September 19, 2000, 09:12
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Deirdre Vs Cha Dawn
In a straight fight, with situations being the same, IMO Deirdre should have the upper hand over Cha Dawn although they are both inclined to native armies.
Mindworms being intrinsically more expensive than normal troops, the -1 Industry penalty for Cha Dawn really hurts a lot. Coupled with the fact that you can only capture about 6 or so "free" mindworms, Deirdre can field a much larger "green" army. The extra +1 Planet of Cha Dawn simply is not sufficient to even the odds.
Furthermore, Gaian advantages of +1 nutrient in fungus and +2 Efficiency are much more useful and practical than the Mindworm double police duty and free Brood Pits (comes too late to be useful) of Cha Dawn.
Possible Remedies:
Cha Dawn can't use Wealth SE to remedy the -1 Industry. How about Free Market, which Deirdre can't use ? However, free market is crippled for Cha Dawn, because of -1 Economy and adversion to Wealth SE. So monetary gain is limited. This also completely negates the +2 Planet advantage.
The remedy might be Planned SE, although Deirdre has the advantage of +2 Efficiency. The -1 growth of Deirdre hinders Pop Boom, so if Cha Dawn Pop Booms effectively, he might be able to match or overcome Deirdre's forces with his bigger bases and consequently production power.
September 19, 2000, 11:51
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First of all, I disagree with two of your premises. Native units are LESS expensive than military units (offensive ones) and the +1 Planet means a significant difference.
My contention on the offensive militray units is based on the fact that in most games I play, a offensive military unit tends to take 2-3 times as long to build as a mindworm. BUT, if you use shells and upgrade, you could be right in time to build, but you still have to pay the upgrade cost.
As far as the planet rating goes, another +1 Bonus means you could potentially catch twice as many mindworms before you can't effectively catch more. That's twice the military, in the early game in all likelyhood. And twelve mindworms in early game is a hell of a lot scarier than six.
A minus one economy is no real effect. You can negate the penalty with a golden age in your home base. The REAL effect of a -1 Economy (especially with Aversion: Wealth) is to prevent easy access to the coveted +2 Economy for +1 Energy/Square. That means you need a GA AND Free Market SE. But that means industrial might must be your target, not monetary might.
The easy solution to industrial might is minerals. Beeline for industrial automation, start cranking out crawlers. Personally I would go for Green SE next, to get more mindworms. Then you can capture plenty more wild worms, and start crankin out an army a the same time.
And Cha Dawn may build slow and not be able to get LOTS of energy (he can still get a decent amount), but he is missing the two things that hurt Dee. He has no drone problems (better Police rating and double duty mindworms), and he has better military (no -1 morale).
I think Cha Dawn is much better for a military game, and consequently play him when I'm in the mood for conquering. Dee is more orientated to builder style of play.
September 19, 2000, 17:52
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when did dee get the -1 growth?
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September 22, 2000, 06:22
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Some counter-arguments:
If you build attacking units with little armour and no special ability, mindworms should be quite expensive relatively. (6-1-1, 13-1-1 etc.)
I don't think the extra +1 Planet bonus can allow the capture of so many mindworms. I have never caught so many (12) before while running Green. (excluding those which have since been killed)
The -1 Police of Deirdre has no real effect except preventing Nerve Staping, so this disadvantage is quite inconsequential. And isn't it a waste using an attacking unit(mindworm) to do police duty when a cheap 1-1-1 Police scout will do(leaving the option of upgrading during emergencies open)
Lastly, why bother with -1 Morale when you are using native units? Deirdre's normal units should mostly do defensive duty in cities with Children's Creche.
And Qualicide, you are right, I was mistaken about the -1 Growth thing, I got the impression that ecologists should not encourage overpopulation. (Turned out to be the concept for Green SE instead.)
September 22, 2000, 13:18
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Originally posted by Fistleaf on 09-22-2000 06:22 AM
Some counter-arguments:
If you build attacking units with little armour and no special ability, mindworms should be quite expensive relatively. (6-1-1, 13-1-1 etc.)
I don't think the extra +1 Planet bonus can allow the capture of so many mindworms. I have never caught so many (12) before while running Green. (excluding those which have since been killed)
The -1 Police of Deirdre has no real effect except preventing Nerve Staping, so this disadvantage is quite inconsequential. And isn't it a waste using an attacking unit(mindworm) to do police duty when a cheap 1-1-1 Police scout will do(leaving the option of upgrading during emergencies open)
Lastly, why bother with -1 Morale when you are using native units? Deirdre's normal units should mostly do defensive duty in cities with Children's Creche.
