December 22, 2002, 00:33
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It doesn't matter what the title is. As for immortality; if someone wants to keep their character let them. it doesn't effect much, a few immortals out of millions of people.
December 23, 2002, 21:34
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Originally posted by Easthaven I
What? With King you still have Queen? HOw is that unequal? I'm just trying to be more widespread and realistic...
No, your trying to make Apolyton Empire more like real life history. -Mellian
December 23, 2002, 21:55
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Originally posted by Sheep
Yeah I feel its unreralists and unbalancing if people are immortal and our rulers are called Moderators. What are the Moderating, it isn;t ther drinks, thats for sure.
What i mean by immortal is those that can live forever, as well they don't get themselves killed. like icarus says, there is only a few out of the many millions of people in the world, so how could that be unbalancing? Like i said many times before, Apolyton Empire is an alternate earth, which doesn't look like in turn don't have the same timeline. Technology could look different as it is a known fact that history effects technlogical development. Apolyton is a custom civ, meaning, different culture, language and title names. Don't forget that this is a FICTION as well, not re-innacting Historical events and happenings and titles. SO, having Moderator isn't a case of being unrealistic or unabalancing, it is a case of not being historical...which AE isn't. Anyway, personally, i don;t like King or Queen...or even having a "Kingdom of Apolyton", as it dignifies gender. Besides, what is the point changing into a lesser culture titles, hmm? what would be the silly reasoning? Sorry for weird style, using mother's comp...which apparently as some weird bugs infecting the browser.... -Mellian
December 24, 2002, 01:18
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What's taking so long? It looks like AE is dead whether you got a moderator or a freakin King. Lets get his freight train on the move, folks.
December 24, 2002, 01:27
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As i understand it, sheep isgoing to be absent for another week or so, so i reccomend we just throw together a timeline now and get started. It doesn't have to be much, just enough of a framework to allow us to actally start posting story events. We can always fix it later
December 24, 2002, 01:43
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How about we just use the timeline sheep has posted? ITs got more base then us just slammin one together. Good enough for us to start.
December 24, 2002, 19:35
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also Xmas, so of course expect a slow down
I have problems in several areas with the timeline Sheep posted... hence, i'll be tweaking it.... but won't do so until i get back home from my mothers, one city away.
Another point i forgot to say, this is a story, not a game to don't know why the word "unbalancing" was used...
December 25, 2002, 06:53
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Well wouldn't it help the story by not having these superhuman immortals? Surely immortals are going to be more powerful than any regular person. Its more interesting having a variety of characters instead of having the same ones who just live through different time periods. So instead of fighting each other with swords, we start fighting the exact same person with an m16 then later on we start fighting the still exact same person for probably the same reason with freakin light sabers. I agree, its a story, not a game to win, so what's the point in having your character never see the weakness of age or time? And since everybody else's characters die off, doesn't that show they aren't trying to win?
And could you run by us what kind of tweaks your going to do with Sheep's timeline, some might disagree with certain tweaks...
Merry Christmas!
December 25, 2002, 14:25
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I never said immortals were superhuman, or even invincible. Only difference with normal human beings is that, for some reason, their body won't age... it is theoriticly possible you know  ....especially after reading all the medical stuff. Only thing that wasn't achieved is make it happen artificially... but if the body is well balanced, it is possible for the body to live forever, as well they don't get themselves killed, infected by disease, and so on.
If no one else will use their same character, would it really matter? they wouldn't know about Mellian at all. Hey, i played her with her being immortal in mind since the beginning...did i abuse that fact? no! and have no intention of doing so.... So stop making it a big deal, cause it won't ruin the story.
as for tweaks....some historical details and so on that i would like to see happen, mainly to set pace for the time warp era write about. Others, to be consistent with the past story, cause we are starting anew in a different story. Then, simply make sure it continues following the concept i set out for AE.
Anyway, Merry Christmas!
December 25, 2002, 14:33
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Another to think about...if a person can live a long time, then they have plenty of time to change, no? Time still effects the mind, despite the body not aging....
Oh, Mellian was born about a century before Apolyton reunited into a Monarchy, in the late Ancient age or early medieval age.
