May 25, 2003, 18:10
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Thanks Paulypav and I look forward to reading some of your stuff.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
May 26, 2003, 18:26
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Very nice,  I was wondering when you were going to complete this story and now I know.
"The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
Read the Story of La Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum
May 26, 2003, 20:46
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Hey, Chris, your PM kind of brought me back to life (ahem, I mean, 'Poly  ), and I actually got a chance to read your story here. And I must say: this is still some good stuff. Even though there is a pretty large gap between installments, you are doing great. I just wish I had more time to read some other stuff around here though. It's been a while and there seems to be a lot of cool new stuff around.
September 27, 2003, 10:42
Local Time: 14:06
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Please accept apologies for the length of time taken to post this. For any posters who have not seen this before I would be pleased to know your thoughts good or bad
Part 8 News Good, News Bad!!
"Brother Murdoch!! two riders approaching from the North and East," yelled one of Bryn Murdochs men on watch duty. "They are wearing our colours Sir!" came a further shout.
"Send them to my quaters as soon as they have tended to their horses," commanded Bryn.
The first of the two riders had tended to his horses needs and was heading to give his report to Bryn as the rider from the East was approaching the outskirts of the village. "Brother! I have news from Brother Robert Jones in command of force B!"
"AH good, I was beginning to wonder what had become of you all, pray do tell me the news is good."
"Indeed Brother the news is good, Ishall read from brother Jones's despatch."
" Brother Bryn Murdoch, it fills my heart with joy to tell you my news. I hope my rider finds you and your kin in good health.
We first made contact with the enemy some distance from our anticipated point. This is the main reason for the delay in getting news back to you, we moved several miles into enemy territory, and with the luck of the Gods found them in an isolated area of forest ten miles from Alesia.
As we could not risk letting them escape we attacked in full force using the trees for cover. Sadly we did suffer casualties, 30 Brothers left this life on this day and are now in the hands of the Gods.
However we did manage to totally destroy the enemy force and capture a significant amount of weapons and supplies.
Please forgive me Brother but I did not follow your next order, I decided it would be too dangerous now to send the rescued men back to Devils Bridge, as we were so far behind enemy lines.
Instead we told them the situation that a similar force had been sent to rescue their kin, and they all decided to take the oath and join us in the battle for Alesia.
We laid low for several days in the forests while I sent several Brothers into the city to gather information.
Finally we got the news that the cities garrison had moved out of the city a week ago to go to the beleagured English front, and the the city was in the depths of revolt.
Brother we did not have to fire another shot! we were cheered and welcomed into the city as if a conquering army! The people have risen up my Lord to "Free Celtica" and Alesia is ours."
"This ends brother Jones's despatch my Lord" said the rider, brother Kelly.
"Excellent!! Excellent!!, that is indeed good news, go now brother Kelly and fill your belly. I will have despatches ready in the morning for you to take back to Brother Jones."
As Brother Kelly left the room the second rider from the East walked in, "Sir! Brother Murdoch I bring news from Brother Kyle Donavon, who is camped some twenty miles from here."
" Ah more good news I hope, please do continue," said Bryn to the young Brother.
"No my Lord, I am sorry my news is not good. Please Brother be seated I have some very bad news for you."
The door opened and Bryns staff officer came into the room. "Brother this rider has just informed me of your Son Connel Murdochs death, Brother Kyle Donavon is bringing his body here today and sent this young rider ahead to tell you the grave news. I am sorry Sir, it appears he suffered from severe torture at the hands of his captors in Stockholm." said Brother Peterson.
"He passed from this life last night my Lord, there was nothing anyone could have done, he never regained conciousness from when we rescued him from the prison my Lord." continued the young rider Brother Harrison. " The rest of my report is in these despatches Brother I'll leave them on your desk." He saluted and turned to leave the room.
"Stop young Brother, thank you for informing me it cant have been easy for you to deliver such news to me, please dont feel bad," said Bryn with tears in his eyes.
"Thank you Sir," said Harrison and left the two men alone.
"Leave me now Brother Peterson, I would like to be alone for a while."
"Of course Bryn, please accept my sympathy, your Son was a man of courage and honour. Shall I take those despatches Sir."
"No no thats alright my Brother I'll read them shortly, thank you for your kind words, now please leave me and dont let anyone disturb me for a while!!"
Peterson left the room and gently closed the door behind him, leaving Bryn behind to collect his thoughts and grieve for his Son.
September 27, 2003, 11:34
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Part 8 continued.
Throughout the morning Brother Peterson organised the men stationed at Newbridge to build a funeral raft and pire in preparation to send Bryn's Son to his Gods later that day.
Most of the men there had known Brother Connel Murdoch personally, in fact a great many of the young men of Free Celtica saw him as their future King when this war was over. And so it was decided to honour his life with the last rights and funeral of a King, not praticed since the demise of the monarchy when King Brennus had been murdered by Chairman McGregors henchmen.
During this day Brothers Liam and Scratch arrived to hold council with Bryn on the next stages of the war. Brother Peterson informed them of the situation and their hearts were filled with sadness.
"Forgive the intrusion Brother Ive just heard the sad news."
Bryn looked up and through his tearfilled eyes saw his good friend "Oh thank the gods youre here!" said Bryn as he got up to greet Scratch.
Brother Scratch embraced Bryn "I am so sorry my friend!" he said softly.
Liam too entered the room "Brother please accept my condolences on your loss, he was the bravest of men that Ive known and I know that many shall mourn his death." he said to his Chieftan Bryn Murdoch.
"Thank you Brother for your kind words they are a comfort. I am heartbroken but I knew their would be sacrifices to make when I started out on this journey! and so did my Son. He was a brave man that is true and I shall deeply miss him. However I will have more time to mourn when this thing is over."
