Though my faction is featured on my Angelfire site, I don't have the room to start a Faction database site.
However, I've got a bunch of space on my Tripod site doing nothing. I think I'll build the database there.
I'll have to think of a site design... I suck at computer graphic art unless I'm lucky to stumble onto something that looks good...
Ler's see... I'll have the files, with desciptions and maybe a review... of course. Dub the site as a faction database for SMAC, SMAX, AC-II (if and when it happens), and CivIII (if possible).
Faction reviews will be similar to Civ2's Scenario League's. The site design will be designed to look like the datalinks screen. (And that won't require much in the form of cg art.)
Oh, and I'll be taking all of the factions Apolyton and Sidgames has in their databases. Since they're not going to continue to update thier databases, I'll just take 'em. (Datajack Roze would be proud... maybe.)
It will be located
here when I get it up and running.
Two Women Escaping in a Phonebooth: Reiko Aya & Akane Karasuma
mooniecode[1.12.25] SM:5[6]m- F:sUr++Pl>++:vAlLe

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[This message has been edited by TWEP (edited September 27, 2000).]