
Azazel (Dalgetti)- (9) 7----16
Tau Ceti- (5) 10--15
ixnay- (4) 11---15
Theseus- (3) 12--15
CivNation (AKA DefensorFidei)- (10) 4----14
n.c.- (14)
Catt- 14
Shadowstrike (10) 3----13
War4Ever- (6) 7---13
Alinestra Covelia 13
alexman (1) 11---12
Tiamat-( 9) 3----12
Sagacious Dolphin- (7) 4---11
Shi Huangdi- (3) 8----11
David Floyd- (11)
Sikander- (4) 7----11
Natan- (8) 3---11
Immortal Wombat- (9) 2----11
devilmunchkin- (10)
jon miller- (8) 2----10
Lincoln- (10)
werefox- (6) 4----10
Aeson- (6) 4---10
Arrian (3) 7--- 10
East Street Trader- (6) 3---9
Red_jon- (9)
Zeus_of_Olimpos- (5) 4----9
EyesOfNight- (2) 7----9
Caesar the Great-(6) 3----9
notyoueither- 9
Marquis de Sodaq- (4) 4---8
Mr Fun- (8)
Porphyrogenitus- (8)
Albert Speer (8)
Empress- (5) 3----8
warpstorm- 7
boann- (5) 2----7
DeepO-(5) 2----7
Coracle- (5) 2----7
WesW- 7
Hexagonian- 7
axi- (6)
Sergeant Sheets- (2) 4----6
Jack the Bodiless-(6)
Kassiopeia- 6
Rand Al'Tor- (6)
Skanky Burns- (1) 5----6
BlackWidow24- (5)
Clear Skies- (5)
the capo- (5)
El Awrence- (5)
Sir Ralph- (3) 2----5
MariOne- 5
Trip- 5
GePap- 4
Lefty Scaevola- 4
Dr Strangelove- (4)
Dale- 4
Mario- 4
Vondrack 4
MBloomIII- (3)
Six Thousand Year Old Man- (3)
BeBro- (3)
Waku- (3)
Belinda9- (3)
Harlan- 3
Dissident- (3)
Vi Vicdi- (3)
Monkspider- (3)
Gramphos- (3)
ColdWizard- (3)
Kaak- (3)
phoenixcager- (3)
FlamefFlash 3
dojoboy 3
Bradman 3
FemmeAdonis- (2)
Guynemer- (2)
markusf- (2)
UberKrux- 2
mindseye- (2)
DeathByTheSword 2
Blake- 2
Sir David- (2)
Frustrated Poet- 2
Gibsie- (2)
LordStone1- (2)
Apocalypse- (2)
Rogan Josh- (2)
Giovanni Wine-(2)
faded glory- (2)
mindseye- (2)
Rasbelin- 2
Wigalf- (2)
Andreas- (2)
DarkStar- (2)
vulture- (1)
Seneca- (1)
Alva- 1
connorkimbro- (1)
UltraSonix- (1)
The Brain- (1)
Jimmytrick- (1)
Master Marcus- (1)
DylanBaker- (1)
Hydey- (1)
Taurus- (1)
Ted Stryker [Derek, Provost D]- (1)
I vote for korn469-3 Empress- 3 Shadowstrike-3
Who voted for Whom
Adam Smith voted for: Reismark (4), DanS (4), StenSture (4)
alva voted for: DeepO (2), Frustrated Poet (2), Notyoueither (2)
Apocalypse voted for: Asher (4), ixnay (4), Solver (4)
Asher voted for: KrazyHorse (4), DinoDoc (4), Zylka (4)
asleepatthewheel voted for: notyoueither (1), warpstorm (1), arrian (1)
Azazel voted for: Locutus (3), Eli (3), Frogger (3)
Bamspeedy voted for: Aeson (1), alexman (1), Warpstorm (1)
boann voted for: Slowwhand (3), eyes of night (3), orange (3)
Boris Godunov voted for: ixnay (2), Asher (2), orange (2)
campmajor! voted for Theseus (3), notyoueither (3), Catt (3)
Changmai Beagle voted for: Hexagonian (4), WesW (4), Dale (4)
Chris 62 voted for: slowwhand (2), Sprayber (2), boann (2)
ColdWizard voted for: orange (3), reismark (3), Slowwhand (3)
DarkCloud voted for: korn 469 (3), Empress (3), Shadowstrike (3)
David Floyd voted for: orange (4), Mleonard (4), Slowwhand (4)
De Gaulle voted for: Alexman (1), Theseus (1), Catt (1)
devilmunchkin voted for: Slowwhand (2), DarkCloud (2), sprayber (2)
Dominae voted for: alexman (1), Arrian (1), notyoueither (1)
Eli voted for: Natan (3), Azazel (3)
FlameFlash voted for: Locutus (2), Kassiopea (2), Asher (2)
FrustratedPoet voted for: Alva (1), Skanky Burns (1), Theseus (1)
Gatekeeper voted for: FlameFlash (3), dojoboy (3), Bradman (3)
GePap voted for: Sir Ralph (2), Trip (2), Fez(2)
GP voted for: Sergeant Sheets (4), Dominikos (4), Frogger (4)
Grumbold voted for: Hexagonigan (3), WesW (3), korn469 (3)