"Brother!! Kyle Donavon has arrived and he has brought your Sons body, shall I send him to you?" asked Brother Peterson.
"Yes yes please do!" replied Bryn, "have arrangements been made?"
"Yes sir everything is in hand!"
"Hello Brother, I am so sorry to have failed you my Lord!" said kyle as he bent down on one Knee and lowered his head.
"Nonsense man!! stand up I command you. You did your duty it was those Basta--ds who killed my Son, and it is Mcgregor who will pay!!" said Bryn now feeling stronger with his closest friends with him.
"Brother the men have assembled and would like to offer their tribute to your son in the form of the ancient funeral service reserved for Kings and princes. Many of the young men felt that one day Connel would have been their King Sir," said Brother Peterson.
"Then so shall it be, Brother Kyle Donavon you were my Sons closest friend in life I now want you to serve him one last time and send him to his Gods! will you do this for me?"
"I shall do it for you, for my friend Brother Connel Murdoch and for all the men of "Free Celtica", it shall be an honour Sir." replied Kyle.
The five men made their way to a platform constructed by the shore of the lake at Newbridge. Bryn assisted three Brothers to lay his Son's body apon the pire raft, and gently kissed his forehead.
"Brothers I thank you for the great honour you have bestowed upon my kin this day. Men of "Free Celtica" I now hand over my Son to the Gods of Celtica, this is a terrible sacrifice for me to make but one which make willingly as I stand shoulder to shoulder with you all my Brothers, as we all continue to make the sacrifices required to win this war. Before this time has passed a great many of our kin wil have passed from this life and I wish to honour you all as you honour my Son now!!"
With that the raft was set adrift with the wind, as the men looked on some, many with tears in their eyes, but all standing strong to Connels honour. Kyle set a light to his flaming arrow and aimed high as if to touch the Gods themselves, the arrow soared high then swooped like a falcon and ignited the pire. It was done! Brother Connel could now go to his celestial home and wait for his father. As the men dispersed to go to the funeral feast Bryn stood alone and watched till the last embers has been extinguished.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
Last edited by ChrisiusMaximus; September 27, 2003 at 11:44.
September 27, 2003, 12:10
Local Time: 07:06
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You are starting to behave like theGuitarist (is he still around, btw? I'd love to see some more of his writing)! You don't write for like four months and then give us some great stuff. Don't torture us like that, man.  Give us the goods and don't delay 'em or they'll go stale.
Any way, sweet stuff this. Hope you've hit some inspiration streak and will keep on writing.
September 27, 2003, 13:03
Local Time: 14:06
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Thanks Vovan  your support as always is much appreciated
Now stop with the nagging and get writing some stuff too
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
September 27, 2003, 14:38
Local Time: 07:06
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Posts: 771
Awesome, bro! Good to see you begin once again. Let the Resurrection begin.
I think I'm inspired to bring back up the Lands of Darkness, thank you.
September 27, 2003, 18:53
Local Time: 14:06
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Yay East Baby its good to see you  looking forward to more Lands of Darkness
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
September 28, 2003, 04:09
Local Time: 22:06
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Location: Love me tender. Love me sweet.
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That was sure a big break you took there Chris. You made up for it though by writing a big installment about a big funeral. Keep the goods coming. We should all try to write more often to help fan the dying embers of the immortal apolyton stories forum. Vova, you're due to supply some new goods. How about a romance for variety  since your name rhymes so nicely with Casanova.
September 28, 2003, 04:18
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Thanks Scratch, good to see you back here more regular these days.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
September 28, 2003, 21:37
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World Map,
Rome is the dominant power after swallowing up two of her neighbours ie Iroquois and Azteca with a few French and Egyptian cities also living as slaves to the Romans.
September 29, 2003, 20:40
Local Time: 07:06
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Posts: 5,725
Cool map, Chris. Thanks. Always helps to visualize the stuff.
As for romance, scratch... I don't know, I doubt it, though maybe I could whip something short and sweet up.  Though I'm afraid in my attempts to tie it in to the topic of Civ, I'd make it extra cheesy.
Now, if only I could get some inspiration... Just a lil' bit...
September 30, 2003, 17:36
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Another Map showing in more detail the cities of Celtica and the region now under Free Celtica's control.
Thanks to vovansim for showing me how to directly post these maps to the thread
I am quite computer illiterate
September 30, 2003, 19:48
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Part 9 Back to business
Bryn opened his eyes, momentarily unsure of his wherabouts. Within seconds it all came flooding back to him. His Son, his beautiful baby boy that he had so cherished and reared to be a fine noble warrior. He was gone. For any man to lose a child is tragic, but to have sent your own Son into the arms of danger, and for your Son to perish at the enemies hands!. Bryn's mind was awash with mixed, crazed emotions, guilt, anger, fear, a lesser man would not have withstood these stresses, and been left a broken wreck. " I will avvenge you my beloved Son!" he said to himself in his mind as he dressed himself.
The Village of Newbridge was bustling with activity, many thousands of men were streaming into the the area from greater Celtica looking to join the freedom fighters of "Free Celtica", young men, nearly boys in many cases. Those who were old enough were sent back to Devils Bridge for training whilst the youngsters were sent to safer villages out of harms way.
The year was turning through its cycle, and it seemed so long ago now to Bryn since the harvests had been gathered. The Winter had been particually mild and quite dry, and even in this climate of war, the first real signs of spring, of new life, buds breaking on the trees and birds thinking of courtship could be seen. " Nothing changes but everything changes!!" Bryn thought to himself as he pondered the scene outside his hut.
He made his way to the command centre for the morning briefing planned for 07.00 with his senior staff, stoping by the cookhouse to get a bite to eat and a pot of steaming coffee.
