December 22, 2002, 21:06
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The Fight For Freedom
This is a story of a struggle for freedom from the tyranny of a totalitarian regime. I expect at this point that this will be quite long and ask for patience on your part. I have been mulling over several ideas for my second story but couldnt quite get going.
This story is totally inspired from my first full week of playing PTW but not a particular game so no maps as yet. I will work on some for later, but for now you will just have to use your imagination.  Any way I hope you like !
part one :The secret meeting
"Was there ever a time that our nation was not at war or falling out with one of our neighbours?" Bryn asked the group of likeminded young men. "Right back through the mists of time our people have struggled against outside oppressors!, The Vikings, The Saxons, The Romans to the south. There have been many foes to fight!"
All the men nodded in agreement in their darkened smoke filled corner of the Three Horseshoes Inn.
"None that have come before have treated our clansmen as badly as these Communist Pigs! Not even the English!" declared Connel, Bryn's eldest son.
"Yes, yes my son! you are right. When they took control of our government, they said it was for the good of the people. The reality is far from good! and we are merely their slaves helping to feed their insatiable lust for blood and power! be it foreign or Celtic."
Bryn Murdoch was a proud man, proud of his sons, and his service to his country in the past. He had had a distinguished career in the army as a member of the special forces. Very adept in the art of survival and guerilla warfare adopted by the Celts to undermine the English in earlier times. He missed the days of King Brennus's rule and would never be able to serve those who had executed him, the Communists!
In their midst that night was a Japanese agent, heavily disguised. His name was Scratch and he had a message for Bryn from his government.
"You say all this and I suppose I agree with you, but what can we do? We are farmhands! how can we change anything?" said Kyle the Son of Aidan Donavon, an old friend of Bryn's.
"Kyle! Kyle!, for heavens sake man have you forgotten what they did to your Father?" retorted Bryn.
Aidan Donavon had refused to hand over his whole harvest to the authorities, and had been shot for his trouble in front of his family. Bryn and Aidan had been comrades in the army years before, and he missed his old friend dearly.
"This so called peoples government is our worst enemy! they have no regard for the commoners, and they see us merely as their servants." said Connel "I say it is time to avvenge our brethren!"
"Please if I can interupt you for a moment," said Scratch. "You cannot just start a war with your government, they will annhilate you in only a short time. You must prepare yourselves carefully, you need to recruit and train many more of your clansmen. You need to win the minds of your fellow commoners if you are to stand any chance in the struggle to come."
Feedback always welcome!
December 22, 2002, 21:19
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Posts: 771
Very good beginning, got me intrigued. Revolution against the commies, perhaps?
Glad to see you begin another story!
December 22, 2002, 21:29
Local Time: 09:06
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Pretty good start.....I feel a an uprising coming on......POWER TO THE PEOPLE!!!
-Civ3King, author of the stories- "Of Freindship and War", "The Struggle for Power", and Crossing the Rubicon".
Civ3King is currently working on: The story "Hidden Agenda" and "The Rising Moon"
"Too many ties with too many people will get you in a knot."- Me
December 22, 2002, 21:51
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With Scratch in charge there's no way they can lose. It'll be a turkey shoot.
Here is an interesting scenario to check out. The Vietnam war is cool.
December 22, 2002, 21:52
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let the blood spill...!
December 22, 2002, 23:54
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Yeah, Kill the totalitarians b@stards dressed up as us commies.
Nothing to see here, move along:
The attempt to produce Heaven on Earth often produces Hell. -Karl Popper
December 23, 2002, 22:08
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Part one cont....
Bryn knew only to well that Scratch was right, he drew the meeting to a close. "Gentlemen I think we all know in our hearts this man speaks words of wisdom. The task ahead of us is indeed great, and many of us may not survive the coming trials."
"We must rise up against this evil tyranny that has beset our beloved Celtica! We must free ourselves from these chains of oppression! Go now back to your villages and be amongst your kin, and help to gather in the harvests."