December 25, 2002, 18:34
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Alright fine fine fine. But still, immortality is not possible. Theoretically...well...everything is theoretically possible. Pigs flying can be considered theoretically possible but it isn't possible. The homeless guy I saw at borders is Jesus reborn!...theoretically possible. Having a well-balanced system might give you a life of a 100 years or so but forever? Time destroys all. You've been reading too much Lord of the Rings, dude. But I'll drop it, since it seems you won't compromise.
Well, good luck with the tweaks.
and Merry Christmas, again!
December 25, 2002, 19:24
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The Giovanni Gynasty (start of constituinal Monarchy)
Eh eh eh, I had to leave the Empire for about a month, and when I'm back I discover that there was a Giovanni Dynasty
Anyway, now I'm back, and once I'll be finished reading what happened in my absence I will be ready to join back in.
"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
December 25, 2002, 20:32
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Welcome back!
December 25, 2002, 20:34
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Originally posted by Easthaven I
Alright fine fine fine. But still, immortality is not possible. Theoretically...well...everything is theoretically possible. Pigs flying can be considered theoretically possible but it isn't possible. The homeless guy I saw at borders is Jesus reborn!...theoretically possible. Having a well-balanced system might give you a life of a 100 years or so but forever? Time destroys all. You've been reading too much Lord of the Rings, dude. But I'll drop it, since it seems you won't compromise.
Pig can fly, just fire them from a catapult, or put them on a cesna and fly them around. Jesus is of God, and God is in all of us, so the homeless could well be Jesus, as well as anyone else. I never read the lord of the rings hun.
It as already been discovered that a peticular protein, which is important to fight cancer by ordering the cancerus cells to stop producing....but at some point, the protein becomes way to paranoid and starts cancelling out cells left and right, slowling down the regeneration process to replace the old cells, in turn creating the aging process. That usually happens once the body stops, or simply slows down the growth process. Medical professionals looking for the 'cure' to aging could stop the protein by making it less 'paranoid' or its natural programming, but doing so may result an increase risk of cancer. So now, after reading the article about that, it would be possible to have quite an balancing in that protein....a long with other biological factors to improve the odds....protect the body from cancer while not going overboard to point of cancelling out the 'innocent' cells' ability to reproduce.
Anything is possible and only impossible to those not willing to understand, believe, see it and so on.
Anyway, it is my character, and i intend to continue using her in the story. There is nothing wrong about it, and sorry if i seem not compromiseble, but why should i be if the points you make can so easilly be shot down?
Besides, it is FICTION, and is impossible for EVERYONE to agree in every single little REALITY details, because, you know why? Everyone perceives reality differently, have different life experiences to base on and so on.
December 25, 2002, 21:34
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Pig can fly, just fire them from a catapult, or put them on a cesna and fly them around. Jesus is of God, and God is in all of us, so the homeless could well be Jesus, as well as anyone else. I never read the lord of the rings hun.
Now see, this is a smartass remark similar to the ones that got everybody into bashing you. Chill out.
So you're saying by some miracle of God that this character, Mellian, is the perfect human being? That somehow her "particular protein" stopped and said 'hey, I'm getting to paranoid here, I gotta watch what I shoot at"? The thing is, is that what you say is a theory, an unlikely one at that. ANd for you to stop that protein from getting 'paranoid' naturally just ain't gonna happen, maybe if modern science got a hold of it then it might be more probable.
And if what I read is correct, then that would mean that if you gain immortality then you would be unprotected from cancer which means you'll probably die of cancer. Now if you protect cancer, even just alittle, then you will age because the proteins battling cancer cells will most definately hit a few other cells, slowing down the regeneration, either a little or alot, thus your old cells die without any replacements. So then, you either have to protect yourself of cancer and die of age, or leave yourself defenseless from cancer...never age...but die of cancer anyways.
Either way I still think what you say is impossible to occur naturally unless by the hand of God.
You say you shoot down all my points, well I don't exactly see that. I think my points are quite obvious and realistic, yours is much harder to prove and is getting more and more 'sci-fi'. But hey, maybe it's because we 'percieve reality differently', eh?
Still, why must you always have the last word? I said I would drop it but then you continue. Do you percieve the phrase 'drop it' differently maybe? Or do you just love debating?  I can see you'll never give up your immortal character so then keep her. I was only asking...geez.
