March 23, 2003, 01:56
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Sorry about this seems i dont have as much time as i use to for this. I'll be dropping by probably twice aweek to see if its my turn. (Monday and Saturday)
Crassus, leader of the Eastern forces of the Roman empire expresses to the rulers of the ancient world that fighting never solves issues. Peace and Negoations are the best solutions.
An entry into the Pro-Consul papers:
-- Pulled some units out of Parthia. Crassus likes to remind the Parthians we like to uphold the truce. We also like to start Negoations for peace and open trade between our two great nations.
-- Message to Egypt. We would like to open up some trade arrangements with your empire. Will you open your hand in free trade with Crassus.
--To the Roman Senate, My turn in office here has nearly expired and the people of these lands wish to have me here for another 4 years. Request an extention to my pro-consulship! As you probably know the people and the army of these lands support me as pro-consul with a leadership rating of 70%.
--Some trade units constructed for trade with nations. These people and their cities will be the richest under my leadership, as that I vow.
It seems this is a good months work. I'll send this off to the Senate in Rome and also inform them on how well the troops are training in these lands.
--Disipline seems to be the casualty here in the lands for the legions. The heat and hours of training have caused some mutinees in the legions and harsh rules needed to be enforced by our legions Centurions were put to use. One soldier was put to death for pillaging and rape. Seems that the soldiers are tireless here. Some have crosses into Armenia to cause trouble.
Civfan (Warriorsoflight)
March 24, 2003, 00:23
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"Message to Julius Caesar":
The King of the Gauls again extends his thanks for the marvelous gifts you continue to bestow upon him. Most recently, a troop of Gaulish Cavalry discovered a raven-haired beauty outside the walls of Gergovia and gallantly invited her within. After a certain amount of - ahem - persuasion, she admitted to being none other than the mistress of Caesar himself! Well, the Gauls are nothing if not courteous, and they immediately conveyed their guest to attend upon the King in his capital city of Alesia. On the way, our archers discovered a band of Roman Velites in the hills near Biteriges. This proved most fortuitous, as these cravens soon donated their beautiful wolf-skin cloaks to our archers. We know you will be happy to learn that the talented seamstresses of Alesia quickly transformed these furs into a magnificent matching set of coverlets, carpets, and robes that now adorn the bed chamber of our king!
Lest I forget - your former mistress seems to be enjoying them too......
"Message to Pompey the Great":
The Basques of northern Spain can certainly see how Pompey's possession of the city of Pallantia would speed his armies up the river valley leading to the rich silver mines of Tolosa. Thus after careful consideration of your recent "offer", we would be willing to hand over the keys to said city - provided of course that you grant it's garrison three turns to complete their move to the mountain cities of Legio and Brigantium. As for those poor, decrepit villages, we feel certain you have no interest in adding those to your Spanish domains - such a miserable collection of flea-ridden hovels could only detract from the glory of Pompey's Empire!
March 25, 2003, 22:00
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Siege of Jerusalem Continues
The great Egyptian legions are still encamped beside Jerusalem. The locals are not making any attempt to disrupt our supply lines and we expect to be in possession of the requisitioned siege train by the end of the solar year.
April 8, 2003, 00:13
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Fairline, are you still around?
April 14, 2003, 19:01
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I hear fairline is MIA. What now?
April 14, 2003, 22:16
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skip his turn!
Civfan (Warriorsoflight)
April 15, 2003, 04:16
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Sorry everyone! I've been away from my PC for a couple of weeks - I won't let it happen again
April 16, 2003, 17:02
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Question: do I need to use Lazy Civ for ToT?
Re-elect Bush!
April 16, 2003, 17:24
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Pallantia must be unfortified immediately or else force will be used. Be warned, the entire might of Pompey's army camps restlessly across the river.
Re-elect Bush!
April 16, 2003, 20:07
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Caesar pauses, waiting...
April 18, 2003, 20:24
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Civfan (Warriorsoflight)
April 18, 2003, 22:11
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Spring comes and shipping is safe. More conquests in Anatolia...
April 19, 2003, 01:44
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The month of May was a slow month for the Consul Crassus. A truce with the Parthians is still being upheld with them but there seems to be bad communication with them. Passing from a traveler, word has it that the Parthians are at war with Crassus. But no army has been attacked, no supply lines have went missing and no contact from the Parthian King.
--Crassus wants to know whats going on in Parthia? Is there some form of change in leadership?
--Crassus desires peace with Parthia!
--Troops marching towards Roman Syria have alarmed citizens of Rome..
--What are your intentions?
--You want war?
Civfan (Warriorsoflight)
April 19, 2003, 01:45
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And the file
Civfan (Warriorsoflight)
April 19, 2003, 15:41
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"Message to Julius Caesar":
The King of the Gauls is most appreciative of your latest gift - and the two armies worth of fine Arabian ponies have been added to the local breeding stock. Although the Horses of Gaul are world renowned for their strength and fortitude, the speed and spirit of these new Sons of the Desert is quite breathtaking! As always, Caesar's generosity is boundless! As for those who once owned these magnificent steeds, Caesar will be pleased to hear that they too now serve the pleasure of the King. The leading artist of Gaul, a man named Christo, had conceived the vision of a thousand crosses covering the fields near Limonum. But somehow this great work of art seemed incomplete, until that is, the Cavalrymen of Rome volunteered to "ride" them. Now it is truly a sight to behold!