"In three moons from now make your way to Devils Bridge, bring with you any volunteers from your clans. There among the ancient ruins of the iron mining colonies we shall hold council. Farewell and may the Gods be with you."
Bryn thought to himself how young these men were to be village headsmen. The government had drafted many of the older men to fight on the beleagured English front. Leaving these very young men, still boys almost in some cases to head their clans.
Bryn himself had been shunned by the army because of his outspoken loyalty to the former King Brennus, who had been murdered by these Communist Pigs.
Later that evening back at Bryn's farm the three men, Scratch, Connel and Bryn sat around the fire place, sipping at their wild mushroom soup, and freshly baked bread for supper.
"I have a sealed letter from my government here for you Bryn!" said Scratch
"Greetings Bryn Murdoch,
I have been advised of of your struggle against the tyranny inflicted against your people by the Communists. My government wishes you every success in your struggle against the oppressors.
As such we would be honoured to provide what ever assistance you may require.
I must advise great caution though, because if this information falls into enemy hands it will mean war between our two nations. We do not wish to control your people but to restore your nation to its former glory as Japan's ally and trading partner.
I eagerly await your response.
Togugawa" Bryn read the letter out loud.
"Why would the Japanese want to help us!" stated Connel, "Whats in this for them? were totally different peoples ethnically and culturally."
"Ah my young friend we are merely but as the sand of a beach. You see if I take a handfull of this sand and look closely at the grains, I can see that some are different colours, and some grains are larger than others. However they are all grains of sand and they are all a part of the same beach! I recognise them all as grains of sand, can you see?" said Scratch.
"You speak much truth my wise friend, Connel you would do well to listen carefully to these things!" said Bryn. "I think its time for us to retire for the night. We can continue to discuss these things tomorrow by the light of day."
"Goodnight Father, goodnight Scratch," said Connel.
"Yes goodnight my friends," replied Scratch.
Thanks everyone for the feedback.
December 23, 2002, 22:31
Local Time: 22:06
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No after-dinner fistfights for some fun? C'mon, what's going on here with these passive folks? Or are you setting us up for a nice free-for-all brawl?
Here is an interesting scenario to check out. The Vietnam war is cool.
December 23, 2002, 22:48
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Or perhaps it will be a political victory which relies upon wit instead of stupidity and clubbing motions.
Weaseling out of things is what separates us from the animals....except the weasel -Homer
Who's up for some scroungin'? -Homer
December 25, 2002, 20:46
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No sorry Scratchy no big fist fights at the moment.
Part 2 The Council Of War
Bryn was thinking by himself, the three moons since the secret meeting of Clan Headmen had passed quickly. He and his Son Connel had arrived at Devils Bridge ahead of any others, and Bryn could'nt help wondering whether anyone else would show.
"I hope that no one's let the authorities know what were trying to do here Son," said Bryn.
"Dont worry Father," said Connel,"They will be arriving soon enough, and I dont think it is likely that anyone would have done so."
The location for this gathering of the Clans was an ideal choice. At least 250 miles from the nearest large city and far from any village. The only way in was on foot through the dense forests and hills of the Celtic wilderness.
Devils Bridge had once been a thriving mining colony, but the iron ore had been worked out well over a hundred years before. The place was now deserted, and the old pack horse route badly overgrown, in fact in places it no longer existed, completely hidden by the dense undergrowth or washed away by rivers in flood.
The few remaining stone huts were useless as their rooves had long since collapsed, but the old mine workings had extensive tunnels and huge underground caverns, hewn out of the bowels of the hills this was an ideal place to hide an army base.
Later in the day more men started to arrive and Bryn's heart began to lift.
A familiar voice said, "Hello again my friend, it is good to see you again."
"Scratch! thank the Gods you've made it, its really good to see you again," uttered Bryn with a widening smile on his face. The turn out was incredible, from just 20 or so men at the Three Horseshoe's Inn three moons ago, there were a hundred or more who had made it to this place. Bryn was overjoyed!
The hunting party returned successful with plenty of fresh meat, and that evening the gathered men enjoyed a great feast, washed down with fine wines from Japan.