.................................................. .................................................. ............................
Another meeting was taking place this morning at Communist party headquarters, over in Entremont.
The new Cultural advisor was just being cleaned up by Svenson, yet another unfortunate soul to have uttered a sentence not to the Chairmans liking.
"Hurry up Svenson will you hes dripping blood all over my best rug!" yelled the Irate Chairman Mcgregor.
"Comrade begging your pardon but comrade Perkins did have a point, this damn populist movement is out of control!! we have no choice we must talk to them before the whole country rises up in rebellion!!"
Bang !! Bang !! two more shots rang out and comrade Davidson's body slumped to the floor lifeless.
"SVENSON!! GET THIS FILTHY TRAITOROUS BAST**D OUT OF HERE!!" yelled the Chairman phsycotically.
"Chairman Sir I beseach you, please calm youself. If we carry on like this you will have no advisors left to shoot!!" said General Thordarson in his usual unemotive way. Anybody else would have recieved the same treatment as the previous two comrades had, but the Chairman trusted Thordarson completely, and if the truth be known he admired him a great deal too.
!Yes yes Ill calm myself but you heard the ridiculous things they said to me!!"
"Yes I did and you were quite right to kill the yellow bast**ds, but there's no use you losing your top. We need cool heads if were going to formulate some sort of a plan to deal with these rebellious dogs!" replied the General. Who is a man just as insane and evil as the Chairman, but far more composed and devious in his actions.
"You know they've taken control of Alesia, dont you Thordarson, and furthermore they burnt down the prison and raided the armoury in Stockholm ?" the chairman said calmer but seething with rage. All eyes in the room turned to Thordarson, no one else dared to speak for fear of the Chairmans deadly rebuke. "Have we got any idea of their strength! numbers and who the hell is helping them ?" added Mcgregor.
"Its the stinking Japs for my money Sir, they cut off all diplomatic ties with us recently and they've kicked out all of our diplomats from Kyoto." replied Thordarson.
"I would have to agree with that Chairman Sir," added a rather nervous comrade Davis the foreign advisor.
"I thought I told you to reissue our demands Davis you damned fool!"
"We have Sir, time and time again, but Togukawa is completely ignoring our calls!"
"Can we spare any troops to go and teach that BAST**RD a lesson he'll not forget?" asked the Chairman.
"Impossible Sir, I
Bang !! Bang !! comrade Jones the military advisor did'nt finish his sentence and was still wriggling around on the floor. Unusually the Chairmans magnificent marksmanship had failed to finish the target on this occasion, so he slowly made his way around the table, and finished the job with a third bullet to the head.
"SVENSON!! remove this filth from my sight at once or you will be next!!" yelled Mcgregor. "Thordarson! I dont care what it takes I want Alesia back, do you understand!!"
"Yes Sir Ill get right on it" replied the General knowing full well in his own mind that that was just not possible, they simply did not have the troops. He was'nt going to tell the Chairman that though after what he had just witnessed, and neither were the surviving members of the communist party ruling council.
To be continued.
Last edited by ChrisiusMaximus; October 3, 2003 at 17:29.
September 30, 2003, 22:54
Local Time: 22:06
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A rather nasty fellow he is. If he keeps shooting advisors in such quantity there really will be no one left to go out and do the fighting. Why doesn't he put plastic on the floor before each meeting?
It's good of you to keep the goods flowing like the Bow River during spring run-off. Don't stop while you're on a roll.
October 1, 2003, 12:38
Local Time: 07:06
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* Vovansim sings: *
Bang bang! Shoot 'em all! Bang bang! Blow you awaaaay!
It's a showdown in the no man's land, for the cowboy of the mo...
Err... oops. Got carried away a little bit there.
Awesome stuff, Chrisius, let the blood flow!
October 1, 2003, 12:46
Local Time: 14:06
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Your staring to sound more like our Scratchy every day Vova casanova
Thanks guys its always nice to receive feedback  , hopefully get time to post some more tonight.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
October 1, 2003, 13:42
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Originally posted by ChrisiusMaximus
Your staring to sound more like our Scratchy every day Vova casanova
I know, and that scares me!
October 5, 2003, 15:25
Local Time: 14:06
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Part9 cont
A week had since past since the funeral of Connel Murdoch, son of the great chieftan Bryn Murdoch. The "Free Celtica" movement had been very busy during this time, Bryn now resided in Alesia in the new forward command centre and due to chair a most important meeting there today. Brother Kyle Donavon had gone back to Stockholm with a force of two thousand well trained and heavily armed fighters, and had managed to secure the city with very little resistance. The people were only too pleased to be liberated from the tyranny of the Communists and were helping rebuild the cities industrial capacity to serve "Free Celtica".
The English had finally managed to push through the Communist lines and had taken Oslo to the North, although the people would rather see Bryn Murdoch at the helm they were glad to see the back of Chiarman Mcgregor. Reports were coming in that English troops were also now within striking distance of Agedincum. These developments were worrying for Bryn as he was witnessing the carving up of his nation at the hands of an age old enemy the English, if the Romans see a chance to get in on the action it would spell the end for Celtica forever.
"Excuse me Brother I have a message from Brother Scratch, he says he has some good news for you and will bringing an envoy from the English to todays meeting," said brother Peterson.
"Okay thanks Brother Peterson," said Bryn intrigued by this message from his good friend.
The Japanese were on very friendly terms with the English and had been conducting a great deal of highly profitable trade with them for many generations, before the Communists had taken power from the Celtic Monarchy the continent had been the most peaceful in the world. The Celts and English had been at war many times in the past but King Brennus had maintained peaceful relations for many years before Mc gregor had siezed power.