And Qualicide, you are right, I was mistaken about the -1 Growth thing, I got the impression that ecologists should not encourage overpopulation. (Turned out to be the concept for Green SE instead.)
I couldn't say about the relative cost of a attack only unit vs a mindworm. But I will say that you are garunteed certain odds with a mindoworm, and if you push you advantages (get the Dream Twister SP later on and pump up your planet rating) you may get better attacking odds than using an attack only unit. In addition, your defense will be much better (3-2 base) with a mindworm.
In bases, your defense with mindorms may also be much better, especially if you factor in the base bonus and a sensor, and the Neural Amplifier can make a mind worm defender increadible. Compare a 3-4 defense or better to 6-4.5 (missile vs plasma). That's after you've spent money to upgrade your shell. And if you have several mindworms garrisoning (and doing double duty) then you can counter attack with even better odds.
I'm pretty sure that a higher Planet rating allows for the capture of more mindworms. We even had mention of it in a prior thread here. I believe the general thought was that your odds of capturing mindowrms went down from a starting number based on how many worms you already had. In other words, it might start at 25 and decrease by 5% per mindowrm with a plus one (allowing for a max of five), but start at 50% and decrease by 5% per mindworm with a plus 2 (allowing for a max of ten). This fits in with my observations (increase your planet rating, and if you don't have many worms, you suddenly capture a bunch).
I've always assumed that a morale SE penalty affects native life forms as well.
Doesn't a -1 POLICE mean one police unit as opossed to 2? And that's an ever bigger difference with double police duty.
September 22, 2000, 15:42
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Fitz, the -1 police rating just prevents you from using nerve stapling, but a rating of 0 police only allows you to use one police anyhow.
I have seen Vel post about the formula for mind worms and according to him you lose 10% for each worm captured or built, but it never falls below 10%. That's all I've heard about it.
I have had games with Diedre when I'm running green and where I do capture at least a dozen worms when diligently hunting.
September 23, 2000, 05:33
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Fitz, you are assuming you get the SPs Neural Amp and Dream twister. If you don't get them, mindworms won't be that good, considering that Psi combat damages both the attacker and defender almost all the time. If you use a normal unit 13 attack against a 1 armour, it is highly likely that the attacker won't be hurt at all. The low standard psi battle ratio of 3:2 on land can be greatly skewed with Trance and Empath abilities. A baseline psi defender on land always has the disadvantage whereas a normal Defence 4 unit can defend with 8+ Defence in a base with Perimeter Defense and Sensor.
Another thing: mindworms cannot be "Clean" units. The every-turn-mineral-cost is going to be more costly to Cha Dawn due to the -1 Industry.
Clarification: Morale only affects normal units. Life cycle only affects native units (Increased by Biology lab, Xenoempathy Dome, Centauri Preserves etc).
September 24, 2000, 13:57
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Great thread, and some very interesting comments.
Everyone knows how fond I am of playing Cha Dawn, but what people don't know is that I also like to play as Dee. The only thing they really have in common is a plus planet rating. Besides that they are like night and day. Sure Dee can use her planet rating to raise a native life army, but what if her opponent has trance (Doh'). -1 Morale hurts then, because she must use her regular units, or she is reduced to a builder. However, she is as good of a builder as any. 2 nutes in the fungus is an amazing advantage, and she starts with Centauri Ecology (so does Cha). That makes her pop boom before everyone else (save for Lal maybe).
I don't think anyone has metioned the free brood pits at everybase with the discovery of Centauri Gentetics. I always have a ton of bases by then and this is amazing. I start poping out Demon Boil Locusts of Chiron. Of course with Cha Dawn your regular military is decent also. If they have trance units you hit them with rovers or bombers with sporific gas pods maybe. You can cover with LoC if you have the Neural Amp. You can also do alot with LoC even if they use trance. you can attack formers, desroy enhancements, and kill supply crawlers. You can also attack military units after all the units with trance have been killed.
+2 planet is then much better that +1 planet, because that adds an additional +10% to attack with native units. There is a critical mass here, +5 planet. Cha gets this using green and holding the manifold nexus. This allows him to kill trance units with his native units unless they use 3 res armor.
A couple of other things. True, Cha must build neural amp, but that usually is not a problem, because he starts out so strong that he should build it by upgrading supply crawlers. The player should keep in mind that he/she must build this however. The other thing is economy, no matter what, Cha will never get commerce. Forget it, don't sign treaties (except with subs  ). Just be aggressive the whole game.
