December 21, 2002, 20:21
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Your First Game
So...I decided to ask, what was your first game like? Did you play good, or did you get crushed? Was any aspect of Civilization III difficult to master, or surprising?
If you played Civ2, did you try your same Civ2 strategies? Did they work again, or did you get crushed because of them?
Well, for my first few games I used the editor  because I couldn't figure it out  . But I've gotten used to Civilization III now.
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December 21, 2002, 22:27
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It was a long time ago, but I use mostly civ2 tactics, this was pre patch. They did not work and it was a hard road to hold. Eventually I worked my way up to Deity. Each time a patch came out I stated all over and worked my way up to deity to see how things changed. Did the same with PTW.
December 21, 2002, 22:37
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I moved up from Civ1 for the SNES to Civ3. Without playing any Civ2.
Needless tos say, all of my tactics failed even on cheiften. Although I can play well on Deity, I get my real Mojo in Regent and Monarch.
I was glad for boarders, because in Civ1 I was so tired of having a dozen enemy knights surrounding my capital and not being able to crush them without switching to Communism.
I drink to one other, and may that other be he, to drink to another, and may that other be me!
December 21, 2002, 23:36
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My 1st game I started on an island by myself & thought I was doing just super. Then I met the Aztecs who were 3x my size, culture supreme, and far more technologically advanced. When I learned I was the Caveman Civilization compared to all the other Civs, I gave up.
Now I wish I could have continued playing that one since I realize now being the extreme underdog is so scary, it's fun.  And what a rush if I made a comeback!
December 22, 2002, 00:11
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I played my first game on Deity. Got crushed in 20 minutes. I watched the replay and saw the AI cities popping up... I realized I was not in Kansas anymore.
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December 22, 2002, 04:21
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I played my first game on a huge pangaea map, warlors difficulty. I didn't expect the fast expansion of rival civs (Civ2 experience), and ended up with only a normal sized empire. I didn't have any luxury and was pretty surprised by the importance of it.
I made it to the early industrial era, where all the AIs ganged up on me (the only time it ever happened in all my Civ3 experience : it was really a trauma). Again, it was a surprise : in Civ2, AIs usually ganged up on me because I was the strongest by far. Now, they ganged up because I was weak, and already under attack. Also, I understood it was absolutely necessary to have deals with everyone if you didn't want them to ally against you / do trade emargo.
I quit this game after achieving peace with all these countries, because the waiting between turns became too long. I think I could have won the game, but not bigtime
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December 22, 2002, 10:48
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played my first game on Deity. Got crushed in 20 minutes. I watched the replay and saw the AI cities popping up... I realized I was not in Kansas anymore.
my first game was pretty ended after 10 minutes. So I went back to chieftain  and tried again, and again, and again.....
December 22, 2002, 14:21
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I played my first game as the Americans on Cheiftain level. I was trapped on a little island, and got into a war with Germany, which was on the island next to me, and about three times my size, but I got all the other countries in the world to declare war on Germany. Auf Weitersen, Bismark  (I have no clue if I spelled that right. It's probably wrong). But then India, which was on a giant continent, got everyone to declare war on me, and I gave up.
December 22, 2002, 15:13
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My first game was on warlord with the Americans. Pretty much had a nice size peninsula on a hugh continent. Plowed thru the Babalonians and settled down to a tense peace with Russia (hugh), Zulu, and Japan. Russia had taken out Rome and Japan had taken out the Iroquois. I eventualy took the Iroq cities from Japan and was in a hugh war with Russia over what would have been my only source of oil when I got the cultural victory message. I had built the Pyramids, Great Library, Hanging Garden, Bach and Sistine in DC. The eighth civ was France. Joan was on a mountainous tundra rock, and had over half the oil in the whole game
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December 22, 2002, 15:24
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First game was on Chieftain, pre patch. I did ok, but I quit before winning. My first surprise was the actual need to build collusieums and cathedrals to keep the populace in line. I built these structures in CIV 2, of course, but not really due to need, I just have the desire to build.
Now in CIV 3, I have the desire to dominate, Civ 3 definately has changed me from a builder to a warmonger
* A true libertarian is an anarchist in denial.
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December 22, 2002, 20:53
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Re: Your First Game
Originally posted by mrmitchell
So...I decided to ask, what was your first game like?
I'm still playing my first game!
Everytime there's a new patch or XP, the opportunities available in the editor changes, and I end up having to revamp my mod because of some new idea.
December 22, 2002, 22:29
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It was regent, and it went to the latest year I have gotten, somewhere around 1870's I think. I launched shuttle and won, also tested diplo victory in the same game, after that diplomatic box has been unchecked in all my games  It was huge earth map, I was the greeks in India. I think I played pretty much the same way I played civ 2, no early rush, just building. I don't play like that anymore.
December 22, 2002, 22:45
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I played as Rome, sharing a continent with egypt..(This is on Cheiftan). I wiped Egypt off the map and soon discovered the continent of the other 6 civs. I had broken pretty much every single agreement I had with Egypt, so of course the rest of the world hated me. I remember landing cavalry on the other continent before I quit.