Happy Christmas.
December 26, 2002, 01:16
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I shouldn't have the always have the last word, but hard not to, depending on the kind of reply you give me
You miss the balancing part, but oh well, whatever. I believe it is possible, especially when God is part of us and we are part of God  .
As wether i love debating or not, depends on the subject... but generally don't, i just end up doing so.... *sigh*
December 26, 2002, 01:34
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I didn't miss anything. Maybe you just refuse to see the point. Seeing as how I shot your point down. hooah...
For the love of God, woman, just drop it.
December 27, 2002, 06:23
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I'll styart posting the thing (I finnished during christmas) when I comeonline tommorrow.
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December 29, 2002, 22:28
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oak the the updated timeline will be up in one and a half hours. All I have to do is type it......
Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.
December 29, 2002, 22:51
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1403 - 1450
1403 - 05 Peace Confrence in Apolyton ends. 'First Republic of Apolyton' proclaimed, by Republican Chief Meilian
1406 King Richard III takes power in England. Fourth Punic War begins Cathrage takes Pisa
1407 Treaty of Pisa signed, ending the Punic War. Pisa handed back to Rome. Counsul Jack dies in duel with Counsul Thunderfire over a woman.
1408 Apep II beheaded for treason against the Republic. Consul Easthaven dies of poisoning.
1410 Chief Melian burned at stake for witchcraft, it is later found she poisoned Consul Easthaven. Apep I executed for conspiring to steal a cabbage.
1413 King Richard III of England defeats France at Agnourt, caputres Paris. French King moves to Orleans temporarily. Counsul Thunderfire dies mysteriously.
1416 Drako Chuko stages coup against the Republic, styling himself Emperor Chucko II. He is later executed by the Republican Gaurd.
1429 Moderator Civman III of Niagra Falls invades Apolyton. Republic falls Start of the Niagra Dynasty. Joan d'Arc leads the French to victory at Orleans, English withdraw from Paris.
1431 English caputre Joan d'Arc and burn her at the stake. Apolyton enters war on the French side.
1433 English caputre York from Apolyton. Peace made with English. French independence recognised by Richard III.
1443 Civman III dies from consumption. His son Civman IV takes the throne.
1447 Olaf II of Vikingland unites Denmark with Celtic lands, creating the United Kingdom.
Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.
December 29, 2002, 23:04
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1450 - 1500
1453 England and France make peace after Richard III is defeated t Castillion.
1455 - 85 War of the Roses in England. Between the cioties of York and Lancaster for the English throne in London.
1455 Civman IV dies while hunting for rabbits (They say a bear got him) His brother Niverus II takes the throne.
1456 German cursaders under John Honyadi strom Belgrade and drive the turks from Germany.
1459 Ottoman Grand Army conquers the German province of Serbia. Germany sues for peace.
1463 Ottoman forces attack Rome.
1478 The Prince of Moscow foights the Grand Prince from Novograd for the Crown. Cicil War in Russia begins.
1479 Rome surrenders to the Turks. Veii and Venice are seeded.
1480 Moscow unifies Russia under its rule. The Czar is crowned.
1489 Niverus II assasinate by Republic forces. Second Republic proclaimed.
1491 Henry VIII of England takes the throne.
1494 Charles VIII of France invades Rome. Venice and Veii uprise and rejoin the Roman Empire. Pisa captured by French forces.
1495 France caputres Naples, but is forced to leave by an alliance of Spain, Germany, Rome and America.
1499 France seizes Milan from Rome.
Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.
December 29, 2002, 23:20
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1500 - 1550
1501 France occupies Naples from Rome.
1503 France withdraws from Naples and Milan, Basil III takes Russian throne.
1505 France recognises Rome's control over Naples.
1510 France leaves Rome. The Treaty of Agnicourt is signed.
1512 Apolyton takes Calcutta, India. Start of Apolytoner Imperialism.
1513 Apolytoner ships reach the fabled land of China, where the traitors Drako Chuko and Liam Sheep, were reported to have been.
1516 General Nassur Easthaven claims the mepty throne in Apolyton City. Start of the Paliamentry Wars. Nassur I of the Easthaven dynasty is crowned.