"I hope you brought more than just wine with you!" said Connel to Scratch.
"Oh yes we have brought more than just wine. We have medicines, hides, grain and paper. In fact we have many things!" replied Scratch.
"What about guns!! How can we fight without guns?," retorted Connel aggresively.
"Hold your tongue boy!, show some respect."
"Its okay Bryn, no offence taken. Connel let me try to explain if I can. If we were to bring you Japanese arms, would not your government realise as soon as one of your number is killed or captured. The outcome of this would surely be war between our two nations! then how could we help your people." answered Scratch.
"Whats the use of you helping us if you dont give us weapons? how can we fight without weapons?" asked Kyle Donavon.
"Well my friend we have brought you weapons! not guns or bullets but paper and ink. Your fight is only just beginning, there is much that needs to be done before anyone fires a gun in anger," replied Scratch.
"How do you mean much to be done?" scoffed another head strong young clansman who had listened in on the conversation.
"You will never defeat your enemy untill you have won the support of the people. You are too few against too many and you cannot afford to sustain the losses that open warfare will incur. Before anyone of you fires a gun in anger you will have to convince the masses that all other options are dead. Youre people must be able to clearly see for themselves the futility of fighting for social justice through civil debate."
"When the masses can recognise that the forces of oppression are maintaining themselves in power by any means, and against all established laws, only then will you win the support for an armed struggle."
"So how do we fight with ink and paper?" asked Connel.
"Propaganda! my friend propaganda. You need to incite the masses to defy the government. You must become a thorn in the governments side, by letting the people know about the acts of cruelty perpatrated against the poor. This is the first phase of your struggle, and the more hearts and minds you can win over the better your prospects of final victory will be," finished Scratch.
"Well we will have plenty of time tomorrow to discuss this further" interupted Bryn, "Goodnight all."
Last edited by ChrisiusMaximus; December 27, 2002 at 09:39.
December 25, 2002, 21:39
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December 25, 2002, 21:51
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Thanks East
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
December 27, 2002, 09:43
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Done a map of Celtica's continent at the time of the gathering of the clans at Devils Bridge.
Note the size of the Celtic nation having swallowed the Vikings and Saxon in the past.
The neutral zone is a huge mountain range to inhospitable for human settlement.
The Viking and Saxon nations used to occupy the region next to the English border.
Rome is on another continent further to the south which I will show in a world map later in the story.
The hostilities between Rome and Celtica have ceased for now and the war between Celtica and the English is at a stalemate.
Japan does not wish to get involved in war but fears that should the Communist Celtic regime annexe England they will turn their greedy eyes over the mountains to Their lands.
Japans gamble to assist a Celtic uprising is risky but if successful should secure peace for the inhabitants of the continent of Celtica.
The only problem for the revolution if sucessful would be whether the Romans would again try to claim a chunk of Celtica for themselves.
Just what will happen is in the hands of the Gods!
EDIT apologies for getting the spelling of the Celtic capitol city wrong on the map should be Entremont.
Last edited by ChrisiusMaximus; January 4, 2003 at 18:18.
December 27, 2002, 12:57
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Part 2 continued
The following morning after a good breakfast all the men gathered in the large central cavern, designated as the Great Hall.
"Order! Order, Brothers we are gathered here todey to witness the birth of a movement, a movement of the people. Not just to witness its birth, but to swear allegiance to its just cause. This movement my Brothers shall be known as "Free Celtica"," said Bryn Murdoch to those gathered before him.
A cheer went up from the men, "Place your right hand over your hearts, raise your left hands and repeat after me," started Bryn.
"We swear, on our honour, before our Brethren and the Gods, that we will give our lives to "Free Celtica","said Bryn.
All the men gathered their gladly made this vow, and the first council of war of the "Free Celtica" movement commenced.
"Brothers I know that many of you have come here today expecting to go to war imediately," said Bryn.
"Here, Here, we wish to avvenge our murdered clansfolk," was the general response.
