We need to stop dumping on the authors of the NewCon and wasting our time whining about the rules as they currently exist. ANY set of rules which have been created and not yet tested on actual, fallible, human beings is going to have growing pains and need adjustment to account for things that were unanticipated. This is entirely natural.
That said, growing pains we are certainly having with the NewCon and some ammendments seem necessary.
I think the following ammendments should at least be proposed:
1. Cabinet Members Propose Senate Bills
Allow members of the cabinet to propose bills. The lines in the NewCon giving the FAM exclusive ability to propose Alliances and MPPs are currently problematic, because he can't propose his own senate bill to seek approval (also necessary) for that same proposal. This was the problem I ran into as FAM when proposing the legal MPPs signed during the chat (never mind the illegal ones...).
2. Lighten the restrictions on the FAM for signing agreements in wartime
Make the check on the FAM for signing MPPs and alliances during times of war considerably more lax than during times of peace. When in times of peace, allowing the FAM to sign MPPs and alliances willy-nilly would probably drag the country into war against the wishes of the Senate. During wartime, we're ALREADY at war and the FAM needs considerably more power to sign such agreements on short notice w/o having to take the 3 days to get Senate bills passed.
3. A method for handling the election tie issue
Some ammendment to handle the issue of tied elections.
That should, I would think, resolve this for the long-term.
We'll tackle additional growing pains as we experience them. This is entirely natural and we shouldn't be dumping on the people who wrote the constitution (Togas, notyoueither, Apocalypse, and adaMada) for it.
I welcome discussion in this thread dedicated to
ACTION regarding actually changing the constitution to bring it into line with what people think would be more workable. You say you don't like the current rules because of the results they caused:
Ammendments need to be discussed, written, and proposed for passage.
So don't just stand there complaining about this whole mess, do something about it