September 26, 2000, 09:57
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Surely later on you could also combine that with cybernetic to gain a massive +70% (+7 planet). Overkill yes, but the other benefits from these two SE choices can be useful...
September 26, 2000, 10:43
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Adam Smith, what do you mean by Cha Dawn "starts out so strong"? The -1 Industry severely hampers Cha Dawn in the beginning and there is little money to rush build stuff (colony pods, crawlers, facilities, SPs).
I know the free Brood Pits are very good, but the problem is how to survive till then. Probably, lost out on the Planetary Governorship and several SPs by the time the Brood Pits arrive.(assuming no hostile factions nearby)
September 26, 2000, 11:41
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I believe Adam means that Cha starts so strong in his ability to field an immediate mostly support free army from day 0. +2 planet means he can and should be capturing more worms than not immediately and by doing worm rush on nearby opposing factions should have a submissive or two rather quickly. Morevoer the worms never truly become obsolete. (granted less effective with time as opposing factions gain facilities/SE choices to increase morale as well as advent of empath and trance) By capitalizing on the submissives even his econ and industry penalty should be a hindrance but not insurmountable. (kind of like the spartans if given the chance to momentum play). Pop a few pods risk free with the worms and hopefully you'll have an AA or two and can either cash in for SP build or tech as needed.
IMHO tho' Cha is as much if not more so than any other faction at the mercy of game setup. Give him lots of fungus and lots of land, pods on, spoils on and he will be set up nicely to momentum play and cruise. OTOH play sparse fungus, lots of water, pods off, and spils off he can't effectively start his momemtum rush until D: Flex which could be a little ways off. All in all a completely different flavored game for the androgenous one.
Contrast those game conditions for Dee, as she is much more balanced, she will fare much better.
[This message has been edited by Ogie Oglethorpe (edited September 26, 2000).]
September 26, 2000, 13:47
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Originally posted by Fistleaf on 09-23-2000 05:33 AM
Fitz, you are assuming you get the SPs Neural Amp and Dream twister. If you don't get them, mindworms won't be that good, considering that Psi combat damages both the attacker and defender almost all the time. If you use a normal unit 13 attack against a 1 armour, it is highly likely that the attacker won't be hurt at all. The low standard psi battle ratio of 3:2 on land can be greatly skewed with Trance and Empath abilities. A baseline psi defender on land always has the disadvantage whereas a normal Defence 4 unit can defend with 8+ Defence in a base with Perimeter Defense and Sensor.
Read what you just said about the defense agian. Now apply your 13 attack unit to that 8+ defense, not a 1 defense. Now imagine your opponent has Fusion and you don't. All of a sudden, your odds are .8 to 1 or worse.  Meanwhile, your mindworm still has approx 3/2.25 (base defense) against the smae unit.

Another thing: mindworms cannot be "Clean" units. The every-turn-mineral-cost is going to be more costly to Cha Dawn due to the -1 Industry.
Ah, but native units have a built in Clean ability. If they end their turn on a square with fungus in it, they do not pay for support the next round.
The big advantage of Mindworms is in a mixed force. So, toss in a few units (higher morale than Dee), and you have a nice force. I personally tend to use mindworms as scouts, slow attackers (since they usually get badly hurt attacking, and need a lot of time to heal), and a secondary defender, you don't have to play with them that way.
September 26, 2000, 16:16
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[quote]Originally posted by Fitz on 09-26-2000 01:47 PM
Ah, but native units have a built in Clean ability. If they end their turn on a square with fungus in it, they do not pay for support the next round.
Wow! I didn't know this. Can anyone confirm or deny Fitz's statement? I know that some worms you capture are independent which I think is based on where you capture them. If they are closer to your base when you capture one its support comes from that base. If an enemy's base is closer the worm becomes independent. Does this sound right to everyone?
September 26, 2000, 17:20
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Fitz is exactly correct. Natives be they worms, shooters, IOD, LOCs, etc. if in fungus are sans support regardless of independent or supported status. Hence the absolute need for natives to patrol fungus areas for purposes of recruitment, training/combat life cycle upgrades, and free/clean unit status.
This is one of the biggest reasons why Cha can be effective as in the early game he can field a support free army of worms with devastating effect (+2 planet). Momentum-style is a must for the pink girlie boy.
September 26, 2000, 21:31
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against differnt reacters natives cant be beat either, its easy to fight fission vs quantum with worms because they do so much damage
throw in a +4 planet(green as cha, or nexus/green as dee) or even cybernetic for another +2 and you have a big attack mod with dream twister.
psi weapons on hover tanks also can help to move across land quick(transports?)