"I understand your desire to fight, but we must stop and assess the situation. We have a long and difficult struggle ahead of us," returned Bryn, and he continued to explain all the things that had been discussed by the Japanese envoy, Scratch the night before.
The men seemed to have calmed down and Bryn invited Scratch to speak.
"Brothers! please I call you Brothers for I too have taken the pledge to "Free Celtica". This struggle is as important to my country as it is to your clans. Brothers if the communists defeat the English then we in Japan feel it will only be a matter of time before they turn their eyes south."
"as your leader Bryn has explained to you it would be senseless to supply you with Japanese weapons, for fear of their discovery in the field. However we pledge to supply this base via the ancient pack horse route, from our northern cities with all the necessary food, supplies and resources needed to sustain your fledgling army."
"In addition to this to help you to manufacture your own equipment I have brought with me many tradesmen and professionals to train your people.
Horse breeders, Blacksmiths, Gunsmiths, Explosives experts, Engineers, Bakers, Doctors and Cobblers to name but a few. In a few moons from now a detatchment of Elite Imperial Samurai special covert troops will arrive to train your people in the arts of warfare and assasination techniques."
"Before you can fight you must be transformed from farmers into deadly warriors trained to kill."
"What on earth are we going to learn from a load of old Cobblers?" shouted young Angus O'hara from amidst the gathered men, who broke out into raucious laughter.
"Order!, Order, please continue Scratch," said Bryn.
"Thank you Bryn. Yes, yes I see your joke, but my Brothers do not mock. It is a very long walk back to your villages, and further still to your nearest cities. Much of your activity will be on foot especially later when the real fighting begins. In those days ahead remember when you laughed so today, but be thankful that you will be wearing a pair of boots of the finest quality. You will come to see how important good footwear is when it has saved your life a time or rwo."
"Thank you very much Scratch for your ever insightful wisdom. Right Brothers, for the next two days the Japanese Printers will teach you how to construct and use a simple press, to use in the field for printing leaflets etc. From here several of you will head back to your villages to begin the the first stage of the struggle, the war of propaganda."
"Your three priorities are to inform the wider population of the truth in any way possible, stay in touch with HQ with messengers wearing good boots naturally, and keeping one step ahead of the enemy," this raised a smile to everyones face including Scratch's, " and to recruit new volunteers to our cause."
"All new recruits are to be sent here for further training straight away. No heroics Brothers, when the time is right we will step up our operations. Good luck and may the Gods be with you," continued Bryn.
And so it was that the "Free Celtica" movement had been born, and the war of propaganda was set into motion.
.................................................. ........................................
Still no fighting for those who like to see it, however I hope you like the story so far. Im finding it enjoyable to write and I anticipate it being quite long. I just hope I can continue to get it from my mind onto the screen.
Comments would be appreciated.
December 28, 2002, 15:15
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This is great, Chrisius. It's picking up a little but I'm anxious to see the revolution begin.
December 28, 2002, 16:37
Local Time: 07:06
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Posts: 771
This is cool. And thanks for the maps, makes it all more interesting and involved.
December 29, 2002, 22:27
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Location: Love me tender. Love me sweet.
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Keep the goods coming. How do you gawk at the map? Do you need to have civ3 installed to see it or just open it?
Here is an interesting scenario to check out. The Vietnam war is cool.
December 30, 2002, 06:28
Local Time: 14:06
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Thanks everyone for the feedback, Im busy researching at the moment for the next parts of the story so you will have to be patient.
Scratch its done on paint and should download directly if you click the link.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
December 30, 2002, 15:10
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Your pacing of the story is spot on, and one of the real strengths of this tale so far is in the "big speech" sections- there's some real "Hollywood moments" happening there.
The one thing I'd like to see is a spot of development on the characters- a bit more background. Do they have sppech impediments, or irrational fear of spoons? Were they once members of a bad folk band, or part-time sculptors? That sort of malarky- it helps flesh them out.
