January 9, 2003, 17:22
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Thanks guys
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
January 9, 2003, 22:27
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Excellent story very good reading, just one question isnt Calvary where Christ was crusified i will have to check the spelling again just popped into my head but keep up the good work very good stuff!!!
January 9, 2003, 22:37
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Originally posted by Psycho1
... just one question isnt Calvary where Christ was crusified[?] ...
I do believe that the hill just outside Jerusalem named Calvary (better known, of course, as Golgotha - the hebrew name) is considered to be the place where Jesus was crucified.
January 10, 2003, 00:30
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I believe you are correct so the spelling he is looking for is cavalry no biggie i got the picture still a great story
January 10, 2003, 06:19
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Hey Psycho1 I make these selling mistakes to order and if you want some Im sure we can arrange a trade.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
January 10, 2003, 06:43
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Originally posted by vovansim
I also definitely see great improvement in style over the previous story of yours, which could only be bad.
Hoping you don't bother with the next installment.
Vova, whaddya mean "great improvements of his previous story"? You mean his previous story was really bad or something? That's not very nice. I think Mike's story was a real wing-dinger.
Here is an interesting scenario to check out. The Vietnam war is cool.
January 10, 2003, 13:28
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Having fun changing over the words again, scratchy?
No, I don't mean that the previous story was bad. The story was good, and the fact that it won a contest only supports that claim. Now, since the style of this one, in my opinion, is much better, means, inherently, that this story is so much better than the previous one...
January 10, 2003, 20:18
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No disrespect i cant spell either haha!! but i do love your story hope to write one soon myself!!
January 10, 2003, 21:38
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I must say, I'm beginning to like this story more than Mike's story. Its great! Keep this train movin, bro.
January 15, 2003, 19:13
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Sorry to not have any more for you folks, Easthaven asked me why I was on the second page when I nagged him earlier.
Unfortunately things have not improved and I only have enough time to check the stories at the moment. Im hoping to get back to writing as soon as possible, so please be patient thanks.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
January 29, 2003, 22:27
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I am pleased to announce that I have now started to write the next part of this story, thanks for your patience  .
I will work on it over the next few days and post early next week or maybe sooner if time permits, but in the meantime heres a bump for those who are new and may not have seen this yet and for the rest of you to recap, thanks again for bearing with me.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
January 29, 2003, 22:34
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Looking forward to the next part, Chris.
January 29, 2003, 22:52
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Praise the LORD!
January 29, 2003, 22:56
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Originally posted by Easthaven I
Praise the LORD!
guitarist! This is not SKI's story.
Praise the... ehm... general of all legions of Rome!
January 30, 2003, 03:41
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Since you have shown great wisdom and respect for protocol my friend vovansim, I can assure you that if their should ever be just cause for the empire to dispose of your good self, then I Chrisius Maximus general of all the legions of Rome, he who doth have the ear of the emporer(and thankfully not his nose) shall ensure that ye shall never suffer the fate of the crucifixtion. No my friend it shall be quick and painles for one so true as you and the lions havent been fed for some time.
Just kidding,
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
January 31, 2003, 20:33
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Part 4 The Ignited Fire!
Kyle had made his way to the edge of a safe village deep in the Celtic rural lands, and close to the wilderness. He and his unit had started their operations from this same village at the beginning of the propagnda war.
He had been riding hard for two days and needed rest and sustenance. Devils Bridge still lay some distance away, but he had to stop.
As he rode his stolen horse through the village it struck him that something was wrong! it was ghostly quiet! The village was deserted however there were no signs of anyone preparing to leave. Fires still smouldered, clothes still hanging out to dry, doors and windows left wide open and plates of food and drinks still littered the bar and tables of the Inn. It was as though the villagers had suddenly vanished.
Kyle knew this was bad, deep in his gut he could sense that something terrible had transpired here.
He tended to his horse and found something for himself to eat at the Inn. Thinking to himself he decided to continue his journey as soon as he and his horse were both fed and watered, when he felt a sudden severe blow to the back of his head, and collapsed unconcious face first into his stew.
His limp body was lashed to his horse, and his captors thinking they had captured a Communist cavalry officer, hurried back to Devils Bridge with their prize.
"You damned fools! you could have killed him!" yelled Bryn as he threw cold water in Kyles face.
Kyle woke coughing and spluttering " Where am I ? is that you Bryn ? oh thank the gods Ive found you" he said staggering to his feet. " Oh my head! what happened to me?"