It was time for the meeting and Bryn welcomed in his guests and Brothers to be seated around the huge granite table. Above and behind Bryn was a huge chart showing the current map of Celtica, with troop posistions and territory plans as to the latest scout reports.
"Brothers, honoured guests we have much to discuss, as you no doubt by now know the English (Bryn glanced at the envoy with Scratch) have broken through the Communist lines. There forces have occupied Oslo and are as we speak marching towards Agedincum. Now before we continue I will open up the floor to our guest who has accompanied our good friend Brother Scratch to todays meeting."
"Please brothers, give this man who has been brave enough to come here today to speak with you a fair hearing," pleaded Scratch.
"Do not fear Brother, any friend of yours is welcome here provided they mean my brothers no harm." replied Bryn.
"Thank you Bryn Murdoch, my name is Simon Peters, and I am an ambassador of her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth 1. I have been sent here to deliver a proposal from her Majestys government to your movement, "Free Celtica"." said the ambassador in a typically haughty English tone.
"Well lets hope your proposal includes for the handing over of all Celtic territory to "Free Celtica" and then maybe it will be of interest to us," returned Bryn in a distrustful voice.
"Now now then Brother Murdoch, theres no need for that tone, if you will please listen then I will continue," said Peters in the same haughty tone,
"Brother please steady yourself and listen to what the man has to say!" pleaded Scratch.
"Yes, you must forgive my distrust, our two nations have a long and torrid history, so it may take time for my people to adapt to trusting yours." stated Bryn.
"Oh thats quite alright, in fact most understandable given the current situation. Please let me explain the wider picture. As Scratch will point out to you the world in which we live is on the brink of total war. The Romans are mobilizing their forces for an attack and we suspect it will be against Celtica, they have been monitoring events and spotted that youre nation is currently divided and weak. Now as you have already stated our forces have broken through Chairman Mc gregors lines and have begun to advance into Celtic territory."
"So you have told us the situation, the only thing new is the possibility of an attack by Rome sooner rather than later. This does not really tell me why you are here! if the Romans do attack us then they will too feel the wrath of "Free Celtica"!," interupted Bryn.
"Please excuse me Ill try to get to the point,"
"Sorry to interupt again, Bryn my Brother, please stop and listen to this man! what he has to say is of great importance! do you think I would waste your time with this if it were not so?" asked Scratch.
"Alright, Im sorry, please go on, but dont take all day we have much to discuss!!"
"Thank you Brother, now then where was I. oh yes the Romans!!. We know only too well the fighting spirit of the Celts, my nation has felt the wrath of Celtica for itself many times, and where as we have no doubt that your people would defend your land against any foe, we know you would not be able to hold back a full out invasion by Rome. Please I know this is a difficult subject but hear me out. In the last few years your nation has been run into the ground by the Communists, whilst the rest of the world has made many scientific advancements your nation has regressed. Mc gregor has plundered the wealth of Celtica to continue his war against my nation and to hold down his own people. I know you know all this after all its why you took up arms against him in the first place. Now then my Government proposes to you "Free Celtica" an alliance to once and for all crush Mc gregor, in return for your assurance that you will never again take up arms against England we are willing to return all occupied territoy to you when this war is over, and furthermore if you will agree our scientists will teach your people the technologies that your nation lacks to defend itself against a Roman invasion!" finished Peters.
Bryn was momentarily speechless, "But but why would England wish to so befriend her old enemy?"
"Brother," said Scratch, " the reasons are plain to see, if we the nations of the Celtica continent do not unite and stand strong together, then Rome will gain a foothold in your lands and set about conquering the whole continent!! We must unite and put away old rivalries if we are to withstand the coming storm!. If we, any of us continue to fight each other then we will never be strong enough to hold back Rome, only together will we stand a chance!!"
"Rome is a far bigger, badder monster than Chiarman Mc gregor has ever been, a fully modernised monster with a military as large as all three of our nations put together. To add to that the French and the Egyptians will undoubtedly join forces with Rome for fear of reprisals if they do not. The Chinese would probably remain neutral but there is no way to know for sure at this time." added Peters.
"Youre offer is indeed very gracious and I on behalf of my Kin and all the Clans accept. Brothers please continue this meeting without me I have much to discuss with Brother Scratch and Simon Peters," said Bryn with a widening smile upon his face," Brothers I can smell victory and I am sure that it is near, Brothers soon we will have a "FREE CELTICA!!!". A huge cheer went up around the room and a sense of the victory to come was evident on every mans face.
Part 10 The winds of change.
To be posted on completion.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
Last edited by ChrisiusMaximus; October 5, 2003 at 15:34.
October 5, 2003, 20:10
Local Time: 22:06
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Location: Love me tender. Love me sweet.
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A message from Brother Scratch himself:
Sire, with much fear and apprehension, I regretfully withdraw my most unworthy token of support of thoust certainly most wise decision. The AI it would seem is entirely feeble in the employment of forces in the manner of an amphibious attack, and as such, no worthy threat thereof can be appreciated. I beseech your gracious lordship to prolong your smittense of such foul bovine excrement as the English. Surely only having undertaken such measures can Free Celtia become well and truly free from their irrascable indolence!
And allow me to as you to keep in your noble mind, a snake only bites when one is not looking!
October 7, 2003, 08:12
Local Time: 08:06
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Location: The Occupied South
Posts: 4,729
An epic tale! The only disappointment is that there is not yet another page to turn! Fantastic work Chrisius! I can't help but wonder what Scratch's true motivations are. With him now bringing in the English ambassador and the spectre of Rome, the possibilities for this story are great. I can't wait to see how yo bring it all together! Write On My Brother!!