I'm going to rub some stakes on my face and pour beer on my chest while I listen Guns'nRoses welcome to the jungle and watch porno. Lesbian porno.
Supercitzen Pekka
December 22, 2002, 23:49
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I played my first game on a standard map with all settings average, at Chieftain. I did very well, played till I hit the industrial age and was miles ahead in everything. Then I abandoned the game and moved up to Regent, where I finished my first game.
I hadn't played Civ2 for several years, so I don't think my Civ2 approach had any influence to my Civ3 style. I had played CtP and CtP2 the 2 or 3 years before, but since the games are very different, I couldn't get much help for my strategies either. But in some way all 4x games are the same and if one is good in a certain game, he should do well in the other games too.
December 23, 2002, 00:27
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First civ experience ever. No victory conditions except domination, i think. Two good sized continents. Mine was larger and fairly rectangular. Territory-wise, you could divide it into fairly equal horizontal bars. The top third was Egypt, the middle Germany (yay), and the bottom 1/3 was split between me (Rome), and Greece. Greece and I had several wars against Germany which accomplished nothing for either side. Eventually Greece and I had a couple wars and I took all their land. I signed a MPP soon after with Germany, because nobody likes an unhappy bizmarck. I established a good beachhead on the other continent when the game told me the damn manditory retirement message was in 30 turns. I was so infuriated with this I quit that game and never even deleted it or anything.
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December 23, 2002, 04:44
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I crushed. I was the aztecs.
I was on chieftan after all. My next game was warlord, and I stuggled on that with the Romans.
I went back to the Aztecs and crushed on all my Warlord games. I think I lost my first Regent game, but won all the one's after that with the Japanese.
I cannot lose with military/religious!
Focus, discipline
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December 23, 2002, 07:16
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In my first Game, pre-all the patches, I got the worst map I have ever played on.
A Single island (enough for 6+ cities) with no water, no luxuries, no other civs and The island was over a third of the map away from the other mainland.
That was a harsh 4-6 hours play, and very boring!.
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December 23, 2002, 14:05
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I played on a huge map one time and nobody discovered the final civ until the mid 1800's because they were on an island in the middle of nowhere.
Previous to that, I realized that there was no wine, and then I checked the histograph and realized there were only 15 civs listed (I had them all in). So I looked at the map and realized there was a big black area of ocean and set sail for it with a Battleship/Carrier group, the only one in the area. Upon getting there, I found I was one step behind the Russians, and the Indians only hads Spearman and a couple Galleys (still stranded) as opposed to my Panzers. They had 8 cities, I sailed in 8 panzers, took 3 cities, and made peace with a couple more cities taken. I built an airport, flew in my now-modern armor, and took the rest in two turns, wiping out the Indians, and taking all the Wine in the world.
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December 25, 2002, 11:21
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Well, my first play wasn't really mine: I just wanted to know what my husband was doing what seemed to be more interesting than spending time with me  , so I got a chair and watched him playing Civ3 (this was a year ago when Civ3 just was released), my expierence in playing PCgames was zero, and didn't interest my at all (but I do take interest in my husband!).
After several games I noticed I got interested, and started to ask my guy, why he did the things he did, later on I found myself screaming and demanding: 'nonono, don't put your unit there', 'get them gems' etc..
My loving husband then gave my his chair, made himself do other things (watching soccer mainly), and I was playing Civ on my terms.
That first game I was very nervous, because I didn't have the expierence in playing PCgames everybody seems to have, so I cheated like hell. That learned me quite a lot, and now history repeating: my man is playing Civ3 again (after absence for 3/4 year-the time I confiscated his PC), and I'm teaching him to play better (no screaming anymore, just polite hints), so we can do a Hot Seatgame in a few days (yes, we cancelled christmas this year, no family, just us & civ  ).
I still think I miss a lot of strategyknowledge, because of never playing any other game before, and I don't have any interest in other games but Civ3, but comparing to my man, I'm better at Civ3, and he has many years of experience in strategygames  .
I started as Chieftain, and now it's sometiemes Regent, but I miss the 'i want to win on a high level & defeat the AI'-mentality (I'm a real girl when I get acces to nice luxuries -pathetic...)
December 25, 2002, 14:11
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I can't remember exactly how was my first game, but I guess it must have been rather painful... As a Civ2 veteran, I probably tried the monarch level with the typical Civ2 strategies, which of course ended up in a complete failure. My first day with Civ3 was also the day just before I had to go to work for the first time, which was very frustrating
I can also remember my first Civ I game on the Amiga, 10 years ago... A friend of mine lend me a copy of the game, I didn't understand anything about it. I must have spent something like 20 turns wandering my settler around before understanding that I had to build a city with the 'B' key
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December 25, 2002, 14:38
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would the dutch/belgian prefer to play as the French, German, or anyone who kills the French and Germans?
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December 26, 2002, 12:54
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First Civ game ever, Aztecs, Cheiftan. I learned that you must defend your cities decent troops the hard way.  Military loss in 1912 AD. Oddly enough, I was on tech par and I razed a few of Hiawatha's cities. Oh hell, at least I won my second game .