1517 Ottomans conquer Egypt. Egypt is now a realm of the Ottoman Empire.
1519 Spainish Conquistidors conquer Aztects. Aztects now subjects to the Spanish crown. Vegemeo City renamed Eatrhaven City as Parliamentry forces of Apolyton surrender to Easthaven forces. The Second Republis falls.
1521 Nassur I puts down a Republican uprising. 3000 people executed for treason.
1524 France again invades Rome. Milan captured.
1525 Nassur I invades France. Caputres Paris and sacks it. French surrender after Republican uprising. Tours seeded to Apolyton in return for the rest of France.
1526 Apolyton forces seize Bombay from the Indians. India is destoryed as a nation.
1529 Ottomans attack German city of Vienna. They are unsuccessful.
1533 Ivan IV takes the Russian throne.
1534 Germans and Ottomans sign peace. Serbia given back to Germany. Ottomand invade Arabia. Baghdad caputred and the Arabians surrender. Arabia now a realm in the Ottoman Empire.
1537 France invades Savoy and Piedemont, in an alliance with ottomans. Rome is destroyed as a nation.
1544 Engaland and Spain invade France but are defeated, Nassur I dies in Easthaven city of old age. His son Nassur II takes the thorne but is killed in a fishing accident six days later. His brother Civman V takes the throne. Capital of Apolyton moved to Easthaven City.
1546 Civman V is killed by his wife. Their son Niverus III takes the throne at 9 months of age. Is Moderator for 10 months. Republicans rise. Thrid Republic begins.
1547 Niverus III is executed at the age of 2 years. His mother is executed along with him, for crimes against the Republic.
Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.
December 29, 2002, 23:36
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1550 - 1600
1551 Alliance signed between France and Germany
1552 Ottomans invade Germany, french soldiers drive Ottomas out, and liberate Egypt. Egypt regains its independence.
1553 Korea gains independence from the Chinese Empire.
1562 Indian Wars begin. Apolyton, France, America, England and Russia involved.
1565 Apoolyton caputres English stronglhold of Delhi. England signs Treaty of Westminster, quitting India.
1572 Rome regains its independence from the Ottomans, Names itself Italy. French parts rebel and join the New Unified Kingdom of Italy.
1574 America and France sign the treaty of abolition. They both quit India. Russian troops outnumber Apolytoner Armed forces
1580 Germany invades England, caputres Liverpool.
1581 Anglo-German War ends, Liverpool returned.
1584 Ivan IV dies in India, Ivan V crowned Russian czar.
1586 England at war with Spain. Lisbon lost to the English.
1587 Lisbon recaptured by Spain. Delhi lost to Russian troops in India.
1588 English defeat Spanish Armada.
1593 Calcutta razed and destoyed by Russian Army in India. Only Bombay remains in Apolyton hands.
1595 Russian forces invade Apolyton homlands. Gowoasanwein razed, Sanhopi caputred.
1598 Mass rebellions begoin Apolyton. Civman VI of the House of Windsor claims the throne, sues for peace.
1599 Thrid Republic falls, Sanhopi returned to Apolyton, in return for Bombay in India. India beomes Russian, but Russians leave Apolyton. Windsor dynasty established.
Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.
December 30, 2002, 00:12
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1600 - 1700
1600 Essex rebellion in England put down.
1602 - 1618 Persia invades Ottoman Empire. PErsia destoys Taloiz, conquers Ferivan, Shrivan and Kars.
1605 Gunpowder Plot fails in Apolyton. Republican forces crushed.
1606 Fedor II of Russia killed by Indian Sihks.
1609 Wladyslaw of Russia crowned after 3 years without a ruler.
1613 Wladyslaw dies, Michael Rommanov elected Czar. Civman VI abdicates, Civamn VII takes power in his place.
1614 Fromer Civman VI dies in hunting acciedent.
1619 Civamn VII is killed when he is training his troops for an invasion of England. There is a crisis when no male heir is evident.
1620 Melian I takes the throne as Queen. Moderatorship renamed Kings and Queens, inline with other nations. England loses York to Apolyton. Melian I passes in childbrith. Civman VII the Orphan King takes the throne.