Favorite Staff Quotes:
People are screeming for consistency, but it ain't gonna happen from me. -rah
God... I have to agree with Asher ;) -Ming - Asher gets it :b: -Ming
Troll on dope is like a moose on the loose - Grandpa Troll
October 7, 2003, 20:57
Local Time: 08:06
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Location: The Occupied South
Posts: 4,729
Originally posted by PLATO
An epic tale! The only disappointment is that there is not yet another page to turn! Fantastic work Chrisius! I can't help but wonder what Scratch's true motivations are. With him now bringing in the English ambassador and the spectre of Rome, the possibilities for this story are great. I can't wait to see how you bring it all together! Write On My Brother!!
Oops! Was trying to edit grammatical error above.
Favorite Staff Quotes:
People are screeming for consistency, but it ain't gonna happen from me. -rah
God... I have to agree with Asher ;) -Ming - Asher gets it :b: -Ming
Troll on dope is like a moose on the loose - Grandpa Troll
Last edited by PLATO; October 7, 2003 at 21:32.
October 8, 2003, 00:16
Local Time: 07:06
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 5,725
Don't stop, don't stop!!! Too much suspense. :)
PS: Man, this place's messed up!
Part 10 The winds of change
Does that have any relation to scratchy's old piece? :D Are you gonna blow the lawyers away and turn 'em into roman zombies?
October 12, 2003, 12:22
Local Time: 14:06
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Location: Staffordshire England
Posts: 8,321
Part 10 Winds of Change.
"What is the situation, are the troops in position ?" asked the Emporer, Julius Caesar.
"Your excellency, all forces are ready to proceed with the invasion as per your instructions!" answered General Maximus, joint chief of command at the Pentagon, Rome.
"Good good you are to be congratulated, my good man!" said Caesar.
"I must inform you though of some intelligence just in from forward command, Sir!"
"Well what is it, out with it General," responded Caesar with a hint of frustration creeping into his voice. The Emporer of all Rome was well known for his very short temper, and the General was nervous to say the least.
"We have just received intelligence from our spies in London, they report that the English have signed a miliatary alliance with the Celtic rebels Sir. It appears that Mc gregors regime is capitulating rapidly, with vast numbers of his forces simply surrendering to their countrymen without any sort of a fight Sir!!"
"WHAT!! WHY?" sputtered Caesar.
"It seems from the report Sir, that somehow Japanese spies have discovered our plans and have made these known to the English and the Rebels in Celtica!" continued Maximus, "Sir Ive already sent troops to the Japanese embassy and they should be here soon with the ambassador under close arrest!"
"Good work Maximus! we must get to the bottom of this, instruct your men to destroy the embassy and crucify all but the ambassador. Bring him to me as soon as he arrives and send the foreign minister to my chambers!" ordered the emporer has he left the war room.
"Shshh! quiet Lucius, I think I can hear someone coming!" Lucius Vilnius and his accomplice were inside the goverment offices, the foreign secretaries office to be exact attempting to gather further useful information for the empire.
With a loud crash the door burst open and a squad of elite british counter espionage troops enteredthe darkened room, all Lucius saw was the strong light on his clothing before his chest erupted from the force of the bullet that sent him to his death!
"SEIZE THAT MAN!!" yelled a masked officer.
Claudius reached for his suicide pill but was not quick enough, he was pounced upon by four very large masked men and dragged away to be interrogated.
"Please forgive the intrusion your Majesty but I have dire news from Rome!"
"What is it?" asked Tokugawa the emporer of Japan.
"Sir its a telegraphic communication in the secure code, it is just in."
"Thats all that came through your highness, at this time we are unsure as to the current situation," finished the junior radio operater stationed at the palace.
"Oh my god its started!!" gasped Tokugawa. "Get me the Prime Minister on the phone and allert the armed forces!" he said to his secretary.
"its the PM for you Sir!"
BANG! BANG! Caesar blew the smoke from his revolver as the Japanese ambassador lay dying on the floor in front of him "Ah foreign Secretary, its good of you to come, WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME THEIR WERE FOREIGN SPIES IN MY PALACE!!" yelled Caesar at the foreign minister.
"Please Sir Im sorry ! we had no idea, infact we only got the report from Lucius Vilnius this morning. Hes our best agent Sir so if he only just found out it must have been very difficult to uncover Sir!" pleaded the FS.
"Well maybe so but if you fail me again I'll have your skin peeled and throw you to the lions DO YOU HEAR ME!!"
"YES Si"
"Shutup you fool! now listen to me! I want you to take this rotting corpse and deliver it to Tokugawa personally," Caesar took out his pocket knife and cut the letters WAR into the dead mans forehead, "Dont dare to fail me you imbocile!!"
The foreign secretary knew this meant certain death for him, for surely the Japanese would seek to take out revenge upon him for what had been done to their ambassador. But he knew he had no choice, be butchered now by Caesar or die later at the hands of the Japanese.
The Romans were indeed the most ruthless race on the earth and their leader was a phsycopathic war monger, who lusted after total world domination , or its total destruction.
Some weeks after the signing of the treaty with England Bryn was atop a hill with views over the skyline of Entremont, the ancient capitol of Celtica. with him were some 20'000 troops, all men of "Free Celtica", 5'000 English Brothers, 12'000 Japanese Bothers, Kyle Donavon, Liam O'brien, Robert Jones and of course Scratch his friend and Brother from Japan.
It was nearly sunset and the men were gathered to hear their leader speak, it was a lovely evening with a light breeze blowing through the air.
"Brother!! it fills my heart with immense pride to be here with you all at this time, together we have come these last few years to this point, and together we will finally crush this evil regime. MC GREGOR CAN YOU FEEL THE WIND?" Bryn shouted with all his might in the direction of the city.