Guynemer voted for: KrazyHorse (4), DinoDoc (4), JohnT (4)
gwillybj voted for: MariOne (2), Alinestra Covelia (2), Ogie Oglethorpe (2)
H Tower voted for: DinoDoc (2), Immortal Wombat (2), Asher (2)
Immortal Wombat voted for: Paul (3), Locutus (3), Harlan (3)
Imran Siddiqui voted for: DanS (4), Asher (4), Slowwhand (4)
ixnay voted for Asher (4), Zylka (4), Boris Godunov (4)
Jay Bee voted for: DarkCloud (4), Paul (4), Fiera (4)
jdd2007 voted for: Locutus (2), DarkCloud (2), ixnay (2)
JohnT voted for: DanS (4), DarkCloud (4), Orange (4)
Jon Miller voted for: Zeus_of_Olimpos (4), CivNation (AKA DefensorFidei) (4), Zykla (4)
Kampus majore voted for: Theseus (1), notyoueither (!), Arrian (1)
Konquest02 voted for: Alexman (1), Theseus (1), Arrian (1)
Lazarus and the Gimp voted for: Alnistera Covelia (4), Eyes of Night (4), Sagacious Dolphin (4)
Mad Bomber voted for: alexman (1), Aeson (1), Warpstorm (1)
MariOne voted for: Sikander (4), Ogie Oglethorpe (4), Tau Ceti (4)
Ming voted for: werefox (4), Mleonard (4), Reismark (4)
monkspider voted for: Boris Godunov (2), Orange (2), Jon Miller (2)
Mr. President voted for: Kassiopea (2), DeathByTheSword (2), Alnistera Covelia (2)
Ned voted for: Shi Huangdi (4), GePap (4), Azazel (4)
notyoueither voted for: Frogger (2), korn469 (2), Aeson (2)
Ogie Oglethorpe voted for: Mario (4), JimmyTrick (4), Slowwhand (4)
orange voted for Caesar the Great (3), Reismark (3), Tiamat (3)
panag voted for: Eli (2)
Paul voted for: Locutus (4), Scouse Gits (4), Tau Ceti (4)
Plan Austral voted for: Ixnay (2), Boris Godunov (2), Fez (2)
rah voted for: DarkCloud (4), Reismark (4), War4Ever (4)
redbull voted for: DinoDoc (1), Ixnay (1), Asher (1)
red_jon voted for: Boris Godunov (3), Fez (3), Orange (3)
Sagacious Dolphin voted for: orange (4), DanS (4), Skanky Burns (4)
self biased voted for: Boris Godunov (4), Orange (4), Lefty Scaevola (4)
Seneca voted for: Boris Godunov (3), Alinestra Covelia (3), East Street Trader (3)
Skanky Burns voted for: korn469 (2), Asher (2), ixnay (2)
Sikander voted for: Ogie Oglethorpe (3), MariOne (3), Tau Ceti (3)
Sir Ralph voted for: Theseus (2), arrian (2), alexman (@)
Slowwhand voted for: Sprayber (4), Orange (4), Reismark (4)
Stefu voted for: DinoDoc (4), JohnT (4), Sprayber (4)
Stuie voted for: Theseus (2), Catt (2), UberKrux (2)
Taz voted for: Sikander (3), Ogie Oglethorpe (3), Tau Ceti (3)
The Pioneer voted for: Vondrack (!), Trip (1), Catt (1)
Theseus voted for: Catt (1), Arrian (1), alexman (1)
Tiberius voted for: Alexman (3), Warpstorm (3), Vondrack (3)
TKG voted for: Blake (2), Ogie Oglethorpe (2), Alnisteria Covelia (2)
Trajanus voted for: Boris Godunov (3)
Tuomerehu voted for: Rasbelin (2), Kassiopeia (2), Trip (2)
WarpStorm voted for: notyoueither (2), Coracle (2), Catt (2)
wilbill voted for: warpstorm (1), theseus (1), Catt (1)
Vlad Antlerkov voted for: Black Dragon/Shi Huangdi (4), Scouse Gits (4), Marquis de Sodaq (4)
Zopperoni voted for: Paul (3), War4Ever (3), Asher (3)
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December 18, 2002, 02:40
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Good work DarkCloud, and thanks for at least trying to get on-topic denizens voting - even though three off-topicers were again inducted on what is a designated CivGame website and not an Obnoxious Discussion of Politics and Garbage website  , it gives hope for the future.
Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.
December 18, 2002, 07:10
Local Time: 14:36
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Posts: 1,082
To FNBrown argument, that's indeed what I suggested when I talked about Sections in the HoF.
It might be actually a bit difficult to understand *which* votes of all those expressed would have to be counted for instance for the AC Section of the HoF. That is, whether you cast a general vote, and a sub-ranking of the general HoF is made taking into account the post# specifically in the concerned site section...
Or if instead you vote for a "general" HoFer, and then cast a second, specialistic vote for the specific section you're interested in...
DC told he'll have considered the issue....
That apart, I am.... in lack of the proper lexicon, the words "dumfounded", "floundered" and "flustered" come to my mind, but very likely some of them are meaning something totally unrelated.
What I mean, is that I'm flattered and confused for the appreciation someone expressed, I wasn't even remotely fishing for it when I replied to this thread.
It's a pleasure knowing that all my pompous, longwinded, pedantic and nitpicking posts have in the end actually influence at least a bit the way someone is playing the game (thanks gwillybj).
Anyway, Dark Cloud, I "think", without being presumtpious, that when Ogie expressed a preference for Mario, he actually intended to nominate me.
It DOES indeed exist a plain "Mario" UserID, but it appears to have... 0 posts!
I don't exactly know what I mean by that, but I mean it (Holden Caulfield)
December 18, 2002, 09:43
Local Time: 12:36
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Location: Marietta, GA
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Yes MariOne you were the intended recipient of my misguided voting.
OTOH there is something to be said for the brevity of Mario (as opposed to the verbose commentary style you and I tend towards), perhaps he is worthy of voting.
"Just puttin on the foil" - Jeff Hanson
“In a democracy, I realize you don’t need to talk to the top leader to know how the country feels. When I go to a dictatorship, I only have to talk to one person and that’s the dictator, because he speaks for all the people.” - Jimmy Carter
Last edited by Ogie Oglethorpe; December 18, 2002 at 10:35.
December 18, 2002, 11:41
Local Time: 05:36
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He's got the Midas touch.
But he touched it too much!
Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!
December 18, 2002, 13:48
Local Time: 04:36
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Location: of the Sierra Nevada foothills
Posts: 527
Well, it's OT votes for OT candidates. Whoop-dee-doo. When was the last time any of those three guys contributed to anything ON topic?
The HOF is a joke. Call it the Off-topic prom queen election and be done with it.
Infograme: n: a message received and understood that produces certain anger, wrath, and scorn in its recipient. (Don't believe me? Look up 'info' and 'grame' at
December 19, 2002, 05:28
Local Time: 14:36
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Posts: 1,082
Of course it's a joke.
That's what we keep us lightly entertained with, in between longer, immersive sessions of SERIOUS gaming entertainment.
FNB, what how would you TELL and OT elector from and OnT one, or an OT candidate from and OnT one?