" These fools happened to you thats what!! go on you miserable dogs get out of my sight. You must rest now Kyle we will talk later." said Bryn.
" No please wait you must listen, they've got Connel! they've taken your Son! "
More to come later.
January 31, 2003, 21:08
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Ummm... A bit on the short side, but good stuff nonetheless. Plenty of room for further development, which is good.
Keep 'em coming, Chrisius.
January 31, 2003, 21:59
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Good good. Too short though, man. I had a cup a tea and some biscuits ready to read the continuation. One sip later, its over!
Keep it up. Here's your classic...
February 1, 2003, 05:25
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Patience my friends I have not even looked at this for some weeks and frankly I have forgotten most of my original plot.
Do not fear there will be more coming, it may be short bits sporadically posted as I still have some important things to attend to.
I am hoping to continue chapter 4 tonight.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
February 2, 2003, 05:26
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Heres the rest of part 4  enjoy.
Part 4 The Ignited Fire cont.
Bryn turned to face Kyle, speechless for an instance "You mean hes been arrested. But how Brother what happened ?" he uttered as a look of dread flooded his normally hardened and wise appearance.
Kyle began to recount the events of the last week to Bryn, starting with the day of the demonstration in Stockholm.
"Please excuse the interuption," said Scratch, "I have dire news Bryn. Reports have come in from several of our target cities that the army has violently put down the fledgling union movement."
"There has been many innocent and unarmed civillians murdered in the streets, and a great many arrests. Some of our Brothers are arriving back with very disturbing accounts to tell."
"In addittion to this our scouts report that a large force of conscript infantry is presently moving through the rural regions, and taking prisoner all the inhabitants of your clans villages. Brother Liam O'brien has just come in from patrol, he can tell you more," added Scratch.
"That would explain what I found at Newbridge, the place was deserted," said Kyle.
"Brothers I have seen with my own eyes that which I am about to tell you. The force Brother Scratch mentioned is around 3000 conscript infantry led by a handfull of C.S.G officers, ( Communist Special Guards)."
"They have been in the rural regions for about three days now and seem to heading north west.Brothers their mission appears to be to enslave whole clans, and we have witnessed them send the men back towards Alesia with a detachment of guards. The women and children appear to be heading east towards Stockholm to work in the munitions factories. I am sorry my Brothers but we have also seen the old and sick taken into the woods, and we could hear terrible screams and gunfire." Reported Liam O'brien with tears streaming down his face.
"Bryn the men are assembled for your speech, shall I tell them to disperse ?" asked Scratch.
"No my Brother tell them to to wait for half an hour, then quickly gather up all commanders and advisors and send them to the war room for an emergency meeting."
Scratch went about his duties while Bryn listened to the rest of Kyles story, then made his way to the war room.
The emergency meeting heard the reports and Bryn recounted Kyles experience, "We must not let this go unanswered, the time has come to fight !" said Bryn.
"Brothers we have reports from our scouts that the main enemy force lies here, camped 20 or so miles miles from the village of Two Hills," Scratch said pointing to the huge map spread accross the tressel tables. "We also have fairly recent posistions for the two groups of captives, and are certain they will be following these marked routes."
"Brothers I will go now and address the men while you complete your plans, may the gods give you wisdom." Bryn said as he left his most trusted Brothers to set in motion their response to the events of the last few days.
A huge cheer went up from the assembled men as Bryn Murdoch entered the great hall and took to the platform.
"Brothers I was to come here today to thank you for the hard work you have undertaken to train to become "Free Celtica's" army, and to give you your orders for your new mission. As you know we have trained you to capture and secure the rural regions in the hope of bringing the communists to the negotiating table with empty stomachs, by cutting off their supplies of food." Bryn went on to explain all of the recent events, and the mood of the men had become very sombre.
"Do not be defeated by sadness, lift up your hearts and focus your minds on revnge. Even now as I speak to you your Brothers are drawing up plans for our response, and we must act before Two Hills is taken. RISE UP BROTHERS!! ARE YOU WITH ME!!"
A deafening cheer went up around the hall.
"Brothers go now to your quarters to await your orders, take this time to speak to your god and write to your clans. Brothers the evil one Chaiman Mcgregor has IGNITED THE FIRE, that fire will now turn to consume him!! and Brothers may the gods go with you."
Last edited by ChrisiusMaximus; February 2, 2003 at 05:32.
