View Poll Results: Are you a puzzler?
Oh my yes ! I just LOVE crossword puzzles.
13 |
44.83% |
Good gawd no! In the words of Tubs, "Ack! Pbbffft!"
16 |
55.17% |
December 18, 2002, 17:16
Local Time: 07:52
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Crossword Puzzles. Like Them ?
I hate them. I especially hate the New York Times puzzle. Very unfriendly.
Lots of people do like them. I see people working on these puzzles all the time.
Not me. I hate them.
Be honest here today. Are you a crossword puzzle junkie ?
(did you hear about the crossword puzzle enthusiast that died? buried 6 down and 2 across)
Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
December 18, 2002, 17:23
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I don't mind them, but I do find they get a bit frustrating, especially the cryptic ones (which I rarely bother with anyway).
Speaking of Erith:
"It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith
December 18, 2002, 17:29
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They really improve your spelling and vocabulary.
I used to do them, my spelling isn't what it used to be
December 18, 2002, 17:31
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They make me really frustrated... I just stop after five minutes...
Lets face it. We flamiing queers have more appeal then Pat Robertson and other religious wackos. We have shows that are really growing in popularity. We have more channels (Q TV, Logo Channel). And we help people in their style issues (Queer Eye for the Straight Guy). The last thing I saw a religious preacher did was ask for $5 in a "generous pledge" to help his bank account in Zurich, erhm, some starving kids in Zimbabwe.
December 18, 2002, 17:36
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What gets me is when someone asks me to do some to help them finish it, and when I check it out , it's like "Bloo-dy Hell! (too much Harrison exposure) No wonder you can't get more. That's not even a real word." (see pbbfft)
Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
December 18, 2002, 17:39
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i enjoy them to a point, after which my limited vocabulary makes them frustrating. i definitely don't like the "clever" puns that some crossword writers seem to like
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Don't take that attitude with me, bucksnort. :p - Slowwhand, Texas Style List Keeper.
This obviously proves that Coldwizard = sivistynyt - kassiopeia, Wise Finn.
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December 18, 2002, 18:47
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boring as hell. i do half of the words in 20 seconds, then i spend 20 minutes to get one more word, then i give up...
December 18, 2002, 19:25
Local Time: 07:52
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I like crosswords, When I was in the Navy it was a good way to kill time(and stay awake) during a console watch.
So, it's kind of ironic that I'm quoted in the no part of the poll!
"I think Bigfoot is blurry, that's the problem. It's not the photographer's fault. Bigfoot is blurry, and that's extra scary to me. There's a large out of focus monster roaming the countryside. Look out, he's fuzzy, let's get out of here."
December 18, 2002, 19:56
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Yes, I enjoy them.
Then again, I only tend to do easy ones.
I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).
December 18, 2002, 19:57
Local Time: 07:52
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Originally posted by Tuberski
So, it's kind of ironic that I'm quoted in the no part of the poll! 
I like crossword puzzles... but I love your quote more... sorry.
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December 18, 2002, 20:42
Local Time: 07:52
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Originally posted by Thrawn05
I like crossword puzzles... but I love your quote more... sorry.
Quite alright, just wish I was quoted for more than ACK!
"I think Bigfoot is blurry, that's the problem. It's not the photographer's fault. Bigfoot is blurry, and that's extra scary to me. There's a large out of focus monster roaming the countryside. Look out, he's fuzzy, let's get out of here."
December 18, 2002, 20:50
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cryptic = bad.
I love normal crosswords - but only because I'm good at them.
It's just showing off really. I never do them myself, I just sit there looking smug while other people struggle and then just casually give them the answer.
The cryptic ones freak me out, though: I suck at those.
If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.
December 19, 2002, 01:26
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i love them..i'm addicted to them..i may not be the best (like my nana was...)...but i do enjoy them
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December 19, 2002, 01:34
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They are so frustrating. I usually get like 1 word. I don't have a limited vocabulary, but a lot of it is trivia from back before I was born, and the 'hints' a lot of the time only remotely have to do with the word.
"The first man who, having fenced off a plot of land, thought of saying, 'This is mine' and found people simple enough to believe him was the real founder of civil society. How many crimes, wars, murders, how many miseries and horrors might the human race had been spared by the one who, upon pulling up the stakes or filling in the ditch, had shouted to his fellow men: 'Beware of listening to this imposter; you are lost if you forget the fruits of the earth belong to all and that the earth belongs to no one." - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
December 19, 2002, 01:58
Apolyton Legend
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We used to do them up at work. Some of guys were so into it they would have contest to see who could finish the puzzle first. I get hooked and if I can't figure out the word I'll go off on that for a while until I get it and let other things go so I've learned to put them down.
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December 19, 2002, 03:19
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I start them, but never finish them.
Focus, discipline
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December 19, 2002, 04:50
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I love cryptic crosswords, and have done since I was a kid. I find them easier than non-cryptic, because you can be sure you have the answer. In a straight crossword, the range of vocabulary available means you have to solve all the connecting clues before you can be sure you have the right answer.
In the UK, I do the Independent crossword. On Saturday there is a fiendish cryptic puzzle, which always has a complicated theme as an additional twist, such as: "X: One word must be removed from the last x+2 clues before solving. These words provide three thematic items. Their third and fourth letters each spell out a title, and their initial letters can be arranged to form a name with which pairs of the unclued grid entries (entered as jumbles) can be associated. One letter must be misprinted in the answers to the other clues, always confirmed by a clued entry. The correct letters spell out the originator of the above items. Solvers should highlight the thematic alias spelt out in the completed grid"
While this entertained me for hours, I solved approx 7 of the clues, and they might be wrong.
December 19, 2002, 05:09
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Only ones in my native language. Can do the normal ones in English, but not the cryptic ones.
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December 19, 2002, 05:20
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Love 'em, but only find the New York Times puzzle worth the time. The Times puzzle is to other puzzles what chess is to checkers.
But I speak only of American puzzles. I don't know what the heck is going on in those UK things.
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December 19, 2002, 07:57
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The NYT puzzle on Saturday is the only conventional (non-cryptic) crossword I do. Sometimes the Thursday & Friday puzzles too, if they're challenging. I like cryptics, too.
December 19, 2002, 11:32
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Crossword puzzles are okay with me. I don't do them often, but I might now and then.
Now, as for word searches, I want them to go fall in a tar pit.
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December 19, 2002, 16:55
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Word searches are fine. My real hate: anagrams  My brain just doesn't work in the way that allows me to do anagrams...I can't see words. For those of you who know 'Countdown' I struggle to get 4 letter words, and as for conundrums, bah! But the numbers game is a breeze most of the time for me...I am more a numerical kind of person.
Speaking of Erith:
"It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith
December 19, 2002, 17:17
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Crossword Puzzles are good, if they don't demand extreme specialist knowledge, but rather good/great general knowledge.
December 19, 2002, 18:38
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I love crosswords. Our paper has two crosswords each day. I call it a productive day at work if I can get them both done before I leave.
I also love doing the crypt-a-quote where you have to salve a crypted massage.
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December 19, 2002, 19:58
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Do the puzzles get harder as the week goes by, or is that just my imagination ?
Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
December 19, 2002, 22:14
Local Time: 06:52
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NYT puzzles do.
December 20, 2002, 06:27
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December 20, 2002, 06:33
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Crosswords = Good 
Yes, I like them...
But where is the legendary "Banana" -option?
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