1622 York lost to England again. Peace of York signed with England.
1625 Apolyton invades and annexes Zululand. Zimbabwe destroyed. Zululand becomes colony of the Apolyton Empire.
1630 King Civman VIII dissolves parliamanet and rules alone.
1638 Ottomans take Baghdad from Perisa.
1641 Japan shuts trade to the outside world.
1644 Chinese Civil War, Qing dynasty established in China.
1647 Civman VIII is assainstaed by English spies. Civman IX takes the throne and thanks England.
1651 Easthaven usuper invades Civman IX defeates him.
1653 A Anti- Windsor army causes Civman IX to flee. Lord Protector Apep rules as dictator.
1656 Italians defeat Ottomans in Turkey. Smyrna destroyed.
1658 Lord Protector Apep defeated by Civman IX's loyalist army. Apep XL is executed for treason, like his forefathers. Apep's name is forbidden throughout the Empire of Apolyton from now on.
1661 Civman IX re-introduces the parliament. Consitiutuional Monarchy begins.
1666 The Great Frie of Apolyton City. The old Palace is destoyed. the capital is temporarily moved back to Easthaven City.
1672 Russia and Turke go to war over India.
1673 Sikh Uprsising in India
1674 Ottoman Invasion ofrces are defeated. Ottoman sign treaty
1678 Sikh Uporsiing crushed. Russia commits genocide against all the Sikh. New Palace is started at Apolyton City. Turkey caputres Sevestapol from Russia.
1680 Russia invades Turkey Sevestapol is recaputred from Turkey.
1682 Turkey surrenders once again.
1683 Turkey invades Italy. Venice withstands 3 month seige. Turkey signs peace.
1685 Apolyton invades America, after the President accuses Apolyton's King of being retarted. New Orleans seeded to Apolyton, as Americans overthorw their President, and call for new elections, based on the President's stupidity.
1689 English Monarcy overthrown, English Republic declared.
1690 Turkey retakes Belgrade and Serbia from the German Reich.
1695 First case of Bubonic Plague reported in Apolyton.
Civman IX does of the plague. His sick son Civman X takes the throne.
Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.
December 30, 2002, 00:54
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1701 - 1800
1701 Englsih Republic falls, Hannoverian dynasty begins
1702 England and France have a quick border war. Nor territorty changes.
1703 St. Petersburg becomes Russian capital. Civman X dies of plague illness. Melian II his daughter takes the throne. She moves the capital back to Apolyton City into the newly completed palace.
1705 Ottomans overthrown in Arabia. Independence under the Sultan restored.
1708 Arabia invades Persia. Peresepolis ransacked.
1710 Persia and Arabs sign treaty. Alliance formed.
1711 The Plague continues 1/5 of the population have dies thus far, including two Kings.
1713 British annex the unoccupied islands of Mauritanis. This small island chain is in the Southern Ocean.
1714 George I of England begins his reign.
1715 Iriquois surrnder to invading American armies. Their nations becomes states in the United States of America.
1716 Russo-Mogol War begins. Melian II overthrown by her evil son Civman XI.
1717 Melian II executed by Civman XI. Stringent anti-Plague laws passed.
1720 Mongolia surrenders and is fully absorbed into the Russian Empire.
1723 Apolyton occupies the Incas homeland after a small war.
1724 Incas officlally proclaimed part oif the Empire of Apolyton.
1725 Ctherine I takes Russian Throne.
1736 Russo - Turkish War begins.
1737 Apolyton joins Tukrs against Russia.
1738 The evil Civman XI dies in Campaign in Russia. Civman XII his nephew takes the throne.
1739 Apolyton and Turkey make peace with Russia. Each receive 100,000 roubles.
1740 Fedrick the Great 'Barbarossa' takes the German Throne.
1741 Germanic-Cathrage War. Cathrage defeated and annexed by Greater German Reich.
1743 Battle of Dettingen English defeat French, start of 6th Anglo-French War.
1745 English capture French fortress of Louisbourg.
1747 French sign treaty with Englsih Rouen given to English. Apolyton Tours is given back to France.
1748 First factory opens up in Apolyton City. New ORleans is sold to the USA for 100 thousean US dollars.
1749 Industrial Revolution begins in earnest Apolytoner Cities begin to explode with population.
1750: Civman XII dies without an heir. Gernarl Beer defearts his rivalk and brother Genral Shnapps in a quick battle. Shnapps is killed. Beer takes the throne, Giovanni dynasty begins.