February 2, 2003, 13:06
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Any feedback ?
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
February 2, 2003, 16:51
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The story is very nice, Chris. Like I said before, I like your style or writing a lot, and there is visible improvememnt from chapter to chapter. The plot is also very good. Though I suppose the mention of Scratch again brings back the memories.  I kinda miss his comments and stories. But any ways, please keep the goods coming. You know we are all eagerly awaiting.
February 4, 2003, 22:55
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Damn, I must have missed this. I was here getting upset thinking you hadn't continued but you did, my bad.
Anyhoo, I aint' so good at critiques cuz frankly, I don't know what I want. But I do enjoy. Your speeches in the story are cool, I can truely imagine the character calling down to his men to raise their spirits in a desperate war for freedom.
Again sorry for the late feedback, I missed the story, I'm here but once a night, and once I miss...I miss.
I encourage you to continue, for much of my inspiration comes from other folks' stories and ideas.
Keep it up, bro.  The whips are unleashed, whoopish, get movin.
February 9, 2003, 06:01
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Thanks chaps for the feedback, vovan it is certainly quieter here lately without our Scratch. I started this before the fracas over the puke smiley, and he is a central character so he must stay for now. He may yet return to the forum one day who knows.
East baby will you watch what your doing with that whip, I still got scars all over my back from the last time my shaven friend.
Writing part five Baptism of Blood! right now and hope to post later today.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
February 10, 2003, 10:50
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Okay heres the next part, slightly later than promised.
One thing though is why have only two people given feedback to part four ? come on people let me know what you like / dislike or just like I dont mind.
If you want me to continue with this it would help if you could let me know, thanks.
Part 5 Baptism Of Blood!
"We have 1500 trained Celtic guerilla freedom fighters, I would suggest we split this force in three. As you know we are poorly armed at present so our best weapon is stealth, they will never expect an attack. Kyle you will lead group A and head south east to intercept the column of women and children heading for Stockholm." Said Scratch.
"It will be an honour Brother," Kyle answered.
"Good now listen carefully, our scouts report that up to 100 heavily armed conscript Infantry men are escorting the captives, so yes you do have superior numbers. However I suggest you shadow them and attack under cover of darkness. We cannot afford any losses so use your Knives and bows saving your rifles in reserve if needed, as you know only every third man is armed with our homemade rifles."
"Kyle when the battle is over strip every one of the enemy dead of all their weapons, amunition, uniforms and equipment, get the women to help with this and bury the dead out of sight. Take 50 good men with you disguised as enemy Infantry and head to Stockholm to rescue my son Connel. Again you must use stealth to sneak into the prison, you should release all the inmates and assist them in taking the cities armoury. Enlist any that wish to join us and get the others to set up a diversionary riot in the city centre so you can make good your escape.I will be waiting for your safe return at Newbridge." Said Bryn.
"I am deeply honoured that you should entrust me with this mission, I will not fail you," stated Kyle.
"Of course you will not fail," said Bryn grasping Kyles arms tightly, "You are as brave as your father and he would be very proud of you. Now make haste and avvenge your kin."
"Brother Robert Jones you will lead group B, your mission is to rescue the captives heading for Alesia. You should use the same tatics as those I described to Brother Kyle. You should send all the men directly to Devils Bridge for training, explain to them that a similar force has been sent to rescue their kin and they will be reunited as soon as possible. Once again strip the enemy entirely and do not let anyone escape," said Scratch.
"Yes Brother Scratch they will pay in blood for their crimes," said Brother Jones.
"Good now once you have the situation under control your job is to secure all this region," said Scratch pointing to to the large map at the central rural villages. "From here send out small raiding parties to dirupt the enemies supplies and communications, and if you get an opportunity to attack an enemy patrol then do so. Remember always strip the dead and take everything of value you can carry. Further men, supplies and orders will be sent to you as soon as possible, understood."
"Yes Brothers," replied Robert Jones the youngest of the Celtic commanders.
"Good now be on your way and may the gods be with you," said Bryn.
"Okay now that just leaves the main force camped outside Two Hills. As you know my goverment did not want to risk being seen to be helping you for fear of war, but I see no option at the moment. Group C will be heavily outnumbered and will be massacred if we do not get our hands dirty," said Scratch.
"So what do you propose Brother?" said Liam O'Brien who was to lead group C.