"Its the wind of change my Brothers!!"
"HOORAY!!" huge roars and cheers went up around the whole crowd of men.
"Tomorrow at first light we will attack!! I will be right with you my Brothers! I and my Brothers Kyle Donavon, Liam O'brien, Robert Jones and my greatest friend Brother Scratch will all be with you, many of us may fall my Brothers but remember you are not alone!! The gods shall be with you all as you fight down your foe!!"
"Brothers, I want Mcgregor alive if at all possible, he is to be tried and sentenced for his crimes against our Kin, Brothers go now and speak to your gods and prepare for tomorrows battle for tomorrow we will "FREE CELTICA"!!"
It was some time before the euphoria calmed down and the cheering and chanting of "Free Celtica" could be heard throughout the city. Mcgregor stood on the balcony of his office looking out towards the horizon at the masses of enemy forces outside his last bastion of defence Entremont. Mcgregor was a big strong bear of a man, a bully who for the first time in his life was scared. All he had left were 30'000 men of his crack force the CSG, undoutedly blindly loyal to the Chairman and very heavily armed. The Chairman knew though that the English main force were also approaching from the East and if he didnt strike soon then he would be totally surrounded.
Part 11 The Battle for Entremont.
to be posted on completion.
October 12, 2003, 13:11
Local Time: 08:06
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: The Occupied South
Posts: 4,729
The pace really picked up with that installment. I am on the edge of my chair waiting. Enthralling!
Favorite Staff Quotes:
People are screeming for consistency, but it ain't gonna happen from me. -rah
God... I have to agree with Asher ;) -Ming - Asher gets it :b: -Ming
Troll on dope is like a moose on the loose - Grandpa Troll
October 15, 2003, 05:40
Local Time: 14:06
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: Staffordshire England
Posts: 8,321
Have some of you missed the last chapter ?
Thanks for your support PLATO and thanks Vovan and Scratch for your replies to the previous chapter
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
October 15, 2003, 07:04
Local Time: 14:06
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: Staffordshire England
Posts: 8,321
PART11 The Battle for Entremont.
Most of the camp was quite, it was past the hour of midnight and the men needed to try and rest up as much as possible before tomorrows battle. It was a dark night with dense cloud blocking out any light from the full moon above, and it was raining heavily. A scout on horseback approached the main camp perched atop the hills overlooking the city, and made his way to the command tent.
"Brother, Sir I have a report from Brother Donavon, patrolling the forests to the south." said the Scout.
"Thank you Brother await my response outside, dismissed" said Bryn Murdoch who was still mulling over the battle plans with Scratch.
"Kyle reports heavy troop movements out of eastern districts of the city, Brother Scratch" stated Bryn.
"Hmm I wonder what the Chairman is up to, has he noticed what forces and their exact numbers?" enquired Scratch.
"No unfortuanately he reports that it is difficult to make out numbers and types from his posistion, just that movement can be seen!" continued Bryn.
"Well send the scout back and tell Kyle to bring his party back Bryn, Ill take a few men out and cut through the outskirts of the city to see if we can discover what hes up to," said Scratch.
"Very well my Brother, " said Bryn has he scribbled down Brother Kyle Donavons orders, "Brother what is your name young scout," shouted Bryn beckonong the young man back into the tent, "Here I have new orders for Brother Donavon!"
"O'brien Sir, my uncle is General Liam O'brien!"
"Excellent my Brother then I know my message is in good hands, now godspeed my young Brother," said Bryn.
"Try to get some sleep Bryn, I'll report back to you in two hours," said Scratch as he left his friend behind.
Scratch and his men had managed to get through the suburbs unoticed by enemy patrols and had finally discovered what was afoot.
"Quiet men, keep your heads down!" Scratch ordered has he and his party took cover in an old stable block just two hundred yards from where the Chairman had had the local population rounded up.
"Brother you must get back to camp and give this message directly to Bryn Murdoch, I have no dry paper so listen carefully! The Chairman has gathered several hundred civilians and chained them too a new Artillery emplacement, at least 100 pieces. I can see that they are on elevated ground, so I assume that the camp might be in range. He must mobilize and move the whole camp before this storm ends or it will spell disaster for our men. I will remain here and try to sabotage as much as possible with my scouting party. Do you nuderstand all this, dont stop for anything and godspeed my Brother!" Scratch hoped the young man did fully understand the responsbility that had just been placed upon him.
"It is an honour Brother! I will not fail!" said the rider and took his leave.
"My god its started, listen men we must attack! at least whilst this rain is still falling and with all the smoke from the guns we'll have some chance of cover!!" said Scratch.
As the rider sent from Scratch made his way out of the city and back across the fields to the main camp, he heard a loud noise from the right. He stopped his horse briefly and managed to make out the figures of hundreds of cavalry and many more infantry troops marching towards the camp. He realised what was afoot "My god they are attacking in full force!" a thought only confirmed has he heard the first shells fly overhead, luckily going widly astray of their target.
As he galloped away desperate to deliver his message, a unit of enemy cavalry spotted him and gave chase. "Arghh!" he cried out as a lucky bullet pierced through his right shoulder!. He managed to stay on his mount heading a full gallop to the cover of the trees, as he approached another group of men on horseback emerged from the trees! luckily it was Brother Kyle Donavon and his scouting party returning to the main camp, but another bullet hit the messenger this time riipping through his back and erupting from his chest. His arms flailed helplessly into the air and he fell violently from his mount! Kyles men engaged the enemy and managed to fight them off giving chase! Kyle dismounted and went to the young mans aid.
"Brother are you alright? hold on my Brother I will get you back to the medics!" said kyle as he tried to pick the man up.