December 31, 2002, 03:45
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January 4, 2003, 20:12
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This is just a little bit of something I found the other day, two verses of a poem by William Butler Yeats, written in 1902. It sort of sums up the image I have in my mind of the band of men gathered in the wilderness and forming their movement "Free Celtica".
Verses 3 & 4 of "Into The Twilight"
Come, heart, where hill is heaped upon hill,
For there the mystical brotherhood,
Of sun and moon and hollow and wood,
And river and stream work out their will.
And God stands winding his lovely horn,
And time and world are ever in flight,
And love is less kind than the grey twilight,
And hope is less dear than the dew of the morn.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
January 4, 2003, 21:41
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Part 3 The war of propaganda.
"RISE UP!! Break free from from your chains!
Open your eyes and witness the oppression,
See what they have done to your Brothers and Sisters,
RISE UP!! open your hearts and join our cause,
RISE UP!! and help FREE CELTICA!!"
read the leaflets being handed out to the crowd gathering at the gates of one of the armaments factory in the city of Stockholm.
Things were going well for the "Free Celtica" movement, only six moons into its campaign and all the rural areas of the central regions had been persuaded to help. In all the villages many of the clansfolk both young and old were helping to support the movement, raising funds, attending rallies, distributing leaflets and giving food and shelter to their heroes.
Many young men had volunteered to join the cause and had swelled the ranks to over five thousand, who were being trained by the Japanese in the arts of guerilla warfare and survival techniques. Yes things were looking good.
The Communist regime, preoccupied with its war against the English to the East had been taken almost completely by surprise at the speed with which this populist fervour had taken root. They were shocked indeed to find that their message had started to spill onto the streets of the major cities. The major industrial cities for that matter, the very source of the Communist parties grip on power.
Meanwhile at Communist Party HQ in Entremont,
"Sir! please excuse me for the interuption. I have just received reports of disturbances in several cities." Said comrade Svenson the chairmans most trusted aide.
"WHAT!! what do you mean disturbances? " yelled Chairman McGregor, leader of the Communist party.
"There are reports of large workers rallies being held in Stockholm, Alesia, Copenhagen, Bergen and Gergovia Chairman!"
"Call in my advisors Svenson, I want them here today. Get me General Thordarson on the phone immediately and send instructions to govenors of these cities to send in the troops to quell these so called disturbances. Oh and Svenson send out a comunique to all other districts and advise them to use any force necessary to prevent further troubles."
"Yes Sir Chiarman," Svenson said, saluting and clicking his heels as he left the Chairmans office.
Connel Murdoch and Kyle Donavon had been placed in the same unit six moons ago that had left Devils Bridge to undertake its mission to convert the masses of Stockholm. Stockholm was the main arms manufactoring centre for the Communists. A ripe target for the movement with its population of around two and a half million, many of whom were forced to work in its factories. Most of the cities inhabitants lived in poverty and even the children were forced to work from the age eight or nine.
A stark contrast to the luxurious lifestyle of the Communist elite who feed off the blood, sweat and tears of the masses. Here in the cities it is the Police and party members who are the oppressors. Out in the rural areas the Army are the ones responsble for terrible treatment of the peasants.
"These people are far worse off than we have ever been Connel," stated Kyle.
"Yes youre right Kyle, at least back home the air tastes sweet, and there are far less soldiers than there are police in the city."
Most of their unit had slipped back to the wilderness to attend the second council of war at Devils Bridge. Just three of their number remained in the city to assist the workers and their new unions in their efforts to gain better pay and working conditions.
The war of propaganda had scored a direct hit, whole communities were questioning their situation. Workers were forming Trade Unions and demanding better conditions.
"It looks like old Scratch was right my friend," said Kyle.
"This is not over yet Kyle!, this is far from over!, I cant see the government turning a blind eye to whats happening here," replied Connel.
"Aye, I reckon there will be blood flowing before long." Said Kieran Docherty, the third member of their unit who had stayed behind.
Suddenly sirens and gunfire erupted all around them, armed Police and Soldiers approached from every direction. The gathered people started to run in blind panic as the troops blatantly fired into the crowds.