1752: Cities continue to grow Apolyton City grows to 750,000 people.
1753 Germany invades France
1755 Paris is captured Germany and America divide France.
1757 Beer I invades German France.
1758 French people uprise, German France regains its independence. France caputres Rouen from England.
1759 England signs treaty of Paris.
1760 France invades American occupied France.
1765 American forces leave France.
1766 England invades America Apolyton invades America.
1767 America sues for peace. Pays 50 thousand dollars to every nation against it. 100 to France.
1769 Apolytoner King Beer I takes throne of Korea, after his uncle the Korean King WunChai dies without directs heirs. Korea annexed to Empire of Apolyton.
1771 Cities have doubled in size since Industiral Revolution began inb 1748. Apolyton City passes million people mark, biggest city in the known world.
1773 Beer I oepns trade with Japan through the 'Japanese Armada'
1780 Inca rebellion begins.
1783 Beer I crushes Inca rebellion. severe famine in Japan.
1788 Spannish Civil War, Miltitary takes over government, Monarchists rise army to fight them.
1793 King of Spain re-installed, French revolution begins, King Loius XXVI is executed by the mob, Republic declared.
1799 Napoleon Bonparte Consul of the French Republic, declares himself Emperor of the Egalitarian French Empire.
1800 Beer I dies of old age, Beer II his son takes the throne. France under Emperor Napoleon I invades Germany.
Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.
December 30, 2002, 01:15
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1801 - 1850
1802 Germany surrenders, Napoleon invades England, Napoleon claims German throne. Cathrage given to Ottoman Empire.
1803 English King flees to Maurtianias. English parliament surrenders to Napoleon.
1804 The Anti-Napoleon Alliance is formed with Spain, America and Apolyton invading the French Empire.
1809 England regains independence as King George III returns from exile to reclaim the throne with an army of 10000 men.
1812 Emperor Napoleon surrenders, Germany regains independence. Napoleon sent to exile on Elba
1813 Babaloyn City annexed by Persia, ending the Baabaloynians independence.
1815 Treaty of Paris signed by France. Restore French broders and Monarchy to that of 1793.
1816 Napoleon invades France. England's Duke of Wellington defeats him at Waterloo.
1818 Apolyton's population has tripled since 1748. Greeks fall to Ottoman Armies.
1823 Vikings fall to the armies of Japan. Celts gain independnce once more.
1824 Egypt invades the new Celt nation. annexing them
1825 Cathrage is renamed Tunis by the Ottomans.
1827 Italy invades Tunis, Ottomans surrender the territory for peace.
1829 Greeks uprise against Turkish occupiers. Greece regains independence.
1830 Iriquois descendant claimanat of the trhone Civman of Niagra Falls invades Apolyton with army.
1831 Beer I killed at the Battle of Trikomore, Civman XIV takes the crown. New Iriquois Dynasy begins, later known as the Trikomore Dynasty.
1832 Civman XIV renames all cities to their modern names. Modern Ear begins.
1833 Factory Act passed by Civman XIV. Restricts factory employment to those over 9 years of age.
1836 Vote given to all adult males.
1839: First Opium War begins English take Hong Kong.
1842: Opium War ends
1843 Apolyton invades Spain, Madrid caputerd, Aztects become Apolytoner possession.
1847 Revolutions in France, Germany, Spain and Italy are out down.
1849 Second Opuim War. Cina becomes more open to trade, Shangahi named an international city administerated by England.
Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.
December 30, 2002, 01:35
Local Time: 22:45
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: The Hand of Sheep, the Hand of Death
Posts: 2,271
1851 - 1900
1856 Arabs and Persia invade Britian
1857 Persian invasion fails at Battle of London
1859 Arabia signs treaty of London with England. English terriory restored.
1860 Last Case of Bubonic Palgue in Apolyton. Apolkytoner detah toll alone is 16 million people in 2 cenutires.
1861 King Civman XIV's wife dies in childbirth. King William I becomes King of Germany. US Civil War begins.
1865 US Civil War ends, CSA recognised by the United States.
1866: Bismark become Chancellor of Germany.