"ARGHH!!" the young lad screamed in agony. Kyle knew he would not be able to move him. "Please, Brother, cough cough!" he was vomitting blood as he tried to speak, "Artillery over their, Cough tell Bryn cough, Scratch says must move camp, cough, Scratch stayed to sabo" and his life was gone as he died in Kyles arms.
Kyle gathered his men back together and ordered them to head to Scratch's last known posistion to reinforce if possible, he jumped to his horse and galloped back to raise the alarm.
By now the camp was aware of the incoming fire and had begun to organise, still unaware of the impending attack from the the north flank.
Kyle burst into the command tent, "Brother I intercepted a messenger from Brother Scatch, it seems the enemy has moved up its artillery into the southern suburbs!! Scratch has stayed back to attempt to sabotage and Ive sent my party to help if possible! I believe we are likely to be attacked very soon Bryn we should muster our forces!" finished Kyle.
"I think you're right Brother Kyle, that bast**d has bought the fight to us in the hope of catching us off guard, but I suppose I would have done the same in his shoes!" replied Bryn "Dont worry though Brother the camp is already being stirred, we started as soon as we heard the first shells exploding in the forest!!" said Bryn. " trouble is, its stopped raining and the skies are clearing now ! it will not be long before those guns find their range!!"
Just a shell exploded just outside the tent blowing it away and knocking bryn and Kyle flying to the ground! "Are you alright Bryn?"
"Yes! Thank the Gods! that was close, get your men assembled Kyle and send for all comanders to meet me at the secondary command tent!"
As kyle carried out his new orders he heard firing commence on the North perimeter, it had started the enemy was attacking with an infantry charge up the slope of the main hill. All the while the Artillery explosions intensified in and around the southern section of the main camp.
"Bryn it seems Mcgregor has committed all his forces to this attack, at least 20'00 men are attempting to assault our posistion and our scouts have spotted a force of cavalry circling around to the western flank. Possibly around ten thousand!" stated Liam O'brien.
"weve no choice we must make our stand here, concentrate all artillery on the Northern attack, send the Samurai out to flank them and reinforce the western perimeter with as many spare infantry as possible! send all available cavalry to take out those artillery before they blow this encampment to kingdom come!!" Bryn shouted out his orders over the constant explosions around him.
Like a well greased machine the entire allied resistance force set about their tasks, to regain the initiative in this the penultimate battle to "Free Celtica". Bryn knew things had started badly but he also knew that his Brothers would fight with all their hearts to overcome the evil Mcgregor once and for all!
To be continued
October 15, 2003, 07:54
Local Time: 22:06
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Love me tender. Love me sweet.
Posts: 839
Have no fear brothers. Those cannons are gonna be toast when Scratch and his dudes go to work. There's just no way they can lose.
A very nice battle shaping up with a realistic feel. It must really blow having to conduct a battle in rain. I feel for the brothers.
October 15, 2003, 09:00
Local Time: 14:06
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Staffordshire England
Posts: 8,321
Part 11 continued.
The entire allied cavalry force had arrived to area where scratch and his men together with Kyles party earlier sent to reinforce him had been trying to quiet the guns. Liam was in command of this force and went to discuss the current situation with Scratch.
"Its no use Brother they've chained women and children to their guns, and since the rain has stopped reinforcements of infantry have kept us pinned down here!" said Scratch himself sporting a bullet wound to his right arm.
"If we attack they will undoutedly kill their prisoners but if we do not their guns will destroy our camp!! We have no choice Scratch we must charge now for the camp is under heavy attack as we speak!" answered Liam.
With a tear in his eye Scratch looked at Liam "Youre right my Brother we have no choice we must attack and avvenge those poor victims about to die, I will lay down as much covering fire as possible for you with these men, and hopefully some of the women and children may survive. Godspeed my friend, my Brother!"
With that Liam mounted his warhorse and led the charge "YAGGHH!!!" they screamed their warcries while Scratches men laid down a spread of rifle fire to cover their Brothers. Fortunately Mcgregor had comitted most of his infantry and all of his cavalry to the assault on the main camp, with only a thousand or so troops tp protect his artillery. Most likely never expecting the rebels to risk the lives of innocents to achieve victory, a big mistake on his part. He of all people should know the horrors of warfare, having devoted most of his life to causing it. He had presented the rebels with hard choice, but one that they had to take to win the battle, one he thought their stomachs would never be able to stand.
With ferocious rage the cavalry smashed into the Celtic infantry lines attacking with sword and rifles, as this battle erupted Scratch flanked their posistion with his men, and started to attack the Artillery crews who were desperately trying to murder their prisoners, Scratch took out his ceromonial sword and slashed his first assailant almost in half, another man shot a revolver at Scratch who only narrowly managed to dodge the shot by falling to the ground. Scratch turned expecting to see the man fire a second bullet at him and witnessed Liam dive from his mount knocking the infantryman to the floor just before he could finish off Scratch.
"Brother are you alright!!" yelled Liam as got back to his feet, his knife still dripping with his victims blood.
"Yes my Brother, you have just saved my life, thank you my friend!"
"As you saved my life at Two Hills my Brother!"
Liam and Scratcn continued to fight side by side, most of the cavalry was now dismounted and pressing home the attack, sadly many of the prisoners had perished in the initial phase but the guns were at last silent.
"Broither Scratch! I will head back to camp to report to Bryn, and reinforce him, I'll leave half my men to help you chase down the remainder of the forces here!" said liam as he called over his horse.
"Yes very well and thank you again for saving my life, Brother!" said Scratch.
"You can thank me when this battle is won my friend! in fact you can buy me a drink in town tomorrow!" Liam salluted his friend and galloped back towards the besieged camp with half his men.