December 26, 2002, 14:00
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My first game:
Chieftain, All victory conditions. Civ2 and AC & Alien Crossfire vet. Never saw Civ1. Still haven't. I played Persia.
My AC strategies worked fair to middlin- though I found myself befuddled by the usefulness of armor, and the uselessness of helicopters. I spent a while pounding my head into my desk over the balance of tank:helicopter units I built.
(Noted to self: Read the F'ing Civilopedia FIRST. I shoulda paid attention.)
I got my first GL in the early industrial age- and couldn't figure out for the life of me what to do with him. Again- failed to bother looking at the Civilopedia. Ended up bumbling him into a city, and seeing his other options. I proceeded to build an army, then send that army against an enemy city.
Without loading any troops onto it.
Working on my Civ2/AC knowledge, I built the UN as soon as I could, without (you guessed it) looking in the Civilopedia to see what I did- I assumed it was roughly the same as the AC Planetary Council.
I was wrong.
And I lost.
Now... I look at the %^%^%ing Civilopedia before I build as much as a bloody Worker.
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December 26, 2002, 23:46
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Originally posted by congobeast
My first game:
I got my first GL in the early industrial age- and couldn't figure out for the life of me what to do with him. Again- failed to bother looking at the Civilopedia. Ended up bumbling him into a city, and seeing his other options. I proceeded to build an army, then send that army against an enemy city.
Without loading any troops onto it.
Umh. I received my first great leader after playing several partly finished games. I found myself with this useless thing that had 0 attack and defence ratings so I promptly disbanded it.
December 27, 2002, 00:16
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My first game was 1.07f, Chieftain, standard map size, continents, playing as the Egyptians.
I got a beautiful continent to myself - large enough to give me a good home base, small enough that I could settle all of it before the AI came calling with their hordes of settlers on boats. I remember annexing the Babylonians on the main continent because they annoyed me for some reason.
I won with a Cultural victory.
None, Sedentary, Roving, Restless, Raging ... damn, is that all? Where's the "massive waves of barbarians that can wipe out your civilisation" setting?
December 27, 2002, 10:12
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Can't remember my first one. I only remember that it and the few next ones I quit before the end. Like many others, I tried with Civ2-strategy and it didn't work at all. But in difference from Civ1-to-Civ2 I didn't go back to Civ2 for a while!
The only one I remember of the first ones, was one I was playing around and in Christmas last year. I played on a 256x256 Earth map as Germany on China. Unfortunately, I didn't edit the movement of the ships and used a really long time to visit the Pacific Islands and America. After a while I grew really big and I realized how slow the turns on big maps are. I was reading "The Silmarillion" in between! This was before I had the patch that prevent the AI from trying to build a city when the maximum number of cities was reached, so I just had to leave it...
Where can I find a woman like you???  Or maybe I would just have been too lost in Civ3 then....
December 28, 2002, 12:04
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i played on the lowest level and didn't have any problem. but then ofcourse higher levels were something else
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December 29, 2002, 03:15
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My first game I played soon after Civ3 originally came out--I don't even think it was patched. Anyway, I found the modern era such a deathmarch that I built the U.N. and won a diplomatic victory. I thought that was so wussy, I tried to win via starship, but couldn't do it.
I went back to Civ2 and dominated by 1700 on chieftain. I thought WTF is with Civ3? I put it in mothballs for a LONG time until PTW came out. IMO, PTW (along with the patches) saves Civ3. And I'm not even talking about internet play.
December 29, 2002, 22:23
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My first game I played the largest map with islands. As far as I can remember I gave up around the time I discovered saltpeter. Or more appropiately didn't discover saltpeter.
I was the last nation to meet everyone else and I was way behind everyone else (on regent) in technology and they all had saltpeter from trade or in their own territories. They had two major alliances among the 8 of them 4v4 and they were fighting it out so I thought ok not too bad I'll get my tech up as they fight maybe even get into a destroyed cities area and get my saltpeter.
a few turns later they declared peace... bugger.
A few turns after that the two major countries signed an alliance... double bugger.
A few turns later both alliances declared war on me. I quietly tip toed out of my palace and decided to live this one out in with the peasantry. prefarebly in a nice deep cellar somewhere.
Destruction is a lot easier than construction. The guy who operates a wrecking ball has a easier time than the architect who has to rebuild the house from the pieces.--- Immortal Wombat.
December 30, 2002, 07:58
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I actually started with the tutorial, it helped me understand some of the new concepts. After that I started a normal game on chieftain. Moving up one level at the time as I got used to the new game. I never bothered with ending a game until I reached monarch where I'm playing now. I just quit when I knew I were winning anyway. Of course I had lots of situations where my old strategies didn't work and I have to come up with something new(or read these forums  ) I find monarch both fun and challening and have to think real hard sometimes to stay in the game. My old civ2 strategies varies from being real useful to totally useless, The trouble is knowing which is which.
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