1870: CS invades US, CS wins quick battles
1872: US signs treaty with CS.
1873: Communist Manefiseto written by Marx.
1874: Franco-German War, German forces overwhelm quickly France forced to handover Lorraine. Revolt in PAris against Napoleon III Fourth Republic proclaimed.
1875 Shogunate abolished in Japan, legal code drawn up, Sammurai outlawed, Emperor regains total power
1876: Sammurai uprising defeated.
1877 CS invades US. US surrenders. CSA replaces USA.
1879 US annexed by CSA.
1880: Germany negotiates an alliance with Britian.
1881: Czar Alexander II assasinated, Alexander III takes throne. CSA president GArfield assainated. Italy joins Anglo-German Alliance.
1884: Dowager Empress Cixi of China sacks Chinese Grand Council.
1890 First Japanese General Elections, William II becomes Kaiser of Germany, Bismark resigns.
1894 Sun YAt-Sen forms Chinese revolutionary Council in Shanghai.
1895: Sino-Japanese War Japan gains Gangzhou from China
1897 Slavery banned in all nations except China.
1898 Empress Cixi crushes reform in China, Port Athur ceeded to Russia after brief war. Russian Bolshevik party formed by Valadmir Lenin, Spannish_american War CSA wins concessions.
Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.
December 30, 2002, 01:54
Local Time: 22:45
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: The Hand of Sheep, the Hand of Death
Posts: 2,271
1900 - present
1901: Civman XIV dies of old age. He was 92 years old, and ruled for 70 years. His son Civman XV takes the throne.
1902 Telephone Cable connect England to Apolyton. England cancels alliance with Germany and Italy.
1903 King Civman XV assasinated, Queen Melian III his wife takes the throne.
1904 Britian signs allaince with France
1908 Emperes Cixi of China dies
1910: China abloishes slavery the last nation to do so. Melian III dies, her sun Markos I takes the throne.
1911 Qing gynasy in China overthrown, Republic of China under Sun Yat-sen proclaimed. Italians defeat Ottomans in a short war. Italians regain Tunis.
1912 Arabia annexed by Ottomans
1913 World War One begins, with the assasination of the German heir in Belgrade, by Ottoman fanatics. Germany, Italy and Russia against Britian, France, Russia and Ottoman Empire.
1914 Apolyton allies itself with British side, German submarine warfare bgins on Apolyton.
1916 Mongolia regains independence from Russia., Russian revolution ovethrows Czar, Royal family executed, Bolshevik's gain power.
1917 Russia sues for peace.
1918 Itialy sues for peace, Tunis given to Britian. Arabia regains indepndence through insurrenction. Ottoman Empire dissolves, becomes Republic of Turkey, sues for peace.
1919 Germany surrenders, Lorraine given back to FGrance, Treaty of Versailles.
1921 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is formed in Russia and India.
1923 Mussolini gains power in Italy, Fascist
1924 Mosely gains power in Britian, Fascist Union
1925 Brisith Revolution, Mosley becomes dictator, King executed.
1926 Emperor Hirohito of Japan gains throne.
1927 Chinese capital moved to Nanjing
1928 French build Maginot line on GErman border and Petain Line on British border
1929 Great Depression begins
1930 Japan invades China, takes over Manchuria.
1932 Adolf Hitler of the Nazi PArty takes power in the Greater German Reich
1933 Hitler overthrows the Kaiser and installs himslef as Nazi Emperor.
1934 Chinese Civil War begins between Republican and Communist forces.
1935 Italy invades Arabia
1937 Arabia annexed by Italy. Germany repudiates the Treeaty of Versailles. Spannish Cicil War begins between fascists and socialist government.
1938 Civman XVI dies, his son Ming I takes the throne. abdicates six months later, Civman XVII takes the throne. Axis proclaimed between Italy, Britian, Germany and Japan.
Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.
December 30, 2002, 02:32
Local Time: 07:45
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 1,782
Only comment i have right now is that, it needs tweaking
December 30, 2002, 02:34
Local Time: 22:45
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: The Hand of Sheep, the Hand of Death
Posts: 2,271
It took me 3 hours to write up, I am taking a break but I aslo have a lkist of nations they're postion towards us, theyre terriotry,. and the list of modern city names to post soon.
Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.
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