The three young men of "Free Celtica" began to run as fast as they could for their lives, but Kieran was caught in a hail of bullets. His spent body fell to the ground, Kyle leapt over a barrier and dived for cover in some bushes. Looking back he saw Connel being beaten by four soldiers with their rifle butts.
Kyle realised he could not help his friend, he cried as he watched the pigs drag Connel away, half dead from the beating he had received.
January 6, 2003, 16:59
Local Time: 07:06
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Posts: 771
Where's the next part, man?
Rise up! Chrisius! Free Celtica!...
January 6, 2003, 17:43
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Celtica? I was under the impression that the Irish were descendants of the Celts.
Historically speaking, that is.
Whew! I'm back and ready to start writing again.
Coming soon: Pax America Redux (Including concepts/civs from Conquests)
January 7, 2003, 11:11
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Yes the Irish are in part descended from the Celts as are some English, Scottish, Welsh and possibly other areas of europe, France for example.
The Celts are in fact a very ancient culture probably originally from the Balkans who spread over much of northern and western europe and into north Africa at their height. Also in my research I have learned that Alexander the great entrusted the Celts to take care of his holdings for him whilst he was travelling through Asia on his conquests.
They were well known as a warrior race and were often used by other nations as mercenary forces. I have read that Ceaser wrote about these people and admired their bravery. Their is said to have been two main tribes of Celts originally, the lowland Celts who were primarily farmers and craftsmen and the highland Celts who were far more warlike, and assumed much control over their pacifist lowland brothers.
Their is very little actual documented evidence of the true Celtic culture as the druids who ran their religion forbid the writing of their knowledge. A druid had to learn everything off by heart which could take a lifetime.
Although much of their beleif was incorporated into modern christianity to make the transistion possible especially in the British Isles. The Romans had started this process when they occupied Britain, comparing Roman and Celtic Gods they found their qualities to be similar and many joint gods were used to quell the tribes of England.
As history shows the Romans could not calm down the clans of scotland and had to build Hadrians wall to keep them out!.
Hope this answers your question but please ask if not.
BTW thanks to everyone for the continued feedback.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
January 7, 2003, 12:34
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Back at Communist Party HQ that evening Chairman Mc Gregor was holding an emergency meeting with his Advisors and Generals.
"There is no way I can spare any troops from the English front to quell these disturbances Chairman!" said General Thordarson.
"Chiarman, Comrades, could we not perhaps sit down and talk with the rebels! Perhaps some investment in Cultural building would be useful!" Interupted comrade Flanagan the Cultural Advisor.
BANG!!BANG!! two shots were fired from Chiaman Mc Gregor's pistol. "Svenson! clean up that mess and get me a new Cultural Advisor!!" Yelled Mc Gregor.
"Yes Sir, right away Sir," Svenson said quite nervously.
"Explain your statement General."
"Yes Chairman, our current status is stalemate with the English forces, and we have made no significant gains for over a year! If anything the English seem to be increasing in strength, and may be massing for an offensive."
"So what is our current training status ,and weapons/resources production? " asked the Chairman.
"Well Chairman we are corrently training new Infantry, Calvary, and Artillery regiments at full capacity. Every sizable city has a Barracks facility working flat out. As fast as we can train them they are being sent back in body bags, so as you can see we can not spare any men from the training centres either." Said comrade Jones the miliatary advisor.
"Further Chairman our cities are flat out producing miliatary hardware with currently no scope for any increase. Unless we can build power plants to increase factory output and production, but this would slow down arms production in the short term." Added comrade Davidson the domestic advisor.
"The only suggestion I can offer is that we open peace negotiations with the English. If we can secure favourable terms then we could switch our attention to the rebels and unions Sir!" Commented comrade Davis the foreign advisor.
"NEVER!! do you hear me? We will never surrender to the English! I shall not rest untill they are wiped from our continent." Shouted the Chairman, "You would do well to be more careful what you suggest fool!! Unless you want to end up like comrade Flanagan!!"