IoD are invinsable with planet/SPs, there is no way to kill them
a way to gather worms is simply to take about 2 rovers, and a few worms to a streach of fungus and kick up as many as possible, i find rovers get them more then worms because you need atleast 1 movement point to get a worm, not 1/3 or 2/3 which worms usualy get because they move a few times
and yes natives in fungus are clean
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September 27, 2000, 00:49
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PRovost H,
So true  I've never really gotten to that point though. I'm almost there though in a PMEM game  No Manifold nexus though (fell in the water)
I play the same settings for every faction. Always pods, always abundant fungus (more points), but never spoils of war. I believe that pods on and more water would be an even greater advantage to Cha Dawn, but pods off and more water is off course much different.
September 27, 2000, 16:36
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I agree with almost everything you say with one small exception. IOD's are near invincible but not necessarily invincible. IOD with Nueral Amp SP allows defense of 1.5 * lifecycle bonus (no planet bonus applies to the defender). Tackle that monster with an resonance weapon empath unit and you've got a 1.875 * morale bonus * planet bonus rating.
Assume you've got a demon life cycle defending against an elite as outlined above and you've got a clear advantage to the attacker (granted the attacker will come out significantly bloodied but still attacker should win). Odds should be in that case 1.875* planet bonus to 1.5 defense as morale effects cancel each other out.
It may be nitpicking but IoD's can be taken out even if a player or AI garners the Nueral Amp sp.
Finally worst comes to worst any native life will fall prey to conventional missiles every time.
[This message has been edited by Ogie Oglethorpe (edited September 28, 2000).]
September 27, 2000, 19:10
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Originally posted by Ogie Oglethorpe on 09-26-2000 05:20 PM
Momentum-style is a must for the pink girlie boy.
Sorry to pick out a quote of yours to disagree on  With all due respect I believe that the folks who created this faction did so with the aim of creating the ultimate momentum faction, and if that were possible they may have done so. However, the Planet Cult is the perfect case in point that no faction should be played momentum style (except on a tiny planet with little water).
If you don't start building your empire up immediately your momentum will die out before 1/3 of the game is over. Even if you have several subs this will be so. The key to winning with Cha Dawn is making the transition from the glorious beginnings to a declining mid-game and then to another glorious late game. Of course, you might get lucky and be placed right next to your opponent and be able to conquer him before he gets SoTHB, but this is less often than not.
September 27, 2000, 20:13
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forgot about renisance, the AI never uses them so i just dont count them into my calculations
is it possible to have a trance/empath/+4 planet/SP psi units? with the psi cannon of cource, not natives, that would be great with a good +140% attacking
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September 27, 2000, 22:59
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I don't think we are actually in disagreement. Getting an early start is quite easily accomplished for Cha since he can effectively concentrate more on early infrastructure, former and/or pod builds rather than looking to prototype impact speeders. Since the worm army is free this allows him/her  other options.
When I advocated early momentum style to my way of thinking this is the best way to play this faction as it allows him the ability to leverage better research from subs. I hear what your saying about his overall staying power as a faction in all phases of the game and perhaps I was a bit harsh in characterizing him as a full blown momentum style faction which we both believe he is capable of being.
I have seen great benefits when playing Cha as a builder. Builds of WP (starting tech) allow for early pop boom by condensor farming. Extra worm police allow the pop boom to continue. Gain Ascetic Virtue and with free brood pits you've got all your drone worries under control with 3 worms and whats more you are virtually nerve gas proof. Lots of upside. My beef with Cha is if isolated he is painfully slow in research and without a victim or two early on will be playing catchup.
[This message has been edited by Ogie Oglethorpe (edited September 29, 2000).]
September 28, 2000, 01:53
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Ah... Ok, Early momemtum style is different. Yes, we agree here. Yeah, that would be horrible to catch all the worms and never kill them for the pearls when there is no one to force submission on, and you need cash. I guess you can set it up so that that would happen. You would have to have a huge planet, lots of ocean, and little fungus would help. In fact, that sort of world would probably hurt Cha Dawn a lot, and I wouldn't won't to try it except in a challenge.
September 28, 2000, 15:41
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I may be mistaken but I believe the unit you described namely a psi attack/psi defense unit does not allow for upgrades of empath and/or trance. For that matter, I also beleive that special abilities of soporific gas are disallowed as well (but again can be mistaken).
You may want to confirm this via scenario editor.
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