Eco-damage is affected by several parameters:
a) difficulty
b) Planet rating (social engineering settings)
c) Facilities (Centauri Preserve etc.)
d) I think population has an effect also
The eco-damage doesn't depend faction choice, although certain factions help (Deirdre starts with +1 Planet rating). If anything, you should have had quicker eco-damage with Miriam (starts with -1), so I think it is related to difficulty and/or facilities.
Difficulty plays a HUGE part in eco-damage. You said 95 with Yang on Specialist? On Transcend, expect eco-damage before you get to 20. There is a section in the datalinks on ecology in the advanced topics section, which contains the exact formula for attributing eco-damage.
Global hate:
If you are the #1 faction, expect it on Talent (and higher), especially if you have a weak military. The main reason is that the AIs generally don't like factions more powerful as a general rule (they want to win, not come 2nd), and will form alliances to attack you. However, they will tend not to attack so much if you obviously have a bigger army.
Also, a word of warning on higher difficulty levels, you WILL experience frequent drone riots if you don't have a rec. commons by the time you reach size 3.