"Message to Pompey the Great":
The garrison of Pallantia has departed the town, and is now making it's way toward Legio. As we have agreed, Pompey will forbear on exercising his claim to the town for two "turns", as that is the time necessary for the troops of Gaul to complete their journey and rehome. Pompey's willingness to assume the burdensome rule of Pallantia is deeply appreciated, as this will allow the former garrison to continue it's journey onward to Gaul - there to join in battle 'gainst thy fractious neighbor, Julius Caesar.
April 23, 2003, 19:53
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The team of conscripts has dragged the catapult to the gates of our fine city of Gaza. Jerusalem is still far ahead, but the supply lines are good and our besieging army can laze about in comfort.
April 24, 2003, 10:58
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bumpy bump for whos next
Civfan (Warriorsoflight)
April 24, 2003, 19:19
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That would be the Parthians. C'mon Gareth, before your PC bites the dust!
April 24, 2003, 19:58
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OK Crassus, this is your last warning - get those troops away from my cities or its handbags at 20 paces
April 24, 2003, 20:24
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Crassus has moved the units away from Parthia last month, which units are you referring too?
Civfan (Warriorsoflight)
April 24, 2003, 22:30
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Listen guys, there's no avoiding a scrap here.  Why even try?
April 25, 2003, 00:02
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With Parthian slave girls, archers and catapults acting as spies in Cassus's Roman territory,
Crassus decides the truce with Parthia has long expired. Death to the Parthian's, the barbarians of the east!
Prepare for War!
To glory and eastern riches!
Nothing less than Orodes in chains!
Civfan (Warriorsoflight)
Last edited by Civfan; April 25, 2003 at 00:08.
April 25, 2003, 03:05
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Pompey progesses his way towards progression.
Re-elect Bush!
April 25, 2003, 10:41
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And Caesar regresses his way towards progression.
April 27, 2003, 14:45
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Regrouping in Anatolia
April 27, 2003, 17:31
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armies of Crassus make their move against the Parthian barbarians. Several Parthian units were easily defeated.
Stategies have been proposed on the Parthian counter attack.
A message sent to the Roman Republic.
-- Crassus has started his invasion of the Parthian realm and wish to inform you to prepare for an attack from Parthia in the coming war!
Death to the Barbarian Parthians!
Long live Crassus!
Civfan (Warriorsoflight)
April 27, 2003, 20:26
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It seems as though Parthia has only declared war on Crassus' command. However, we would like clarification before we begin hostilities, if so needed, against Parthia: Parthia, do you declare war on the Roman Senate as well?
April 28, 2003, 19:26
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"Message to the Nations":
Let all the world know that Pompey is indeed "Great" - a "Great Liar" and an infamous cur! Like a blasting bolt hurled by the Gods, news of the treacherous capture of Pallantia and the cowardly destruction of it's unarmed garrison has arrived at the Palace of Alesia. Truly this is a Black Day for Gaul. All Ye Great Leaders, pay heed! For ye have seen the dissonant words and actions of this craven! As for the Men of Gaul, we will not rest until the earth is cleansed of his presence. Do you hear that soft metallic whisper at thy back o' Pompous One? It is the sound of blades being sharpened....
"Message to Julius Caesar":
The King of the Gauls has found our test of wills to be most entertaining, but it might be time for Caesar to gaze at a map - and draw his own conclusions.
Last edited by Kull; April 28, 2003 at 19:34.
April 29, 2003, 19:11
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Flies buzz. Sweaty hands swat. A lazy mirage hangs over the encampment.
April 29, 2003, 20:04
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"Message to the Nations":
Let all the world know that Pompey is indeed "Great" - a "Great Liar" and an infamous cur! Like a blasting bolt hurled by the Gods, news of the treacherous capture of Pallantia and the cowardly destruction of it's unarmed garrison has arrived at the Palace of Alesia. Truly this is a Black Day for Gaul. All Ye Great Leaders, pay heed! For ye have seen the dissonant words and actions of this craven! As for the Men of Gaul, we will not rest until the earth is cleansed of his presence. Do you hear that soft metallic whisper at thy back o' Pompous One? It is the sound of blades being sharpened....
Hey hey now, lets not be so hastey. Pompey will give you time to retract your unpleasant emotional outburst and apologize for this slight on his most noble character. Pompey has laid claim to all of Iberia and the king of the Gauls had agreed! So why the unarmed garrisson was marching westward instead of east will remain a mystery. However anyone shall feel about the situation, Pompey's quest for a united Iberia will inevitably come to pass as the Gauls shall soon see. I'm sure they will come to their senses before too long, for why would they want Pompey's mighty legions to stand shoulder to shoulder with Caesars.
I await your apology, and further evacuation of Pompey's lands.
Re-elect Bush!
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