"Well Brother I think we should again use stealth, Liam your objective is to attack at night in force and take out their officers. They will most likely be found in the larger tents in the centre of the camp. If you can achieve this goal then the remaining troops will be confused and easier to control," replied Scratch.
"How do you mean control?" asked Bryn.
"Well if we can force them to follow our troops, due to their inexperience we can pick them off at will. After you have suceeded in your first objective, and I must stress this will probably cost us many mens lives, you should lay a series of surprises ie traps and ambushes to entice the main force to chase you to Two Hills. Leave at least 100 men at the rear to mop up and prevent any one getting back to report on what is happening to the Chairman."
"Okay it sounds like a daring plan and it may suceed, but how do you expect us to take out over 1500 of them in Two Hills?" questioned Liam.
"My brother as I have said I see no alternative in this situation, Japan must get her hands dirty on this occasion. I will leave as soon as were done here with the division of 1000 elite Samurai we have stationed here and head directly to Two Hills. I am hoping to give our guests a very nasty surprise when they enter the village, and I am sure they will surrender when their predicament becomes clear to them." answered Scratch.
"A daring plan indeed Brothers, may the gods be with you," said Bryn.
"Yes my Brother it all hinges on Liam's men successfully killing the enemy officers."
and so it began, the response was set in motion and the freedom fighters set off to accomplish their missions.
February 10, 2003, 11:26
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Baptism Of Blood. cont,
Kyle led his men through the forests all throughout the night without rest stopping only briefly at Newbridge to quench their thirst. His forward scouts had already spotted the enemy column moving slowly towards Stockholm with the captured women and children.
"I estimate they are about 30 miles south of our posistion," said one of his scouts.
"Good, get back out there on a fresh horse and see where they head to and keep me informed. Right Brothers Hanrahan, Davis and Campbell get the men to their feet and move out, weve got a lot of ground to cover. We must attack tonight." Shouted Kyle.
The intensive training these men had undertaken could be seen indeed, and Kyle felt immense pride as he ran through the fields and crops with his Brothers. Each man driven on by the desire to exact revenge for their kin, murdered by the evil Communists.
By noon Kyle had sight of his objective about two miles ahead of him. The enemy troops had not placed any scouts to the rear and as such had no idea what was stalking them.
"Tell the men to rest up here in these woods for a while. We will slowly ease up closer to their posistion later this afternoon," said Kyle to his officers.
"Yes Brother Kyle," came the reply.
The enemy column set up camp that evening having only covered about twelve miles that day, the women and children making slow progress in their bindings. As had become the usual over the last few days many of the Communist troops took their pick of the despairing women and raped them during the early evening. The screams of fear and pain could be heard for miles and filled Kyle with hate and rage.
His men slowly made their way closer to their target, it was well into the early hours of the morning now, and most of the camp fires were just piles of glowing embers fading slowly. The few lookouts that had been posted were all fast asleep and were quickly dispatched.
Kyle gave the order and his men attacked in a storm of fury, he charged straight into the fray himself and grabbed a very surprised soldier by the collar with his left hand, ramming his razor sharp knife deep into his victims belly with his right hand. As the startled soldier looked into Kyles eyes, Kyle violently headbutted him smashing his nose across his face, whilst he wrenched and twisted his knife in his victims gut as he screamed in agony.
The attack was a total success with only a few men slightly injured in the process, Kyle surveyed the scene and wept as saw the women and children wallowing in blood, and smashing the bodies of their captors with rocks and anything they could find. Spitting and cursing to vent their anger and being baptised in the blood of their enemies.
Part 6 The Battle For Two Hills,
Will Liam be able to take out the enemy officers and at what cost in the lives of his Brothers.
Last edited by ChrisiusMaximus; February 10, 2003 at 11:47.
February 10, 2003, 13:23
Local Time: 07:06
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 Great stuff, Chris.
February 12, 2003, 16:18
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And you complain about a lack of feedback?
It's good work Chrisus, very nice.
February 12, 2003, 17:41
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Thanks chaps
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
February 13, 2003, 22:46
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Part 6 The Battle For Two Hills,
Liam O'Brien was an ex army man himself and had known Bryn Murdoch before these dark times. Bryn had been an officer in the regiment he had served in, and Liam had always looked up to him. The respect was mutual though, Liam was one of Free Celtica's best men, now aged 32 and in his prime.