He arrived back to a scene of terrible carnage, many fires were burning and the ground was pitted with shell craters, he could hear that the fighting was still taking place and sounded to be more ferocious than anything he had heard before, he made his way to find Bryn and collect new orders.
"Ah Brother Liam thank the gods you silenced their guns, they have caused us great casualties, we have been essentially pinned here by their main force whilst their artillery rained down on our rear. What is your troops status Brother ?" asked Bryn Murdoch.
"Sir I have about 40% of my original force with me, I left the other half of my men with Brother Scratch to help him root out the remaining forces back in the town. I have about two thousand cavalry with me Sir waiting for your orders."
"Good! Good work my friend, now go get your men resupplied and head out to reinforce the Samurai here!" said Bryn pointing to a map on the table. "They set out an hour or so ago to flank the main attack but are heavily outnumbered down there so we need you to get there as soon as possible!" ordered Bryn.
"It will be an honour my Brother" said Liam and saluted his Chieftan.
"Godspeed my friend," said Bryn as Liam left his company.
As dawn broke the fighting subsided, many of the enemy forces retreated into the city leaving behind only small isolated pockets of men who were being decimated by Liams remaining cavalry, by now down to around a thousand men. As the new day began Bryn took stock of the nights events. It had been a terrible battle, the most intense fighting of the whole struggle. Bryn had always known this would be a hard won fight, the CSG were the most elite troops and most loyal that mcgregor had had at his disposal.
The casualties were appalling on both sides, some 10'000 CSG troops lay dead or dying on the slopes of those hills that morning but equqlly a third of Bryns combined force had been wiped out in the surprise attack. Most killed by the unscrupulous artillery bombardment. This was a major setback for the allies who did not want to fire artillery into the city as they knew the population was being used as human shields.
New plans would have to be drawn up after the devastating strike by the CSG.
In the city Mcgregor was gloating over his success at the Communist party HQ. A huge tower building clad with glass in the centre of Entremont, built above the ruins of the former Royal Palace. "Tell me Thordarson what is our estimated kill of the rebels!" said Mcgregor with a sick grin on his face.
"At least 30% of their forces Comrade, however we have suffered severe casualties too Chairman!" said Thordarson.
"WHAT!! I thought you said our casualties would be minimal you FOOL!" screamed the Chairman.
"I told you to send more troops to protect the artillery Sir, but you would not listen!! as it is the rebels chose to attack the guns despite the prisoners you had rounded up!" Thordarson was well and truly sick of the Chairman and considered him to be a tactical fool. "Furthemore They completely routed the Artillery and destroyed our cover for the main attack, when they managed to regroup we were hit from all sides, the fighting was intense! we lost many men!!"
"How dare you speak to me this way you coward! if the battle is not won why are you back here and not finishing what you started ? YOU FOOL!!" screamed the Chairman.
"So help me you blithering idiot, if you call me a fool again I'll kill you with my bare hands! it is your fault the attack failed! as it is now our men are totally demoralised, I would not be surprised if they start to desert!" returned Thordarson now red with rage and shouting himself.
BANG!! BANG!! " YOU YELLOW COWARD!! DIE AND GO TO HELL!!" Mcgregor screamed as he gunned down the general, his only friend left! He'd already murdered the rest of the commitee and army staff previously, and now he had killed his one true ally and friend general Thordarson. "SVENSON!!"
BANG!! BANG!!" two more shots rang out.
Some time later back at the allied camp, things were now getting under control and Bryn was chairing an emergency meeting with his most trusted brothers. "Sir ! come quickly there is a rider approaching from the city under a white flag!" stated a young soldier a Brother from England.
Bryn, Scratch, Liam and Kyle all rushed out with the other officers to see this new development for themselves.
"I know that man! its comrade Svenson the Chairmans aide!" said Brother Mcfee to his commanding officer Brother Liam O'brien.
"Bryn this man says he knows who this man approaching is, he says its the chairmans aide, comrade Svenson!"
"I wonder what on earth the Chairman is up to now, bring him to the command tent as soon as he arrives!" said Bryn turning to go back to his meeting.
"What is the nature of your business comrade Svenson!" said Bryn to the lone rider before him.
"Unconditional surrender! Sir" stated the communist pig.
Bryn rose from his seat and struck the man a blow across his face and spat at him" You go back to that worm Mcgregor and tell him that I will see him soon and I will kill him! got that?" Bryn said in a calm but menacing voice.
"I cant do that! you see he is dead! I killed him myself! it is our unconditional surrender I have come to negotiate with you Sir." said Svenson quaking with fear.
Bryn fell back into his chair flabergasted.
"I killed him just before I came here to talk with you Sir! he had just shot comrade general Thordarson and I simply could not take any more of his shouting, so I shot him twice in the back!!" Svenson stated. "Before I left I spoke to the remaining officers in control of the CSG and they told me to advise you that if you will show mercy they will lay down their arms and surrender!"
"I thought you said uncondittional surrender Svenson! I tell you this any man found guilty of atrocities by the people will be put to death!!"
"Sir I understand and agree with your sentiment, I was threatened many times to obey the chairman or my family would be murdered! Sir I will gladly assist in any way I can to see that justice is done!"
Incredible as it was this development was real, the "Fight for Freedom" was won, now Bryn needed to rebuild his shattered nation and be ready to fight an even tougher fight, a much more important "Fight for Freedom" from a much tougher aggressor ROME!
Bryn new the road ahead was dangerous and that more hardship would surely yet befall his nation, yes his nation. "Free Celtica" had suceeded, and were now no longer a rebel army, they were now the army of Celtica! a nation reborn through struggle against oppression. There was much to be done!
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
Last edited by ChrisiusMaximus; October 15, 2003 at 09:23.
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