"Please forgive me Sir," Davis uttered shaking in his boots. "I must also inform you that Rome is again making threats, and Japan has severed diplomatic ties with us due to our continued aggression towards the English. As a result of this action they have ceased trading with us and refuse to send any further consignments of wine in tribute."
"Why those treacherous dogs! Damn them to hell! Thordarson when we have finished removing the English from Celtica, I order you to head south and destroy those traitors!"
"Yes Sir Chairman! By your command."
"Sir Chairman, Comrades I feel I must add something to this discussion. We must increase funding to science and research if we are to stay ahead in world power. Sir I fear that unless we increase funding then we shall fall behind our enemies in the arms race. Our spy network already has evidence to suggest the English are carrying out secret research into two very disturbung areas. We believe they are developing some kind of flying machines that will be able to bombard our cities, and some sort of motorised cannon with untold firepower that will be capable of decimating our troops in the field." Said comrade Simpson the science advisor.
"Very well make it so Davidson, redirect 10% of the treasury to research and raise taxes imediately," said Mc Gregor.
"Yes Sir right away Sir."
"Sir Chairman, comrades I would suggest that we have a national draft and conscript all men aged 20 yrs to 22 yrs into the army. Although these troops would not be very well trained they would greatly assist in quelling any further disturbances in the cities." Said comrade Jones the miliatary advisor.
"Excellent suggestion Jones, get on with it right away," said the Chairman.
"Good news Sir, reports have just come in that order has been restored in all the cities where rallies were being held today. All city govenors report that all is quiet this evening," interupted Svenson as he arrived back at the meeting from taking care of comrade Flanagan.
"Excellent, excellent! Right gentlemen be gone and return to your duties. I want some good news from the English front and soon. I also want this Free Celtica thing crushed imediately! Do not let me down," the Chairman warned.
Kyle had stayed out of sight untill darkness fell, there were troops patrolling everywhere. He did not want to get caught, and let Connel down. He knew he had to get back to Devils Bridge and get some help to rescue his brother. Before he left he made a vow to the gods to return to Stockholm and avvenge the death of his brother Kieran and to rescue his brother Connel Murdoch.
As he made his way stealthfully through the side streets and Alleys he spied his chance, a clumsy calvary officer had dismounted from his horse and was relieving himself into a grid. Kyle crept up behind the man taking his knife from his boot, in one swift movement he leapt out from behind the man and grabbed his head with his left arm while his right hand sliced deeply into his victims throat.
He quickly comandeered the dead mans tunic, weapon and mounted his horse, making his escape disguised as an army officer. Once clear of the city limits he spurred on his steed and galloped as fast as he could go, back to the wilderness.
January 8, 2003, 17:03
Local Time: 06:06
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Arizona
Posts: 476
I was just wondering, that's all. Awesome stuff.
Whew! I'm back and ready to start writing again.
Coming soon: Pax America Redux (Including concepts/civs from Conquests)
January 9, 2003, 08:29
Local Time: 14:06
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Staffordshire England
Posts: 8,321
Thank you most kindly Centauri18.
To every one who reads my stuff please be patient with me on this if I take my time. Unfortunately my Father is very ill and in hospital right now and things are a little difficult.
Thanks for your support.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
January 9, 2003, 10:32
Local Time: 22:06
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Love me tender. Love me sweet.
Posts: 839
I hope you dad gets better soon. Why don't you read him my bush vs saddam showdown? He might like it.
Waiting for more of the goods.
Here is an interesting scenario to check out. The Vietnam war is cool.
January 9, 2003, 11:24
Local Time: 07:06
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2001
Posts: 5,725
How come nobody told me about the second Chrisius story?
Awesome stuff again.  A very engaging and original plot. Even though it might lack the 180 o twists for now, I am sure it is nonetheless going to be a great story, with potentially an unexpected end. I also definitely see great improvement in style over the previous story of yours, which could only be good.
Patiently looking forward to the next installment.
Hope your father gets well.
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