Liams men were all in their posistions waiting for the operation to get underway as the evening drew in. Many of the men were talking to their gods unsure of the eventual outcome of this nights action. Liam himself was thinking back to his younger days as a lad on his parents farm. He could hear his old dad now in his mind saying "For pities sake lad dont tell your mother you want to join the army."
As is the case with many families his kin wanted him to stay at home and take over the farm some day. Liam feared the worst now as his parents farm farm was near the village of Newbridge, and he had seen what these evil pigs had done with the elderly and sick at another village.
"Brother all the men are in posistion and await your command," came the sudden voice of Brother Evans one of Liams officers.
"Scouts have reported that this looks like the weakest point in the camps perimeter, and the commanders tents are situated here about 100 yards in from this point," said Brother Crawford pointing to the plan of the camp.
"Good, now send a runner round the field to Jeffersons posistion and tell him to light the smoke pires.Crawford tell the men to be ready on my command, Evans you know what youve got to do?"
"Yes my Brother, Ive got 100 men already heading towards Two Hills to set up ambush points and some other surprises," replied Brother Evans.
"Good go to your posistions then and may the gods be with you." Liam said.
Luck was on Liams side tonight, there was no moon and a light fog was hanging in the air. As the smoke from the pires began to drift in on the breeze and mix with the fog, Liam gave the order to charge. Simultaneously diversionary attacks were launched at other areas of the camps perimeter to cause the utmost confusion.
Liam and 50 of his best men armed with their homemade assault rifles and fixed bayonets, sprinted through the enemy camp like a tidal wave, killing everthing in their path. Hundreds of enemy soldiers were running blindly about in a state of sheer panic. Screams echoed through the darkness from all around the camp where the archers arrows were finding targets.
Liams group were on the command tents so fast that the enemy officers and their guards had no time to organise a defence. Many of the conscripts ran from the scene in fear as Liam and his men mercilessly killed their commanders.
"Keep after them Brothers!! FOLLOW ME!!" Shouted Liam.
Before long some semblance of order was instilled amongst the enemy by their junior officers, and a defensive ring was established which began to put down some return fire. As they regained control of their men this quickly became more intensive, and although it was difficult to target anything due to the smoke it was becoming effective due to their numbers.
All around Liam his Brothers were getting hit, some fatally so he gave the order to retreat and head to the rendezvous point. It was sometime before the communists stopped firing, unsure as to what was going on.
As Liams officers brought in their reports it became clear what the cost of this mission had totalled. He had lost 12 men from his own group and in total 33 Brothers had given their lives to Free Celtica this night. They had inflicted at least 150 casualties on the enemy and achieved their main objective of wiping out the experienced officers. Their sacrifice had not been in vain.
The next stage of the plan was simple, entice the enemy to follow them into a trap at Two Hills, taking out as many of them en route as possible. There was no time for Liams men to rest now as there was much to prepare.
A reargaurd was dispatched to try and prevent any messengers heading back for reinforcments, as the rest of the men headed off to their next posistions. At first light about 100 men launched an attack on the camp with bows from elvated posistions, causing fresh panic amongst their ranks. As predicted by Scratch the inexperience of their junior officers came through as they sent a detatchment of about 150 men to chase down and kill the pesky archers. They chased the archers for about a mile becoming exhausted carrying their heavy packs and amunition.
Suddenly from out of nowhere came a stampede of half crazed cattle charging towards them. Thousands of beasts trampling all who got in their way, spurred on by about 50 men on horseback. Firing their weapons into the air they steered the stampede towards the main camp while the archers finished off the chasing pack and set about salvaging any weapons and equipment they could.
Liam looked on from his hilltop through his field glasses and could see the look of fear etched on the faces of his enemies as the stampede approached the camp. It was a scene to behold as the herd lunged into the infantry, but with over a thousand rifles going off left right and centre it was not long before the stampede moved away. Leaving in their wake masses of carcasses both bovine and human.
"Our scouts estimate the stampede has killed or injured about 300 of them including the ones who were chasing the archers." Reported Brother Crawford.
"Excellent work men, whats the latest situation," asked Liam.
"Well it looks like they are packing up and preparing to hunt us down," answered Crawford.
"Funny I thought they might stay put for a bit, there sure is enough beef down there to feed an army for months!" said a younger Brother sitting near to Liam.
"Thats very funny but weve got no time for joking, MOVE OUT BROTHERS!!" Liam shouted .
More to follow.
Last edited by ChrisiusMaximus; February 13, 2003 at 22:53.
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