Again, either you go by post counts forum by forum, or you keep separate the different votes coming from local forums threads (which won't tho avoid an OTter coming here to vote for an OTter candidate...). All this always in the light of light entertainment
I don't exactly know what I mean by that, but I mean it (Holden Caulfield)
December 19, 2002, 10:06
Local Time: 12:36
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Very light on entertainment in this case.
December 19, 2002, 15:33
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Location: of the Sierra Nevada foothills
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Originally posted by MariOne
FNB, what how would you TELL and OT elector from and OnT one, or an OT candidate from and OnT one?
Again, either you go by post counts forum by forum, or you keep separate the different votes coming from local forums threads (which won't tho avoid an OTter coming here to vote for an OTter candidate...). All this always in the light of light entertainment
Precisely why I suggested earlier that if they want a real, On-topic HOF, it should be done by committee, not by popular vote.
December 21, 2002, 19:57
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Part of what MariOne said:
... pompous, longwinded, pedantic and nitpicking ...
As the words of any worthy SMAC-faction-leader should be  . I suspect yours have found their way into more than one custom SMAC faction  .
In all seriousness, and in spite of the simple fact this is only a game, the player, whether solo or multi, must allow some measure of ego to influence his/her approach to both game-play and game-discussion. Without it, much of the pleasure of the game will go missing. Much more satisfaction can be realized by allowing one's attitude, good or bad, to influence the flow, and responding with a proper expression of indignation when the flow is not favorable. Otherwise, you are just a flesh-and-blood extension of the AI, going through the motions until the last turn is played.
All these thoughts and ideas have been influenced by not only the words posted here by the three for whom I voted, but the conviction evident behind those words.
Have A Nice Day 
If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving isn't your thing.
December 23, 2002, 17:24
Local Time: 12:36
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Okay, I just fixed the "mario" problem  MariOne now has 9 votes for next round!
To FNBrown argument, that's indeed what I suggested when I talked about Sections in the HoF.
It might be actually a bit difficult to understand *which* votes of all those expressed would have to be counted for instance for the AC Section of the HoF. That is, whether you cast a general vote, and a sub-ranking of the general HoF is made taking into account the post# specifically in the concerned site section...
Or if instead you vote for a "general" HoFer, and then cast a second, specialistic vote for the specific section you're interested in...
DC told he'll have considered the issue....
I'm still a bit unclear on the idea; however, my 1st idea was merely to do the following:
Split the Hall into sections in the description of who was in... such as put them in a Civ II, OT, or Civ III section for greater clarification.
Then I thought about requiring there to be one on-topicer elected; but just so you know 1- that would induce controversy and 2- all the people elected last time (save Asher) were ontopic at one point. And Krazy Horse and Slowwhand were quite good contribuiters!
Well, it's OT votes for OT candidates. Whoop-dee-doo. When was the last time any of those three guys contributed to anything ON topic?
So? They did ONCE help apolyton in the ontopic and taht's all that matters? Where would apolyton be without korn/Snowfire and the Civ III list? Where would apolyton be without Giant Squid in the old days, keeping interest in Civ II, etc? Where would apolyton be without people being elected for past accomplishments?
And these people- after burining out on on-topic REMAINED! They had the loyalty to stay in the OT and help the community! That is part of their charm, part of the reason that they were elected!
Precisely why I suggested earlier that if they want a real, On-topic HOF, it should be done by committee, not by popular vote.
No one wanted to be on committee.
And just how would we choose this committee? Not everyone on Apolyton knows everyone else? Even I, MarkG and Ming, all of whom get around a lot don't know everyone... and I certainly don't know what everyone does! I know OF many people but not ABOUT many people... same with anyone in the community.
Also, part of the hall's fun is its all inclusive voting fun!
FNB, what how would you TELL and OT elector from and OnT one, or an OT candidate from and OnT one?
Again, either you go by post counts forum by forum, or you keep separate the different votes coming from local forums threads (which won't tho
Posts don't count in the OT 
...And oh my... look at all the emperors in the hall
[font size="1"] Of course, before 2001 posts DID count in the OT, but still...Siddiqui and AH managed to reach deity without ot posts counting.[/font]
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