Chapter The Conspiracy (Part b)
I sat at the head of the long polished oak table where the generals for the Army, Navy, and city garrison commanders sat. The monthly meeting of the army was upon us. Cleopatra thank (the gods) had decided that a hot bath was more important.
I allowed the garrison commander of Memphis to open the meeting.
"My report is that there is considerable unrest in my city and in reading the preliminary reports from the other city garrison commanders there is also considerable unrest there." I saw my oppurtunity and took it. "I suggest we treat this by-" I cut the commander off
"Have any of you considered WHY there is unrest? I mean honestly Cleopatra hasn't attended a meeting of domestic policy for nearly 100 years! The people feel as though their words are falling upon deaf ears!"
" What are you trying to say General Akhenaten?" inquired Colonel Methantuc, the garrison commander of Giza.
"What I'm trying to say is that if the people would have a voice in the government then we could devote more troops to expansion and exploration."
"Fine. Grab some peasants and bring them to Cleopatra and us." sighed Methantuc.
"I ment a PERMANENT voice. This Republic idea is said to bring more productivity. Meaning more research into better weapons (Major Hathaton commander of the experimental weapons brigade looked up) broadening commands,(several lower officers seeking promotion heightened their attention) and general ease of command."
"What you are suggesting could be constructed as treason." hissed Methantuc.
"And who usually takes care of traitors?" I snapped back. "US! If we said no more, who would oppose us. We wouldn't need the support of the people. But we do so, thats sugar on the cake! I have some contacts of the people. What I propose we do is this..."
Thats it for now. Next part soon.